Ch 4. Fucking about

I cashed in my favor that night. If I want to play with Daryl and Dixon then I have to use favors, that's what Rick said at least. They went off the next day as I made my way to find more fun things to do.

I went back to Atlanta and killed my way through window shopping. I came across a pet shop finally. I got two collars and put them on my doggos. As I did, I sighed. I keep forgetting to use my magic stuff from my bloodlines.

After exiting the city, now devoid of zombies, I sat in the grass and practiced my magical skills. I accidently set fire to the grass so I tried to use water to put it out and only made fog instead.. I had the wind sweep it away but spread the fire. So I 'poured' water on the fore and a waterfall poured out of the closes cloud...

Fuck this. I used my spirit bloodline to wisp me away to the next place after I put Jade and Jazz in my living space. When I arrived, I looked around and slaughtered. Forgetting to bring my doggos out, it took a little longer to clear the town.

I was bored out of my mind. "I'll wipe out cities and let these humans deal with the rest." I spammed spirit and ghoul bloodline until every city and major horde was killed. By that time, Rick's group made it to the prison, which I didnt clear out yet for a reason, I showed up outside the gates.

"Hey! Need some help?" I asked them as they made there way to the building.

"Chloe! Yeah, owe you one if you clear this place out?" Rick said.

"Deal! I have something to say afterwards though." I said as I started slaughtering, going into the building after a while.

A few hours later I came out, "Man, tunnels are freaky! Hehehe. Found survivors." I said as I pulled my sword and the chain dragged out a handful of people.

"These guys may have been convicts but they weren't murderers. Besides, Sword lady can put them down if it comes to it." I smiled at Rick and the sword lady.

As we walked through the building I spoke up, "Sooo... This will be the last you see me. I already did you the favor of clearing the world of hordes. I was that bored. So I'll cash my favor in tonight and be gone by morning."

"....What?" Rick said confused.

"You couldnt have down that." Carol said.

"Right... I'm not human soooo... Yes I can. My gift to you is a safer world." I smiled and pulled Daryl and Dixon off to another room.

Rick facepalmed and sighed, "Talk to you later."

"You can join you know? Anyone can, even woman." I giggled as I walked away, "If more dont join, these two might die from exhaustion. Hehehehe."

A small group of people followed after us, including the prisoners. I had my fun and so did they. When morning came, I found Rick outside the door. I smiled mischievously and dragged him to another room and jumped him.

Afterwards, we talked and I bid farewell. I stuffed a note in Daryl and Dixons pants and went to the roof.

[Bored. Can I go to another world?] I sent.

Goddess of pastime [Peaceful or fighting?]

God of War [Fighting! Right?!]

[Surprise me! But if its fighting, I want a mount in my living space!] I sent.


"Where am I?" I looked around and found a kings chamber. A king on his throne, 4 people standing in front of him with a group of people behind them. The guards surrounded me, "Who are you?!"

"Who are you?" I asked back and smiled.

"Are you from our worlds?" a guy with a bow asked.

"Depends on your world I guess. I just got here.... Shit. Is this what I think it is?" I asked amused.

"We are the four heroes, summoned to get rid of the waves of otherworldly beings." Said a guy with a sword.

"Fuck me. Not interested in your backward politics. Hey shield hero, I have a present for you!" I smiled and dragged him off as a girl followed us.

"Excuse me. Where are you taking us?" the girl asked.

"Hey princess. Fuck off now before I kill you." I mused.

"Princess?" the guy asked.

"She was scheming to get you killed by the other heroes. Got the money right? Let's go this way." I brought him to a slave market, toward a little girl and made him buy her.

"Get the fuck out of this country now. They are prejudice against the shield. I'll stall the army." I winked at him and sent them off.

"To kill or not to kill, that's the question." I mumbled as I brought out my weapon. The army caught up to me and tried to capture me so I yawned, "Aw fellas I cant play with all of you at once. You should take turns. hehehe."

After I knocked them unconscious, I wrote a note and stuffed them in the soldiers pants. They had to piece it together now. As I walked out of the capital, I found the duo walking slowly and looking back.

"If they catch you, they will kill you. Hurry along or I might come after you as well." I smiled and yelled to them.

"Who do you think you are?! This is the four heroes story!" said lance guy.

