The Worst Kind vs The Slithering Snake

- So this is your home? - I asked Orochimaru, as he slithered back at me. I'm not sure what it meant, but it probably was a yes. - I'm glad I got to meet you here, because now I can make you pay for what you did to Renji.

- Oh, are you perhaps talking about the beastly curse mark I infected him with? Honestly if he had been able to come here, I would've gladly analised him. Too bad he was imprisioned so quickly. You should be thankful, you know? If I hadn't given him the mark they would have no one to sshift the blame to. Your friend would have certainly received the death setence.

- The pain your mark caused on him, and the ones around him more than negates that. - I grabbed my stitched right arm, remembering the struggle I had to go through to calm him down. - You can't use people as experiments like that, without their consent.

- It's always about the consent, never about the future of the ninja world. If I don't experiment how will we ever evolve as people? The path of imortality is one attainable with zero casualities.- I looked back at the Pains that were watching.

- Are all you Akatsuki guys this delusional? - I grabbed hold of my sword as I focused my attention on Orochimaru. - Would you be against a showdown? Just so I can let off some steam. - My body heated up as smoke started to leave from it, I pronounced. - Third Gate, Gate of Life, Open!

- Already going all out? I didn't even agree to your request. - Orochimaru asked surprised.

- It wasn't a question. Double Laidõ Explosion! - I launched myself at him, aiming my blades at his stomach. I couldn't kill him, since he was probably the only one who could rid Renji of his curse, but I wanted to seriously injure him.

With a leap backwards he dodged my attack, and did some hand movements. A grin was formed on his face, which let me know exactly what he was planning. I put my hand over my shoulder thankfully grabbing the snake that was about to bite me, crushing it completely. I declared:

- If you want to catch me off guard, then you should learn new tricks.

- You think that wass my only snake?

All around my feet, snakes were being summoned, all working as extensions of Orochimaru's body. The dozens of serpents surrounded my body, getting to my waist and higher. I had to get rid of them.

- Iron Style! - I closed the gates, and twirled my swords around my fingers, as I felt my chakra materialize through them. I stabbed the swords on the ground, and crossed my arms to finish the preparations:

- Platinum ar... - But before I could finish, I was already surrounded.

- You ssurprised me at first, but it's clear you're not as sskilled as me. - He gestured his hand down, telling his snakes to stop biting. Once they left my body, Orochimaru audibly gasped.

- What jutsu is that?

My body was incrusted in pure metal, slightly damaged from the snake bites, but sturdy enough to not let their teeth reach me

- I call it Platinum Armor. In the scroll I've been using to train they call it Steel Mecha, but I dom't think I've perfected it enough to call it that. - My armor started falling to the ground. - It can barely resist snake bites as it is.

- And you call that style, the Iron Style? - The slithering man seemed interested. I'd guess anything powerful catches his attention.

- Yes. It's a style used by my family for generations, one which only those with our kekkei genkai, Mitsutuita ( japanese for density twister) can use. - I showed him my sword, as I embued it with chakra. I still couldn't believe how much Shisui had truly limited me. Anything that I thought impossible before was now done with ease. - See the waves of chakra it emanates? Look at what I do now. - The lines that sword emanated began to gain structure, density, until they fell to the ground, looking like pieces of charcoal. With a twist of my wrist, I lifted them up, without touching them. - Apply some more pressure into it, and... - The pieces of charcoal started to shine, as a metallic glow was shown. - you get steel. Perfect to cut through any serpents. - Once the shards of steel became as sharp as kunai, I launched them towards him. He quickly dodged, but it was to be expected from a demonstration. I joked:

- I guess it's time for you to explain me your abilities.

- I'm not so stupid as to show all my tricks in front of my adversary.

- Iron Style: - Let's get back into the fight. - Chained Madness. - I threw my sword upwards, as the other remained in the ground. Once the handles touched one another, the ground cracked, and all around Orochimaru chains appeared. He tried to dodge, but one caught his leg and the rest followed suit.

I extended my left leg forward, and bent the right. Smoke started emanating from me, as Orochimaru was still trying to rid himself of the chains.

- What are you going to do?

- Lion's Stance. - The ground cracked in a wave. - Third Gate: Howling Knee! - I could see already my knee crushing Orochimaru's face with a full blown impact, however it did not happen.

I remained in my crouching stance, unable to move a muscle. Once Orochimaru rid himself of my chains, he complained:

- I'm ssurprised it took so long for the poison to take effect. I suppose I should have concentrated more poison in the snake you crushed with your hand.

- The snake didn't even bite me. How did...

- Once the sserpent was killed, it released deadly toxins in the air. The moment you inhaled you were already defeated. - Orochimaru stepped forward calmly and filled with confidence. - You may have the power to face powerful foes, but you have no experience, no sstrategy. You're used to a land of samurai, not to a world of ninja. - Once Orochimaru was merely a step away from me, he stretched his hand, as if about to grab me, however between us, a tongue-like blade appeared. The Asura Path had gotten in his way, while the Human Path stood behind Orochimaru, with his own hand ready, saying:

- If you try to kill our samurai, I will rip out your soul. - The snake man grinned.

- After so many body modifications, I still haven't found a way to protect my own soul from capture. - He lowered his hand. - Fine, threat taken. Either way, I wasn't going to kill such a precious experiment. He was the one who attacked first. All I did was in self-defense.

- Also, - The human path proceeded. - I doubt this needs saying, but we will use your land of silence as our hideout. The Land of Water proved to be too far away, for a direct attack on the Land of Iron.

- I doubt that's the real reason. He's here, isn't he? Nagato. - I was surprised to see the usual emotionless faces of the Paths show worry. I had been here for a month, and I never even realized there could be someone else here.

A door opened, and from it came the Animal Path with Inky still biting at his feet. He shrugged the dog off and said:

- We're not letting you get to him.

- You understand me wrong. I don't wish to cause any harm to Nagato, I ssimply wish to discuss a few matters. After all, there iss the question of rent if you're living in my land.

- If it's money you desire, then...

- Oh, you should know how pointless money is to me. There's something else I want. Now guide me to your master.

- We will do no such thing.

- I'm just being diplomatic, or do you want me to use brute force? - The Asura Path and the Human Path saw themselves stuck in place, as Orochimaru commented. - You both saw the dozens of snakes I launched at the kid, didn't you? And still, you approached me. It's not my fault you're all so reckless.

The Animal Path was the one to speak:

- Fine then, come with me. I'll lead you where you wish.

- As you should have from the very beggining. - Orochimaru followed the Animal Path. Lin came off the door as well, looking for her pet Inky, and hugging it once she found it. Orochimaru and the Animal Path left, as Lin approached me:

- Are you alright, Rod?

- Yeah, just a little paralysed, but this should be gone with time. Did you have fun with the Animal Path?

- We didn't really do much, but it seems like I found my opponent. - The Human Path looked at her.

- Like I thought. You do intend to take one of us down?

- Well, it's either that, or I'll have the whole Land of Iron after me. - I looked at her confused. She quickly explained.

- Rod, I get that you have to join their invasion to save your past master, but I have nothing to do with that. If the samurai general finds me siding with you guys I'll be hunted down. So I'll fake being on the samurai's side, fight one of the Pains, and everything should be fine. - I was shocked.

- You actually thought this through, didn't you?

- Ever since you came to give me the chakra ink and take the scroll. - She seemed proud of herself, but the rumbling in her belly gave her away. With some shame she asked:

- Is there any food here?

With another problem rising, I wondered what Orochimaru and Nagato could be discussing.