Confronting the nightmare

I stopped leaping from tree to tree, and stopped on the ground. Shisui stopped near me, as the other samurai looked back curious.

My mind went blank, my body got stiff, an inner gate was opened. In a moment of pure incredibility, there was nothing I was even capable of thinking as I felt my brain shorting out. The only thing that came out was a...

- Wha...

- Ah, I knew you'd remember. - Shisui said with a smile. - For a second I thought the trauma had been too big for you to remember. But that was what caused your nightmares wasn't it?

I kept quiet. Not because there was nothing to say, but because there was too much to ask. My body trembled as I stayed in place.

- I suppose I never showed you my eyes. The opportunity never arisen, maybe this way you will remember. - His eyes turned red as he activated his sharingan. So it was true.

He was an Uchiha. The man who gave me peace of mind the past few nights, the only one who could save Rakuma killed my parents, and he just kept talking.

- So, no thank you? - Shisui sounded honest with this question, but I couldn't believe his attitude. - I spared you, Roderick. When the samurai ordered me to assassinate the Samunashi family, I kept you alive. Restrained, but alive. You should be grate... - Shisui's look became one of dread as his sharingan eyes witnessed my chakra growth. - I thought you could only open the first gate... But there you are with the second opene... the third... oh wow.

- Fourth Gate: Gate of Pain, Open!! - I shouted as my whole body trembled under its own weight, as my recently stitched arm threathened to rip off.

Normally I'd be proud of myself for attaining such a form, but not now. My mind went from overflowing to concentrating on one objetive. Get revenge.

I moved forwards, and the first step I took made me as fast, as my second gate's full speed, but I know even that wouldn't be enough. I took out Renji's sword from its scabbard, but aimed my fist at Shisui. With my fourth gate opened it was clear that hitting him with Taijutsu would prove more damaging than using a sword.

In the same godly velocity he had shown before, he avoided it, as my fist simply hit an afterimage, and Shisui was now behind me, but that was why I took the sword out. I stabbed it on the ground, which forced my body to rotate around it, and kick the ninja straight in the face. With the pure force of my kick, Shisui was thrown through a considerable distance, breaking up to seven trees on its path, as he traced a path of destruction. But he guarded himself with something. A green light had emerged once I kicked him. I wonder what it was.

Lai who was watching from afar shouted in vain:

- Stop, Roderick! What do you think you're doing? - Only one answer seemed right.

- I'm avenging my father!

To the usual samurai, a statement like that would only lead to more questions instead of answering them, but to Lai the meaning behind it was obvious. He understood it meant I was a Samunashi, and that I wouldn't stop fighting just because I was told to.

I proppelled the sword I had in my scabbard, aiming it at where Shisui's head would be. Unfortunately, only the handle would hit him, but I didn't expect him to get hit. Shisui got up, catching the sword middair with one of his hands.

- You're acting too recklessly, at least let me expl... - I had run after the sword after I launched it, preparing myself for a rotating kick downwards.

I didn't hit his head, but I broke whatever it was above it. Just like before, a shield of green chakra emerged from over his head, protecting him, but not enough for him not to hit his face on the ground. I grabbed my sword off the ground, and readied to impale him, but he bent his back up, while holding himself with his head and knees. His body started to glow in a bright green aura, as I noticed some movement in his hands.

- Don't think you'll get to pull off any ninjutsu! - I stated as I thrusted my sword downwards.

The aura around him wasn't weak enough for a chakraless sword to pierce through it. It just bounced right off, so I tried kicking him. This time there were several more layers of chakra, as I destroyed each with every consecutive kick, but I didn't reach him in time.

He got his arms up, one with earth essence, the other with fire, as he joined them on the ground saying:

- Magma release: Volcanic Apocalypse!

From his hands a bright orange light emerged as several cracks went across the floor, like an earthquake was happening. From each of these cracks, a lava shine came through, especially around Shisui. I knew what it meant. The whole soil was about to explode.

Several sprays of lava, shot out from around Shisui, forcing me to step back, as I backflipped to avoid any magma geyser that succeeded it. The whole forest was now a fountain of lava, as the watching samurai got farther, and higher on their respective trees. I was still on the ground, avoiding any incoming streak of heat, as I planned how to approach Shisui's impenetrable circle of magma that surrounded him. I heard him say:

- You know Roderick, I never thought restraining you when you were a kid would lead to such consequences. - Keep talking, murderer. I will strike you when you are distracted.

- What do you mean? - I wasn't listenning to what he was saying, but keeping him occupied was a must.

- You must have felt it. A numbness in your legs, a latent power you can't reach. I was told of your family's dangerous kekkei genkai. - A Double Laidõ Explosion was the only way to reach him. I need to get another sword. - Your father was known for its incredible chakra reserves on his legs. When I spared you, I knew I couldn't let you be alone, I couldn't let you grow powerful enough to oppose the samurai general. That was why I made an illusion in which I was the one to kill your parents. Just so you didn't strike against your land. - I needed another weapon, and there were only three targets to get one from. I went for the easier one, the rookie who didn't have a father possessed blade. - I can't believe how persistent your own body is. When it couldn't reach its natural power it forcefully opened the inner gates. And who knew your mind would be so stuck on it, you got nightmares every night. I wonder what kind of monster you would be if I were to ever release that genjutsu. Too bad it's so powerful, it blocks any other genjutsu that comes your way.

I passed by the rookie, stealing his sword and scabbard before he even had time to react. I zigzagged through the magma geysers, and once I was close enough I shouted.

- Double Laidõ Explosion! - The two swords I wielded pierced through his lava wall, but it didn't hit the man inside.

Those damn Sharingan eyes let him see through any attack, and adding his speed to that, hitting him would be very difficult, but at least my strike was enough to dispell his ninjutsu. He looked annoyed:

- It seems you don't want to listen to reason. Fine then, I'll hit you with my Susano'o, I will force the truth in you.

An enormous armor of green chakra formed around him. The air seemed to gain weight from the mere pressure of its presence, but it didn't scare me. My goal wasn't to win against a Susano'o it was to kill the man inside it. And there was nothing I wouldn't do to achieve that.