A fate worse than death

After an annoyingly quick walk, me and Guy were capable of arriving to where Renji was being detained. Apparently he wasn't even in the headquarters and instead was situated on the far east.

The estabilishment was big in size, but small in numbers. For one of the most dangerous villages, they definitely didn't have many prisioners. I would assume some escaped during the disaster, but still the prison estabilishment had been barely affected. Thankfully that made finding Renji very easy. We didn't even need to be escorted by a guard since Guy himself was enough of an authority to take me with him.

As we came across his cell, we saw him wiping the floor of his own cell with a piece of his clothing. Renji not only wanted to be perfect, but he was also a perfectionist. It wasn't too odd for him to constantly clean his room in the Land of Iron, but here it was a surprise. A welcome one since the rest of the cells were simply putrid.

- Hey Renji. - I said, as he looked at me in surprise. - You don't seem to be doing too badly.

- Roderick, I'm so sorry. - I feel like today I've been getting nothing more than apologies. - I didn't have any control over myself when I cut your arm.

- I know, Renji. I don't blame anyone except for that horrid beast that possessed you. You think you have it under control?

- More or less. As long as I stay conscious, the nine tails beast shouldn't show itself again. - Renji was acting weird. I expected some complaints about his time there, some remarks about how bad the stitched arm looked on me or something.

- Are you okay? - I asked. - You look fine, but the way you're cleaning your cell...

- It's because I'm either going to stay here for a while, or I'm going to die. Either way, I must be ready.

- Ready? Renji, no one should be prepared to face their own demise. - Guy who was standing next to me, agreed.

- That's the difference between a commander and a rookie. It's what you put at stake. - Was Renji always this cool? - Whatever comes my way, I deserve it. I hate to admit it, but I truly am scared about this beast within me. I should stay away from the our Land.

- Then come with me to the Land of Silence! I've been thinking about it. Orochimaru told us to meet him there to get rid of that curse. It might be a trap, but it's our only option. I'll break you out of here. - Guy gave me a disapproving look, but I didn't care.

- If you want to go there, feel free to. I'm staying. - I couldn't believe his attitude.

- But...

- But nothing, Rod! I've made my decision. Thank you for visiting me in what may be my last hour. Now leave.

I tried saying something more, but Guy grabbed and pushed me away. I tried to hold on to the bars, but Guy was too strong as he picked me up and headed outside the facilities.

- Let me go! - I screamed in vain as I saw my best friend getting farther and farther, as he was approaching his fate.

As we passed through the front guard, he approached us. He wanted to say something, but after seeing me being brought along by Guy, stopped for a moment. I looked at him with a grumpy face:

- What is it?

- The Hokage just sent me a message saying that your friend will stay imprisioned. He may keep his life. - Did he seriously have to tell me this after that scene?

Guy, shocked by the news, had tears rolling out his eyes, dropping me on the ground so he could clean them. I hit the floor face first, and in a painful grunt, as Guy quickly apologized, I ran towards Renji's cell. He said:

- Didn't you hear what I said? Get...

- You get to keep your life. - An awkward silence filled the air, as a big smile spread across Renji's face.

- He he... - He started laughing to himself. - Don't you know no one can kill the great Renji?

- You're still imprisioned though.

- Just let me have this. - I couldn't hold my happiness there as I had a big laugh with him. It was relieving. After all the recent tragedies, laughing this much was needed.

We talked a little while longer, before the guard showed up to tell me and Guy to leave, since our guest time was up.

- I suppose that's all I get to tell you. I'm really curious as to what Shisui's house looks like. - The continuous happy expression that Renji had during the conversation, suddenly turned into a worried frown.

- Shi... Shisui's?

- Yes. Why? Is there something wrong about that place?

- No, no, of course not. - He said while scrubbing the back of his head. He was clearly hiding something. - Just... try not to beat them up or anything.

- Wha... Who do you think I am?! - I said in a shout, before realizing I was giving him reason to suspect. - I'll be calm. I owe him a lot. I won't ruin anything there.

- Good, good. Then I'll tell Guy where the place is, so he can guide you. - I waited for him to tell him, but he kept his mouth shut, looking at me with an annoyed expression. - Go along, Rod. Guy will reach you.

- But isn't Guy going to guide me?

- Just go! - Renji pleaded, forcing me to leave. What the hell is he hiding?

The mystery only got worse when Guy came along with a scared face.

- What's wrong?

- Oh, no...nothing. Really. - I am way too tired to press on this matter. I really just want some rest.

We walked through the village eventually reaching the nice looking household, or at least, as nice as an egg-filled, broken window place could be. At least it wasn't destroyed like most of the houses. Guy introduced me to the place:

- Here we are. This is the Uchi... - Guy stopped as several drops of sweat came down is body. What was he trying to say? - Just go. - Guy pushed me inside and left in a hurry. My curiosity for the place was higher than the one for their attitude so I decided to enter.

In there I saw Inoue and the other samurai covered in dirt, playing cards with a beat-up Lai. It seems no one was having a good time.

- What happened with you two? - I asked.

- We've been helping with the town's reconstruction. after all we have to pay back for our stay here. - Oh yeah, I totally forgot that's why they even let us stay. Inoue proceeded. - So, is Renji okay?

- He's fine, and especially happy once he found out he gets to keep his life. - Both Lai, Inoue and the samurai looked at me in shock, before jumping up in excitement.

- I would join you right now, but I am way too tired- Let's see if I can find my bedroom. - I looked in front of me and saw three sliding doors. Let's hope I get it right the first time.

I slid the first door open, and behind was a man, with silky black hair, black eyes, black outfit, honestly, if it was night right now, I probably wouldn't even be able to see him.

- Hi there, I'm Roderick. - I decided to introduce myself, before realizingwhat he was doing.

- I'm Itachi. - I wanted to try to avoid it, but I had to ask.

- Why are you painting your nails? - The man who seemed to be around my age was now painting his nails black.

- Come sit down. I'll paint yours too.

- I don't... I don't think I will. Do you know where I can rest? - The door behind me shut down, as Itachi's eyes seemed to gain a more sadistic look.

- Sit down, and I'll tell you.

- How...How did you close the door? - I said trembling. Please, I rather die than getting my nails painted.

- No one has ever caught me doing this. Every time someone notices my black nails I just say they're natural and people believe me.

- Do they, though? I seriously doubt that. - Although his expression seemed emotionless, his eyes spelled death.

- All these years, I was capable of avoiding the embarassment. Now, you shall suffer it as well. - Itachi got up with his pain brush in hand. I tried opening the door, but I couldn't. I looked to its end and saw it melted on the side.

- No, no, NOOOOOO!!

And this is why my nails were painted red for the rest of the day.