Second Showdown with Kakashi - Part 2

(Renji's perspective)

- Why are you so mad? - Kakashi asked, utterly confused. - Why do you two get so mad at the most pointless things?

- My pride isn't pointless. - I charged up, swinging my sword side to side, as I gathered chakra on it. - 15 Heavenly Cuts! - I shot various streams of power at Kakashi, and was sure that it would hit him, but he was ready.

He unrolled a cloth in his arm and from it various kunai came out. With a quick motion, he picked up and threw every one of them, neutralizing all of my shots.

- All fifteen of them, how did you... - I showed myself shocked before his skill. Kakashi stood ready for more. - Still the other four... - Kakashi got hit in his back by the remaining four shots. He was pushed towards me giving me the opportunity to slash him with the blunt side of the swords. After all, this was a sparring match, I wasn't going to kill him, however hitting him like this would mean victory.

I wasn't the same samurai as I was during the disaster. Then I was weak, I was pathetic. I couldn't even beat the reapers Lai and Rakuma easily dispatched, I even needed the help of Roderick just to beat one of them. After spending three weeks in the hospital, I knew that the moment I got up, whether I had a broken arm or not, I would have to get mightier. I thought about my past struggles during my time in bed, the past advice I was given by Lai. I realized what I did wrong in my battle against Roderick. He was lucky that I tried to beat him through brute force alone, since I forgot he was Rakuma's student. One of Lai's lessons came to me "When facing a strong enemy, the best factor to take in account, is the surprise factor. Use strategy not strenght, because strenght is what they will be expecting.". That's why when I shouted 15 Heavenly Cuts I launched 19, 15 weak and barely powered ones, and 4 at full throtle. If I had better control over their power, I might've incapacitated Kakashi, but even someone perfect like me has places to improve on. I'll beat Kakashi with the thing Rod lacks, intellect.

As he was being pushed towards my blade, Kakashi, being the capable ninja he is, jumped up above me avoiding my strike, and putting his hand on my head to give him an extra push. Thankfully I was still able to hit him with a kick, as he was falling on the other side. He blocked it, but it forced him to drop his most valuable object.

- NOO! My book! - He shouted as he clinged to the edge of the house's roof.

Sighting the book at my feet, I put my sword in its scabbard and picked it up. I wondered what could be so interesting for him to focus so much on it:

- The erotic life of Sanada. - I read outloud. - What kind of crap is this?

- It's what true men seek, what true men desire. Give me that. - He seemed truly mad. Let's make him angrier.

- If you want it, you're going to have to beat me. - I said as I put the book in a hidden pocket on the inside of my shirt.

- Then I guess I'm going to go all out. - He did a few hand seals, finishing it off by putting one hand on top of the other.

- Chidori. - Lightning erupted from his hands, resembling a threathening blade. - I advice you to not get hit by this.

- Rod told me about this technique. It shouldn't be problematic, especially when it's not even your strongest move. "Going all out", what a lie. Rod told me you have a more powerful version of that called Raikiri, or is this another one of your trials?

Kakashi approached me, and aimed his electrified hand at my chest. Maybe putting the book there wasn't the best idea, since if he were to exagerate a little he would pierce through my heart, but that would only happen if I actually got hit, and there's no way he's catching me.

As he approached, I jumped back to the roof of another house, but he quickly chased after me, and striked again. With my good arm, I attempted to block the strike, but even my chakra-infused sword wasn't strong enough to neutralize the impact. I was thrown of the roof back on the ground, as he jumped once again towards me at sonic speeds. Once I regained my posture, I quickly leapt back, leaving the poor ground to be hit by his chidori, as my face was grazed by it. The soil was fully pierced with a large crack now showing alongside a bunch of dust that encapsulated Kakashi, and hiding him frkm my sight. Taking advantage of his situation, Kakashi grabbed some dirt off the ground and, alongside the dust in the air, threw it at my face as I was trying to reach him. That was a low blow, but I couldn't expect more from a ninja.

I started coughing and clearing my eyes, so I could no longer see Kakashi. I looked around, however everything seemed to start going dark. How much dirt did he really throw? But that wasn't it.

I didn't realize it in my moment of confusion, but Kakashi was saying something quietly. Once I focused, I heard these words being repeated:

- Earth Style: Mud Wall.

The area around me was getting dark, not because my vision was fading, but because huge walls of land were being risen around me, blocking the sunlight. I tried cutting through them, but before I could get a good hit, Kakashi appeared from above saying

- Chidori. - He came from the the visible hole above the walls, and descended in a slashing move.

I tried to react. I put my sword upwards to try to block the attack, but he just cut through my chakra blade with his chidori like it was nothing. I could only watch as he cut through my shirt so accuratelly it didn't hurt me nor damage the book. My broken arm got loose from its cloth, as started hanging out. With an unresponsive arm and a broken sword, Kakashi was able to easily grab the book from my cut shirt, letting out a sigh of relief. The mud walls came crumbling down, as the sun shined once more to reward him of his victory. His... HIS! How did I lose so quickly? Rod never said anything about him using strategies. That was a genius move to strike me, but it was his move. He's such an expert, how come I didn't think of anything to counter his intellect? He must have been through a lot of fights, right?

- You've been through a lot of fights, haven't you?

- More than I could count, more than anyone should go through.

That's it! It was experience, nothing else. I'm just not used to fighting ninjas, I've always trained with sword fights against Lai and he never once created mud walls off the ground.

- I have to say, Renji, you were definitely more interesting to fight against compared to Roderick. But he gave me a lot more trouble.

What did he say?

- I haven't lost yet. Don't go running your mouth for no reason.

- Your sword is broken. You can't go on.

- Who cares if my sword is broken! I'm still standing, am I not?

I concentrated my chakra in the handle I still had a grasp on. Although no steel blade was there, a chakra one emerged with a chaotic and random shape. This was due to the lack of steel to concentrate my chakra on, but I didn't need it. I had an alternative, something that I was told not to attempt due to its dangerous nature. If I were to let go of the control of the chakra it could hit back against me, but I had perfect chakra control. I can make a sword out of thin air, a spear, a hammer and all I need is to think it. My weapon kept changing shapes, as I tested what suited best. I said:

- A samurai's sword is never broken. Shred it to bits, crack its entirety, it doesn't matter. It will regain its shape once more. - With determination in my eyes I proclaimed. - Let me show you a samurai's true skill!