An Odd Alliance

- So this is the Land of Silence? - Lin asked after we had finally arrived at our hideout. It took a week to get here, with me carrying here sometimes so we could go faster. Kind of wished it had been a little closer to the Land of Iron but what can you do.

- Doesn't it look amazing? It's a maze of labs owned by them.

- Oh, so the Pains are here.- She commented as we entered the premises. - Wasn't the Iron Scroll Disaster commanded by one of the Pains?

- Yup. - I already knew where she was getting at.

- Then, what made you side with these guys? - Lin's look of puzzlement, forced me to get something I now dreaded, flashbacks.

- Fine, I'll tell you. Here's how it began.

Two weeks ago, after fighting Shisui, who I thought killed my parents, the real killer, Lai, finished me off. As I went to the other side, my body was found by the Pains, and my soul recovered. I awoke from inside the mouth of the King of Hell.

- Wha... what? - I was just confused.

- Hello samurai. You must be wondering how you're here, alive.

I couldn't answer, but the answer was pretty obvious. Before me was the Human Path, but within me was a surging wave of energy. My insides were burning.

- We gave you back your life and in return would like to...

- AAAAGHH! - I shouted, as I crouched on the ground. An outburst of chakra moved the grass around me, cracked the ground underneath. My legs were the ones in most pain, and relief. It was indescribable. - What is this? What's going on?

The Paths looked at me, their purple eyes focused on me. One commented:

- It seems you've awakened to your true nature.

- Awakened? What do you... - My mind clicked. I knew what was happening. - The genjutsu lock Shisui put on my kekkei genkai. Is it gone? - The burbling limitless power I exuded gave me a resounding confirmation. I looked up, and finally observed the ones who brought me back to the world of the living. Only here did I realise who they were. - You're the Paths of Pain aren't you? One of which destroyed the samurai's ancient tomb. - The one with long hair, declared:

- I don't like where you're getting at.

- Do you share your associate's desire? Do you also want to bring the Land of Iron to justice through destruction?

- For now, all we want is our brother to return to us, to leave the shackles the samurai put on him. We're not as paranoid as him to attack your Land head-on for simple ideals. But we've already said enough. You owe us, kid.

- The name's Roderick... - Should I hide my family's name? Lai already knows about it and is sure to reveal it to the Land... I don't see anything wrong in saying it now. - Roderick Samunashi, and I suppose I do owe you.

- Help us invade your land. - My disagreeing expression forced him to explain his request. - Having a samurai on our side would greatly improve our strategy, plus, you probably would like to get some revenge on them.

- Revenge, huh? - I sighed. - I'm tired of revenge. I've been consumed by that feeling for five years, and it all amounted to nothing. I don't want revenge. My father was killed because of it, if I don't stop it here, it will just turn into an endless cycle. I have other objectives. I'll be going. - As I readied to leap away, one of them spit out a weapon which extended before me. I could only be disgusted and confused.

- Are you threathening me? Do you really need me that much? - They all looked oddly embarassed, as the weird one's tongue got out of my way. They stood quiet as if waiting for me to leave. - Wait, seriously? Come on, I'm at least a bit valuable.

- No, you were right before. It was a stupid idea to begin with. We'll be leaving. - They all leapt away, leaving me there alone and feeling useless. I felt truly betrayed, I couldn't just let them leave. So I followed them.

- Hey, I have some use, you numbskulls. Come back here. - And that's how I followed them back to their hideout.

Back to the present

- I can't believe you're telling me this. You're so stupid. - Lin commented mockingly.

- Well, it was stupid at first, but my ressurection made me realize something. Once I got revived, I was rid of the genjutsu that sealed my powers. So what if I tried the same with Rakuma?

- You think you can rid him of his genjutsu by killing him?

- And then bringing him back to life. That part is important too.

- So... why is Mifune against you?

- Because I didn't tell him the last part.

- Wha... why? - As Lin was confused we entered the final room, in which the paths resided. As they saw us get closer, one of them, the Naraka Path, approached me:

- You know what I have to do?

- Yeah, just be quick about it.

Beside us the King of Hell was summoned, as his mouth opened wide. My tongue extended itself as an effect of his presence, and the interrogation began. If I were to lie, I would lose my tongue, so let's try and be honest. He began:

- Did you meet up with Mifune?

- I did.

- Does Mifune consider you an ally, or a foe?

- A foe. - The Naraka Path looked at the King of Hell as nothing seemed to happen. He was pleased.

- Good. I'm glad you understood. - The King of Hell was brought back to the ground. I wasn't worried to begin with, but I felt relieved. - If you were to ally with that man, I wouldn't ressurect your fallen master. There's nothing I owe to an enemy.

- It was our deal to begin with. I promise to not double-cross, or go against any of you. As long as you don't kill any of the samurai. - As he shook my hand, the deal was done, and we both went our separate ways, in my case, to Lin. With a nod she commented:

- You're smarter than I thought. - Her tone seemed to be mildly mocking, so...

- I'm not sure whether that's a compliment or an insult.

- Either works. - She grinned. - Do you have a room here? Inky seems pretty excited. - The ink dog had been barking ever since the King of Hell had shown up, and seemed to want to get off Lin's arms.

- You could always put him back in his scroll.

- He was there the whole trip here! I'll let him have some fun.

Inky, the moment he touched the ground, ran around in circles, trying to decide where to go. However after getting her paw inside a puddle, she started to melt.

- NO, INKY! - Lin screamed, as she quickly got the dog out, and drew her leg back.

She had gotten really good at it. I wonder...

- Hey, Lin, by the way, what are you going to do during the invasion?

- Try to beat one of the Paths. - I immediatelly ran to her and covered her mouth. One of the paths around us asked:

- What did she say?

- She said she'll help one of the Paths.

- Really? That sounds interesting. - The Animal Path got up. - Did you conjure up that dog?

- I drew it, yes.

- Interesting. - The Animal Path snapped his fingers as a big wolf, with black rods incrusted like his, appeared. - What do you think it can do against this guy?

- Inky, show him.

Inky started looking at the wolf that was three times its size aggressively, getting a mean look in return. With how cute Inky was, with his white body with black ink stains and a drawn face, I was legitimaly scared for his life, but I quickly realised there was nothing to worry about. The fisionomy of an ink creature could change at the owner's will, and so his mouth grew bigger than the wolf's body, so when the wolf attacked, it was bitten in half. I was amazed by the gruesome spectacle, but I wasn't the only one. Lin remarked:

- With the chakra ink Rod gave me, there is nothing that can beat my lil pupper. So don't underestima... AAhh! - Linja was suddenly grabbed by the Animal Path, as he put her over his shoulder. He looked at me, and asked:

- I like this girl. I'm taking her with me.

- To train? - I asked, scared. Lin could only scream.

- To test her beast's abilities against mine.

- Oh then, feel free to take her.

- Wha... - Lin was shocked. - Don't just give me away like that. Let me go you annoying brute.

The Animal Path soon left the room with her. As he closed the door behind him, I thought "I hope they have fun."

The entrance behind me opened suddenly, as an unwanted man got inside. His white skin, and slithery tongue was too recognizable.

- Orochimaru... What are you doing here?

- That's what I should be assking you. Thiss place iss mine. God, I leave for five minutess and it's already been occupied.

I looked at the Paths in anger, and then back at Orochimaru, as a feeling of revenge erupted inside me. I couldn't let him go after what he did to Renji.