Ch 3. Give it to me straight.

The rest of the ride back was quiet as shit. I mean, Rick was fuming while chugging the energy drink. Daryl was driving and Dixon was sleeping in the back seat. My doggos were laying down with each other and I was watching the sky. That's when I noticed, the sky looks the same...

"Shit. IF YOU THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME DOWN AGAIN, THINK AGAIN YOU PRICK! IF IT EVEN REMOTLEY COMES NEAR ME, ILL DRAG YOUR ASS DOWN HERE AND KILL YOU!" I screamed at the clouds. Then the rain started followed by lightning and thunder.

"What are you screaming at?!" Rick said angrily.

"The retard who made me get stuck by lightning last cloud burst." I said seriously.

"....What?" Daryl said.

"I want to cook some food. Can we hurry up?" I said angrily, "Besides, i want to see a fight already."

"We are pulling up now. Your screaming probably woke the whole camp up." Said Rick.

"Well, get on with it. Lemme see you beat the snot outta that fucker. I hate thieves so if you wont, I will." I smiled at Rick.

"Ain't gonna kill him." Rick stated.

"Kill who?" Some guy said at the window.

"Hi Schemer. Whatcha doing up so early?" I asked the guy.

"Schemer? We heard you screaming, everyone's up now." he said.

"Oh. Seems legit. I'm making me and my doggos some breakfast. Toodles~" I said with a smile as we hopped out of the bed of the truck.

"No. Your making problems. You cant stay here." dude said.

"Making problems? Shes solved more problems since she got here." Daryl said.

"Oh? Then where is Dixon?" dude smiled a little.

"Hes my hostage. So are you boo!" I said to Daryl as I pulled him with me, Dixon was knocked out on Jades back. I brought them to the campfire and froze. [I dont have cooking utensils! Hom am I gonna camp like this...] I said in group chat.

(Gift sent to inventory.) My phone buzzed. [Thank you for the help!] I sent and pulled out a giant cast iron skillet. The pan was 3 feet across and 6 inches deep. I put some butter in the pan, let it sizzle over the fire. While my hair kept the pan in place, I cracked eggs and placed bacon in the pan until it was full. I nodded, "Damn brats better love me. Or I ain't sharing my food no more."

Daryl tried to leave but Jazz kept him in place. I smiled, "Fight starts soon. Wake your brother and have him get the kids in camp. Or do you not want some good food?"

Daryl nodded and woke his brother up. "Hey, if you want 'good food' go get the children so they can eat. Tell em to hurry or they dont get any."

Dixon looked around quickly, nodded and ran off. "Hey, dumb asses! Dont fight yet, let the kids get to a safe area first." I yelled at the two who were about to beat the crap out of each other.

"You, pregnant lady who's Rick's wifey, get your kid and come eat. Cant have you fucking around anymore." I grinned to the lady by the duo as I spoke.

"Brought the kids, whatcha makin?" Dixon said as a group of people and kids came over.

"I made eggs and bacon, got some oatmeal for those who cant have meat. Hash browns are next. I'll make yall two something good after if ya can wait." I said with a smile as I passed food about. Put some more butter in the pan and started on the hashbrowns. After a bit, everyone else was fed but the two dumb asses, the brothers, my doggos and I.

"Winner of the fight gets food. No killing. No weapons." I stated and poured coffee before making a nice beef steak for the humans. I pulled out some animal hearts and threw them to fry as well.

"Jazz gets two extra. You both did great, so go take a rest or give me some grandbabies! hehe" I declared while looking at my doggos.

Food was quickly finished and I passed it out, keeping the pan in the fire. "For those who dont know, This is pregnant backstabbing lady who has been with her husband's best friend and partner for a few years. Not her husband baby neither. Rick here woke up alone and now is reunited with a pair of traitors and his son."

"Dont talk about my mom like that!" a kid yelled.

"Listen here kid, if you promise to do something, you best stick to it. Otherwise, your trash and deserve to be ridiculed." I said amused. "Besides, why should I care? Not like I'm sticking around to wait for this scheming douchebag to kill you all. I may be able to fight but I dont care to be a guard."

