Leaving the Leaf

- Ooh, who are you meeting tonight? Seems you already got ready. - Inoue mocked as she pointed at my newly painted nails.

The whole day was like that, with snarky remarks left and right. The worst part about it was that when I told them Itachi was the one to do it, they didn't harass him. It was like they were scared to. The felling to get revenge for this was almost as great as the one to get revenge for my parents. Itachi must pay.

On the second day, I thankfully was able to wash away the paint, and even got the rest I so desired. Another week passed and during it, I helped Inoue, Lai and the other samurai with the reconstruction of the town. Sometimes I would take their turn, when they visited Renji, to make up for the days I wasn't there to help. There seemed to be always something different that was destroyed, but one thing that stayed constant was Shisui's good night genjutsu. Those were the best nights I had ever had, but the time came to leave.

- We're leaving today. - Lai warned as he got all of us together.

- Already? - I boringly asked. I really was enjoying my time.

- I'm afraid we abused the Hokage's hospitality as well as the incredible owners of this house.

- You don't need to flatter us like that. - Shisui commented shyly.

- After everything that happened, it's best for us to leave. It's a pity we're going with one less member than we came, but there is nothing we can do. - Renji was going to stay in prison.

After we all knew he was going to keep his life, I started making a plan alongside Inoue to break him out of there, but Lai immediately stopped us. He had to pay for his crimes, and with how unfriendly the ninja tend to be, being in a correctional facility wasn't the worst fate for him. Plus there was the chance he could leave early. We talked with Renji a couple times and he told us how he was now cleaning most of the filthy prison estabilishment, and that if he were to perform admirably he may be able to leave early. I wonder how long that would be. Lai continued:

- We can now finally return to the Land of Iron and heal Rakuma. - It was clear that he was excited to do that. Not only was that our goal from the beggining, but from the constant rejections he had been getting from women around the village, there was no way he wanted to stay any longer.

- Guess it's time to say goodbye. - Itachi said as he got up and greeted Lai. - I hope you have safe travel, especially you Shisui. Don't go attracting too much trouble.

- Of course not. - Shisui got up. - I suppose I get to return to the Land of Iron.

After an heartfelt goodbye from all the people who lived in that household, me, Lai, Inoue, Shisui and the other samurai left the Village and got prepared for our return. I made sure I kept the chakra infused ink on a pouch so I cohld give it to Lin safely. I hope she isn't too mad anymore.

As we moved across the jungle at a reasonable speed, I decided to ask something that bothered me from the moment he mentioned it:

- Hey Shisui, is this not the first time you go to the Land of Iron?

- No, I've actually visited it once before already.

- I didn't take you for a traveler. - Honestly, I never asked any of the men in that house what they did. I just assumed they were ninja like most.

- I'm not sure if traveler is the right word. There was an assignment I was contracted to deal with there. I didn't stay there for long, but with all that snow around it, it really is a beautiful place.

- I haven't traveled much but I don't think there really is anything that compares, even though I feel like the Leaf Village could get close in its prime.

- You should visit us again. I know the village probably wouldn't be too happy to have you around, but still.

- I absolutely will come back. I would like to at least come meet up with Renji once in a while.

We kept jumping around until night set. We readied our tents and prepared to stay the night. This time I had a tent, unfortunately that was due to Renji not being with us, but still, the comfort the tent provided against the leaves was too great for me to feel bad. Another morning arose as everything seemed calm. For a land that is said to be constantly in threat of other villages and overall threats, it is abnormally peaceful. Lai told us he was taking the same route we came in to avoid any conflict, and I hate to say it, but it was absolutely working.

Another question came to mind:

- So, Shisui, if you don't mind me asking, what exactly were you doing in our land?

- It's okay Roderick, I don't mind telling. I was helping the general get rid of a threat within it's land.

- Oh, seriously? Then you're like a mercenary? - I always thought he was the peaceful kind. Can't imagine him killing anyone.

- Well, yeah, it's essentially family business. Especially with my abilities, I didn't have much choice.

- Your genjutsu, I presume.

- Not only that, my eyes are... - An explosion was heard near us.

A group of rogue looking ninja appeared beggining their assault with an explosive shuriken. There were three of them, with their faces covered with rags, and one of them brought a big bag with him. It was obvious they were robbers trying to snatch the belongings of any travelers who come by those parts. We weren't the first ones they tried to steal from, but we were going to be the first ones they wouldn't succeed to do so. I put my hand on my one scabbard. Since Renji wasn't around, and we were both around the same height, Lai allowed me to bring his sword. However, since his armor was representative of his commander status, I was back to my blue shirt and pants. Still, I missed the sensation of having a sword by my waist, as I held it tightly, but Shisui was faster.

He took out a kunai he had hidden, and moved to deal with the attackers. His movements were swift, as he approached the first attacker, who had a blade to defend himself. The robber sliced horizontally, cutting through Shisui's body.

I am fast. Faster than anyone I know when it comes to running. I even doubt Lai or Rakuma could ever reach my speed. But it was when I realized that I was looking at Shisui's afterimage, and couldn't even see where he already was, that a whole new world was opened before my eyes. I can't believe someone can move like that, with such ease, with such grace. He was capable of immediately taking care of one of the attackers, while Lai defeated the other two, saying:

- Just like the old days, huh Shisui?

- I'm not sure if it's a time I want to remember. - Since when are they such buddies?

- Come on Shisui, don't be such a bore. At least help me with the questioning. - Lai and Shisui approached the assailants, after me Inoue and the other samurai tied them to a tree with some rope.

- What did you bastards think you could do against us? - Lai mocked. I am starting to see some Renji in him, I guess that was why he was his teacher. Shisui then said:

- And be careful with your words. One insult, and your tongues are cut. - Well, that's an attitude I didn't expect from him.

- Damn it! - The supposed leader of the assailants cursed himself. - We saw you pass by the first time around, and made some preparations. I can't believe it went south so quickly. Fuszi! - He called one of his buddies. - Next time you forget to warn the others to come, I'll kill you myself.

- If you can, boss. But you know I'm not that easy of a man to kill.

- That's right. - The third assailant said. - Fuzsi isn't one to... - Me, Lai and the rest of the group left the place. We weren't going to listen to a couple of robbers chatting with one another we had better things to do. - Hey where are you going?

- Away. - I answered. - We're going away. - We quickly leapt back towards our target, and reached the speed we were used to. Shisui didn't seem too happy, as he approached Lai:

- Can you have someone else help you with the questioning next time? I hate acting like that.

- Sure, Shisui, I suppose I went too hard.

Phew, he really was a nice guy. Still it was so convincing, and after learning he was a mercenary I started to wonder. Does he take lives? With the speed he has, no one would even be able to see him do it, even if it happened in front of them. No, Shisui is not a murderer, He's just a really fast fighter.

- Shisui, how did you get so fast? I've never seen anyone move like that. - I had to know. I also yearned for that speed.

- It's the body flicker technique. If you want to learn it I could give you the basics.

- Really? I'd be really thankful. You really are a man full of surprises. I can't believe that you have met Lai before.

- Not only him, we've met as well, Roderick.

- You met me? I... I doubt that. - I was really confused. I don't really remember ever meeting any ninjas.

- Yeah, when you were just a kid. I can't believe you forgot.

- Maybe I did. - I must have. I would definitely remember seeing him.

- That's really odd. I thought that would be one of the most memorable days of your life.

- And why is that?

- Well, it was when your parents died.