Ch 2. Play time~

I woke up suddenly to a loud noise. Loud noise my ass! This punk ass stinky man was shaking me and my chain on my sword was jingling.

"Yo! Wake up!" dude yelled.

"Bro! I'm tryina sleep here! Fuck!" I opened my eyes and saw a bunch of people. I shook my head and yawned. Mumbling, "I need a damn coffee," as I reached down to the floor board and 'grabbed' a coffee.. out of the damn inventory!

"Where the fuck did that come from?! It wasnt there before!" dude yelled.

"Fuck! My head hurts, stop yellin or I'm fittin ta smack ya." I stated and drank my coffee, then looked around. "Where we goin?"

"She cant come..." A girl said.

"Fuck you say to me? I'm tryna find my family. You got a group, I'm lookin if they there. I can track you even if you dump me into a horde. I'll lead them right to your bitch ass if I have to." I said angrily.

"Thats why you cant come. Nobody in our group would know you anyways, tramp. I promise." she said mockingly.

"You must be stupid." I said.

"Let her look. If they aren't there, we can at least get her somewhere safer than here right? She could help us." said the driver.

"Shut up Rick. She cant come." the girl stated.

"Maggie, let her look. It doesnt hurt to have more hands anyways. She hasnt even touched her weapon even though we intruded on her sleep." said the guy next to me.

"Yeah, hes right. She only started drinking a coffee." said the other guy with us.

"Coffee?" Maggie and Rick said.

"Cuz I got a headache. Forgot to drink my coffee this morning, fell asleep in a truck and got shaken the shit out of. Must have hit my head or somethin, whatever. Look, if I wanted to kill you, you'd be dead. Little girl, you ought to hold onto your jealousy better. Just cuz I have bigger breasts dont mean you should be mad." I smiled politly.

"Fuck you tramp." she said angrily.

"I'm not a tramp, midget." I laughed.

"Im not a midget." Maggie said.

"Yeah? I dont believe it." I said and yawned.

"We're here...." Rick said.

"Great! I'm cramped in here!" I said as I watched the others get out. I smiled mischievously, "Hey midget, wanna go?"

"I'm not a fucking midget, you tramp!" she yelled.

I lite a cigarette and opened my door, "Yeah. Most people are midgets, actually, at least compared to me." As I spoke, I put my sword in my shorts loop and stepped out.

A few gasps could be heard as I stretched and my entire body popped. I let out a soft moan and yawned, looking at Maggie, "Still wanna complain?"

She shook her head and frowned, walking away angrily towards the other members. I pulled out my phone and messaged in a chat, [Fuck I'm bored, send me a real fucking dog that isnt chicken shit or part ostrich. Better yet, get me a breeding pair. And I needa know how to take care of them, and how to use my bloodlines!]

Not long later, I heard growling from the forest. "Come here!" I yelled toward the trees.

Loud woof like howls sounded and two big bear like dogs came speeding out. "My babies! Oh! Come, momma missed you! Jade be a good boy and greet our friends, you too Jazz!" The two wolf looking bear like dogs stopped right in front of me and bowed before turning to the group of weapon holding pricks watching us.

The doggos waved a paw at them and turned back to me and tackled me to the ground. I felt like I was gonna be licked to death!

"Alright. Alright! Come lay with momma." I said as I sat up and had them calm down. "I told you my family was this way! Hahaha!"

Maggie stared dumb struck. Rick looked puzzled. The other people held their weapons at us still.

"They gonna attack anyone?" some guy said.

"If you harm one, they will. However, that happens and nobody will survive." I smiled 'innocently'.

"Where the fuck is my brother?!" another guy yelled.

"About that.." big black guy explained quietly what happened.

"Oh shit. Yo, bro, I gotcha back. We a killing team, I dont know the way but I can kill the dead if ya drive?" I offered.

"Are you crazy?! That's a horde!" Rick yelled.

"Yes, I'm crazy but the world is just as crazy. You can stay back and watch if your a chick shit but im bored and need some exercise." I smiled and my doggos woofed. "See, we good ta go. Look I even got my jams! Woop woop gonna listen to some Garth! Oh fuck my head! Gimme a few ta drink my coffee though..."

The dude who lost his brother face palmed, "Ain't got any coffee left. I'll take ya, I know the area. I ain't goin into the horde though."

"Oh, nah. I got a coffee. Even got a snack in my pocket. We'll sit in the bed of the truck." I said and got up, " Come on. Time to play." I told my doggos as i got into the bed and pulled out my coffee and phone.

