Dogs and Frogs

(Roderick's perspective)

- Go Inky! Beat his ass! - Lin shouted as she sent her ink-made dog towards me.

Its teeth were as sharp as they needed to be, as its mouth grew to my size. I grabbed my two swords as I clashed them against his teeth, keeping his mouth open. The force thrusted upon me was enough to start cracking my swords, forcing to direct more chakra to them. I gritted my teeth from the effort and commented:

- You weren't lying about your dog's strenght. - Lin smirked at me.

- Inky is my work of art. Ever since I learned the Ninja Arts I've been focused solely on him, I haven't even drawn anything else, all to make him the most powerful doggo.

- Ruff! - Inky responded, motivated from the compliment. Because of it, he started to advance with twice the strenght.

- He might actually be good for training me. Aaah! - I gave it my all, without opening any gates, and threw him back a few meters.

He rolled around in the dirt, getting covered in mud as he tried to fix his feet. He shook himself, but the stains on his scrolly skin didn't leave that easily.

- No, Inky! - Lin was worried. - Let me clean you right now.

- Ruff! - Inky wasn't pleased, as he seemed to want to focus on fighting, more than getting himself cleaned. He acted on his own will, and came back at me, with enhanced resolve.

His bites were merciless, as he tried to catch me with its hilariously long teeth. I ran back and avoided his attacks, and once he aimed for my legs, I jumped. Inky shook himself again as pieces of dirt and rock left his skin, hitting me. I landed and tried to get the dirt of my face, however I was quickly tackled in the gut by Inky, who threw me against a tree. Lin was impressed

- Holy moly Inky. That was a great strategy. You completely humiliated Rod. I should get you dirtier from now on.

I got back up, in need to show myself. I couldn't let the dog have the last laugh. Plus, there's something I've wanted to try for a while. I focused my chakra into my left hand, as I grabbed the handle of my sword and positioned myself.

- Samunashi Only: Full Power Laidõ Explosion! - In mere moments I went from the tree to stand besides Lin. The dog let out one last...

- Bark? - Before falling in two halfs as he was cut down the center. I hoped for awe, maybe even clapping but Lin's reaction wasn't the one I expected.

- Inky!! What have you done, you bastard?

- You know, you can just draw another one?

- But it won't be the same. Everytime I redraw Inky it feels like he becomes a different dog, and... Ha... Ha ha ha. - Lin started to laugh.

- What? - I was truly confused.

- Look at your scabbard.

I looked down to see half of my scabbard blown to bits, as the ground behind had several scrapnel of the metal pieces it was made from. I was truly surprised. I remember when I first met Mifune that something similar happened, but back then it was a wooden scabbard. To imagine the same would happen in a higher degree. I must have truly gotten more powerful than I imagined.

- I think I'm ready. - Lin was occupied with repainting Inky, she didn't even look back when she asked:

- What are you talking about? Ready for what?

- We're baiting Lai tomorrow. I have what I need to beat him. - If without any power-ups, like gates, like the full use of the chakra reserves in my legs, I'm this powerful, then Lai is unmatched. I almost feel confident enough to strike the Land of Iron on my own, but with samurai numbers actually matter. All it takes is one slice to take me down.

Lin finished with her painting, patting Inky on the head:

- Good boy. Now go play around in the jungle. Mommy and Rod need to talk. - Inky followed orders as he found his stick to play with, which in this case was a two meter tree. Well as long as he is entertained. Lin looked at me. - So, tomorrow? Are you going with the plan we decided yesterday?

- It will work, I'm sure of it.

- Don't let him kill you, okay. - Lin approached me and gave me a soft kiss. - I need someone to take care of me. - She declared with a malicious smile.

- You're just with me for my wealth and fame aren't you? - We both laughed as we were stranded in a forest, with barely any resources. She looked back at me.

- It's definitely not because of your looks. - She may be joking, but as usual she ruined the mood.

- You had to ruin it, didn't you? Now I'm going to be self-conscious about my looks. Look, I'm going tomorrow, first thing in the morning. You already know what you have to do.

