Shisui's Samurai Misadventure Last Part

- Iron Style: Full Metal! - Odaku screamed as he hit his own chest plate.

The iron it was made off, grew and expanded around his body like a symbiote, covering his torso, arms, legs and face. The only part left out was his black hair on the back of his head. From his covered eyes a purple light came through, the same color as the chakra from his swords. He talked, with his voice menacingly muffled from within the armor.

- Tell me, Shisui, how do you plan to fight me? I am the descendant of legends! Warriors of great valor, of great power. You can't defeat what is immortal.

- But I can try.

I knew I couldn't hold back, otherwise it would be instant death, so It's time for that. I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan, as green chakra started to envelop my body and a statue of death called Susano'o was brought upon. He stood there watching as I formed it around me. I wasn't too used to this technique, since I was only able to access it recently, but hopefully it's enough to counter his full metal.

- A power that rivals my own? You said you two are from the Uchiha clan? Is this a kekkei genkai of yours?

- It is.

- And can he use it as well? - Odaku seemed to almost shake in anticipation. All he wanted was worthy opponents. Maybe I can get him to wait for Itachi to recover.

- Only if he's fully healed. It's not that easy to use.

- Good. Then when I kill you I'll still have someone interesting to face! - He claimed as he charged towards me.

As my plan backfired, I hadn't much choice but to counter his attack, since the Susano'o hindered my own speed. With mighty force, I closed the distance between my hulking green fist and his face, only to hit his eight swords. He took the full force of my attack and threw me back, as his swords chakra seemed to increase.

- 32 Hellish Honers! - Each of his eight arms aimed the swords forward with the tip pointing at me.

With forward thrust, a small laser beam was shot from their tips, hitting my Susano'o in critical spots and penetrating through them. The Susano'o gave out as it crumbled, and I was faced against his inumerous blades, piercing through me, or at least my genjustsu.

The body he hit turned into crows that started bickering his armor, snatching a couple hairs away, but nothing more. Nothing below the Susano'o's level of power would be able to inflict any damage, I presumed, and I think it was clearly confirmed by Lai's strike.

- 100 Heavenly Cuts! - Several slashes of chakra headed towards Odaku, as blocked them with his swords. Some of the slashes got through, however they still didn't deal any damage. Odaku proudly proclaimed:

- If that kid's technique did nothing, what do you think mere slashes would be able to do. - He positioned his swords behind him and declared with clear blood lust. - I've been waiting to do this.

In a speed higher than my eyes could perceive, Odaku hit Lai with an octagon of cuts, as blood was spilled all behind him. However all the pieces of skin that flew off turned into feathers as it was revealed he had only hit crows.

- You're in my domain now, Odaku. - I declared. - A world of terrors, where everything you touch kills you. You have no escape.

- So you actually got in my mind? When? When did you even get the chance?

- When I punched you with my Susano'o I was capable of casting this genjutsu upon you. - I stretched my arm upwards as several suns came to be above it. - Now die. - They all came crashing down at my command, aiming at Odaku who looked up and removed the metal from his face. - Are you that afraid?

- No. I just want to see your face with my own eyes, when I get past this. - Odaku pushed his swords backwards as he faced several suns.

Around his swords, iron scabbards were created. They all started shaking as they seemed to erupt at any moment. With a confident smile, he shouted:

- Octagon Laidõ Explosion! - With a monumental push, Odaku was thrown upwards as his swords, covered in the erupting flame of chakra, slashed the suns in half. The sound they made was deafening as they pierced the sound barrier in their voyage to the infinite, and destroyed the genjutsu I created.

- My strongest nightmare can't even scratch this man... - It was hopeless.

Several houses were cut down to his slash, and people were screaming all around. This man was a nightmare incarnate.

- So it was all an illusion? - Odaku commented in a disappointed manner. He actually thought that was real? - I really hoped those were truly suns. Oh well, where were w... - Several slashes hit Odaku's back, as a small blood stream cam from the back of his head. He put his hand there, as he looked back in shock. It must have a hit a good spot, since he seemed to be almost tumbling. He growled:

- Lai! You were never one to fight fair. - Lai no longer had his sword on Itachi's neck as his wound seemed to be sealed. He got up as well, and said:

- Good job buying time, Shisui. We can finish this now.

- That's it. No more playing around. - The locks of hair out on the back were now also covered in metal. There were no weak spots anymore. A sound breaking reverberation was heard through the hair, as Odaku stood still, or did he?

Where he once stood was merely his after image. My sharingan eyes couldn't perceive where he was but they could perceive danger, as I instinctively put my kunai up and barely blocked one of his strikes. Itachi jumped towards Lai, pushing him forward into the ground, as Odaku's sword grazed their heads. Itachi screamed:

- He's metal!

I immediately understood. Me and Itachi said in unison:

- Shadow clone jutsu.