[Wtf! I ain't got snacks, food, water, coffee, or even doggo food. I need stamina for days as well as agility. Nah fuck that, I need all stats for days! Gimme all music!] I wrote and sent.

A minute later, I found a nice box of jerky bags and emptied one for each doggo before eating one myself. My body felt lighter by the second. [Shit... Are my doggos and I immune to this? I'm part ghoul so... answer?]

Dark god of viruses- [Yes you are. -Doggos- also have your bloodline! so they are as well. Just dont eat the dead or you will go insane like the -The Owl- from T.G.]

[Thanks bro!] I sent back and smiled, "Alright you two, do not eat the yucky corpses! I have food so dont eat the yucky stuff okay?" The nodded and made a salute like gesture. "Good doggos!"

Dude got into the truck as I was talking to my doggos. "Ay, my names Daryl. Who are you?"

"Me? I'm Chloe." I said with a grin as Rick got into the truck.

"I'm not letting you go by yourselves. Strength in numbers." Rick said.

"Here, I got y'all some looky glasses. Just watch, might get hurt if ya jump in so stay out the way of my fun!" I declared as we started moving.

Took an hour but as the sun was setting, I passed night vision goggles to them and made them stop. We were still a bit away from the city but we found a small horde. Probably a branch of the horde. Jade was first one out, followed by Jazz and I.

I unsheathed and brought out my sword and had the chain wrap around my hand once. "I'll get the left, you two go right." I said then ran toward the left side of the zombies. My sword went through them like hot knife through butter. My dogs one hit killed with claws. It was a good warm up. A minute later, the group was dispatched and we got back into the bed.

"Haa~~ What a nice warm up! Dont you agree? Aw~ You need a snack doncha? Here, mommas got some good food just for you. Eat up!" I said as I put some deer steaks in front of both.

"Warm up?!" Rick exclaimed.

"Mm Yeah a warm up. Want some coffee?" I offered.

"I'll take some booze if ya got any." Daryl said.

"Bahaha! My coffees got booze in it! Here, it's a strong one." I said as I handed a cup over to him.

"I'll take some straight coffee if you have any." Rick said perturbed.

"Ah. Alrighty. Here ya go." I handed him a black coffee and lit up a cigarette.

We got close to Atlanta and found the horde. I smiled, "Look, its game time! Whoever kills more, gets extra food for dinner!" I said as I jumped out. The dogs right after me. I unsheathed my sword and let go of it, swinging my chain to the left side of me as I ran to the left side. My dogs growling as they split apart and ran at the horde, one on the right, the other in the center out of reach of my sword.

I was laughing meniacly, slaughtering and dancing about, music playing in my headphones. An hour later the horde was wiped out and my dogs were playing tag. The truck pulled up and Daryl yelled out, "We cant take this road. Next time, take them off the road first!" then he grinned.

"Ah, sweetie, were you worried about me?" I laughed.

"Can we get going? It's dark out and I'm tired." Rick said.

"Sweetie? Now look here, I ain't no sweetie." Daryl said and rolled up his window.

"Damn straight your not!" I said and hopped into the bed of the truck. "Let's get this dick before he cries himself to sleep." I laughed.

My dogs ran outside the truck, killing the zombies so we could drive. Once we got closer, we found another horde.

"Oh! Midnight game! Gonna need some tunes.. Hmm. Rob zombie seems appropriate!" I turned on my music and jumped out, beginning the slaughter.

Took an hour but damn was it fun. Feels just like a vr game! Once I was done, I smiled and laughed some more. "Where to next?" I asked.

"Uh... that big building in front of us.." Rick said.

"Alright. Jade, Jazz, Guard the ride! I gotta get doofus!" I said.

"Woah, hold up! I'm comin with you, that's my brother!" Daryl said.

"Yo! Gimme a reason why I should guard your ass while having to rescue the princess stuck in a tower?" I said.

"....He will attack you unless I come along..." Daryl said.

"No guns." I stated.

"I ain't got a weapon then..." Daryl said.

"For real? Pipe. Crow bar. Bat. Wrench. Knife. Ax." I pointed at the weapons on the ground and sighed. "I'm going now. toodles."

I walked to the building and opened the door, "Yo! Gimme a beat!" Then i turned Big&Rich on, on full blast out loud and slaughtered the trapped zombies.

Apparently Daryl's brother really was a prick but a thankful one at least. He hit his brother for coming to the city full of zombies. That pissed me off, "Yo, ungrateful prick. Hands off the prey. He owes me tonight for saving your retarded ass so until I cash in, fuck off."