"Why would I care about your story? Yall too busy with your heads up your asses, the king lied to yall. Only one country in the entire world has monster problems? Stupid. I'm here to play so I'll do what I want. Play time!" I said and walked away.

An arrow pierced my stomach, I turned around and smiled. "Poor boy. Was i ignoring you to much?" I broke and pulled the arrow out as my wound healed and my clothes repaired.

The bow hero gasped, "Your a demon?!"

"How rude! I'm spirit and ghoul. bleh!" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"How did you get here?" asked sword hero.

"Me? I asked the gods to send me somewhere fun but they sent me to this crap whole." I sighed.

"Pfft. You asked the gods? Haha why would they answer to you?!" the lance hero laughed.

"Too long of a story. Bow hero stay in this country. Sword hero go to the east country. Lance hero, ditch the scheming princess and go farther east. Each country needs help." I said.

"They dont have to listen to you, evil being!" the princess yelled.

"Evil? I haven't killed a single human yet. How am I evil?" I asked amused.

"All those soldiers were killed by you!" she yelled back.

"Yeah we saw the dead bodies! How could you claim to not be evil?!" the lance hero said.

"Sigh. Let me ask you, were the buildings around the area broken?" I asked sighing.

"No? Why would they be?" the sword hero said.

"I use a katana on a chain.. If I wanted to kill an army, why would I kill one at a time if I had the ability to kill them all in an instant?" I mused.

"To spare the innocent!" the princess yelled and smirked.

"Innocent? Why would I care about them? If they were caught in the way, why should I care? Even my allies know I'll cut them down if they get to close." I stated.

"Eh..? What?!" a few yelled.

"To know someone out, use your fist. To kill, use a weapon. Were they cut clean in half or just had some wounds?" I mused.

"Wounds, obviously." stated the sword hero.

I pulled out my sword and swung it a little before aiming at a nearby tree. As I let go of the chain, the sword flew quickly and sliced the tree. "No effort and I murdered a tree that quickly. Anything else?" I smiled.

"Itll take too long to get there..." Sword hero said.

"Indeed. I'll send you both. No companions because they are spies." I smiled and grabbed the two before spiriting away.

"Go visit the kings and Queens. Toodles." I said as I dropped them off.

"Shield hero, I'll be taking you there now." I said as I flashed in front of him and spirited them away.

"Visit the king and queen. Explain what happened. They will help or I'll kill them. Easy right?" I smiled and disappeared.

After I confirmed they were all good, i sent a message to the gods. [Boring. How about HP so I can get some more pets?]


"Troll! In the dungeon!" weird scarf hat guy yells as I land on a table.

"I want to kill it!" I yelled as I dashed off, following my nose to the troll. Near the girls bathroom, outside the door, I found it.

"Hey ugly!" I yelled as I threw my sword at it. Slicing right threw its body, I jerk hard on the chain and made the sword fly back to me. [I'm at Hogwards! Woo!] I sent out as the teachers approached.

"Its dead. The girl inside has no idea this happened either! ...Right let me just.." I put the blood in my inventory and smiled, "Now nobody but us knows you owe me a favor." I said smugly.

"Who are you and how did you get here?!" said a tiny teacher.

"Right. Ha. I'm Chloe. The gods placed me here because I was bored and cant control my elements.... I also want a pet.. My doggos are trying to...nevermind. Howdy!" I smiled cheerfully.

"So we have an intruder. Are you a wizard?" Dumbles asked.

"Hmm.. One second!" I said and typed in my phone. [Am I a wizard?]

God of magic [Yes.]

Goddess of Mana [No.]

God of Wizards [No.]

Goddess of Magecraft [Yes.]

[Uh... What?] I said.

Magic [You can use magic.]

Mana [You dont have mana.]

Wizards [Not a wizard]

Magecraft [Elementalists are like wizards but specialer. No wand. No mana. No incantation. Pure thoughts. Also the runes on you amplify your elements.]

"Shit. No? But also Yes..? I'm an elementalist so not a wizard and no mana... But I can use magic through thoughts only? I see the problem now! My tattoos amplify the after product, so if i want something I have to dim it to extream low! Took long enough." I said with a sigh.

"Ahem. So according to you, you are a type of being inclined with some elements?" Dumbles asked.

"Not some. Every single one." I said proudly.

"Even Dark magic?" Snape asked.

"Yeah. I use the pure version though. Not what you use. Its helpful when I want to take a nap, ya know?" I said with a smile.

