Samurai Royale Part 1: Combatants Set

- I'm so glad to see you, Roddie! - Rakuma gleefully exclaimed moments before his back hit the ground. I quickly got off him and thankfully he seemed unaffected from the fall.

I tried to talk to him but felt overwhelmed by his ressurection and everything that was happening around me. Why are the Paths of Pain invading now? Was the claim that they would wait a month simply a strategy to surprise the samurai with an earlier attack? This is the worst timing ever. I shook my head, as I tried to calm myself down and looked once again at Rakuma. Now the words came out:

- How are you here, StupidFace? - Rakuma had tears, as I kept mine inside. - You were in a genjutsu coma for so long... and once Shisui refused to help, I truly thought you were gone. I was ready to kill you to rid you of that pain.

- Roddie... you really care about this big pile of muscle that much? - He smiled. - I don't know what happened either. All I know was once I felt like exploding into a mess of blood for the one thousand time, a striking pain in my head got me out of it. Actually, it still hurts. - Rakuma went to touch his head, accidentally smearing his hands in blood.

I really did hit him with all my might, but his bone head was too hard for even that to pierce it, and all it did was bring his own consciousness back to normal. I suppose no doctor would try to give a fatal blow to the head to his patient.

- I'm so glad you're here.

- So am I. - I heard the sound of someone else landing right next to me. Lai was now beside us as he stretched his hand. - How are you doing, old friend? - Rakuma cleaned the tears from his eyes, and shook Lai's hand.

- I suppose you were never one for hugs. - They both laughed, but once they calmed down, Lai informed.

- You woke up at a very difficult time. Remember the Path of Pain you had taken down during the Iron Scroll Disaster? Well, the other Paths have come for revenge and are now currently invading the land. - I'm relieved he didn't mention me and my identity. It's better not to overcharge Rakuma's mind. He exclaimed:

- Is that so? I didn't think I would have caused so much trouble. I'll take care of them right away. - I remarked.

- Already willing to fight?

- As long as a warrior can stand, there's no need to rest. - It really is Rakuma.

- I'm glad to hear that, you brute, but you should probably wear something before going. - Rakuma only had his hospital shirt on. Not the best outfit to jump into the battlefield in.

- I'll fix that. Iron Style: Molding. - I focused my chakra on my hands. I had already made swords with my steel, so an armor shouldn't be much harder. Rakuma was amazed:

- What are you doing, Roddie?

- An armor. I've learned a few new tricks while you were knocked out. - I felt a look of pride on me. I knew I had to make him the best armor ever.

I tried to make as similar to his regular armor as I could, with one shoulder pad, a chest piece, and by using bendable steel, some pants. Lai meanwhile got hold of his helmet as he seemed to call some instructions through it, I wonder who he's calling. Anyway, Rakuma wore his armor and was ready.

- I didn't expect to fight the moment I woke up. This really is exciting. Let's go!

- We'll be right behind you. - I told him as he leapt towards the battlefield.

I couldn't help but have a smile on my face as I saw my past master back on his feet, and as I looked to the side I realized I wasn't the only one happy. Lai also had a big smile on him, which vanished the moment he looked back at me.

- I'd like to thank you, Samunashi. For once you brought upon me a moment of great relief and happiness. But don't think I've forgiven you because of that. - My happiness faded as the anger resurfaced.

- I don't expect you to. - I picked up my sword as I swearved it around myself, readying my jutsu. I had already said to him everything that I wanted, there was no need for any more words.

- Don't think I'll let you... huhh? - Lai tried to advance towards me only to realize his feet were stuck to the ground by iron shackles.

- Making his armor was a good chance to catch you off guard. - I threw my sword up and once it stabbed on the ground, I conjured. - Iron Style: Chain Madness.

Various strings of metal chains stretched from the sword, down to the earth and back out to wrap Lai, but he seemed prepared. His sword gained the chakra of a thousand strikes as he shouted:

- Allmighty Desintegration! - His sword sent a wave of black energy, destroying all the chains in horizontal manner.

I went under it and backflipped. Behind me I saw the wave continue until dissipating right before hitting the house. Lai may hate me, but he isn't willing to destroy his Land to do so. I should keep that in mind. I looked ahead and in front of me , a black diamond formed on Lai's forehead, as he took his feet out off the fragile chains I had caught him with.

- Let's finish this. I don't care what Mifune has planned for you. You'll be dead by the end of this. - I invoked four steel swords, two for each of my hands, and two on my scabbards.

- Then come at me! - Lai jumped at me, as our last fight began.

Meanwhile Rakuma got closer to the Paths carnage. Samurai were being decimated left and right. Some had their souls taken away, others were sliced by a four armed man's tongue, as many struggled to face the beast that ran through the homes. The civilians tried to run, as some even helped the fight. Anyone who lives in the Land of Iron has the duty to fight, and they all knew.

