Going crazy

A red haired woman donning her samurai outfit wandered around the jungle, lost and unsure of herself, looking for her commander. He had been too vague about his location, but she understood why. Her master Lai had told her to get away from Renji, to leave him alone with his regret, but she knew Renji better than that. He's not one to regret his actions, he's a methodical man, who reached the place he is today through blood and tears. He's not one to recklessly fight inside a village simply for pride. No, there had to have been something more honourable.

It was already night, and even though the forest was dark, she opted not to bring a lantern, since it would show any nearby ninja of their location. She was afraid she might never be able to find them, but that was when she heard.

- Haargh! - I shouted as I attempted to strike Guy with my fist. He blocked and countered with a kick, pushing me back. - Come on, Guy! At least let me open a gate. If I continue like this, there's no way I'm ever hitting you.

- That's the whole point of the training. You promised me you wouldn't use the gates for selfish reasons amymore, and this is your way to prove it.

- I didn't promise anything. I said I would try.

- Um, excuse me. - A shy girl intervened. - Is Renji... Oh my god! - She ran towards where Renji was laying. - Are you okay, sir?

- I am, don't worry., I thought you would never come. - Renji complained. - Have you brought everything?

- I tried, commander. - Inoue approached him. - If only I knew you were in such a condition, I would have come better prepared. I could only bring some fruit and an uncooked steak, as well as a couple bottles of water. Also, I'm sorry but I couldn't bring any blankets, so here's a jacket.

- As incompetent as ever, I see. At least, you tried your best. - Inoue received that with a smile, but that wasn't a compliment, if anything good at all. Guy remarked:

- The young lady went through all this trouble to get here, brought a lot more supplies than you could ask for, and you still complain?

Both Renji and Inoue decided to ignore him, while the female samurai started unpacking. Guy seemed a little mad, so I said:

- Just let them be, Guy. She doesn't seem to sad by the way she's being treated. Let's continue the training. - I charged back at him, as he quickly dodged my attacks.

The night went by quickly. We made a fire, and cooked the steak that had been brought. Guy decided to leave, since he didn't want to waste our limited reserves, and so, me, Renji and Inoue ate dinner together. As I gathered around a pack of leaves to sleep on, I heard Inoue say:

- I suppose I should leave now.

- I'm sorry Inoue, - Renji declared. - but would it be too bothersome if I asked you to stay? - Inoue's cheeks started to redden, becoming the same color as her hair. In a shy voice, she asked:

- You want me here?

- Yes. The jacket isn't too warm, and I feel like I would sleep better if I were to do it with you. - Inoue shimmered in anxiety.

- You... You want to sleep with me?

- If it's not too bothersome.

- Of course not, sir. I... I... - Inoue looked down in embarassment. Don't tell me she's actually considering it?

She slowly started taking off her armor, leaving only the dark tight undershirt. She lowered herself and nustled next to Renji.

- Is it okay like this? - Renji now had the entire right part of his body covered by hers.

- It's perfect. - He said as he closed his eyes, however hers stayed open, too amped up by all the anxiety.

I had to admit I was a bit jealous. To sleep tightly while hugged by a woman, a gorgeous one in fact, would be pretty ni... wait, didn't that happen to me too? I almost forgot I woke up in the same bed as Lin while she embraced me a week ago. I wonder if she already got over what I told her. Now that I think about it, it was more childish than anything. Maybe leaving like this wasn't a good idea. My heart started aching, and while watching Renji and Inoue sleep, I realized I missed Lin's company. Damn it Renji, why did you have to make me think of this?

After I moved around in a mount of leaves, trying to find the best to position to avoid depressing thoughts, I stopped and got up. I decided to take a walk, maybe find something else to worry about. I found a tree, a particularly sturdy one. Perfect.

I started punching and kicking it like it was a training partner. I wasn't angry, I wasn't letting off steam, I was tiring myself off, or at least that's what I wanted to believe in, but all the anger started piling up.

