Wood Style

- How are you doing this?! - I screamed at him while trying to get my hand off the tree. I had opened a gate to do it, but even with the added strenght, it just felt like I was slowly ripping my own hand apart.

- Wood Style. It's a rare ninjutsu so I suppose a samurai wouldn't know about it. Now come with me, I'm taking you to be imprisioned.

- Look, I'm sorry. - Yamato looked at me in disgust.

- I don't need apologies from you. You didn't seem to regret it when you threathened my life. My fellow ANBU were already suspicious of you samurai from the beggining. They should have kept watch of you since the moment you came. Trusting Kakashi to do it was the wrong thing to do.

I wanted to call for help, but I knew I shouldn't. Alerting Yamato of the presence of Renji and Inoue could make things worse. I had to take care of this by myself.

- Please Yamato. I truly am sorry. I was taken in by the hype, I didn't know what I was doing. I don't deserve to be imprisioned for one stupid mistake.

- People go there for pettier things than this, but who knows, the people might forgive you if they compare you to him. - He said as he pointed at Renji.

I looked back and saw four other ninja wearing animal masks surrounding a scared Inoue and a still sleeping Renji.

- Damn you! - I shouted in hopes Renji woke up, but he had the tendency of sleeping like a stone.

The tree I was stuck to started to move, forcing me to walk alongside it. Yamato ordered his men:

- Knock them out and bring them.

I couldn't look back but I was scared by the scream that came from the fireplace. Yamato was expecting it, moving forwards with no reaction, however the same couldn't be said when a chakra slash hit the tree that moved me. I thought to myself that Renji had already awoken, however it was Inoue who shot the slash.

- You're not getting away with him! - She said, as she attempted to fight against the ANBU.

It was clear from a distance that Leaf Village's cover ops weren't used to keeping their targets alive. They were very capable professionals, but they were having a hard time to deliver any knockout blows on her without accidentally slicing her neck, or piercing her hearth. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one who caught that.

- Men, if you really are having trouble with a single samurai rookie, then you may deliver a fatal blow. Hopefully she can be cured later.

- How dare you? - I growled. - She has nothing to do with us!

- Then why doesn't she leave then? Why would she fight if she truly had nothing to do with any of you?

- AAAHH! - Right now I didn't care if my hand truly got ripped off. I couldn't leave her there to die. I have to save her. I have to.

As I felt power surging from within, Guy's words came to mind, as I said what he once told me.

- Second Gate: Gate of Healing! Open! - My body grew to even higher heights of strenght as I felt a rush of soothing and energizing force flow through my body.

The tree was no longer an obstacle as I tore through with overwhelming strenght and grabbed one of the trees branches.

- How are you doing this? - Yamato exclaimed in shock.

I threw the small tree piece in my end at one of the ANBU surrounding Inoue, hitting him in the head, as the rest looked at me with curiosity shining in their eyes. I may have no swords on me, but that doesn't make me any less of a threat. I ran towards them in a blinding speed, similar to the one I would normally reach with one of my laidõ explosions, thankfully I was used to that extent. I aimed my fist at one of their heads, but the ANBU had quicker reactions than I thought. The one I aimed for protected himself with his arm, while the others threw kunai, I thought I was done for, until I heard something crack.

The arm I punched was completely broken, and the man was launched through several trees from the impact alone, and while the kunai hit, stabbing me through my chest and stomach, the pain was bearable. I removed them one by one, and where I thought would come blood rushing from all the pressure the gates put on my body, nothing came out. It was almost like the wounds were already rapidly healing.

- So this is the power of the second gate. - I never thought the gates would give anything but strenght, speed, and well, pain. I wonder what else I'll be capable of in the future.

The reamaining ANBU looked at me seriously, they knew they could no longer underestimate me. Two of then jumped away throwing more kunai, this time with some paper attached. It looked familiar, I remembered something Lin said to me while I was in the hospital.

"See this paper? These scriptures give the paper qualities that it would normally would not have. In this case, they can..." BOOM!!

The kunai exploded while all I could do was guard myself. Damn it Lin, next time say it faster in my thougths.

I stuck my feet on the ground and was pushed back a couple meters but was thankfully able to resist the explosion. Even the severe burns I would normally get were being quickly rejuvenated by the Gate of Healing. There was nothing they could to defeat me, even though it seemed like they were not going to give up trying.

One of the ANBU was capable of moving Inoue away from Renji from the commotion made from the explosion, while the other picked Renji up, who was still sleeping. Wake up, you stupid sleepyhead. They ran away as I tried chasing them, however...

- Wood Style: Entraping Bushes! - Yamato said from afar as the grass beneath my feet started to grow, wrapping around my feet. Before I could get it off, the grass quickly grew becoming a full grown bush covering my body up until the waist and moving up.

- You're really good at trapping people. - I commented.

- It's essential for an ANBU. And this time you're not getting away.

- Neither are you. - Inoue declared as she held her sword up. - I presume you're the leader of this group?

- What do you think you can do? I can tell from a mile away you are simply a rookie.

- I'm going to beat you, and force you to tell your men to drop Renji. - Her sword started to glow blue in chakra. - I advise you to free Roderick.

- I only need one hand to hold him, and the other can easily beat you. - Yamato kept one if his hands in the tiger position as the other grabbed a shuriken.

Meanwhile, Renji was being taken away back to the village, as the ninja jumped from one tree branch to the next. Renji's body was flopping around with him still asleep.

As they were running away with him, one of the ANBU noticed something.

- He has a really weird tattoo in his chest.

- It really is odd. I feel some malicious chakra coming from it, but I suppose it's no surprise from him.

- Maybe that's how he beat Kakashi and destroyed the village. We should remove it.

- We should move him to the village first. With him unconscious like this, it's our best chance.

- Just let me have a touch at it.

The ANBU approached Renji carefully caressing the mark, however something odd happened. The mark seemed to grow in response to the other's chakra. Renji woke up immediately, shouting:

- AAAHH! - The mark started enveloping his chest, while the pain made him move uncontrollably. The ANBU that was holding him was forced to let him go. Renji fell on the ground, confused and still screaming as the marks grew even bigger across his body.

The two ANBU jumped near him, as one of them said:

- Quickly, let's knock him out. - They started doing hand seals, and shouted in unison. - Water Style: Liquid Current! - Two geysers of water appeared from their mouths, aimed at Renji. These streams were capable of breaking trees, and surely beat Renji's strong body.

Moments before the currents hit Renji a blue light emerged, turning the streams of water into steam. Clouds of vapor shrouded the samurai commander, as the ANBU were dumbfounded.

- What just hap... - A blinding slash the lenght of a tree, came horizontally, headed for their necks. One of them lowered beneath the chakra, while the other wasn't so lucky. His body fell, as his head rolled from it.

The terrified surviving ANBU looked forward in terror. Before him was a monster resembling a human with marks all over the front of his body. His arms were now shrouded in chakra, forming two enormous blades, as his face contorted in pain. The warrior could only shriek as he fled in horror from such a sight. Renji however wasn't going to let him flee.