Despairing Reunions

(Lin's perspective)

- Stop following me, you bufoon!

-Just let me give you my meat!

- Aaahh! - I couldn't help but scream.

The self-proclaimed Sannin, Jiraya, came after me as I headed to the Land of Iron. I know I attracted him with my splendid figure, but this is too much. And the worst part was that it felt oddly familiar. Didn't Rod follow me through the jungle as well when we first met?... What am I doing comparing the two? Jiraya is just a perverted weirdo.

- Inky, go after him! - I whipped out the scroll my doggo was put inside, launching him towards Jiraya.

- What the... - He was caught by my pet, as all I heard was a loud Thump noise.

I stopped on top of a tree branch, hoping that Inky would come back. If I kept running along, he would never be able to catch me. Thankfully I could see the odd man laying on the ground unconscious, and my dog returning. I patted him on the head:

- Good job Inky. Now back in the scroll you go.

- I don't think so. - Inky said.

My dog can talk? How is that even possible? Oh, I hope he doesn't complain about me putting him back into his scroll. A gust of smoke came from him, as a man emerged from within it, Jiraya. Of course, I should have guessed he would turn into my dog... wait.

- How did you do that?

- What did you think of my transformation jutsu? Pretty cool, huh. - But if he's here...

- What did you to Inky? - I looked down to see smoke also leave from the unconscious fake Jiraya on the ground, as my doggo emerged. He shaked his whole body, and bounced up next to me. Jiraya looked at me with an odd smile. - What do you want? - His face turned a lot more serious.

- What are you going to do? Why are you headed to the Land of Iron? - Was his quirkyness purely an act? Don't tell me he is a spy for Lai? No... calm down. Rod trusted me with this, I can do this.

- I was going back home, and then suddenly a pervert started chasing after me.

- Is that so? There's a lot of trouble that's been happening there. I wouldn't want a young beautiful girl like you to get hurt.

- I'm not stopping just because you tell me to. Besides why are you here? Didn't you say you're from the Leaf Village? You're pretty far away from that.

- I was going to go visit an old... - He was filled in regret and doubt. It seemed like he didn't know what to call the one he means, but he decided to go with. - aquaintance.

- Well... ok. Bye. - I leapt towards a tree branch. Jiraya seemed confused at first, but he soon followed me. - So you're coming along?

- Might as well. The sooner I do this, the less doubt I'll have.

- Is the one you need to talk with Pain?

- No... It's the one Pain used to be.

It took at least an hour, but once the Land was on sight, I started to think about how I was going to enter it. I probably should've thought about it earlier, but it's better late than never. Jiraya seemed to want to enter through the front door quickly, however that was clearly not an option for me. I think that gives me an idea..

- Wait, Jiraya, I need you to deliver something for me.

- Why? Are you not enterin... You're not welcome there, are you?

- You're quite perceptive.

- Don't worry, I've also been expelled by multiple sellers of ladies underwear, I know the feeling. - I'm starting to regret doing this.

- Here. - I gave him the calling card. I can just draw another, if I have to, so there was nothing to lose if he didn't deliver it. - I need you to give this to them and say it's for the one who killed the Worst Kind.

- I'm going to need recompensation for this. I can't just trust a random ninja I find in the woods. - He said with a devious smile as he looked at my body. It was a little too obvious to know what he wanted.

- Fine. I'll draw you an animal.

- What? - He seemed disappointed. Good.

- You know my doggo, Inky? I drew it. I'll draw you something as well. What's your favourite animal?

- Frog. At this point it just seems mean to say otherwise.

- Frog it is then. You'll have one once you return. Deal? - Jiraya seemed a bit aprehensive, but he quickly agreed.

- Fine. - He put the calling card inside his clothes. - I promise to deliver it for you.

He entered the Land of Iron, passing through the guards, as I stayed hidden in some bushes. I don't mind giving it to him to deliver it, but deep down I don't really trust him. I picked up my brush and painted some wings on my doggo. They won't last for long, but I only need it for the next hour or so. I threw Inky in the air, as he clumsily flew away.

- You are my eyes and ears, Inky. Ninja Arts: Sensory Division. - I could now see what Inky saw, and directed it towards Jiraiya.

He was now entering the headquarters, as he met up with a samurai.

- I need to meet up with a convict you have here. Just one small talk.

