Angry Lady

- Wait, Roderick, you should be resting right now! - Tsunade warned as she followed me.

- I can't just sit down and wait for the Hokage to decide Renji's death. I have to go save him. - I stumbled forward, falling on one of my knees.

- You lost a lot of blood yesterday, even with my healing, it will still take at least a couple weeks for you to fully recover.

- I don't care. - I got up again and opened the sliding door, which led to another room, where Inoue was sipping tea with the other samurai. She asked:

- Oh, Roderick, you can already walk? Are you feeling well? - Seeing her there truly surprised me. In Lai's case I could understand that he's trying to flirt with Tsunade and doesn't want to get bad reputation in the village, but with how close Inoue was to Renji I thought for sure she would be trying to defend him.

- What are you doing here? Don't you know what's happening with Renji?

- Of course I know. - She said in an apologetic tone. - But there's nothing we can change. Is that why you're standing?

- Do none of you really care? - I couldn't believe I was the only one defending him. I know he can sometimes be an asshole, I mean, all the times. He's also a prideful idiot, a crying baby and... where was I going with this? Never mind. - I'm going there alone if I have to.

- And do what? - Lai came through the door asking. - Fight the ninja until they release him? Don't you know your situation?

- There has to be something I can do.

- And there is. - Tsunade explained. - Lay down and rest, and wait until the Hokage allows Renji to keep his life. Hiruzen is not a merciless man. He won't kill unless he has a good reason. Plus, it's not everyone who gets to stay at my house, so don't abuse my hospitality! - She said kicking her foot on the ground. Cracks appeared under it. What kind of superhuman strenght does she have? She continued. - This also reminds me, what are you two doing here? - She shouted at Inoue and the other samurai.

- We're... We're here to check on Ro...roderick's condition. - The samurai answered in a stutter.

- By drinking tea? Where did you even get that tea?! - Inoue and the other samurai quickly left the place, spilling the tea all over the wooden floors. Inoue still tried to apologize before leaving, but the other samurai pushed her.

After that ruckus, I had to admit I was a bit calmer. Tsunade said with all confidence that the Hokage wouldn't kill Renji. I hope she's right, because if she's not, I will rip through every ninja to get to him.

- I'll go rest then. - I boringly said as I passed by Tsunade and Lai and laid on the futon. However a question came to mind. - Is Lai staying as well?

- Well, yes. - Tsunade answered. - He said he would look after you if you were to wake up, and honestly, with how much he insisted, I had to agree. At least it gives me more time to hang around the Village. Which reminds me, Lai, will you stay with him now? All this mess has made me want to have a stop at the casino.

- S...Sure Tsu-Tsu. Go right ahead. - Lai answered while trying not to bust a vein in his forehead due to anger.

- Thank you, darling. - With those words, Lai seemed to calm down a little, before knowing what to do.

He went to a nearby room and brought with him a magazine, as he started reading it next to me. My stomach started rumbling as I pleaded:

- Could you bring me something to eat?

- It's not meal time yet. - Seriously? How lazy can you be?

- But I have been sleeping for quite some... - Lai looked at me with serial killer eyes.

- It's not meal time yet. - I wonder if I'm safer fighting all the ninja, or being here with Lai.

Time passed quite slowly while I was in the constant threat of Lai's lack of patience. During the night, Tsunade returned with a drunk look and with much less cash than the one she left with, as she headed straight to bed. She even let Lai go with her once he asked, as I stood there alone in the dark wondering what they were both doing.

Morning came, and an angry looking Tsunade appeared:

- Roderick, you and the pervert are you going back to your original house!

- Wha... why? - As if to answer my question, a beat-up Lai showed up as well. He had several bruises across the face, and was definitely not in a good state. He tried to explain himself:

- You let me...

- I was drunk! - Tsunade shouted. - You don't obey to a drunk woman. Waking up with a man like this with me in bed... - She seemed disgusted just thinking about it. - Leave!

Lai approached me, and without letting any other word out, picked me up.

- Hey, what are you doing? I can walk. - I got myself out of his arm, and bowed before Tsunade, before falling on my face. I forgot how weak I was. I once again got up, and said:

- Thank you for your hospitality. - It's the least I could do after she let me rest in her house.

- See? This is how a man should behave. - She pointed out at Lai. - I wouldn't mind letting you stay for longer, Roderick, but I can't just take one of you out. So try not to overexert yourself, please. If you were to approach death again, I don't know what I would do.

- I promise not to do anything rash. Goodbye, Tsunade.

- Bye, Roderick.

Me and Lai left the household, and I had to ask:

- So, did you...

- Shut up. - He said in a harsh tone. I probably shouldn't mention it again, but something else was bugging my mind.

- Do you think we can visit Renji? Or is his situation too grave?

- The decision to keep his life was to be done today. But if we are quick you might be able to visit him.

- You're not coming?

- If he were to see me, he would immediately ask questions and I really don't want to talk about it.

Lai kept on his track towards our household as I went towards the headquarters, where I hoped to find Renji imprisioned. I walked for quite a bit, seeing the various destroyed houses as they were being reconstructed. The villagers looked at me in an hateful way. I might be innocent in the Hokage's eyes, but the townspeople were a different story.

After around 30 minutes of walking, I realized something.

- How did I get here? - I said as I looked directly at the entrance of the village. - I'm lost, ain't I? - I looked around me as I was perplexed by how far from the target I was, however someone familiar showed up.

In his green tight spandex, a bowl cut Guy appeared, screaming:

- Roderick! - He jumped from where he was directly at my chest, throwing us both on the ground. He got on his knees and started shooting words as tears shot off his eyes. - I was so worried about you. When they told me they were restitching your arm, I thought for sure you would die. Thank god I was wrong. Are you okay? - I sat up with some effort as I answered:

- I was a moment ago.

- I'm sorry! - He got on his feet at lightning speed. - I forgot you would still be recovering. As an apology, I will do 200 sit-ups in 6 seconds.

- Wha... Why would that be an apology? - It didn't matter if I even tried to stop him, he did it nonetheless. After he was done, he apologized once more:

- I'm sorry I didn't go meet you that day. I had an important mission, that I couldn't let pass by. If only I knew something like that would have happened, I...

- Guy, it's fine. - I tried to calm him down, since it seemed a pond was forming around us with all his tears. - I don't blame you for any of this. But there is one thing I'd like to ask you. - He looked at me with anxious eyes, as if a dream of his was about to come true. - Could you guide me to where Renji is at the moment? I somehow got lost.