Rakuma stood atop a building, and without looking back, shouted:

- PROTECTORS OF THIS LAND! - Many heads turned to him as they saw their comatosed greatest warrior now on his feet. Many were aghast, others relieved. They felt like their savior had awakened in their time of need. Rakuma, who was no stranger to battlefields, ordered. - Focus your might on rescuing the civilians. I will take on the Paths alone! - As he took the soul from another warrior, the Human Path laughed.

- You believe you alone can take us down?

Rakuma reached for his back only to fibd nothing. He had no sword with him, and a samurai with no weapon is only as tpugh as his fists. Thankfully, these were Rakuma's fists we're talking about.

- I can take all of you and more! - Rakuma hit his fists against one another as another opponent glanced at the situation with a starving look. With his bone mask and four tails of pure beast chakra, he said:

- Ooh, a new delicious man has come. I can't wait to feast on him and... what's that? MORE!?

Behind Rakuma appeared nine armoured women, eight Valkyries and their leader Alizo. The leader carried with her a giant sword as she gave it to Rakuma.

- It seems you forgot this.

- Ahh, Alice it's nice to see you and your... Valquirians.

- It's Alizo and the Valkyries, you musclehead. I don't even think it was the coma thtmat made you forget about us special forces. Ahh whatever. About the enemy, how many do you think you can take down?

- I wasn't kidding when I said I would face all the Paths alone.

- Great. - Alizo thought to herself what the best course of action was. She truly believed Rakuma's words which left her two equally powerful opponents. She would have to split. - Valkyries, I need four of you to come with me to contain the huge beast, while the remaining ones focus on the smaller beast, leave the serpent man alone for now, he doesn't seem to be a threat. - Renji's possessed mind wasn't pleased.

- Just because I may be smaller in size, doesn't mean I'm smaller in strenght. You will greatly regret your decision in a moment.

Alizo patted Rakuma on the back, telling him:

- Go get him, and this time, don't let any of them live. - Rakuma nodded as Alizo left to face the beast.

Rakuma flexed his muscles, as he felt some cracks. He had been immobile for more than two months. He definitely wasn't in his best state, but it didn't matter. He had five Paths in front of him, and he knew exactly how to face each.

Rakuma jumped with the four Valkyries, as only he enveloped his sword in chakra. Rakuma aimed himself against the weakest looking one, to lower their numbers more quickly, but the Human Path dodged backwards, as the Asura moved forward. His tongue clashed with Rakuma's sword, as his arm started to charge some beam attack directly against his face. Rakuma bit the arm, and kicked him back with power, keeping the arm in his mouth. Rakuma's sword glew strongly in blue chakra, as he prepared an attack, but before he could the Preta Path absorbed the power from his strike, as the Human one jumped above him to steal his soul. Rakuma quickly jumped away, and with a couple of leaps, got on top of a building. He knew this was going to be a battle of attrition, and he was ready for it. He looked to the side, and saw the other fight.

The Valkyries surrounded the smaller beast, while walking in slow circles prepared for any of its attacks. Kurama threathened:

- Interesting. Although you are not in the same league as the Paths' opponent, you seem to have more taste than the samurai I've eaten. Come on, come to me. Allow me to feast on your corpses.

- Come and get them, you monster. - One of the women commented.

- If you ask so nicely. - Kurama aimed his mouth up as a small ball of black chakra formed and was launched upwards.

Kurama ran towards one of the Valkyries attempting to grab her, as she blocked his advances with her blade, catching the gap between his fingers with it. Three more blades came after the beast from behind, but were met with three tails that bloceked the strikes. Kurama advanced his hand on the sword, as it sliced through half of his arm, and reached for the woman's neck. Once in his grasp, he tossed her on the ground and started to choke her as she felt her life drained. The other three turned around, as two twirled to hit him from the sides, and another jumped to strike the top. Kurama held himself with the hand grabbing the neck, and stretched his legs outward kicking two of them and grabbing the last with the tails. The woman on the ground saw him distracted and made him spit blood, with a mighty kick to the chest, as she pulled back her sword from Kurama's arm. Kurama looked up, and as all four jumped to strike him, he leapt up and came back in contact with the ball he had thrown up. With his hand, he pumped it back with energy, increasing its size three times fold, and pushed it downwards, shouting:

- Take this, you impotent hags!

His Tailed Beast Bomb hit the ground, creating a great explosion that launched three of them away at high speeds. Kurama boldly landed, and started laughing out loud, only to feel the pain from his hand starting to strike him again.

- Pain? Huh damn, what kind of samurai doesn't use chakra when they fight? If I can't absorb their attacks, I can't recover. I guess I'll just have to find another human to... Guhh! - A burst of blood came from his mouth as the remaining Valkyrie impaled him through the stomach, once again with no chakra involved.

She removed her sword, as the beast saw half of her armor desintegrated from the explosion. She had purposedly stayed nearby to catch him by surprise, but got hit by the Tailed Beast Bomb radius. She fell on one knee shaking, only to get back up once more. The remaining Valkyrie caught up, as they all started to slowly walk around him once more. With a sliced hand, and an impaled stomach, Kurama was in a tough spot, but not one he didn't know how to escape. It was time to start the carnage.