"Can you teach?" Dumbles said.

"I can but you dont want me to." I grinned mischievously.

"Why is that?" Tiny man said.

"Because I cant control my output on spell, dont know your spells, tad bit crazy, bored and I curse a lot." as I finished speaking, many teachers flinched.

"What? You curse people?!" Snape said.

"Fuck is wrong with you? I said I curse not curse people. Get your slow ass brain out the gutter. I mean fuck, how can I even curse people if the one time I tried to light a cigarette magically I almost burned down a town. Stupid ass." I said and rolled my eyes.

"Ah. Foul language. Please refrain for that." Dumles said.

"Cant do. I'm not me if I ain't cursing. Anyways, can I browse your library?" i asked innocently.

"Only if you dont use foul language and leave the students alone." Dumbles said.

"Ah. Yeah, sure, sure. Just let me take care of this one real quick, yeah?" I smiled and brought the girl out. "Hi. Are ya hurt?" I asked her.

"N-no?" she stuttered as she looked up at me.

"Mm good. Got a feelin you know something bout something. Couldja lead me to the library and show me them book bout spells and mana?" I asked her with a wink.

The girl looked at Dumbles, who nodded, and the girl nodded, "Yes I can."

"Your a bit shaky. Wanna ride my doggo? Shes very friendly and loves kids." I smiled at her as she looked around.

"What dog?" she asked.

"Jazz, this cute little girl was nearly attacked. Can you keep her company while I'm reading?" I said as Jazz came out of my living space. Jazz saluted and laid down. "Shes letting you on her." I said.

"Are you sure shes friendly?" Snape asked.

"Mm. See, her and her mate see me as alpha. In their breed its obey or die, nobody challenges the alpha. Infighting happens when the alpha dies and doesnt select the next alpha." I said quietly.

"What breed are they?" Dumbles asked.

"Known as Choas Shepards. However mine are a mutated pair. The have a bit of my blood so they are part spirit as well." I said with a smile. "To the library! Hold up, who are you?" I asked scarf head.

"I-I'm p-p-prof..." he started stuttering.

"Nah. Not you. The back of your head looks ridiculous. Jazz, take the girl and go." I smiled.

"Wha...? What are you doing?!" Dumbles yelled as I drew my sword.

"Skinnng the dead skin off." I smiled and dashed at scarf head. Taking the scarf off of him and skinning the top layer of skin off.

"Looky at that. A parasite! Looks delicious!" I smiled and watched the soul trapped on the skin try to break free. I licked my lips unconsciously.

"Your planning to eat that?!" tiny yelled.

"That's He-who-must-not-be-named!" yelled a lady teacher.

"Why do you make my ghoul side hungry like so?" I whispered and let my eye change. [Why does noseless creeps soul make my ghoul side hungry?] I sent quickly

God of death [Eat him! Power boost in kagane.]

Goddess of souls [Eat him! Power boost in soul capacity.]

Goddess of spirits [Eat him! Power boost to spirit magic.]

"Can you tell the other parts? I'm hungry, see you soon for play time~" I stuffed the soul in my mouth and swallowed. "What a nice meal. Thank you God's and Goddess's for the quick reply!"


"Oh no... Jazz will stay by the girls side until I get my magic under control. Do not fly above the castle for 3 days." I dashed outside and let my spirit magic and kagane out. Of course my spirit magic caused a cloud burst. And of course my kagane is chains... I have nine of them.

[What's going on?!] I sent out.

Goddess of mind [Try to meditate. Those idiots didnt bother to tell you to meditate or sleep immediately after.]

[Can I sleep?] I asked.

Goddess of mind [No. Because you were awake when it started, you have to finish it awake. Good call on the 3 days. That's the longest itll take.]

[Thank you!] I sent and tried to meditate. I had too many things going on in my mind so I frowned. I scrolled through the songs I knew and played &Run by Sir Sly on repeat.

After an hour, my brain calmed down and the rain came together to form a barrier like thing as my chain kagane joined it. Lightning struck the chains and barrier, getting absorbed by them both. Fire ignited inside the barrier and became apart of the swirling mess barrier and was absorbed by the chains. The chains had sparks of fire and electricity zapping the barrier.

Soon every element struck and joined the barrier and chains, getting absorbed. The barrier a swirling mess of colors. The chains setting off sparks of every element. As the barrier and chains started to shrink around me, I smiled and closed my eyes. Once close enough, it contorted to my body before being absorbed into me.

