Samurai Royale Part 4: Primal Fear

- So it's only one of you here? That wasn't too clever. - Mifune remarked. - I can easily handle you. - The Naraka Path grinned as the sound of slithering echoed through the corridor.

Mifune looked down to see a snake trying to sneakily enter the Deva Path's cell, and stepped on it rapidly, kicking its body against the opposite wall. The small snake grew in size and slowly gained a humanoid look forming Orochimaru, who complained:

- That really hurt my back, you know. - Mifune was surprised, but still prepared.

He had received precise intel on the Naraka Path, and its interrogation skills. All he needed to do was slice him before he got touched. Orochimaru on the other hand was a bit more of an handful. He asked:

- Why are you aiding them, Orochimaru? What do you have to gain from this?

- That's what I should be asking you. All this sslaughter outside, for what? To protect your pride and honor? Hand over the Path, and we promise to sseize our invasion. It's the only way you may gain anything. - A buzzing noise came from Mifune waist pocket. The Naraka Path moved towards Mifune to try and take advantage of the slight distraction, but Orochimaru quickly stopped him, telling him.

- If you approach him he'll quickly slash you with his laidõ. - Mifune was annoyed by Orochimaru's wisdom, it would have been the perfect chance to get rid of that Path. He took the call, and Alizo informed.

- General, samurai master Rakuma told me to warn you about a missing Pain. He must be heading there. - Mifune barely listenned, only answering.

- Once your struggle is over, move here quickly. - Mifune turned off the call, only to then realize that she mentioned Rakuma. A wide smile spread across his face as a lot of his worries vanished. He aimed his look at Orochimaru. - You weren't wrong about there not being much to gain from keeping a Path. After their invasion I was filled with so much anger from you taking away one of my strongest fighters away. It may have truly been a mistake to start this. But the Pains were the ones to incite this, and I'm not here to have any regrets. I will defeat you both.

- Like you defeated Hanzõ? - The Naraka Path commented, taking Mifune by surprise. - That bandaged head of yours tells me you've had a lot of regrets.

- How do you know of that?

- He told me before we killed him. - Mifune's look became one of shock. The most threathening foe he had ever faced, one he himself couldn't take down, was beaten by the Paths. It was worrisome, but it wasn't going to fill him with fear. He had much more powerful allies now.

He looked up, maintaining the stalemate before help arrived, however he heard a gassy sound, like acid melting steel. To his right, a serpent was now melting away the chains the Deva Path was stuck on.

- Noo! - Mifune opened the cell door, before being interrupted by Orochimaru's foot to his ribs. The Naraka Path, too precious to die, waited on the sidelines, as he realized all his other Paths had been taken down.

The one who did so, Rakuma, was now facing off against Kurama, or in his eyes, Renji. He had to find a way to get that beast off of him. He charged at him with his elbow, following it with an overhead crash with his sword, throwing the possessed bou against the ground. Kurama hit his face on the ground, but extended his tails to pierce the giant. Rakuma stepped back, giving time for Kurama to get up and burrow his feet. Black chaos accumulated in front of his mouth, as the burrowed feet were the one thing to keep him in place before the pressure of the attack. With a shout he shot the Tailed Beast Bomb at the samurai master who shrouded his blade in cyan chakra. He put his arm to the side of his sword, shouting as well.

- Laidõ Variant: Counter Wind! - In a quick burst he slid his sword across his arm, hitting the bomb back at its user.

A massive explosion followed the impact of the bomb with Kurama's face, who struggled to keep standing. His body was fully bent back, with his feet stuck in the ground. Getting hit with his own chakra wasn't the same as others, since he wasn't able to absorb its power.

Renji's mind once again saw a glimmer of light, as he tried to keep it open, keep the malicious chakra from surrounding his head, with everything he had, and gain back control of his body. Unfortunately, Kurama's remaining three tails made him too powerful to overthrow, and he became the beast once more.

- This is new. - Kurama pointed out. - I never thought I would ever feel fear.

- Is that so? - Rakuma commented. - Then you should probably escape while you can. You won't have to feel that again, and I'll even let you keep your life as a bonus.

