Cursed Trespassers

- The ability to change their weapon's sshape through the manipulation of chakra. Sssamurai ssure are interesting. - A snake tongued man said as the news of Renji and Kakashi's fight became public and well-known. - He's too valuable a sspecimen for me not to test him. - He finished as he hid within the crowd.

A crowd had formed around one of the village's centers, where one of the women who had their house destroyed by Renji, alongside a ninja guard warned others about the dangers of the samurai. They described the assailants and a wanted poster was formed, with a high bounty on Renji, while mine was still to be decided. Since Kakashi decided to stay quiet, Guy had to be the one to defend me in front of them, and while it made them rethink the bounty, it didn't help much. The hate had spread, and with what had been happening to the village, it would take a lot to extinguish it. Especially with their new base, the Uchiha household. While me and Renji were elsewhere, Lai and the two samurai were stuck inside. Initially Lai had gone to the casino to enjoy some time with the ladies there, but with everything that happened he didn't even get the time to enjoy himself for too long. He approached his house quickly and has been stuck there for at least a couple hours, continuously cursing to himself and the ninjas about Renji's behaviour. Although all seemed to hate us, there was still one Guy willing to forgive:

- Why didn't you say anything? - Guy shouted at Kakashi, while he was in his hospital bed, resting after his streinous fight against Renji. - Roderick is a thriving young man, he may have done wrong in threathening Yamato, but he corrected his ways.

- And what good would that do? - Kakashi told Guy. - People are looking for someone to hate. The only reason they didn't directly attack the Uchiha was because they are too powerful for them to face. The samurai were easy prey the moment they came here. Renji went too far and now there's no turning back from it. They should leave as quickly as they can.

- Everyone deserves a second chance. - Guy claimed. - I can't let them go without allowing them to use it. Renji may be a lost cause, but with Roderick only an explanation is necessary.

- Even if that's the case, the explanation only works if it comes from the right person. Yamato is the one who has to forgive Roderick.

- I'll go find them, then.

- Them? Do you even know where Roderick is?

- His youth screams in valor wherever he stands. It shouldn't be hard to find him. - He went for the door, before realizing all he had said was purely simbolic and had no practical use. He asked. - Could you summon your dogs?


- What were you thinking? - I shouted at Renji.

After fleeing, I brought Renji and put him against a tree in the dense forest around the village. Only if they were to make a thorough search would they find us and since all they wanted was us out of their home, that probably wouldn't happen. I would've taken us back to our supposed household, however I wasn't yet informed where that was, and didn't want to risk putting that place in danger. Now I was alongside a barely conscious Renji who mumbled to himself in depression:

- Why were they hitting me? Are they jealous? Did I shine to bright?

His mind was still in its egocentrical illusion. I knew how hard it was to break him away from it sometimes, but it just pissed me off.

- It's always like this. You always go too far. Why did you have to destroy those people's homes? - He stayed silent. - Now we're both wanted because of you. - In a sedated tone, Renji responded:

- You didn't get in trouble because of me. You also got yourself in this... hi hi hi. - He laughed to himself.

- Don't laugh, you idiot. What are we going to do now? You have both arms broken and we have no swords. If someone finds us, we can't protect ourselves.

- Oh good, that doess make thingss easier. - A scary looking man appeared from the shadows, nearly giving me an heart attack.

His face was egg white, his tongue was that of a snake.

- How did you find us?

- Sso you're sskipping the introductions? I ssuppose I know enough about you. I'm Orochimaru. it's a pleasure to meet you, Roderick and Renji.

- How do you know our names?

- Oh, it's the only thing that's talked about in town. You really made a name for yoursselvess. It's a pity the most interesting one is unable to move, but I sssuppose to every sstrong technique there is a conssequence.

I can't believe news in town spread so fast. It has barely been a couple hours and they already had someone find us. They are not messing around.

- If you wish to capture us, then I'm sorry but I can't let that happen. - I took a fighting stance. I may have no swords, but I may be able to do something with my speed and Taijutsu.

- I didn't make myself clear when coming here. I don't wish to capture you, at least, not yet. I prefer letting my experiments come to me.

- Experiments? - As I asked that a short growl of pain came from Renji.