Several versions of me and Itachi were now in that area, each slowly being cut down by Odaku who screamed:

- Which is the real you? Doesn't matter. I'll kill the one I know for sure.

Odaku moved towards Lai who was surrounded by a horde of Itachis. Just like our plan intended. Once we create clones the obvious target to hit is Lai, and hopefully he doesn't mind being the bait. Dozens of Itachis were being slaughtered as I quickly approached their spot. Odaku reached Lai faster than I thought, but all he needed was to block one attack. I saw Lai sheath his sword, and didn't understand why he would give up like that, but samurais don't fight like ninja, they're oddly more subtle. Using a lightning fast laidõ, he unsheathed his weapon faster than he would normally wield it, as he took one of Odaku's attacks, with both hands on the handle.

- Sealing Slash! - From his laidõ a quick beam of chakra locked Odaku's hand to his sword.

- What is this Lai? Have you truly gone desperate? - Lai grabbed his sword with his bare hand. Blood dropped from his hand.

- Maybe I did. - Me and Itachi did our hand seals and invoked in unison:

- Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu!

Both our fireballs aimed directly at Odaku, who tried to get his sword away from Lai's chakra infused hand, and thankfully he was hit before he could escape. His metal armor was tough, more powerful than our blazes strength, however, there was a consequence to being enveloped in metal.

- AAGHH! - Odaku screamed as his armor peeled away.

Beneath was a melting man, scorched by his own iron. He fell to the ground as his skin started to bubble up.

- You... you bastards... - He pointlessly complained.

- You know what's the worst part of being an unstoppable force? - Itachi began to explain. - Not being an unbreakable wall. Your weak point is your defense. You may cover yourself in your own iron, but if fought against effectively, it's easily dealt with.

- The samurai really weren't playing around when they hired you.

- Five Sealing Slashes! - Lai said as he locked Odaku to the ground. - Finally, we caught you. I can avenge my general.

- Everything is always about revenge, isn't it? - Odaku seemed like he was losing his mind. What is he even talking about? -It's always about doing to others what they have done to us. No one's ever willing to give more. I'm sorry I never gave you more. It was always less.

- I'm tired of hearing you talk. - Lai approached him, and with his sword impaled him through the chest, but there was something odd.

Around him there was this uncertain air, and the blood that spilled was in too large a quantity to belong to a single person. That's because he wasn't the only one who died. His wife, who had made an invisible cloak around her was know hugging Odaku as they both were dying. He said with tears leaving his eyes:

- I've always expected me to die like this. But you didn't have to do this, you didn't...

- I wanted to. - She started crying as well, as a smile went around her face. - I can't live without you.

- Our son will get pretty mad at you if he hears you say that. - He commented with a painful grin.

- We were never able to give him the life he deserves. I hope he becomes someone great. Someone we could never become.

- I love you.

- I love you too. - Both of them closed their eyes as their life faded away. Lai seemed angry, though.

- He didn't deserve someone like her. To be loved after everything he did. She really did deserve to die. - I wanted to say something like"She was innocent, you bastard!", but Itachi stopped me. We weren't hired to intervene in these moments. For now I should just be happy no more monsters like him will ever show up. Like him...

- Itachi, Shisui, I had my suspicions of you, but you proved to be of great help. I really do thank you.

- We were just following the general's orders.

- I'm glad you did. I'm going to notify him of our success. You two, wake up some of the samurai and try to clean this mess. - Lai left as he headed for Mifune.

Itachi got ready to lift some unconscious samurais, but I stood there and looked around.

- Are you okay, Shisui? I know this wasn't ideal.

- I know. There's just something I'd like to fix. - I looked up and saw a crying kid looking down from a window. He seemed to be full of rage, of hate for his own people.

I quickly reached his house, and looked at him, as I activated my Mangekyou Sharingan. He looked at me and said between tears and sobs:

- I will kill all the samurai! I will have revenge, against you and them!

- Roderick, was it? Revenge doesn't solve anything.

- And what else do I have? I'll be hunted. Searched around this whole land. They will kill me the moment they see me... I'll hide, I'll train. I'll become so powerful, none of them can stop me.

Can I really let a child be so full of anger for his own country? Someone who may actually be able to crumble it? Or better yet, am I willing to save such a depraved land? I had a lot of questions in my mind, but there's was one decision I knew I had to make.

- Please tell me I can do this. - I went to depths of my mind, in search for the ability I desired. I never used my Mangekyou Sharingan to its full use. I don't know what it's capable of, but I have to try. I have to save him. - I killed your parents, kid. Not the samurai... - I put my hand on his head. - And you don't even know who I am. You'll see how pointless it is to charge after me... - I distorted his memories, his mind to something not infected by hate. - You will live your own life, your own way. Kotoamatsukami!