Shisui's Samurai Misadventure Part 3

(Roderick's perspective)

Another day of hunting, another day of success. Although this time it got way too close. I muttered to myself.

- I can't believe that guy almost caught me. Really had my heart pumping. But the past is gone, and now only the wallet in my hands matters. Let's see what's inside.

I had gotten myself in one of my hiding spots. If I were to immediately move towards my house, I might have been caught, but inside this nest of trash no one would be able to find me. I let the coins from the pouch fall onto my hands, six of them, all with ninja scriptures. Ninja money was no good around these parts, but at least the metals they're made of are valuable here in this land. It isn't as bad a situation as I thought. However the men in front of me were pretty bad.

Two black haired men stood before me, as I clenched the wallet against my chest.

- It's mine! - I tried to get up and run, but one of them got me right back on the ground.

- Not so fast, kid. There's some questions I have to ask you.

- I have nothing to... - That's when I realized the man beside him was the ninja I stole from. Time to put on the act my dad taught me. He always said "This will work if the men are good of heart, although that's pretty unlikely." - I have nothing, sir. I truly apologize for stealing from you, but I have no other choice. - He looked at me with tender eyes.

- I know. We're not here to hurt you. - The man beside him seemed surprised. He clearly thought they were going to hurt me. The worst part was that they weren't alone.

Two samurai showed behind them, panting and tired. One of them asked:

- Is this him? The kid?

- Yeah... - One of the samurai approached me, and picked me up.

As I got my back against the wall he aggressively demanded:

- Where is he, kid? Where is your dad? - I felt my spine getting teared apart by the bricks behind. I had always feared something like this could happen, but I don't regret any of what I've done. I looked to my side, and saw the person I stole from uncomfortable. That's my only advantage.

- Please, sir! - I pleaded for my life. - I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm sorry for stealing, I truly regret it! - The man I stole from intervened:

- Let him go. He's an innocent kid.

- He's either the son of a murderer, or a robber, either way, he's anything but innocent. - As he tried to press me further into the wall, his eyes went blank after a decisive chop to the neck. The remaining samurai screeched:

- What are you... - But he couldn't end his sentence before the other ninja knocked him out. He said:

- Next time you do something like this, I'd like a little warning.

- I know you've got my back, Itachi, so there's no need. - The one I stole from, approached me. - Hi there kid, I'm Shisui. What's your name? - He offered a hand to help me get up, but I immediately discarded it, as I stood again.

- Thanks for saving me. But it's time to le... - I looked to my side, and Itachi was there. How did I not see him?

- I'll ask again. What's your name? - I started shaking in my feet. I never got into such a dangerous sitiation.

- I'm Roderick. Do you want your wallet back? I can give it.

- No, you seem to need it more than I do. Well, Roderick Samunashi do....

- My name is not Samunashi. - My dad told me to never say my last name inside the Land of Iron. I have no idea how these guys know of it, but it seems like they won't keep it a mystery for too long.

- Huff... - Shisui sighed. - I don't care if you tell me your name or not, we just want to know where your father is.

- My father? He has nothing to do this.

- He didn't tell you what he did, did he? - Shisui seemed depressed. He didn't want to continue the questioning. Seeing that, Itachi decided to proceed:

- Tell us where you live then, it's the same thing.

- Fine, fine. - If that's all they want to know, then I might tell them the wrong place. I just want to get rid of these guys. - It's over there, on the other side of the Land. A building with green and red colors, it really contrasts with its surroundings.

- It's smart of you to tell, kid. - Some annoyed grunting was heard from the samurai as they seemed to wake up. - Now run off. - Given a chance, I ran away and planned to reach my home through the longest route. I can't let them catch me.

(Shisui's perspective)

- He was definitely lying. - The boy was too smart to immediately tell us his house. Plus, it's oddly convenient that it would be on the other side of the city.

- Obviously, but now we can just wait and see where he goes. It shouldn't be too hard to find him. - Itachi explained as we both got away from there as quickly as possible. The kid wasn't the only one who wanted to get away from the samurai.

We went to the top of a clock tower near that area, and observed the boy's movement through our Sharingan, now we just had to wait. Only once the sun was gone did the kid reach his house, but he wasn't the only one to find its destination.

- You damn idiots! - Lai came screaming. - What did I tell you about betraying us? - He unsheathed his sword with thirst to kill. - I said you wouldn't escape alive after it.

- We found him. - I casually declared.

- You basta... you what? - Lai was shocked.

- We found where he lives. It's right there. - I pointed towards the house. Itachi quickly lowered my hand.

- What do you think you're doing? He just spotted us! - I looked back at the window, and with my sharingan, spotted the presence of only Roderick and an adult.

- What are you talking about? There's no one there. - Itachi looked as well, and his unbreakable expression seemed to gain a hint of dread.

- But... I just saw him there.