- I'll sneakily deliver a calling card. I already drew it up. There's no way he won't come after you.

- Good. Just don't get caught. I don't know what I'll do if they get their hands on you.

- Again, you mean.

- Again... I'm sorry I wasn't here before to... - Lin hugged me all of a sudden.

- I'm kidding with you, you idiot. You died, it's not like you had the time to come for me. I know you would've if you had known. - I hugged her back, as I enjoyed her touch. I hoped we could be like this forever but to make sure of that, I had to take care of Lai.

- Go deliver the calling card. It's almost night, and I'd like to have you here soon. I'll prepare a banquet with all the most delicious animals in the forest.

- I can't wait.

- And also don't get lost on the way there.

- Don't worry. I don't have your sense of direction, so I'll definitely be able to come back. Can I go now? I've already finished fixing Inky up.

- You may go. - I approached to give her a goodbye kiss, however she immediately leapt to a nearby tree saying:

- Bye. - She then advanced towards the Land of Iron. All I could do now was wait, and hope for the best.

(Lin's perspective)

- Do you think I should've kissed him goodbye, Inky? - My little cute doggo was now inside its scroll, and although it couldn't answer, I just needed it to hear me for now. - I'm still not sure how this relationship stuff works. I hope he's not mad because of it. Oh well, let's just try to not get lost here.

The Land should be North, and taking into account the direction of the light... yeah, I'm going the right way. I should probably teach this to Rod when I have the chance. Now no distractions, just keep going forwards and...

- What is that smell? - The sweet scent of grilled meat came from a nearby fire. It seemed like someone was camping nearby, and preparing the most delicious food I had smelled for weeks. Lately I haven't been eating much. Rod tries his best, but I'm not the type of girl to be full after a couple of boar steaks, I need more.

I approached the camp, with my eyes set on the food. It seemed like the meat was put on a stick above a fire. Could this be an anti-Lin trap? No, there's no way anyone would think this far ahead. Let's just take it.

I grabbed the bottom of the stick with my hand, and started to delight myself with the meat on top. It truly was delicious, there was no way it came from one of the animals here. Maybe they brought it from their own town, or something. If that's the case, maybe I should see if there's more. Let's look back and...


- AAAHH!- The white haired-man behind me screamed as well. I fell backwards, landing on the fire. I started panicking as I got up from it and started rolling on the ground.

- Wait, I'll save you. - The man said as he weaved his enormous white hair around. It increased in size reaching me and covering my body with it, ridding me of the flames. Once they were put out, I started to shout:

- Don't scare me like that. I almost burned to death.

- Scare you? You were stealing my meat, how dare you?

- I was hungry, by the way do you have more? - I had to take my chance, now or never.

- That was a quick change of attitude. Do you think I'd give you more after you tried to steal me? - I had to use my seductive prowess. I am way too hungry not to eat his meat. With a sly smile I slowly said:

- Such a big, strong, kind man like yourself would definitely give some to me. - As I said that, I saw a small string of blood coming from his nose. He then answered:

- Of course. I have cow and pork meat, also also, I have some leftover ramen if you desire.

- That sounds great, let me see. - He seemed to be way too excited. I think he noticed it too, since he tried to recompose himself.

- Wait, no! You might be a thief! Who are you, and why are you here?

- I'm Lin, and I just walked by. What about you? - Time to rid him of suspiscion. - A powerful and handsome man like yourself must be someone really important.

- You don't imagine how much. - He's really easy to manipulate. - I'm one of the Sannin of the Leaf Village.

- Sannin? Never heard about it.

- What? - He put his hands to the side, as he slowly got into a pose. With his hand straightened he declared. - Have you not heard of one of the three Great Sannin, Jiraya? Wait, don't look at me like that.- I could only watch him in disgust. I should probably leave now.

- You can keep your meat. I'm leaving

- Wait, no! - He shouted as I leapt towards the trees. I hope this is the last time I meet with such a weirdo.

Let's get rid of distractions and go deliver the calling card. I must guide Lai to his death.