I stretched as I slowly floated down to the ground. [What happens if I eat another?] I sent.

Goddess of mind [Sleep next time. You'll be out for 6 hours. Each time you eat that sort of thing, the recovery time is halved.]

[Thank you.] I said and locked my phone.

"Something smells delicious... Jazz got a bath?" I followed my nose to Jazz.

As I made my way through the castle, pathways immediately shifted to the way I was going. I yawned and softly hummed a Trampoline by Shaed. I turned a corner and found a trio of students with Jazz. The girl noticed me and stopped, "Hello miss. Your dog has been following me for two days. Did something happen?"

"Not at all." I glanced at a boy with glasses. My stomach turned, feeling empty and starved. "I found a treat and needed time to absorb it... I can go to the library with you in a few days but..." My eyes kept glancing over at the boy repeatedly.

"C-can I help you?" the boy stuttered.

"Yes actually. You have a snack on you that I want. Itll get rid of your scar and you wont have headaches... Jade will take you to your room once I've taken it..." I licked my lips and watched him.

"Wh-what? I dont have any food! Who are you?" he said and backed up.

"You have someone else's soul in your body. It wont hurt. Might seem a bit scary but your safe. Call a teacher to observe if you want. I haven't eaten in two days and it's hard to not just take it... Jade, fetch Snake or whatever his name is. Quickly or no dinner." I said as Jade came out of my living space. He saluted and bolted down the hall.

"Snape?! That guy wants me dead!" The boy said as he backed away more.

"No. He has a grudge against your father but loves your mother. He wont do anything to you." I smiled and sat down, trying to restrain myself.

"LET GO OF ME YOU MANGY MUTT!" as the voice rang out down the hall I looked up and smiled. "Hey, Snake, right? Watch over the boy. He thinks I'll hurt him, I just want the snack on him. It's the same as stutter freaks snack."

"Snape. Hurry up. I have a class to teach." Snape said.

"Yes!" I bound the boy with the chain of my sword and barely skimmed the scar off of him and out came a tiny splinter. I licked my lips, "I'm sleeping right here for 6 hours. Jade take the boy to his room to rest after he sees the nurse. Jazz stay with the girl." I swallowed the pieces and laid down.

When I woke up, a group of people were watching me. Twin red heads and the little red head boy, the girl with Jazz, Snape, Dumbles, and some giant sized guy. "Morning! Oh a snack. Hey old man, you got a thing with a soul in it on you. Gimme the snack!"

"....All yours." Dumbles hands me a box. I open it and lick the jewels.

"Mmm. Night." I passed out for three hours.

After stretching, I yawned and opened my eyes. "Morning Dumbles."

"Why can you eat horcruxes?" He asked immediately.

"Good question. I dont know." I hummed happily.

[Why can I eat horcruxes?] I asked.

Goddess of Souls [Because your spirit and ghoul. Ghouls eat humans. Spirits eat mana. The two together cause you to eat souls that dont belong somewhere.]

"I see. It's a bloodline thing. part of my bloodline says 'eat humans' while another says 'eat mana'. Together they say 'eat misplaced souls'. I swear I've never eaten a human and dont want to. Bleh. However..." I look at a scared red head boy with the twin brothers, the black haired boy, and the girl with Jazz.

"What's up kiddos?" I asked them.

The boy with glasses and black hair flinches and looks down, "T-thank you for getting rid of the soul thing..."

"Not a problem. I'm sorry if I scared you. You see before I came here, I was fighting off hordes of zombies, then dealt with an uppity princess and four sad excuses of humans. I didnt have time to eat that often. Then I came here and for once in my life, I can smell something so tasty I cant do anything else but want it.. I dont really have impulse control, so I'm more like an animal to those who know me." I said then joked and sent a message. [I need a magical snake i can give a kid that wont kill normal humans unless he or I commands it!]


"Ah! Help me!" The boy screams as he squirms about.

"Shh. Snake, get down now!" I growled. The snake threw itself on the floor and froze. "Good. Kid, I can see you speak snake. This one -glare- will listen to you and I only. Its magical so it can protect you from magic equal to your top output. Name him and keep him with you. His kind makes a good scarf or hat."

"And what's your plan for our brother? You scared the bloody hell out of him!" Another red head joined..

