The man who found his power

- There's still no one, sir. - Lai informed, while looking down at his feet. His fist clenched as he proceeded the report. - There's still no sign of any of the Paths of Pain.

Two months had passed since the threat was first given. Yagura, the Mist Village Kage, had warned about the consequences of taking a single path of Pain to custody, and he did it at the worse time possible. The Land of Iron's strongest samurai, Rakuma, had fallen under the powerful genjutsu of a dying man, and any attempt to rid him of it only worsened the situation. In a mission to the Leaf Village, they had lost two very promissing young samurai, as well.

The prodigy Renji was now behind bars after endangering the life of villagers. Mifune later found out that the reasoning behind the decision to keep him alive came from the ANBU, who seemed interested in the remains of a beast kept inside him. He had sent rookies as spies to make sure Renji was being treated well, but the Leaf Village didn't let them enter. The samurai even reported back saying they were lucky to be alive, which only served to worsen the thoughts of what was happening to Renji

They also lost Roderick Samunashi, who at one point even taught the samurai general some of his own techniques. After betraying their Land by attempting to kill the one willing to heal Rakuma, he was now known as the Worst Kind. Lai had taken it upon himself to kill him, so that what Samunashi's ancestors had done would not be repeated. Due to such a reckless decision, and due to the complete failure of the adventure, Lai was demoted, and replaced. He was no longer a guard, merely an investigating captain.

- It's fine, Lai. If the day comes that they invade, we will be ready. Plus, I doubt they would let it go, without at least visiting me once. They did give me the option to give up.

- I don't think they actually would think you'd take it. They might not come.

- I have a feeling... - Mifune declared as he got lost in his own thoughts. - They will come with a warning.

Lai left the general's office, leaving him alone with Alizo. She was one of the most tactical captains, and the leader of the Valquiries squad, Mifune's own personal secret-ops. She was there to discuss any defense plans directly with him, so that they could be ready for anything. However, as she opened the window, to give the room some air, she didn't predict the sword that perfurated her shoulder.

In a speed she couldn't even detect, she was launched against the wall, and stuck to it by the pure metal blade. Mifune looked there in shock, as he cleaned the bits of blood that splattered his face with the back of his hand. On top of the windowsill was now a figure with a sealed mask. With four scabbards by his sides, with two blades put, a long black jacket from shoulder to knees, with fur on its sides, as well as an iron plate on his chest. He threathened as he saw Mifune grab the hilt of his sword:

- If you try to fight back, your guard loses her arm. - Mifune looked at Alizo, noticing the iron from the sword that penetrated her shoulder bubbling, as its colour reddened.

The masked man hoped that would stop Mifune from moving, but it only served as motivation to attack him. Mifune growled in anger, as he propelled himself through the ignition of his chakra in his scabbard, however the masked man was more powerful than he imagined, blocking his strike with two swords. Mifune was the one pushed back, as the masked man commented:

- You must know why I'm here. - Mifune was confused.

- Who are you? - The masked man thought his confusion odd, and looked at his own clothes. He seemed almost embarassed as he asked:

- The Pain Invasion. - Mifune was shocked. - I suppose the lack of Akatsuki clothes made it hard to guess... - He thought out loud.

- Your voice... - The samurai general was sure he had heard it before.

- Ah shit! - The masked man cursed, then trying to recompose himself. He could not let his identity get revealed. - Humm... I mean... I've come here to know of your answer about Pain's threath, okay? - The masked man was trying hard not to reveal his identity, but he had already failed.

- Roderick? - Did he seriously guess it so quickly? Might as well take the mask off already.

- Yes, it's me, Mifune. Just tell me that you're not giving in and I'll see myself out.

- What if I said I give up? - Mifune commented with a smirk. He might have called me a traitor but deep down he must be happy to see me alive.

- C'mon Mifune, like you'd ever say that. - I put my hand up, and the sword that had pierced Alizo flew off her shoulder into my hand, as I put it back in its scabbard. There was no longer any point in remaining threathening

- You've changed. You would never be able to do that before. I wonder, is that the only way you've changed?

- Dying opened new doors to me. It unlocked power I could never reach before. But I'm not the only one capable of liberation through death... In a month, me and the Paths will invade your land. We will rescue the Deva Path... and kill Rakuma.

- Kill him? He was your master. How dare you...

- Have you seen the hell he's been going through? Nightmares day in, day out... I know what's that like, and it's a fate no one deserves to go through.

- So you've decided to join the Paths to kill Rakuma?

- Only because I know you'd never agree with me. You're a man of war, of battle! And through battle I'll convince you I'm right. Be warned, I'll be coming back in a month, and next time I won't be as diplomatic. - With a quick leap, I left his window heading towards the Pain's current hideout. I felt realy annoyed.

- Now he's going to warn everyone that I'm alive. Aahh, damnit! This was my first time wearing a mask, and I immediately made it obsolete! - I threw it aside. There was no more use to it. - Oh well, it wasn't that important anyways. It's not like he's going to do anything because of it... Lin! - I was by the exit gate, when I realized. Linja still lived in my house. She's definitely going to get interrogated, and she can't keep a damn secret. I need to warn her.

I dashed towards my old home, and once again entered through the window. I guess that's today's habit. I looked around but couldn't spot her anywhere.

- Maybe she went to the ramen shop to work. Either let's just make sure.

I opened the bathroom door, only to see Linja naked while taking a shower. With as serious a voice as I could muster I warned:

- Li... Lin. - I said in squeaky nervous voice. She noticed me then, and screamed erraticaly.

- You bastard! What are you doing here? - I closed the door, before the shampoo she had thrown could hit my face. I explained, while safe from the other side of the door.

- They already know I'm alive. You need to leave here.

- Geez. First you come here two weeks ago to get the Iron Scroll to train, without telling me anything, and now you catch me in the shower. At least warn me beforehand. - From the other side of the door, I heard rumbling, as she dried herself and wore some clothes. I kept picturing in my head what she was doing, but I immediately slapped myself, and concentrated on the goal.

Once she left the bathroom, I warned her:

- You're coming with me to our hideout. It's the only way I can protect you.

- Oh, can I take Inky? - From within her room, came a dog made of ink and chakra. A living being created from Linja's Ninja Arts. I always wondered how she did it, but honestly now was not the palce to ask.

- Fine, take him. We need to go, though.

- Where is your hideout?

- The Land of Silence.