Second Showdown against Kakashi - Last part

(Renji's perspective)

- Let me show you a samurai's true skill! Weapon Change: Whip!

The chakra that was my sword extended and became a single elongated line of pure energy. I rotated my arm above me, spinning the whip giving it the acceleration it needed to be thrown. Kakashi knew this wasn't something he could simply ignore and move away from, he said:

- You shouldn't do this. Just by looking I can tell how dangerous that technique is, and it has to be draining you. To manipulate chakra to such an extent without the use of natures is just...

- It's the sign of superiority! - I launched the whip from behind me to his direction, with all the strenght I mustered.

Kakashi put his hand on his headband, pushing it up. Underneath was a piercing red eye of intimidation, the Sharingan. He then skipped to the side, narrowly avoiding the tip of my whip, as it destroyed the ground. As I saw the rocks bounce up from the impact, a sudden surge of pain came from the arm that launched the attack. I looked at it, and was shocked to find it fully bruised with several cuts. When the whip was thrown forward, it grazed my arm without me noticing. I need to put more pressure on it.

- You're hurting yourself. - Kakashi warned. - You don't have full control over that technique.

My mind may have been going haywire from the pain, both from the arm and my pride, but even like this I know I can control this power. Who cares what Kakashi says, it's not him I'm trying to please. All I need is to force more power into the sword.

From my handle, even more chakra came oozing out. My body started to feel numb, but I know I have the power to unleash this.

- Stop! You're making it worse! - Kakashi shouted, but I couldn't listen, as the words came from my mouth.

- Weapon Change: Zweihander!

I moved forward with my left arm dangling, while the other handled a greatsword of pure chakra. The weight was overwhelming, it definitely wasn't a blade for just one arm, but I had to endure it. One good hit and Kakashi was gone, and any opposition of his would be destroyed. I can finally stand on top, I can once again be the best. The prodigy commander, the most powerful samurai of that rank and below will be my title once more. No more Roderick to prove otherwise, no pathetic ninja to defy me.

With a megaton slice, emulating a much smaller version of the one Rakuma performed with his Skyscraper, I attempted to hit Kakashi, but he clearly dodged. The house behind him, although not hit by the sword itself, got cut in half, as the family sitting in it screamed in fear. Muffled screams, hidden behind my own thoughts. My mind didn't even let it affect me, as my main focus was to hit faster, hit stronger. Kakashi screamed:

- Stop! - But it was no use.

I got him scared, I had the advantage and it felt so good. It easily overtook the feeling of pain my streinuous arm sent through my body. My arm was on the verge of breaking with all the chakra pressure on it, plus the concentration to keep the Zweihandler stable. My arm told me to stop, but no one was the boss of me.

I went after Kakashi again, this time faster:

- I will hit you, you pathetic ninja!


(Roderick's perspective)

- Even destroyed, your town is simply beautiful. - I commented, as Guy gave me a thumbs up.

- Of course! It is simply a shame you didn't get to see it in its full wonder. - He said observing his surroundings. - There's just one more stop I'd like to go to.

I followed him and was guided towards a beautiful garden and at its center there was a stone. Many names were engraved in it. I started to wonder what it was, but I heard Guy speak:

- So from what I understood, you samurai had this enormous area to serve as the tomb for every important samurai?

- Yes, we did. Every general, commander and even rookie were there.

- Well here in the Leaf Village we have this monument, the Memorial Stone.

- Is that it?

- A pity, isn't it? - It truly was. Just a small rock for the brave ninja who had staked their lives for the village, while the Hokage get their faces carved on mountains. These men deserved more.

- Do you know anyone in there?

- Unfortunately, yes. My father... he staked his life to protect this village.

- How did he die?

- The Eight Gate. - Guy said solemnly. - He opened it to fight the 7 ninja swordsmen of the Mist. He went too far, but he left a great lesson behind. To always keep my youth and fight for others. Do you understand now, Roderick?

- I understand why you're always talking about the power of youth.

- No, not that. Roderick, you can't use the gates for selfish reasons. To destroy your body only to prove your honor, to protect your pride... it's just a waste. That's why I have put the rule to only use it to defend others on myself. Promise me that if I do indeed teach you how to use the gates that you will use it carefully.

I heard him, I understood, and yet it was so difficult to agree. To gain such a level of power only to keep it to myself at all times. After all, how many times will my friends be in danger? That was when I heard an explosion coming from the horizon.

A blue slash emerged from the side of a house, as it was cut diagonally. The people inside, a mom with a son and daughter, screamed in terror as their house got destroyed. What was going on there? Before I realized it, Guy had started running towards it, and I followed quickly after.

- What's going on? - I asked as I caught up to him.

- I don't know, but I think I saw Kakashi there. I need to help him. - He seemed willing to open a gate. I saw it in his eyes, and yet none were opened.

For him it was a simple limiter. To not use his full power, was second nature to Guy, but I'm not one to fight like that. I opened a gate and went ahead of him. I looked forward, to see the cause of the destruction and was shocked with the reveal. Blood was splashed on the walls, oozing out of a damaged arm as Renji pushed himself to wield a chakra greatsword. I didn't even know he could do that, but just from one look, I could understand why he hadn't used it before. It was destroying him. I have to help him.