A serpent had bitten his chest, leaving a mark on it. A black dot with four black tears around it. It looked like a tattoo, but it definitely wasn't a style choice.

- What did you do to him? - I can't believe how fast he was capable of using the serpent. I didn't even realize one was behind Renji. I can't be this careless in the state we're in now.

- It's a curse. I would call it a gift, but in it's current state it might kill you faster than give you power. I still need to do more research. But it's your choice if you wish to use it. And if you don't want to, then come to me. I will be waiting at the Land of Ssilence. - Orochimaru started leaving, and I asked:

- What is your goal? Why did you even do this?

- I've taken some interest in Renji's potential. I believe that if harnessed the right way, he could prove to be a powerful weapon. It would be easy to capture him here, but where's the fun in that? Like I sssaid, I rather have my experiments come to me.

Orochimaru left as quickly as he came. It was an horrifying meeting, one whose consequences I couldn't predict, however I had to look out for Renji. I picked him up, and moved us elsewhere. If Orochimaru found us, than other ninja might be capable too. I ran for a good half an hour, before setting in a place. As I laid down Renji once more, I asked:

- How do you feel?

- The same, honestly. I don't think that snake's bite was poisonous. Thank god. It was simply to give me this cursed mark. How did this even happen?

- I don't know, but look, we'll find a way to take care of it later. What worries me now, is how are we going to survive here.

- I have an idea. Give me my helmet. - I had taken Renji's helmet off, to easen his breathing before, but now it was essential to get us help.

Every samurai helmet comes with a communicator capable of transmitting any message to fellow samurai. We couldn't choose to whom it was sent, so everyone would listen to what was being said. I extended the arm and put it above Renji's head, since he couldn't lift it with his injured arms. Renji used it to ask for help, and adressed one of the rookies.

- Inoue, Renji here. Look, me and Roderick have caused quite a ruckus in the village. - I put my hand on my head. He could have at leat said it was only him. - We decided to leave it for now, and are currently in the forest. I can't tell you where exactly since I was carried, however it shouldn't be too hard for you to find me if you look closely enough. Bring us some food, and, maybe a blanket. It could get cold here. - A shy "Right away, commander" was heard from the other side followed by shouting:

- What do you think you're doing? You don't deserve our help. Now you live with your consequences, or... - Renji hurried me to shut it off, and I did. Lai may get even angrier, but right now, it's best to ignore his shouting. It's not like we don't know our position, still...

- She immediately said yes. Who is this Inoue exactly?

- Just one of the rookies I have power on. - I looked at him with a curious gaze. He noticed. - You may not see it very often, but I am the best commander of the samurai. Some even compare me to the masters themselves.

- You really can't let up with that "best" talk, can't you? What's going on Renji? You were always proud but this is taking it a step too far.

- I don't use that word lightly. It's others who do.

- Others who... what? What do you mean?

- You wouldn't understand. You were always treated like a loser your whole life. In that aspect, we are complete opposites.

- What right does that give you to be a douchebag? Just because you've been praised your whole life doesn't make it forgivable to destroy homes in an anger fit.

- You don't have the same pressure as I do, Rod. No one ever expects anything from you. That's why it's so unbearable when you try to surpass me. I couldn't lose to Kakashi, Rod! That would make us equal, if not put me below you. He kept talking about how you hit harder, hit faster! I can't allow that. I can't be worse than the town's loser. I just... I can't betray all the trust people have given me all these years.

I didn't understand earlier, but being the prodigy samurai, the one every rookie wants to be like, can't be easy. He's not allowed to make a single mistake, because if he does, all the reverance, all the praise will be gone. He can't be seen failing in front of others. I can only imagine how much the loss during the Iron Scroll Disaster made him feel.

We stayed there for a while longer, hoping that Inoue hadn't been stopped by Lai. We definitely didn't make it easy for her to find us, but we couldn't allow ourselves to be caught. Eventually footstpes were heard, however what we saw wasn't a human. A dog came by, a very familiar dog.

- Hey, Rod. - The dog said. Renji screamed in both fear and surprise, while Guy came right after the dog.

- Oh, Roderick, I finally found you. Let's continue our training.