Starting a party

(Roderick's perspective)

- So did you do it? - I asked to a tired Lin.

- Yeah, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be. He will come.

- You took longer than expected. I got worried.

- I had to take care of a few things.

- Well, either way, good job, you two. - I patted both Lin and Inky on the head, as they seemed to enjoy it. - By the way, I never got to ask you but, what exactly did you write on the calling card?


Meanwhile in the samurai headquarters, in the room Lai was positioned.

He had just taken the ciggarette off his mouth and put it out on his ashes plate, when the door opened, and a samurai announced.

- There's a letter here for you, sir.

- A letter?

- I also thought it was odd, but it seems so. A man told me to deliver it to the one who killed the Worst Kind. - Lai was surprised. Was there anything that brat had left behind that he didn't account for?

- Give it to me. - Lai grabbed the letter and read what was inside it.

"Dear killer of parents/torturer of women,

I've come to warn you that I, Roderick Samunashi, or as you fiends call me, the Worst Kind, have escaped death, and yet haven't escaped this hatred I feel for your donkey ass. If the feeling is mutual, come meet me outside the Land, 10 kilometers to the south. I will be waiting."

Lai's rage was unrivaled by the end of the letter. The samurai who delivered it could only comment.

- I doubt that's him sir. According to your report there's no way he could have survived what you did to him.

- I don't care if it's him or someone who has taken his identity. I need to kill this person to even dare to adress me as a "donkey ass". Call my squad, we're leaving immediately.


- That's really stupid. - I hope only Lai reads it, I'll be really embarassed if the others think I wrote it. - I knew I should have checked what you had written.

- What are you talking about? It was perfect.

- Sigh... let's just hope they take the bait. What are you going to do when he comes?

- I'll be fighting alongside you, of course.

- Lin... you can't.

- I'm stronger than you think.

- It's not a question of strenght, it's one of unecessary danger. You know what my plan is, having you around would...

- Ruin it? - Lin looked down. - Am I only good to deliver your threats?

- Of course not... You really want to go? Lai is a samurai master. If he chooses to kill you, and I'm not there to stop him, he will.

- I've got some tricks up my sleeve, don't worry. - She smiled at me, and at such a cute sight, I had to smile as well. I gave her a kiss on the forehead.

- Don't let yourself be killed.

- You too. - And then the wait began.

After delivering the calling card it stands to reason that Lai would take some time to come. Especially with the vague directions. After an hour, I had to ask:

- You think he'll know where to go. Maybe you should have given him clearer directions.

- And what would I say? Go to where three trees stand beside one another?

- Maybe we should have gone somewhere else.

- If he takes longer than a day to arrive, I'll send another card.

We kept sitting there, waiting, while I sharpened my swords on one another. In a way it felt nice to know when a fight was coming after all the surprise brawls I had come across. But it felt like it took some of the excitement away. Planned fights were never my favourite but I suppose it's safer this way. I wonder how much longer it will take to...

- BUUMMMM! - Not too far away from us, the sound of an explosion was heard.

- Ah ah! Someone fell in my trap. - Lin commented excitedly.

- What!? When did you...?

- On my way here I put out some explosive scrolls on the most obvious path. - I felt oddly proud of her, but that sensation was gone when I heard a pained scream:

- WHERE ARE YOU, SAMUNASHI? - Lai shouted from his smoke filled lungs.

- Let's go, Lin.

- Hold on. - Lin stopped me, showing me a scroll she had hidden under a sleeve. - I have a better idea.

After the preparations were set, we advanced to his area slowly. There was no certainty that Lai was alone. He could have easily have come with backup. We can't be too reckless. After a short sequence of leaps in between trees, Lai was visible, alone and with ashes on his clothes. He had stepped right on an explosive scroll, and yet he was still standing. He was more durable than his thin demeanor showed. I told Lin to stay put, as I approached him.

- So we meet again, Lai. - His eyes were filled in pure anger and disbelief.

- You really are alive... How?

- You did kill me, Lai, but I've come back to life to give you the payback you deserve.

- I couldn't even kill you properly... - Lai looked down in shame.

- You truly are a failure.

- You're alive, my student is in prison, and my best friend is in a nightmarish coma. I can't do anything right. - He got on his knees. - How much of a failure am I? - That wasn't the reaction I expected.

- Get up, Lai! - I can't stand watching him like this. - What is wrong with you?

- I regret it all, Samunashi. I've ruined the lives of all I came across. I'm not even worthy to be my general's guard anymore. Please, Samunashi, I beg you. Forgive me, and I promise I won't interfere with your life again.

- How dare you ask for that after all you've done? - I put my sword in its scabbard. - I've called you here to kill you, and die you shall. Full Power Laidõ Explosion! - I ignited the chakra inside my scabbard proppelling it and me against Lai. When I was inches away from him, his sword came off his scabbard hitting mine, and bouncing me back with impossible ease. I was pushed back, and I slid across the soil. Lai directed his eyes towards mine, and started laughing hysterically.

- IH IH! It seems your heart stiffened ever since you got ressurected.

- So was that all a lie? - I was annoyed. I got so close to finishing him off.

- All of it. I don't regret a single deed I've done. Everyone I killed or tortured deserved it for even relating to your family.

- My mom was innocent when you killed her, Lin didn't do anything for you to torture her!

- The Samunashi are a cursed breed. Anyone that mingles with your kind, doesn't deserve to live. But I'm impressed "Rod", I didn't think you'd actually try to kill me. And after all that work to hit the explosive scroll with a chakra blast, and cover myself in ashes you still had no sympathy. But it's better this way. I'd rather you beg to be killed, than to catch you by surprise.

- Beg to be killed? I already went through death once, and I'm not willing to go back so easily.

- Is that so? Then what if you did it for her? - Lai pointed to somewhere behind me.

I looked and saw Lin being grabbed by two samurai who had their blades on her neck.

- Lin! - Lai laughed once more, and asked.

- Your life for hers. That's the deal I'm willing to make for you.

- You sadistic bastard! - What do I do? Do I try and rescue her? No... they already had their swords on her neck. If they see me move towards them, they'll cut through her immediately, and I can't grab Lai quickly enough to do another trade. He blocked my Laidõ Explosion, so it would take some time to get him in a losing position. Is my only option really...

- You seem defeated. - Underneath his moustache, Lai's smile seemed fixed. He was too satisfied with himself. - You should already know what your only option is.

- I... - I got on my knees. - I can't let her die.

- Then come here. Slide yourself onto my sword. Let my blade have a taste of your blood. - I couldn't move. Everything had turned against me so quickly. I can't just kill myself that quickly. Lai got impatient and proceeded. - Fine then, I'll go to you! - Lai unsheathed his sword, striking me down through the neck, plummeting my body on the ground. Lin screamed:

- NOO! - And Lai then ordered.

- Kill her too. - The samurai stabbed through her neck, as she fell on the ground, and turned to smoke.

All the satisfaction on Lai's face disappeared as he realized she was merely a clone. He looked down, desperately, but my body was also replaced by simple fog.

The real me and Lin were looking from atop a tree. I commented:

- Thank god we made the right preparations. I didn't think you'd have clone jutsu scrolls with you.

- Oh, I have a bunch. You have no idea how useful these can be. So what do we do now?

- Call Inky, we're going to smash Lai and his small army. Third Gate, Open! - I put my body through stress as I readied in my stance. - Crouching Tiger Stance: River...

Lai looked around desperately for my real body, but before he realized I had my foot implanted in his face.

- Lotus! - Lai was sent rolling across the ground against a tree, as all the other samurai looked at me in shock. I smirked and shouted.

- Let's get this party started!