Samurai Royale Part 2: Clash of Titans

(Lin's perspective)

- Holy ramen noodles! - I shouted as I looked at the Land of Iron's chaos.

Houses were being cut and turned to shreds by samurai and a beast chakra man, screams were heard all around as people ran for their lives, forcing me to watch from the top of the wall that surrounded the Land so I wouldn't get trampled. But the one thing that caught my eye the most was definitely the titanic beast that raged towards the headquarters. Looking like an enormous wild wolf, he was halfway to getting there. It seemed oddly familiar, and that feeling only intensified once I noticed some men with orange hair. Something clicked in my head.

- Ooh, it's the Pain Invasion. That definitely explains the chaos. But wait, Inky, why wouldn't he tell me that happened today? - My painted dog barked at me, as I understood the meaning behind his tone. (I mean, I didn't, but this was what I wanted to hear.)

- You really think he wanted all the fun to himself? But to face off against Lai and the Pains seems a bit much. Plus, with all the commotion they are causing, it would be difficult to mark my presence. Eh eh, I think I have the best idea.

Meanwhile, another blade pierced through Renji's possessed body, this time on his leg. One of the Valkyries commented:

- So, we cut through half off your left arm, impaled you in the stomach, and now pierced your right leg. How are you still standing!? - She already had enough of his continued assaults, and pertinent smile. She could clearly see the wounds weren't bleeding, no matter how severe they were, probably due to his surrounding chakra, but there was no way his movements weren't slowed. Even in a situation of pure hopelessness, why did he stay so confident?

- You think something as weak as pain can stop me? - Kurama grabbed the cut part of his arm, ripping it off. The smile on his face only seemed to gain lenght. - Water is most delicious when you're thirsty, and your dense chakras will only flourish in flavor the more pain I sustain. So come on, come at me once more! DO IT! - The four Valkyries looked at him in shock. Although not serious, they had sustained some injuries, and the fatigue was catching up to them. They decided to keep their stances. One of them declared:

- We will not concede to your requests, foul beast. We've heard of your slaughter across the forest, and we come well prepared. Our chakras are our own to keep.

- Such honor and pride behind foolish words won't grant you any victory. Your lives were mine from the very beggining! - Kurama leapt at them and continued to strike.

Rakuma, coincidentally, wasn't in a much better situation. He was currently fending off against a large purple eagle summoned by the Animal Path, while the Human Path continued his unnending attempts at stealing his soul.

- Get off of me, you damn eagle! - Rakuma slashed the eagle in half vertically. - You too! - And then kicked the Human Path away.

Rakuma jumped up a building, as he saw the Paths from a vantage point to get time to think. Unfortunately, speed wasn't his strong point, and the Paths quickly caught up to him, but even in this constant struggle, there was something that didn't seem right. Maybe it was the large bruise on his head, but it seemed like there was someone missing...

- Aagh! - The moment his thoughts took over his mind, the Asura's Path blade cut his cheek.

He needed something big, something to give him time for a bit. He had the ability to do so, but was scared it would tire him too much to keep going. He had to take the risk either way.

He aimed his sword up, as it started getting enveloped in chakra.

- SKYSCRAPER! - A massive mass of chakra built up on top of the sword, gaining a size comparable to the building he was standing on.

All the Paths stopped, thinking of the best course of action, but the answer was obvious. The Preta Path took center stage. He would absorb the strike, with the Asura Path behind to strike directly afterwards. However there was one worry, something of that magnitude would be tough to gobble up.

- Take this! - Rakuma swinged his sword down, as the Preta Path held his hands up, but before they came into contact, something pushed the Preta Path away.

- MINE! - Kurama moved the Preta Path away, taking the full force of the blow as him, the Asura Path, and all the ground underneath were destroyed, left in a state of rubble. But the massive mass of chakra started to vanish.

Kurama's battered body started to regain its strenght once more, his arm reformed to its normal state, all his wounds started to close, as he took all the chakra to himself. The red aura that surrounded him, began to gain a white color, the same as the sickly beast's fur, but it still wasn't complete. Only 7 tails came from his back, two more than he had before. Rakuma was shocked:

- What the hell is that thing? - But now was not the time for surprise, he had to focus on that odd sensation. What is missing here? Who is missing? A memory came to mind. When he went with Lai to investigate the pools of blood and dead ninja and samurai, a path appeared. One who had the power to interrogate, one who wasn't there.

- Valkyries! - He shouted, taking the women away from their state of shock from their opponent's power up. - Tell your leader that one of the Paths is missing! - Some nodded as they spoke in their helmets.

