Shisui's Samurai Misadventure Part 2

Itachi wasn't kidding. The Land of Iron truly was beautiful. While the Leaf Village looked like a sunset on a tropical jungle, this land was the glimmer of light shining off a glaciar. Opposite beauties, yet equal in value.

The guards at the entrance stopped us from entering, but after Itachi showed them the letter Mifune had sent to him, they were quick to let him through, after checking with Mifune through their helmet. They were oddly advanced for a land in the middle of nowhere. Itachi moved inside after Mifune's permission, but the guards blocked my path.

- Why can't you let me through?

- That letter clearly specified the presence of one of you Uchiha. And after checking with the general, he truly only invited one of you, so I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave. - I can't disagree with their logic, but it truly was bothersome to stay away like that. Itachi seemed annoyed, as he sighed:

- Huh... You go Shisui. You were always better with words than me. - The guards seemed to want to disagree but they didn't have a good reason to do so, so they kept themselves quiet. I, on the other hand, didn't.

- He called you, not me.

- Exactly. Once you enter, he can't expell you, and he most likely will call me to come in as well. This way we run no risks. Just remember to tell him you're Shisui. I don't think he's ever seen me in person, so he'll definitely confuse us.

- Fine then. I'll get you in. See you later. - Or will I?

I could just simply tell him I'm Itachi. After all, he did ask for the most powerful Uchiha, didn't he? This is a good chance to... I'm doing it again, ain't I? I can't let myself succumb to these desires. I need to focus on what I'm doing here. I'm heading for the headquarters. I looked up, and tried to sight the headquarters, without realising i had left myself defenseless.

As I tried to focus, I felt a light touch on my left pocket. I looked down and there was nothing nor no one there, not even my wallet.

- What? How did... - I looked around dumbstruck. Whoever stole my wallet had to be someone incredibly fast, for even me not to notice.

I used my sharingan as I looked around for a powerful chakra, something that would enable someone to rob me so quickly, that's when I saw him. A kid, a year or two younger than me, running already three houses away, moving at astounding speeds. Something in his legs gave him that ability. Huge chakra reserves were emitting energy from his legs, giving him superhuman agility, but no one is faster than me. I followed him right after I saw him make a turn into a dead end. I got there only to see him jump over the wall, and proceed through rooftops. He truly was impressive. Not once did it seem like I would be capable of catching him while he ran through the city like it was his own house. Only when I got close to him, did I see something that truly perturbed me. His clothes were made of rags, his body was malnourished. Initially I thought I got robbed for being a stranger, a ninja in a land of samurai, but this kid was doing this for his own survival. When I saw him hide inside a magazine store I couldn't bring myself to catch him. He needed my wallet more than I. I'll let him have it. Still, for such a poor kid to be that fast. I'm scared to think how powerful he would become with some actual training.

I headed for the headquarters, was greeted by some guards and taken by force to be judged by the general. Samurais really don't play around when it comes to ninja.

- Boss, - One of the guards growled. - we found this ninja sneaking around. What should we do with him? - Mifune looked at me, deciding on what to do.

- Who are you? - I unlocked my sharingan as everyone seemed taken aback. Mifune clearly knew who I was.

- I think it's time for you guys to let go of me. - They seemed apreensive looking for Mifune's orders, but an assertive nod was enough for me to be freed of them. - Do you welcome all your guests with such a warm welcome?

- No, only the suspiscious ones. - I exhaled from my nose, as the samurai general continued. - I didn't expect you so soon. I suppose you're the famous Itachi. - I really wanted to say yes. To have this mission on my own, but my greed was bigger than I imagined.

- I can't let him take credit for my work. I'm Shisui. - Mifune was confused but I explained. - You mentioned you wanted the strongest Uchiha to aid you. Well, I'm afraid to say that Itachi wasn't the right decision. He's currently at the gate though, waiting for permission to enter.

- Why would you enter first? Huh... never mind. - Since the samurai himself didn't wear a helmet he had to ask one from one of his closest guards. A man with long white hair and an impressive moustache gave his helmet away, and as Mifune gave the order to let Itachi in, he greeted me.

- I'm Lai. I suppose we're going to be working together from now on.

- I suppose we are.

- Don't disappoint us. We know you Uchiha are good trackers, but also fantastic at betraying others. The moment I see you aiding the samurai shinobi, I'll personally kill you. - He tried to be threathening, but I was used to this type of treatment. Something else he said interested me.

- Samurai shinobi? - Mifune finished his call, as he looked at me.

- Hard to believe isn't it? But he's been part of our military force for some decades.

- Until he killed the samurai general. I thought that happened some time ago.

- Around 13 years, yes. You might be wondering why we're only worrying about it now. Lai, explain the details to him, I have some other business to attend.

- Leaving during such an important reunion?

- Well, next time try not to come unannounced. - Mifune left the room, leaving only me and Lai.

- Does the general only have one guard?

- You think we keep all our strongest warriors in the same room? We have Rakuma at the moment dealing with something outside our land.

- Okay... So why now?

- Recently there's been a series of robberies around our land. People who suddenly get their belongings stolen in the middle of the street. We always assumed he escaped from our land, to avoid us hunting him down, but we might be wrong. He had enough funds to last him for at least a decade when he left. Maybe he is running short on money, and since he doesn't want to reveal his face...

- He robs people without being noticed.

- Exactly. The only question we have left is why would he stay in our land. It's way too dangerous for him. - I remembered the boy.

- Love.

- What?

- Maybe he found someone he loved and couldn't leave because of her.

- A criminal like that? What makes you think that?

- You said he left 13 years ago, right? Because I just met a robber around that age on the way here.

- So you think he has a son and sends him out there, so he doesn't run the risk of being caught? It's not a bad idea, but it could merely be a coincidence. - Lai scratching his moustache as he seemed deep in thought. - It's a lead worth following though. If he turns out to have no relation to the Samunashi, at least we catch a robber. Did you get any information from him? - I saw his chakra, and could easily identify him after looking around the city, but is that the right thing to do? Such a poor kid. Lai threthened my life a second ago based on an assumption. If he were to find him, I am scared of thinking about what could happen to him.

- I only know his height, and that he wore ragged clothes. He's probably really poor.

- It's not much, but at least it's something. I'll call a couple samurai rookies to go with you. There's somewhere else I'd like to go.

After assigning me a couple supervisors and telling one of them "If he acts suspiscious take him out." loud enough for me to hear, we were ready to leave. As we got out, we quickly leapt towards the center of the city. There was a big tower there, and from the top of it, I could take a good look at the land and find the kid with my Sharingan. To my surprise, someone else was there.

- I should have guessed you'd already be here. - Itachi looked down.

- It's not my fault you're so slow.

- Just give me some space. I actually know what the target's chakra looks like.

- It's a kid with large chakra reserves on his legs. - I had to say I was shocked.

- How did you...

- Mifune mentioned the robberies to me in the letter. No one saw who stole from them, which got me wondering. How could a grown man pass by unsuspected? Unless, it's a kid with unusual speed. From there, the reserves were obvious. Oh, and look at that, I think I've found him already.

- What? - I got myself in his position and followed his gaze. He seemed to have truly found him. Itachi mocked.

- They should have called us sooner.

From below us, panting was heard as the two rookie supervisors caught up.

- Finally we caught up to you. I can't believe you're so... - Me and Itachi quickly left the tower, heading towards the kid. - Wait... - The other samurai sighed.

- We're going to be doing this all day aren't we?