Second Showdown with Kakashi - Part 1

(Renji's perspective)

- What do you mean we're living with the Uchiha? - I shouted at Lai, after what he told me.

He had said that after asking for accomodation for us, the Hokage offered the Uchiha household since it was the only one still capable of accomodating anyone. The remainer of the households were completely filled with homeless people as well as the headquarters, and since everyone hated the Uchiha, that was the only vacant spot. Still...

- How can they not have any extra rooms for visitors?

- You know why. The ninja villages all have mutual hatred amongst themselves. None of them is lenient enough to allow the existence of a guest room. Plus, even if that was the case, it would be full by now. Stop acting like a spoiled brat and come help make preparations.

- Inoue, Minata. - The two samurai that came with us looked at our direction. - Go help master Lai with the preparations. - My commander rank had its advantages.

- What are you doing? - Lai asked, insulted by my insubordination.

- I'm going to do what I was planning to do from the beggining and have a walk around town. You have enough help as it it. You don't need me here.

Lai slapped his own face in disappointment. As I was moving away, he ordered:

- Kakashi, sorry for ordering you around, but could you please keep an eye on him?

- I suppose since you're all heading inside, there's no need to keep watch on you... Fine, I'll follow him around.

- I don't need a babysitter.

- You do as long as you keep acting like a baby. - Lai stepped away as he muttered to himself in irritation "When will he get over his childish pride?".

I left in annoyance, but I just couldn't accept it. Lai may not know, but if Rod were to find out that he's going to live with the Uchiha in the next couple days, he will go insane. I can't believe the decision to stay and investigate would backfire this much. I can't let him know about this, until I've deduced who the true culprit of his parent's murder is. And having a ninja following me around, certainly won't make this easy.

- Are you seriously going to follow me? You know that Lai is a samurai, he doesn't hold any authority over a ninja like you.

- I know. I'm just doing this because I want to. I've been helping with the reconstruction for the past month, and, as much as I hate to admit, I really need a break. This will do. - I can't be mad at an argument like that.

- Fine, but don't go hiding in the corners. I know you're always around, so at least show yourself.

Some smoke appeared from where his voice came from, while Kakashi himself emerged from the opposite side, leaving the darkness between two households. So he was using clones to chase me? Even for something as trivial as this, he's really professional. That reminds me.

- Hey Kakashi, where did you send Roderick?

- He should be in the headquarters with Guy. If I know him well enough, they should be training.

- Training? - That damn bastard. He was complaining the whole trip about how he wanted to get stronger, and actually went and did it the first chance he got. I can't let him surpass him, no, I'm better. Even with a broken arm I'm much stronger than he could imagine to be. That brawl we had in the forest was just a fluke. And the only way to prove it...

- Kakashi, we're battling right now.

- What?

- You want to babysit me? Fine. Then prove your worth. Show me you really are capable of stopping me if I become trouble.

We were currently in what used to be a narrow path sidelined by houses, but with them almost fully destroyed, it was like a barren battlefield. It was too perfect to miss the chance.

I put on my samurai mask which was dangling on my neck by a strapped lace, and put my good hand on my sword. Thankfully I had always been right handed, and since the arm that was broken was my left one, I should be fine. I may be less powerful, but I can still win this. However even though I was excited, Kakashi certainly wasn't.

- We're not doing this now. Don't you understand the consequences of fighting in the village?

- I don't care. - I slashed the air, throwing a chakra blow towards Kakashi's face. Paralysed in surprise he stood still, as the hit grazed his face, leaving a small cut on his face. A drop of blood came from the wound as he put his hand on it. He looked at his now bloody finger, as he commented:

- You don't want to do this. People know me here. If they see me fighting anyone, they will consider them an enemy. You samurai just got here, and are now living with the Uchiha. Don't you understand what could happen?

- Look, I'm not as reckless as Rod. - I explained. - I know what I'm doing. I won't do any harm to your people, and I'm not going to try and kill you. It's just a sparring match.

- Still, there's no way to be sure of that. - He said as he looked at his hand, smeared in the blood from his cheek. - I'm not sure you can control yourself to that extent.

There was something off about him. I understand his attitude, but I think his motions are odd. He's too contemplative while looking at his bruise. It should be only a graze, and yet it's bleeding in a visible extent. Are ninja really this fragile? Or...

I dashed forward, holding my sword and catching Kakashi by surprise, as I slashed his chest. However he vanished.

- It's a clone. I knew... AAAGGH! - Instead of the smoke I expected, an electric current striked my body. - What the hell was that?

- An electric clone. - Kakashi said from the top of a house, as he read a book from his hand. - After you saw me undo one of my shadow clones, I knew I had to take better measures to deal with you. Still, I'm impressed you saw through my clone. It took me extra chakra for him not to fade away with that first slash.- He turned the page, as if he was ignoring me.

- It seems you are cockier than I took you for. - I jumped up to his level, and with chakra on my blade, readied to strike him, however I was struck by something else.

Beside the reading Kakashi, there was another one finishing some hand seals, he said:

- Lightning Release: Ligthning Beast Tracking Fang!

A hound made purely out of electricity shot out of Kakashi's hands, with red eyes, and huge fangs. I was forced to change the aim of my sword, as I hit the beast's fangs. It didn't pierce them, and it simply pushed me back out of the top of the house. Once I was on the ground, and had better footing, building up the strenght to beat his technique wasn't too difficult, as I enveloped my blade with even more chakra, and destroyed the hound with a serrated blade. Now that that was taken care of, I could fully focus on Kakashi.

He was on top of the house, all high and mighty. I can't stand him looking down on me like that, as if I'm easy prey. He said:

- You know, Roderick went through this as well. - My train of thought stopped.

- What do you mean? That he fought you? That's obvious!

- No, not the fight itself, the trials. - Ah, I think I remember him telling me he was struck by summoned dogs, as well as a water dragon, before he could truly fight Kakashi.

- So is that what you're into? Playing with your opponent?

- I guess it's a teaching habit. - He said as he turned over another page on his book. How is he capable of doing both things at once? - I like to put my students through some trials before giving them the real thing.

- You're not my teacher.

- And yet you have so much to learn.

- Shut up. - I jumped up to the top of the house. - How could you possibly know that?

- You can figure it out just by watching. - I moved forward with the sword as I started trying to hit him. He used his kunai to block, as he dodged the strikes that were off his reach. He is just as good as Rod told me about. - For example, it's clear that you are more technical about your attacks. The way you move and strike is much more controlled than Roderick's. - Don't think you'll win me over like that. - However... - However? - You're definitely not as fast or strong as him. - He said as he pushed me back.

I felt my blood boil from that, and shouted:

- WHAT DID YOU SAY? - Kakashi said surprised:

- Why do I feel like something in him just snapped?