- That's curious. I was just there. - A voice resonated from behind us, and although he was clearly being ironic, his voice didn't transpire it.

We looked back, and saw a man with his spiky hair caught by a lace, leaving two strands to fall forwards. He had an iron chest plate, and no other protection, leaving his shredded body bare. He looked like he had gone to a vacation, as the only thing holding his sword to his waist was a belt strapped around his shorts. Lai gasped:

- Odaku!

- Hi there Lai, long time no see. How's Mifune doing?

- Don't mention him like that.

- I give him his only chance to become the samurai general, and this is how he greets me? With a samurai master and two rookie ninjas ready to kill me? These people really are ungrateful. - Odaku seemed to chuckle, but the mood was still tense.

Itachi, maybe on fighting reflex, opted to throw three kunais, to see how the enemy responded. If we were to know a few of his abilities we might be able to fight him, since the samurai have been pretty vague about what he can do. I expected him to hit them with his sword, maybe jump away from them, but I didn't expect him to have his sword on Itachi's neck so quickly. For even him to not be able to react to his approach...

- I see you two are new here. Let me introduce myself. I'm the guy you shouldn't fuck around with. Who are you two?

- We're the ones you don't want to get so close to. - Itachi tried putting his hand on him, probably to cast a genjutsu, but the moment he tried to move a single muscle, I saw blood spray from his neck.

- I didn't say anything because I thought it was obvious, but don't move when I have a sword on your neck! Let's see if the other one's smarter.

Odaku aimed for me next, but I was prepared, blocking the threat with a kunai. Itachi, on the other hand, fell on the ground as it seemed like he was going to die from blood loss. I wanted to aid him, but there seemed to be a more pressing matter at hand. Thankfully, for the first time since I met him, Lai seemed to be of some use:

- See if you can handle him for a couple moments, we need all three of us if we want to win. - Lai entrapped his own sword in blue mystical chakra, and approached it to Itachi's neck, as the blood seemed to stop. I didn't know samurai had the ability to heal...

- Hey, don't lose focus. I might actually catch you off guard. - Odaku jokingly mocked, as one of his hands started to do seals. Wait, hand seals?

- Iron Style: Three- Armed Mecha! - An iron arm erupted from one of his sides as a sword came with it. In a downwards swing, he tried to cut me, but only my after-image was hit as I jumped off the clock tower. I enticed him to come along, and it worked. - Interesting. It seems I'm not the only one who's fast.

- And I'm not the only one who can do jutsus. - I commented as I fell down the clock tower, Odaku quickly followed. - How come a samurai uses them?

- Can't tell, it's a family secret. - Odaku seemed to gain speed midair as he charged at me, so i needed a little push to get me away from him.

- Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu! - I shot a fireball, getting me away from the clock tower, I tried to lower its strength, so that the building wasn't destroyed by its effect, but unfortunately, its structure was weaker than I thought. Another look at it, and it's clear how weak its foundation is, though that's something I probably should have checked earlier. Lai screamed from the top:

- We're still here, you idiot! - As he jumped off bringing Itachi with him.

The clock tower fell, leaving a great deal of dusk, as well as dramatic destruction. Once the bell from the tower hit the floor, everyone in the entire land heard it, mainly all the samurai warriors patrolling the area. Odaku had his hands in his ears as he complained:

- If every time you dodge, there's this much noise, then maybe I should just go for the kill immediately.

- You're not killing anyone! - One of the incoming samurai said, as dozens, almost a hundred samurai showed up. - We're here to stop you.

Odaku didn't seem to listen, as he played around with his sword, looking straight at me. He then switched the mechanical arm's sword to his real hand, and said:

- Iron Style: Demon God Asura! - Five more arms erupted from his sides, all wielding swords covered in purple chakra. The samurai seemed shocked, but their strength in numbers gave them the courage to advance. Ten of them started a strike, as seven of Odaku's arms started to block and counter their strikes, his eyes still on me, as he played around with his remaining sword.

- What's your name, ninja? - He didn't even seem fazed, as ten samurai were knocked out and thrown without him breaking a sweat. I answered him, even though it should be impossible for him to hear through all the screams.

- I'm Shisui Uchiha. - Twelve samurai went this time. It was clear that the warriors of the Land of Iron were expertly trained, knowing going in larger numbers against one target, would cause them to disturb one another, but even with that in mind, they were nothing against the Samunashi man, as he twirled his sword sideways, in impossible ways.

- An Uchiha? They really went all out this time. Well, Shisui you know why I asked your name? - Seeing their brethren defeated, the samurai seemed to forget their training, as 50 of them advanced all at once. - Because you're the only one here who seems to be capable of giving me the slightest thrill. - Everyone who advanced against him, was blown back by an incredible outburst of power.

Odaku pierced the ground with his sword, and declared:

- I know you're much more powerful than you've showed so far. So don't be afraid to use it now. Iron Style: Full Metal!