"Hmm.. A gift is it? No. A trade! Come sit boy. I'll trade you, gimme your rat and I'll give you... What kind you want? dog? cat? bird? snake? lizard? fish? rodent? hmm? Ah! fox?!" I smiled.

"Y-you mean it...?" the red head little boy said.

"Cross my heart, hope to die, stick a thousand needles in my eye." I said with a smile.

"All yours. Hes a mean old rat! I'll trade for a dog!" He threw the rat at me, which I caught and trapped, and I messaged [Magical dog version of above request please...Thank you.]


"Wow! Thank you!" the red head boy was about to run off but I stopped him.

"Boy! That one is but a pup. For the next year he gets only milk! Anything else will kill him. I will not replace him. Now off you red heads pop, these kiddos will be along shortly." I sent the family off.

"Did you need something?" The girl asked.

"Yes. Could you watch Jazz for another day?" I asked her.

"Of course!" She smiled.

"Good, good. Here a magic collar for your cat, so she can speak human language." I handed it to her and smiled sending her off. Once she was gone, I turned to Dumbles. "I've got a rat of a man, a murderer, and a traitor. He smells of this boys blood... Boy, are you missing family?"

"The dark lord killed my parents...." the boy looked down.

"Yes. It was Sirius Black who betrayed them." Dumbles said.

"Then why does this rat man have a wizard mana and dark lord brand?" I asked confused.

"What?" Dumbles looked at me oddly.

"I made a good trade then. Trade you a rat for more snacks?" I asked Dumbles.

"Snacks?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Five of one kind are in the castle. Two of another kind are in here. Four more are here but they seem protected by the castle itsself... Can I have the others? I'll leave the four alone." I stated.

"I'll call the ministry and deal with the rat. Please come with me you two. Once we are done, you can go get your snacks.. I'll have an elf bring you food as well." Dumbles said as he lead us to his office.

"Pst. Hey kid, want some beef jerky?" I smiled and offered. "Ah shoot. If only I knew if this was good, if only someone knew how to tell and confirmed the taste for us, I'd even give them a head pat. Sigh." I winked at him as a little elf showed up and bowed.

"This one can ensure food safety and quality. I'll test it for you!" the elf said.

"Oh, why please do. Thank you." I smiled as the elf tried the jerky.

"Your food is alright. Slighty over cooked though. I recommend adding cheese to it." the elf said.

"Thank you very much." I gave him a head pat and more jerky and a piece of cheese. "Repayment for having to try something overcooked. Thank you for your help."

The elf started crying and nodded before disappearing. "Want some?" I offered again.

"How can you eat at a time like this..?" the kid asked.

"Time like this? Oh, is it exciting to get your guardian out of wrongful jailing? or is it the real culprit being caught? I'll be eating the rest of the murderer tonight so... Snacks... Sigh." I looked around the room.

"Are you looking for something?" Dumbles asked.

"You dont hear that?" I asked. A whisper went into my ear, 'Protect my boy.' I shook my head.

"Hear what?" Dumbles asked.

"....The fuck! Something touched me!" I jumped up as something grabbed my shoulder. I used a tiny reveal magic to show me what touched me.

"..... You look tasty." I said as I looked at the spying teacher and a ghost behind him.

"Eh?" Snape froze. The ghost shuddered.

I grinned mischievously, "You owe me, Snape."

"W-what? Why?" he panicked.

"Message for you from L. Tell ya later! Oh looky more old guys...." I said with a sigh.

"....?" Everyone looked at me before a small group entered through apperation.

"I caught a rat man traitor and yall wanna be slow?! Tch." I said. That pink covered lady really pisses me off for some reason.

"....Who are you?" Pink blob like lady asked.

"Not even gonna introduce yourself first? Some lady you are. Here Dumbles, I cant stay in here." I threw a frozen rat to him and spirited away.

I found an underground tunnel and met a big snakey. Took his extra soul. Found a journal and ring in some junk piles. I found a weird book and took the extra soul. A trophy cup as well. The last one was a locket near Snapes office.

By the time I was done, Snape was in his room about to fall sleep. I came in quietly and laid down. "So your a double agent." I said quietly.

"Wah! How did you get in here?!" Snape panicked.

"Your brand, I want it. It smells delicious and... well refusal will be worse than what happened to Harry or stutter freak." I stated while breathing a little heavily.