- Do you truly believe it's that important? - Jiraya knew he couldn't ask much from an outsider village. It was a stupid idea to begin with. Maybe he should leave. - Hey, you two. - The samurai pointed at two others who were close. - Come with me. - He looked back at Jiraya. - If you do anything stupid down there, he will take you out immediately. Ok?

- Sure.

They headed down towards the prison cells, as Jiraiya came across the Deva Path of Pain's cell. He looked through it:

- Yahiko, is that really you? - The Pain was now imprisioned to the wall, by restraints on his arms and legs. He couldn't move or do hand seals, and any attempt of using his almighty push couldn't get him away from there. He looked up to see Jiraiya.

- No, he's dead. - Jiraiya didn't have much hope, but what little had remained was crushed with those words. He saw the black rods on his body, and asked:

- You're Nagato, aren't you? Or at least one of his minions controlled by his Rinnegan.

- Why are you here? - Jiraiya felt his throat drying up. He always believed the three kids he had teached were capable of handling themselves, even though they were prophecized to bring chaos to the world. Yahiko had created the Akatsuki and now Nagato was using his body to communicate his pain. He had failed so badly. He didn't deserve to look them in the eyes.

- I came to see you. - But yet, he felt the duty to do so. - What you're doing is wrong. World peace isn't achieved so easily through some powerful organization, it's built from the bonds we all share with one ano...

- Stop spouting such nonsense. As ironic as it sounds, peace isn't gained through peaceful measures. I've learned that the hard way.

- Nagato, please. Listen.

- You weren't there when he died. Only I hold his dead body on my arms. You don't know how painful that was.

- It doesn't justify anything of what you're doing.

- The samurai have lived for years, ignoring the problems that ruin our world! Do you want me to stand idly and do nothing? I must make them act, use their respected power to help us in our drive for world peace.

- What you seek is no longer world peace. It's merely a lie.

- I'm getting sick of you, and I'm getting sick of waiting. I know what I have to do, and I don't need time to prepare. Tomorrow! I will invade this Land tomorrow! And not only will I rescue this Path, but I will also show them the ninja threat that surrounds them, so that they may no longer ignore the tragedies in our world. Now begone, Jiraiya. Your face disgusts me.

Jiraiya left after those words, realizing that his past student was long gone. He delivered the calling card to one of the samurai, as they gave it to Lai's office. Once Inky saw what had transpired, so did I, and I called him back. I put my dog back in its scroll, weary of what would happen the next day. I left the bushes and headed back to Rod. Jiraiya on the other hand, reached the exit of the Land wondering:

- Where's my painted frog?

Meanwhile in the Land of Silence

- It seemsss you went through a very heated conversation. - Orochimaru noted.

- It's always painful when your past comes back to bark at you. - Nagato was still furious.

- Do you truly intend to invade the Land tomorrow?

- Might as well. We already have everything ready. It's pointless to wait any longer.

- I really wanted to wait until that curious Samunashi came back, but I suppose there's nothing I can do. I'll go with you to see if he shows up. He might be attracted by all the commotion.

- He's not a goal to me, so it doesn't matter. Is your puppet ready?

- Of course. He has been excited for his next meal this whole time. Kurama! - Orochimaru called.

Renji appeared through the door, surrounded by a red aura of chakra. On his face was the skull of the beast, and behind him were three tails of chakra. He held in his hand a bag of blood from which he slurped on, sucking away the chakra from the remains of dead people.

- What is it, Orochimaru? Have you prepared a feast for me?

- I suppose you can call it that. Tomorrow we will invade the Land of Iron. I'm sure there are a lot of appetizers there.

- Ha ha ha! - Kurama couldn't contain his laughter. - I'm so excited then. I can't wait. I... I truly cannot! Haarghh! - Kurama jumped at Orochimaru.

Orochimaru extended his snake arms, grabbing and pushing the possessed boy to the side. He was a little pissed.

- If you don't behave, I can't give you any feasts.

- I don't need you to get my food!

- You aren't complete yet. If you were to invade a Land or a Village, you would get immediately destroyed. What I'm offering you for your obedience, is more than you can obtain on your own. - Kurama looked down, thinking for a few moments.

- Fine, but don't make me wait too long. - Kurama left the room. Nagato was worried.

- Can you really keep him in line during the invasion?

- There's no need for that. He's only there to cause chaos. To ensure our victory.