Samurai Royale Part 3: Wrong Students

- Double Laidõ Launch! - Once chakra ignited inside my scabbards, the two swords on them shot out as they came in contact with Lai's incoming blade. Lai had to hold his blade tightly to withstand the blow as he was pushed back.

His feet skidded across the soil as he looked up in surprise.

- What the... - The two launched swords were now floating in the air, controlled by me.

One of the benefits of Iron Style was the ability to control steel from afar, swords included. Like this I would be able to make up for the lack of opened inner gates, as I could strike with more than two blades. However striking with both controlled from afar and the ones in my hands at the same time was not something I was accostumed with. I would have to go the extra step.

Lai seemed to almost tremble as he looked at me.

- First you throw a lance, then you create an armor for Rakuma out of nothing, and now you control these from afar... You truly have become just like him.

- Like who?

- Your father.

- Is that so? From what Shisui showed me you needed both his and Itachi's help to beat my father. Does that mean I can beat you? - Lai's tremble stopped, realizing how stupid his sudden fear was, he laughed.

- Eh eh eh ah! Your father was a master of his own machiavelic style while you're purely an amateur. And also I should tell you, I am nothing like I used to be. - I felt the air shake once more from the power emanating from his blade. Small rocks by his feet started to float up from a mere show of power, only to fall again on the ground, as he stopped flexing. Even then, I had the sensation his hits would hit harder now. - Whatever Shisui showed you from his past, doesn't compare to my current level. Before training Renji, I trained harshly to build my abilities. My laidõ became mightier than that of Mifune's, my chakra mastery became unrivaled. You used to fear the Uchiha, didn't you? They're nothing compared to me!

- You know, Lai, I always had the idea you were the cool and calm master. For you to be talking this much, I must have truly hit a nerve. - Lai gritted his teeth. - If you wish to fight, fight. If not, die. I'm too stubborn to quit right now, and I'm sick of hearing you talk. Come at me!

- 100 Heavenly Cuts! - Various chakra slashes came from Lai's sword as he used his signature attack. I had one counter for this.

- Iron Style: Platinum Armor. - I coated my upper body in stainless steel as all his strikes bounced off me. Unfortunately I was immobile during the technique's duration, so when the cuts ended I had to take away the armor to strike him.

However, beofre I could do anything else, in a mere instant Lai was directly in front of me, only allowing me to raise the swords in my hands and block his attack. I got launched by his tremendous power, moving through the air at an uncontrollable speed. I barely had time to add a layer of steel on my back before I crashed against a building, and Lai wasn't going to slow down. He leapt after me right afterwards, leaving behind my two floating swords. His biggest mistake!

By bending my fingers I called the swords towards me, and more importantly at Lai's back. He tried to slash me, forcing me to stop controlling the swords, but with a small laidõ explosion I was able to rotate myself midair, and dodge his strike. I bent my fingers again, but Lai noticed it this time, turning around and hitting the blades before they hit him. I'm sure he felt happy with himself there, but not as happy as I was when I struck his sides with the swords in my hands. After a harduous fall we finally landed, both smiling, which begged the question:

-Why are you smiling? Did you turn into a masochist?

- No. I just find it hilariously pitiful that you think you have a chance. - The two deep cuts on the sides of his stomach quickly healed from the might of the black diamond on his head. If I were to kill him I'd need something equal to a decapitation.

Meanwhile someone else had just healed. Kurama got up now coated in a chaotic mix of red and white aura after absorbing Rakuma's Skyscraper. He looked at the man who gave him such power, seeing him only as a feast.

- You alone seem as tasty as all the appetizers I've had so far. - He spotted the Valkyries approaching. - Definitely more delicious than these spoiled meals.

The four Valkyries quickly surrounded Kurama walking slowly around him with their guards up. One of them commented:

- It seems you've healed all your wounds. Don't think that's enough to stop your impending defeat. - Kurama wanted to have a quirky comeback, but he didn't feel like it was worth it anymore.

He began to walk calmly forwards as one of the Valkyrie attempted to strike him. Without moving his arms, one of his tails grew in size crushing the woman's body against one of the crumbled buildings' pipes, impaling her through the stomach. One of the warriors screamed:

- Ororo, NO! You bastard. - The other two tried to stop the angry Valkyrie as they saw her blade surrounded in red.

- Don't! - But it was too late.