'Woof.' Jade wooded and slammed his paw down on the ground like a declaration that I was right.

"Aww Good boy!" I smiled as I gave my doggos their food.

Rick won the fight so I gave him a black coffee and steak. "Whacha gonna do now?" I smiled.

"Eat. Sleep. We are moving out after everyone eats. I'll sleep in the truck." He said.

"Hm. Well until I get my pay back from these two then we shall head off on our own." I said and put my pan away.

"Where are you getting these things anyways?" Rick asked.

"Oh? Curious? Hehe I wont tell. Ya know what, fuck it. I dont feel like waiting. Eat on the road Cowboy. I wanna ride!" I hoped up and went to the woods. I messaged out, [Yo! Anybody got a super motor cycle that dont need fuel? or a pair of them?] Poof. Two all black, Victory motorcycles with two seats. I brought them out and smiled, "Who do I get to ride with first?"

"Shit... Dixon.. You can ride better than I can, why don't you..?" Daryl said with a scared smile.

"Oh no, your in her debt twice! Shes with you first." Dixon declared.

"Yay! Come on Sweetie." I said with a big smile.

"Y-yes of course..." Daryl glared at his brother as they walked over.

The camp packed up quickly and we were out of there. I road with Daryl the first day, until we got to a blocked part of the highway and the damn RV broke down.

"Alright. Let's go play while they do things, oh! Looky, I found a hose thingy, oi Mechanic guy does this fit?" I said with a smile.

"That's exactly it! Thanks lady. Itll take a few hours to deal with this.." Dude said.

"Let's go for a hunt. I'm bored." I said as I walked toward Rick and the brothers.

"Its getting dark, we can hunt in the morning." Rick said tiredly.

"Hehe fine. Hey boo, I'm cashing in. Come cuddle with me!" I said as I looked at Dixon.

"Wha- No! I'm filthy, it's not a good idea." He said.

"....Tell it to me straight. You dont want to, do you?" I said sadly.

Rick elbowed him quickly, "Theres a stream in the woods I bet. Why not take a bath?"

"I... Damn you Rick." Dixon said angrily.

"If shes happy, We're happy. If shes sad, We're dead.." Rick whispered to him, Daryl nodded in agreement.

"If you dont want to cuddle... Its fine... I'll just.. -sniffle- fine.. some -sniffle- thing else." I fake pouted as I walked toward the woods.

"See, shes fine. Shes a big girl." Dixon nodded.

'growl' Jade and Jazz stared at him and stepped closer while growling and bearing teeth.

"She deserves a better man. I cant make her happy." Dixon quickly said and stepped back.

Jade snapped at him, barely missing his leg. Jazz growled louder, ready to pounce on him. "Dixon, get the fuck over it. You owe her your life. Going back on your word now?" Rick said.

"Fine! Yo, girly, come on. I got a better idea." Dixon said and ran after me.

"Y-you mean it?!" I said with fake tears.

"Of course. Come on." Dixon said.

We walked to the stream nearby and Dixon washed himself. Afterwards, we walked through the woods and chatted. We stopped at the edge of the trees on the way back and he spoke up, "Look, I cant be your one. Neither can my brother. We aren't good at relationships."

"And? I just wanted to fuck around. Figured I could relieve my boredom if I had some people to play with. Your making this no fun." I stated and walked away with a smile.

"Sweetie. I'll take my last favor before I skip town." I said to Daryl.

"What can I do for you?" he asked with a smile.

"Come play with me." I said.

Rick coughed out his water, "There are kids around who can hear you..." he said.

"Your a pervert. I said play with me, not sleep with me." I said with a giggle.

"...." Neither spoke and Dixon joined the group, away from us.

"What are we playing?" Daryl finally said.

"Dont know yet..." I sighed.

Daryl led me to a tent and we sat down. I yawned and he looked at me curiously. "You can take a nap, I haven't seen you sleep since you joined us." He offered.

"Mm. Could you be my pillow then?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"...Um.. No problem." he said a little dazed.

I smiled mischievously and pushed him over, putting my head on his shoulder. "Mm comfy."