- Oh, but overcoming fear makes this so much more fun. Isn't that what you valiant warriors are so proud of doing? - Rakuma sighed.

- Enough. I'm getting sick of this. - Rakuma put away his sword, approaching the possesswd boy.

Kurama tried to punch him. The samurai master grabbed it, twisting his fist. Kurama attempted to punch once more, but the same happened. Rakuma pulled his arms, hitting his chin with his knee. He let go of the arms, grabbing his face and throwing it against the ground. Rakuma said:

- Suicide Counter: Hand Cost. - Kurama tried to desperately get his face off his hand, but an unbelievable pressure kept him put. He asked:

- What the hell are you doing? - His voice cracked as fear came upon him.

- I'm going to blow you up alongside my hand, and your only chance of survival is if you give up on that body. 10! - Kurama shook desperately, but even his legs and tail were under the same kind of pressure. He couldn't even move. - 9!

- You're not going to do it!

- 8!

- There's no way you'd sacrifice your hand like this!

- 7! - Rakuma kept his unwavering look and will. Kurama wouldn't pierce his determination so easily.

- You'll kill Renji too if you do it like this. I'll just absorb the chakra from the blast and survive while he dies!

- Then why are you so scared? 6! - The chakra around Kurama's face withered away, leaving only Renji's look.

- Please, don't kill me! The beast is gone. You did it. - Rakuma looked at him, deep in thought, only to then continue.

- 5! - Kurama's chakra quickly took over its face again.

- How did you know?

- I know now. 4! - Kurama was hopeless. He couldn't move, and if the brute on top of him was able to create a skyscraper blade of chakra, then how powerful would an attack that requires sacrifice be? - 3! - It would definitely kill him. Even if he were to concentrate all his chakra on his face there was no certainty of surivival. He didn't even know if he could. - 2! - He would have to retreat for now. Let Renji take over and then come back once more. There was no way for them to remove him from his body without killing him. He just had to bide his time. - 1! - All the red and white chakra around Kurama's body vanished, as Renji's eyes were his once more. He had already seen glimpses of what was happening, and made his choice.

- Do it. Kill me here. It's the only way to get rid of him.

- 0! - Rakuma took his hand off Renji's face, pointing it diaginally upwards. A cataclysmic blast of pure pressure came off his arm, desintegrating the top of two buildings, and the clouds in its path alongside his own hand. Renji felt the mere air pressure around the attack crushing him against the ground, as his ears deafened and windows of any nearby building broke.

He stayed lying there, recovering his hearing slowly. Rakuma tried to cover the stump where his hand used to be, but with his steel armor, he had no clothes to do so. Renji seeing that said:

- Come here. - Rakuma extended his arm as Renji began healing it. He explained:

- Lai taught me the basics of medical care. This should stop the bleeding but it's just the equivalent of first aid, and you need a lot more than that. - Renji tried to hold back a tear. - Why did you sacrifice your hand, Rakuma? I was already saved.

- Once I started the Suicide Counter there's no way for me to stop it. It isn't an ability I can just control however I like, and I needed to make sure of its effectiveness. When I learned this, I accidentally blew off a toe, if you can believe it. Heh. - Rakuma grunted from the pain, sitting down beside him. - It was worth it though. I'm glad I brought you back.

- Why, Rakuma? - Renji was desperate. - He's just going to take over again. What you did just now was pointless.

- I did my part. Now it's time for you to do yours. You are the prodigy captain, right? Heh... I'm sure you can do anything. - Renji looked at Rakuma with a smile, but still in fear of himself. He had a beast inside him and now it was his duty to keep him locked.

- Thanks. I...

- Don't say it. I'm just glad you're grateful. I was starting to feel bad from all that complaining. - Rakuma got up. - We should meet up with Lai. - He looked at his own severed hand. - He can probably handle this a bit better.

- Yes, I... I'd like to see him. Is Roderick here?

- They were together last I saw them, near the headquarters. I haven't seen them since, so they probably headed inside. Let's go, Renji. - Rakuma offered his remaining hand to Renji, who grabbed it and got up.

- I hope Roderick is happy to see me back. - Renji commented, not knowing what awaited him.