- Flaming Thrust! - A beam of flames came off the tip of her sword, one so scorching it passed through Kurama's chakra and shoulder.

She jumped at him, desperately trying to hit him, however every blow seemed to only get blown back. Kurama smirked.

- You were hiding some real power. - Kurama's shoulder restructured itself as he applauded her. - But you're still nothing more than entrees. - His hand grew three sizes and grabbed the Valkyrie's head, smashing it. Kurama turned his sights on the two remaining ones, who shook as they held their weapons. - Are you really going to try anything? Come on, you know it's pointless. - One of them dropped her blade in pure fear. The other one picked her petrified body and took them both out of danger. Kurama couldn't stop smiling. - I thought so.

Kurama cracked a few of his bones, stretching even. Every time he leveled up in strenght his body seemed to almost change, and there was always a "getting used to it" interval after each one. He prepared to face his main course, as he thought about how he would enjoy such a feast. He was still deep in his thoughts, when he looked up only to see an orange-haired man falling towards him. "I suppose this one could have its flavor.", he thought. He tried to absorb the Path's chakra, however he seemed to be already dead. Only here did Kurama realize, who threw the Animal Path towards him? That's when he felt his body be cut almost in half.

Rakuma had just taken down the remaining paths of Pain. After defeating the Asura Path with his Skyscraper he realized that the paths offensive power greatly decreased. The Animal, the Preta and the Human Paths seemed to be mostly supportive and not much else, however the odd feeling something wasn't right remained. Still, before he could investigate his suspiscion, he heard the screams of the Valkyries, as two of them had just been slaughtered. There was still one powerful opponent he had to take care of. He threw the path he had in hand, and went with a downwards slash after him. If the beast could absorb chakra, he had to deal with it the same as the Preta Path, which wasn't too difficult.

Now with his blade lodged midway through Kurama's body, he asked one question.

- Who are you? - He had never heard of such a beast-like person. It was especially odd when Kurama's body began to regenerate using up one of his tails. His sword was still lodged though.

- Didn't think anyone would force me to heal with my own power. You must be really as delicious as I dream of. Now hold on, what are you doing? - Rakuma's curiosity was too much for him not to act. He ripped off the skull mask off of Kurama's face, only to then quickly remove the blade from his torso. He was truly shocked.

- Re...Renji?! - Rakuma took a step back. - Wha... What happened to you? What the hell did I miss? - Rakuma was beyond confused. Kurama was entertained.

- Renji? I suppose this is his body, but his soul has long been gon... Urghh! - Kurama spit out a bit, as he felt some force coming from within.

From the depths of his soul, Renji awakened.

- Did... did someone call for me? Where am I? - He looked around only to see pure darkness, except for a sting of light, and through it, Rakuma. - Rakuma is alive? When did he come back? - The terrifying aura that kept him locked in that void of darkness got stronger once more, closing the hole once again, forcing his eyes closed once more. - Wait, no, stop.

Rakuma looked at Kurama struggling with something within him, reaching a conclusion.

- You took over his mind, didn't you? And he's trying to fight back.

- That's ridiculous. He gave in himself. Why would he try to leave?

- He chose you?.. What did you do to him for him to get so desperate?

- The offer of untamed power, the gift of absolute carnage against a world that only seemed to betray him. It's priceless. Your attack did more damage than I thought, that's all.

- Renji was always proud. - Rakuma remembered. Renji was never his student but was a still a prevalent presence in the samurai headquarters, he knew who he was. - He would do anything he could to prove himself as great and even greater than anyone else, but if there was something I know he was as well it's selfish. He would never let someone control him for the promise of power. You're keeping him locked, I know for sure.

- Maybe I am. But it has already been too long. There's no way out.

- You don't decide that. If he's struggling in there then I will bring him back, even if I have to destroy you. - Kurama smilled maliciously at him, as Rakuma made his choice to face him. He hoped that Alizo had gotten the message about the missing Path. Shame he didn't know he was closer than he thought.

Inside the samurai headquarters, in the underground floor, Mifune was guarding the Deva Path's cell. Once he got notice of the Pain invasion he quickly headed for the Pain's goal. He was there to make sure that Path was never taken, and as he feared someone was there to take him.

- So you've come. - Mifune asked the figure that approached from the dark.

- Give him up. It's pointless to stop the path of justice. - The Naraka Path appeared from the shadows. He was one step away from his victory.