He froze for a bit before raising his arm and patting my head softly. As I was drifting off to sleep, Dixon came in. "Get off him. He isnt a toy to play with."

"Let her sleep, I offered." Daryl said quietly.

"Shes just screwing with your mind. She isnt gonna sleep. Shes waiting for you to fall asleep so she can do something to you!" Dixon yelled.

"If your so worried then come and sit. I'm not fucking around right now, I'm sleeping." I stated.

"I'm watching you." Dixon sat down and put his gun next to his lap.

I stretched a bit and laid closer to Daryl and closed my eyes again. As I fell asleep, I wrapped my arms and legs around Daryls body.

I had a dream, cant remember it though. When I opened my eyes, Daryl was still asleep and the sun was starting to come out. I yawned and let go of him. I wrote a note under Dixons watchful eyes and put it in Daryls pants with a smile. I turned to Dixon, "Make sure he reads it after I'm gone. See ya or maybe not. Toodles."

As I left the tent, I put some bread loaves outside each tent and left. My doggos behind me as we went into the woods.

"Play time. Play time. Gonna go to school to play~" I hummed as we ran toward the town. I found some children running from zombies, put the zombies down and had the kids lead me to their camp.

I found a group of people killing another group. I smiled, "Play time~" Walking out of the trees I smiled.

"Can i play with you?" I asked.

"Hehe of course. Come 'play' with us." A guy said.

"Okay!" I slaughtered them and saved the three people. "Aw play times over~ Boo. Off to school, time to play some more~" I said as I walked away.

My doggos met me outside town and we slaughtered all the zombies. As it got dark, we made it to the school. A truck coming from the distance, I remembered what was going to happen.

"Play time! Whoever kills more wins!" I shouted as I unsheathed my blade. My doggos bolted off to the sides as I went to the center, toward the school doors.

The truck stopped a ways away from the school, Rick and some lady got out at first and were about to shoot. "Dont take my fun!" I yelled at them and continued killing.

"Get in the truck and wait for her to finish...." Rick said.

"Shes killing sick people. Why should I listen to you?!" the girl said as she pointed her gun at me.

"Hehehehe Sick? I only see one sick person, and that's you. Cure them? I am! The dead should stay dead. Anyone who says anything else is sick in the head." I declared and let go of my sword. Grabbing the chain, I started swinging it and killing faster.

I entered the school not long later and my dogs followed. We wiped out everything and walked outside.

"We can bring some stuff to docs house but I want a favor in return." I said.

"We cant carry the big machines. If you can bring them intact and working properly, I'll do what I can." Rick stated warily.

"Good. We can track you so take what you need immediately and we will follow soon after." I said as they grabbed stuff and left.

I put the medical crap that I found, everything, in my inventory and we ran after them. Well not much of an after, we caught up and found the dumb girl screaming at Rick. I laughed as we passed them and went to the farm.

"Yo! I got medical crap but got no clue whatcha want." I called out to the house.

"Who are you?! Wheres my daughter?!" old guy yelled with a gun.

"Behind me. Hi. I'm Chloe. This is Jade and this is Jazz. Say Hello you two." I smiled as my dogs waved.

The truck pulled up and the girl came out of it raging, "She killed everyone!"

"I put the dead to rest, stupid. Rick, Complete the deal. Here." I waved my hand over the yard and medical supplies landed all over the ground softly. "Intact. Works properly. Anything you could need. I want to borrow Daryl for a night."

"Is she in your group?" Old guy asked.

"No. She saved one of ours for a favor. She got all of this for another favor. Think of her as a mercenary." Rick said.

"She ain't welcome here." Old guy said.

"That's okay, dont wanna be here really but I'll stick 'round for a few days. Found a few hordes heading here, why waste my time when they can come to me?" I smiled. "My favor is say as last nights."

"You just want a nap." a mans voice said.

"Hehe Hi sweetie. Didja get my note?" I giggled.

"You cant stay here." the old guy said.

"You wont see me, hear me, or know I'm here. My dogs either. If you see me, I'll owe you a favor." I smiled to the old man. "Toodles."