"Ay! Come out the shadows if you gonna say shit." dude yelled.

I was angry and my left eye changed into ghoul mode, "Oh? ~~Someone wants to play~~ hehe nobody has had the nerve to play with me for yeeeeears!" As I spoke, my kagane came out and wrapped around his leg.

"What the fuck?!" they both yelled.

"I'm not playing with your freaky ass!" Dude yelled.

"Oh? But it isnt your choice anymore. It's up to... Hmm.. Jade or Jazz... I cant decide." I giggled as I came out if the shadows. Dude look horrified for a second before looking at Daryl and somehow managed to calm the fuck down.

"T-thank you for saving me. I was blind and didnt see how beautiful you are! Please forgive this moron that I am!" dude said quickly.

I released him and smiled, "Ah~ so sweet of you! I could use some cuddle buddies~" after I winked at them, they quickly denied on grounds of being dirty. We went back to the truck and Rick smiled, "How did you train your dogs?"

"Eh? Not trained though? I'm recognized as alpha and mother. If they dont listen, then death awaits them." I stated matter of factly.

"O-oh.." Rick said with an odd look.

"Right.. Dinner time Jade, Jazz. Come on!" We hopped into the truck bed and headed back to camp. In the outskirts of the city, we found another horde as the sun was rising.

Daryl's brother, Dixon, panicked for a second before he saw us get out. "Girl, dont go! Your gonna get killed!"

"Dont worry boo, I'll protect you!" I winked at him and prepped my sword. I played some music outloud as I led the zombies off the road and started a slaughterfest. All that could be heard was Bring me the Horizon- Happy Song on repeat and me laughing. After half an hour, I came back.

"You destroyed the woods.." Rick said exhaustedly.

"Who told the trees to get in the way?! Jeez, Damn fucking trees trying to kill me while I was playing. Tch. Maybe I should burn them down..." I said.

"We could use them to keep the campfires going. Gotta stay warm while sleeping." Daryl said off handedly.

"Right... Go fetch me some of them broke trees. I know the last game was a tie, so as a tie breaker, whoever brings the biggest tree back wins!" I told my doggos with a smile.

They ran quickly and brought back equal sized trees, growled at each other and took off again. After ten minutes we had half the trees I cut sitting by the truck.

"Sigh... Jazz wins. This one is six inches longer." I said and put a stack of steaks out for both of them as I sliced the wood again.

"Where did she get that?" I heard Dixon ask.

"No idea. Ask her for a spiked coffee though." Daryl said.

"The regular coffee is good too." Rick said.

"The fuck?" Dixon said.

"Shane's gonna be pissed though. Given that much food to dogs..." Daryl said.

"Fuck that guy. Acting like king dick for no reason." Dixon said.

"Yo! Gimme a hand! I'm too sleepy to deal with the rest.." I said.

The boys got out and loaded the truck with the already chopped wood. Rick pushed the unchopped ones off to the road side. I yawned but heard a noise.

"Play time again?" I said quietly. The guy looked at me then where I was looking.

A horde came out of the other side of the road. "I want sleep! Fucking bastards!" I screamed angrily, running at them as I threw my sword out.

Took an hour, but the remnants of the horde was wiped out. I huffed as I went to the bed of the truck, "Fucking bastards, not fun when I'm tired. Need more coffee, maybe a nice cold one this time... Hmm.."

"Coffee? Can I have one?" Dixon asked confused.

"Spiked or black?" I asked.

"Got any spiked ice coffee?" He asked.

"Oh! Were matching!" I said as I handed a glass frappe bottle and two shots of whiskey. "I'm a rum person but whiskey goes best with this."

"Thanks. Isnt a frappe sweet though?" Dixon said.

"Dont like sweet? Give it away. Here, Black iced coffee with whiskey." I handed a cup of ice with coffee and whiskey in it.

"Let's get back..." Rick said.

"Right. Your wifey and kiddo was there huh?" I said.

"What?" Rick said.

"Eh? You smelled like them... And that one scheming guy.. Oh shit! Ay boo, wanna see a fight?" I said to myself then Daryl and Dixon.

"Who's fightin?" Dixon asked with a smile.

"Rick heres gonna fight Schemer. Dude stole his wifey and knocked her up." I grinned.

"You mean that's Rick's family..?" Daryl asked.

"Yup, and I even got popcorn!" I giggled.

"Hold up, what do you mean?" Rick said.

"Ask your dude and wifey. Schemer had your blood on him at one point so you know him as well." I smiled at him and handed him an energy drink and a few shots of rum. "Gonna need this I bet."