With the Asura Path taken down, the remaining Paths seemed worried. Their main offensive force had been taken down, they add to compensate somehow. The Human and the Preta looked at the Animal, as he sighed. He held his hands up, readying another beast.

Rakuma advanced towards him, but the titanic blue flamed phoenix came out too early. Rakuma blocked its sudden appearance and was pushed back on the ground, as the bird flew away to cause even greater havoc on the land. The samurai master could only hope that someone else would take care of it.

- There it is, it's finished. - I said as I cleaned the sweat in my forehead. - Go ahead Inky. - I got on top of my new creation. - I'll catch up to you later. Now it's time to fly!

The creation beneath waved its wings as we began to fly. A beautiful love phoenix. Made with the ink and scrolls I had on me. If I hadn't made Inky this could have definitely have been my favoured creation, one no one would dare to take their eyes away from. How could they ignore its wonder, unless...

- Why is there another?! - A blue flamed phoenix emerged from within the battlefield beneath me.

This had to be some kind of bad joke. That phoenix is at least two times bigger than mine. Is facing it even a good idea? I saw my phoenix's face start to lower in sign of giving up. Maybe I should turn back. As I steered my phoenix back to avoid any further embarassment, I saw something drip on the ground. A black tainted liquid began to color the houses, as I looked around to see where it could come from, and my greatest fear was realized. One of the wings of my great phoenix was seizing away from reality. And it wasn't sad, its face is literally melting.

- Oh god! Where's my ink? - I went to pick up my bottle of chakra ink, only to realize it was empty. - Honestly, I'm just impressed that I could do this much with what I had.

As the phoenix came crashing down I put two fingers in my mouth and whistled as loudly as I could. I jumped out of the phoenix and closed my eyes, as Inky's comfortable skin caressed my back, however even comfortable skin feels like hardened steel after a long fall. I stretched my body, loudly cracking it, and held on to Inky tightly. Oddly enough it wasn't running away, it was aiming directly at the blue phoenix.

- Look, Inky, I'm sorry, I should have never tried to replace you. Now let's turn back. - It kept moving forward. I sighed. - Can you even understand what I tell you? Fine. Inky, we're going after the bird. You're going to have to jump pretty high though. Unless... HEY CRAPPY PHOENIX! - To my surprise the mythical bird actually looked at me. I felt oddly confident. I suppose beast-like titans are less scary than a couple of orange-haired ninjas. - I'M TAKING YOU DOWN! - The large bird came flying down to hit us with his pecker.

Inky got on top of a tall building, jumping above his charge as we both tried to land on its back. I took out a scroll from my back, as I shouted:

- Open Scroll: Waterball jutsu! - A large ball of water fell down on the bird's back, as it extinguished the flames and we landed safely. The phoenix shook around uncomfortable, and unfortunately it felt as if the flames that were put out would reignite once more shortly. Let's take it down while we can.

- Inky bite on its skin and... - I looked around. What would be a good place to land a crashing phoenix? Wait, I know! - Direct it at the wolf. We're taking two beasts down in one fell swoop.

Inky's fangs grew ten times their size penetrating the bird's skin harshly, clashing with its ribs. With mighty force, Inky moved his mouth to aim the bird against the wolf below. Alizo and the Valkyries and samurai that were there fighting, fled once they saw what was happening.

Before we could hit the wolf, I got on top of Inky as he took us out of the bird's back. In an explosion of fiery death, the titans clashed taking each other down with the impact. They began to disappear as if a contract had ended, and returned to whatever dimension the Animal Path took them from.

Inky landed next to the fleeing samurai, as I got out of him dizzy and feeling ill. It was too much turning and falling for one time. I tried to hold the vomit, as a samurai with an injured arm approached me.

- Who are you? - Alizo was truly confused.

- I'm Lin. The most useful protector of this land and my boyfriend. - I fell on the ground, as I tried to take a step. I hope I helped you Rod.

(Roderick's perspective)

- What is going on out there? - I asked in between exhales. Keeping up with Lai was no easy deed.

- I'd advise you not to get distracted. - Lai commented, seeming fully rested fueled by his own anger.

- You know, it's your land that's getting destroyed.

- I should finish this quickly, then. - Lai leapt at me with his blade in his scabbard.

I just need to keep going, I need to avenge them, my parents and Lin. I can't let this monster continue.

- Double Laidõ Launch!


Author here,

For everyone reading, first, thanks for keeping up, second, tell me if you find the story confusing. There's a lot going on at the same time, and I might fail at accurately depicting certain aspects of this royale, so I'd like to hear what you think.