I dragged Daryl to his tent and laid with him again. "Best pillow ever!" I wrapped around him and slept. My doggos out hunting for a snack.

"Damn it woman. Leave my brother alone!" Dixon yelled when he came into the tent.

"Shut the fuck up. I'm sleeping!" I yelled at him.

"Dixon, come on. Be nice to the gal." Daryl said half asleep.

I sighed and used my hair to pull Dixon down to the ground and behind me. I pressed him again me and held him in place. "Be quiet and sleep."

Dixon was fuming but calmed down after a while. I smiled mischievously and swayed my hips a little to tease him. "Knock it off or I'll do it." Dixon said.

"Then do it." I said as I started tease both of them.

I lightly bit Daryls neck as my hand slipped into his pants. My ass grinding against Dixons dick.

Dixon, reaching around to my shorts, quickly unbuttoned them and pulled them down. Daryl lifted my shirt and unhooked my bra. I smiled and unbuttoned Daryls pants as Dixon unbuttoned his own.


When I woke up, our clothes were all over the tent and my chain was wrapping around my leg. I shivered a little and found something poking my ass. I turned and found Dixon asleep with a hard on.

Slowly getting untangled from the duo, I put my clothes in my inventory and put on my purple set. As I bent over to put my panties on, someone smacked my ass.

"Hmm? Oh hiya Dixon. Did I wake you?" I smiled.

"Yup. How you planning to put those on with that chain on your leg? Why you got unicorns on your ribs? And what's these symbols?" He asked.

"Easy. The chain moves. Unicorns because Galfus, even if he was a prick, helped me. Those are alchemy symbols for the solar system." I said.

"And what about that one on your leg, what song is it?" Daryl asked.

"Morning sunshine. It's the piano music for a song I like. Soundscape to Ardor." I said as I had the chain move to attach to my wrist. "Oh and thanks for last night. I had fun, let's do it again." as I winked and went to pull my panties up, Dixon stopped me.

"Who said we were done with you?" Dixon said with a smile.

"Ahem. She isnt welcome here so she needs to leave. We gave her a night because she brought the medical gear." a rude girl said.

"Hehe I'm going, I'm going." I pulled up my panties and put my shorts on. I wrote a note and stuck in down Daryls pants again with a smile. I leaned over Dixon and whispered, "Shane's been bitten. Carl might die. Rick would owe you one if..." I backed away and walked out the tent. Once I was out, I found the old guy with a gun pointed at me.

"Get moving murderer." old guy said.

I stretched and popped my bones, yawned, then whistled. "Breakfast time you two." I yelled to my doggos who came running out of the woods.

"Lemme grab a bite first." I said to the old guy as I walked to the fire. He shot at my feet and hit my leg.

"Get gone." he said calmly.

"She wounded, you cant expect her to leave now." Daryl said.

"Aw sweetie. You worry so much. It's just a tiny bruise, gone in a jiffy I promise... Right! I forgot! You dont know. hehe" I giggled as I sat next to the fire. My wound already healed, i pulled out my giant skillet and put bacon and eggs in. "Starving...~"

My doggos watched the old guy as I cooked. Once I was done, I set two bowls out and let them eat as I scarfed down my food. After i ate, I lit a cigarette and stood up. "Toodles~ See ya very soon."

I smiled and walked out of the camp to the woods while humming, "Play time~ Play time~ Play~ Time~"

We spent the day killing zombies in the woods, at night I snuck into the tent to sleep with Daryl and Dixon. After three days, Shane changed and a horde from the next farm came over. I sat on the porch of the farm house watching the zombies creep out of the woods.

Stupid old guy saw me and was about to yell when he saw all the 'sick people'. "Dead should stay dead. The virus kills them and turns into a parasite that takes over their bodies. They are dead with parasites. Gonna let yourself die cuz you cant put down the thing that stole your family?" I said as I unsheathed my sword and danced to the zombie horde, blaring music.

"Play time! Dont take my fun from me!" I yelled as I made the chain on my sword longer and slaughtered. Because I had the people hide and not make noise, all the zombies came to me and my doggos.