Forced to stay away

- Guys, I know what we're going to do next! - I said excitedly as I got up from sleep.

After Shisui had easen my mental struggle I went to bed and felt rejuvenated. Even though it was in the wild, with only leaves to comfort me, this had been the best night's sleep I had in years. The nightmare didn't show up. I could finally wake up with a smile. And once I did, and saw I was in front of Renji and Inoue, I shouted. Inoue fell back in surprise, as Renji let out a girlish scream, conplaining:

- Could you relax a little? Jeez, shouting like that... you almost gave me an heart attack.

- I know what to do to get us out of this mess.

- Shut up for a second and come join us for lunch, you must be tired from the training.

- The training? I thought you were asleep? - He slapped the ground where he wanted me to sit, giving me a pear to eat. He started explaining:

- I was asleep, however...

- I wasn't. - Inoue intervened. - I couldn't sleep too well either, and so I noticed you getting up and punching a tree. I was thinking of waking commander Renji up, but he looks so cute when he is asleep. - I grumpily growled in envy. I wonder if I'll ever get Lin to say something like that?

- So I know what happened more or less. You punched a tree, you cried your eyes out and then came out laughing. That last part is a bit confusing though.

- Oh, so you didn't see Shisui? - Renji spit all the water from the cantine away.

- Shi... Shisui? You talked with him?

- Yeah, he's a really nice man.

- You didn't see anything weird about him? Like, I don't know, maybe his eyes?

- No... Why?

- Oh, nothing, nothing. Never mind. It's just I'm not sure if I trust him.

- Well, I do, and I'm going to go to the village to meet with him.

This time it was Inoue who spat water away, accidentally putting out the fire we used to cook.

- The village? You intend to go back there?

- Yes. He said his house was safe, so if we could sneakily get there...

- And what if we can't? - Renji exclaimed. - We'll just warn all the ninja of our location. It's too big of a risk.

- It's a risk we need to take. We might be able to turn people's opinions around with his abilities.

- And what do you want him to do with them? Control their mind so they stop attacking? Do you even listen to yourself?

- I want him to get them to calm down. Renji... he got rid of the nightmares I've been having for years with a simple touch on my head. We can use his help.

- You let him get inside your mind? Rod, this is exactly why I can't trust him. He's capable of manipulating people to do his bidding. How do we know this isn't a trap? Also what was he doing around here? - Renji seems oddly paranoic today. I wonder why he's so mistrustful.

- He was having a walk or something.

- You don't even know? Rod, we're not going.

- So what are we going to do? Sit here and wait for a miracle?

- Not a miracle, we'll wait for Lai. All we need to do is wait for him to come with Shisui and then we can all go back to the Land of Iron.

- About that... - Inoue started saying, before being too shy to continue. Renji hurried her:

- What?

- I don't wish to go against commander Renji, but I believe Lai is stuck in the village. I only was able to come here because rookie Minata made himself a distraction for me to come. I still wonder if he's okay.

- So Lai is stuck?

- Pretty much. The villagers and some ninja have gathered around the household. There's not much that can be done to get them out.

- That settles it. - I declared. - If they can't leave, then we'll just enter.

- Trust Lai. - Renji said, stopping me before I went. - He will find a way to get out of there. We'll just have to wait.

I can't believe he is being so persistent in staying. I understand he needs rest, but the longer we wait the worse this gets.

- If you don't come, then I'll go alone. After all, I'm the only one in condition to fight. - Renji tried to stop me but he couldn't. I got his hand out of my shoulder, but someone else tried to stop me.

- You can't go. - Inoue demanded.

- Neither you, nor Renji can order me around. I'll do what I want.

As I was trying to pass by her, she held her blade close to my neck and in a desperate tone, repeated:

- You can't go.

I could easily get away from the sword and dispatch of her, but first I had to understand one thing:

- Why are you doing this for him? He's just an overgrown baby.

- And yet he is our commander, the one we work for. - She put her sword back in her scabbard. It was clear she didn't want to endanger me, she just wanted to prove a point. - Roderick, I know you just became a rookie and have been training under one of the strongest samurai of our Land, but even with all that luck, it doesn't give you any more liberty than me.

- I'm not obeying that idiot's orders.