I found out my parents are hated and were wanted by the entire samurai community. I made a crack on the tree with a kick. The whole Leaf Villahe hates me because I threathened someone to get a challenge. A branch came falling down as I punched the tree. Renji had a curse put on him while I was protecting him. A gate was opened, and a punch of mine hit the tree so hard, the birds all around flew away. Even though all Renji is is a giant, overpowered crybaby he gets to sleep with a beautiful woman, while I'm miles away from Lin.

- Aah! - A last kick of mine, caused a couple branches to fall on my head, as if they where protecting the tree itself.

The tree was now badly damaged, my fists were bleeding.

- What am I doing? - I said as I realized the position I was at.

So much hate, so much rage. How did it turn into this? Tears came rushing down my face. I couldn't handle it. It truly was too much. I couldn't stand anymore, sitting with my back against the tree. I put my head between my arms and closed my eyes, but when I looked up the world started to twist. The grass became floor, the trees, walls and the flowers...

- What is this?

I saw myself become a kid again as the sight of my dead parents came before me.

- No, I'm not asleep. This shouldn't happen... - The nightmare I have been having for years became reality. - Why is this happening?

An Uchiha man emerged from the window of my apartment, smeared in the blood of my parents.

- Get away!

I got up and ran in fear, as the world once again got back to normal, or did it? The floor became grass once more, and the walls were gone, but the moment I stopped, the moment I tried to rest from hiperventilating, it came again. The Uchiha man was once more looking at me, as the only thing between us were my dead parents.

- Stop! Please! I can't handle this anymore! - I put my back against a tree while standing. - I'm really going insane. What do I do? I'm so lost!

That's when I heard that voice, the one who has haunted my nightmares every night. However he seemed to have a gentler tone this time.

- Are you okay?

Before me was a distorted world of fears and reality. The Uchiha man on the window got out of it and approached me.

- No, I'm not ready to fight you. I'm not strong enough yet. Get away!

With shimmering red eyes, he took out a kunai looked at me and stabbed it on my neck, as I closed my eyes in fear.

- Where's the pain?

I opened my eyes, seeing now a hand resting on my hand. The Uchiha man said:

- Calm down.

The world came back to normal. I was once more in a forest. The Uchiha man was no more as he turned into a ninja, with dark eyes and hair. He commented:

- You're him.

- Wha... - I was confused. Everything before me was shattering. - Who are you? - I asked as I wiped the tears off my face.

- I'm Shisui. It's nice to meet you, Roderick. - The ninja said in a gentle tone. It was truly calming.

- How do you know my name?

- You're the main focus of the village now. Besides, we were supposed to live together.

- So we were going to live in your house? - This is the man we were going to live with? But... - How did you find me?

- I was just strolling around, and then sighted a man screaming in terror. I decided to check. Thank god I could solve it.

- And how did you...

- Through genjutsu. Some say I'm the most powerful user of it, but I don't know if it's true. At least I'd like to use it to help your master.

Filled with relief and happiness, I hugged him. My tears came rushing down once more. It was like a miracle came from the sky, a solution to some problems.

- Thank you. Thank you so much. - I said between sobs. - Today has been the worst day ever.

- It's alright Roderick. Everyone goes through hard times. You seem to have the hardest though.

- Thank you. - I said again, letting go of him and trying to wipe the tears. I looked back, to sight Renji and Inoue. I might have accidentally caught the attention of more people.

- Don't worry. I'm the only one who saw you.

- Good. - I looked back once more and said. - I'm sorry but I have to leave. I should get back to my friends.

- Of course. You need to protect them. I was only strolling around too. I suppose it was lucky we both got to meet. If you need more help with your mental crashes, feel free to visit me in the village. My house should be safe for you.

- I really don't know how to thank you for all this.

- It's always nice to do something for others. The smile on people's faces is more than enough payment for me. - He said, as I smiled from cheek to stitched cheek.

Shisui left to do his strolling or whatever, honestly I didn't care. Now I knew what to do next. I was no longer lost.