Kakashi fled from all strikes with his sharingan eye opened, but the exhaustion was starting to get to him. The use of the electric ninjustsu, the mudwalls, and now the sharingan were weighing very heavily on his chakra, but he couldn't let up. Even though Renji was hurting himself with his technique, his speed and power kept growing. He had gone insane, and at the moment, there was nothing Kakashi could do alone.

- Renji, stop! - I shouted, but he didn't seem to listen. He probably was too filled in adrenaline to notice all the crying civilians around him. I had to make him listen, even if I have no swords. I approached Renji from the back and as he was pulling back the blade to aim it at Kakashi, I grabbed his arms.

- What... - Renji stopped, as if he was getting out of a trance. - What are you... Rod?

- You need to stop Renji. Look around you. - He looked around, but it was clear his sight was glazed.

- I don't see anything wrong, Rod. Now let go, I need to beat up Kakashi. I need to prove you that I'm better. - So that's what this was about. It was another one of his anger fits, after facing proper defeat. I held him tighter. He couldn't beat me in arm strenght when I have a gate open.

- Calm down, and give up. You lost, Renji, all because you had a broken arm. - I had to appeal to his proud side. - If only you were healthy this would have been a piece of cake. - Kakashi seemed to realize something.

- It should be, whether I have a broken arm or not. I will not accept defeat. - He shouted once more. Why can't he just listen?

- You're destroying yourself. You can't just... - Use a technique that strains your body greatly? I stopped myself from saying it, the moment I realized the hypocrite I was being. If I were to say it, wouldn't that just be the same as agreeing with Guy? No, I'm just being stupid. Just help your friend out.

- Get off me! Weapon Change: Dense Dagger! - The greatsword concentrated itself into a smaller shape, that of a small knife. Renji bent his arm, to hit me with it, and with no other choice, I jumped back and let him go.

He was going to kill me with that. That goddamn bastard really was taking it a step too far. As Renji once again approached Kakashi, the ninja opted for a different pose, one of kneeling as he said:

- I give up! Please spare me!

Renji stopped as his mind seemed to easen itself, switching from insanity to confusion:

- What?

- I give up. You win. - Kakashi said while breathing heavily.

- I won? I won. I WON! - Renji realized what it meant. He looked back. - Rod, I did it! I beat the guy you could barely damage. I forced him into submission. - He was too happy. - I... - Renji fell on the ground, on his back. - I knew it. I am better then either of you. I didn't disappoint anyone.

Guy showed up as he approached the kneeling Kakashi, asking:

- Are you okay?

- Not really. I should go to the hospital. I desperately need some rest, but not as much as that guy. - Guy looked at Renji in anger, but before he could move to hit him, Kakashi stopped him. - Don't. He already went through enough.

However, even though Guy didn't go insult or beat up Renji, others did. Renji destroyed many houses, and even though none of the people inside them died, it didn't mean they weren't mad. Various people, mothers, fathers, even children, came aroud Renji.

- What is this? Am I getting a victory parade? - Renji snarked, before getting stomped on the face by a middle-aged mom. His nose started bleeding as he shouted in pain. -Aaagh! What... AAGH! - The kids started kicking his kidneys as the men beat his stomach and chest.

Some brought pieces of wood, normally used to rebuild the houses, just to beat on him. It was justifiable, but still.

- STOP! - I shouted, impelling the civilians to disrupt their one-sided beatdown on Renji. They looked furiously at me. Let's try not to ruin thid. - I'm sorry for what he did. He... he went too far. He only wanted to duel Kakashi.

- In the village? - One of the men growled. - What kind of monster destroys houses as they are being rebuilt? Are you his friend?

- Yes, I am and...

- Wait, I think I know you. - One of the women noticed. - Red shirt, a big scar on his cheek... You're the one who threathened to kill poor Yamato.

- Yamato? Who... - I was utterly confused.

- He came crying from the headquarter's gym saying that there was a man threathening to kill him. Of course, you two would be friends!

Some of the people started approaching me. Damn it! Why did I do that? I can't believe it would cause this. I have to run. There's no way I'm convincing any of them. With my speed I should be able to escape.

I ran towards Renji, past the women, the men, and picked him up, to get him away from the kicking children. The civilians were left dumbstruck by my speed, as I jumped on top of one the sliced house's sides. I kept running away, while I heard screams of pure anger and anguish behind me. I had to find a place to hide, I can't stay visible. But where? Where do I go?


Author here. Now that we reached the end of another showdown with Kakashi, I would like to know what you think. Do you like where the story is headed, or is there something you would prefer me to focus on more? Also, if you're enjoying this, please share this with your fellow naruto fans, and leave a power stone. Lastly here's a goal I'd like to reach:

If we get 30 power stones in a week, or 100 power stones total, I will release an additional filler chapter of Lai hanging with Tsunade at the casino.

Keep enjoying the story, I will keep on updating daily if I can.