- And yet you must. Sit down and if you wish to let some steam off, I'll gladly duel you until Guy returns.

I looked at her in fury. I suppose it wasn't normal for a rookie like me to have such a close relationship to the commanders and masters of my Land. I got so used to it, I didn't even realize how abnormal it was. Still, the mere thought of having to obey Renji disgusted me.

- I'm not dueling you, Inoue, but thanks for the reminder. I'm going for a walk.

- I don't think that's a good idea either. - She quickly realized the annoyed look in my face, and proposed. - Why don't you show me your laidõ explosions? I'm really curious about them.

- Oh, you know about them? - We walked away together towards Renji. Beside the spot we were at, was a pretty empty spot of land where I had trained against Guy. As I got ready to show her my abilities, I wondered:

- Where did you hear about my laidõ explosions?

- Oh, this past month it's been the talk among rookies. How a mere rookie and an acclaimed commander fought together to protect the tomb. - I can't believe I became that popular without realizing. - But, honestly, we've talked more about how you ultimately failed. - Of course she had to ruin it.

- At least I'm popular.

- I guess you could say that.

- What do you mean?

- I've said enough. Show me the laidõ explosion.

Even though I was really curious about that last statement, I decided to let it be, and fulfill her request. I started explaining it to her, realizing the ease I had to do it. Teaching Mifune during those weeks really gave me some experience I never knew I could use. Maybe some day I'll become an actual teacher... No, there's no way that'll ever happen.

Once the lesson was over I went to sit back near the fire and awaited for Guy's arrival. I chatted quite a lot with Inoue. I found out she had the hobby of taking care of plants and was planning to grow a garden in place of the destroyed tomb. For someone who hadn't said a single word to me during the week long travel here, she was oddly sociable. Maybe it's the mood. We were all fugitives of the Leaf Village now, so I suppose that would bring us closer. The thing is that my envy just kept growing. I can't believe Renji can just order around a girl like this. Still, I enjoyed my time as it passed, and before I noticed it, the sky went dark, with no Guy in sight.

- I can't believe he didn't come.

- It's better this way honestly. - Renji commented. - He might have attracted unwanted guests.

- You're really being a pain in the ass, you know that?

- I thought you were used to it. - Renji grinned. - Now, go to sleep. - He closed his eyes and slept alone.

After having a talk with Inoue I was able to convince her not to grab him during his sleep. I went to my bed(which is what I call my pack of leaves) and tried to rest, however I heard some rustling. Inoue was now shaking, and moving around uncontrollably. She exclaimed:

- It's so cold. Can I sleep with you Renji?

- Come on over.

My plan of getting them away ultimately failed, but it wasn't the only thing. I thought that after Shisui used his genjutsu on me that I would have no more sleepless nights, but I was wrong. Once I was finally able to fall asleep, the usual nightmare came up, waking me up immediatelly. The feeling of destroyed hope made the whole situation scarier, making me wake up with cold sweat. I once again got up, and went to confront the poor broken tree. It had destroyed branches and impact cracks from where I kicked it before, but it was still sturdy enough to get another beating.

- I can't let the dark thoughts get to me again. Let's beat this tree properly.

I decided I would strike with the skill Guy showed when fighting me. After all I had spent a whole day without training, so I was yearning for this.

As I thought I was prepared to face it, the tree dodged my punch, or at least it avoided it. A hole appeared in the tree on the spot I punched, seconds before I tried hitting it.

- What the... - I was utterly confused, as I tried punching it once more, only for the same to happen.

- No, not the illusions again. What's going on? - As I punched the tree again, it grabbed my fist, locking it within the tree.

- No, this is just an illusion. All just a nightmare!

- I've been called worse. - A man emerged from besides the tree. - But I believe now is appropriate.

His face while illuminated by the moon's shine was close to that of a terrifying ghost. Truly an horrifying sight.

- Who are you? - I tried getting my hand off the tree, but no matter how hard I tried, I simply couldn't get it out.

- You don't recognize me? Doesn't matter. I don't wish for recognition. I've simply come here to capture you.

He got closer and his face became clearer. Although the night light gave him a monstrous appearance, his regular looking mug was well seen up close. This was the man I threathened to fight Guy. This was Yamato.