Ch 5. Snacks for days

Snape was confused, looking at me oddly. "What do you mean?"

"Give it to me willingly now or I'll take it." I said as my face started getting red. The smell was so good, it was like an aphrodisiac. 'I have poor impulse control, this man is just asking for it.' I thought.

"What would you do if I dont give it to you?" he asked with a slight smirk.

"....Okay." I said as I jumped onto him, pinning him to the bed. "You should have given it to me."

"Take it! Get off me!" he yelled.

"Too late. I cant control it any more." I said as I tore his robe apart. I quickly stripped and teased him.


When the sun was starting to rise, I quickly dressed and put a blanket over Snape. I wrote a note and put it on his pillow before fleeing.

I spirited to a bathroom before changing into my green outfit and stretching. "Time to find Jazz and Jade..." I mumbled.

"I'm arresting you for drugging a teacher..." Snape said angrily.

"Morning! I didnt drug you though? I was drugged! How dare you! hehe" I said then spirited away to the area by my doggos. "Hmm... Jazz is moving."

"Hello?" the girl said as a painting opened. Jazz hopped out and over to me.

"Hey baby, did you have fun?" I asked Jazz, who nodded and puffed up her chest. "Oh? I'm happy for you. Men are dirty creatures after all."

"You!" Snape yelled.

"I'm not 'you'. Now shh, children are sleeping." I grinned and waved to the girl. "Did we wake you?"

"Huh? Oh, no, I was about to go to the library actually." the girl said.

"Oh! I'll follow you. Seems Jade's on his way as well..." I smiled and stood up. Jade came out with the black haired boy in tow.

"Morning kiddo." I said.

"M-morning.. My uncle is at the hospital... The one you wanted to meet.... He will come after he is better." the boy said.

"Bullshit. Hes gonna bust through the doors at dinner I bet. He hasnt seen you since you were a wee babe and is finally out of wrongful imprisonment. If he dont visit today, he was never worried bout you." I stated and turned to Snape with a grin. "You smell good."

"I got class to prepare for. Bye." Snape dashed off quickly.

"Hehehe I got him good Jazz." I admitted to my dog and smiled. "Library, let's go!"

"This way." the girl brought us through a maze like path and we arrived.

"Hehe are you Snapes mother?" I asked the librarian.

"Yes." She said with a frown.

"Its nice to meet you Mother-in-law." I smiled and continued after the kids.

The woman seemed flustered and didnt respond. I giggled inwardly and sighed. I was lead to a table to read about mana and spells, tranfigeration, astronomy, and all kinds of books.

"Thank you very much." I smelled the books and quickly scanned each page with my eyes. Took an hour but once I was done, breakfast was about to start.

"I'm done reading. Now I need to practice my magic... but where...?" i sighed and stood up. "Dont forget to eat, kiddos. Sweets are bad, eat fruits for breakfast."

I left the library and roamed everywhere until I came across a special scent. As I followed the smell, I found a blond boy and a blond man with Snape.

"Hey Snape. Who's your friend?" I asked with a big smile.

"Who are you?" the blond man snapped.

"Aw Snape. Your friend smells good. Makes me want to try a bite." I licked my lips and smiled at Snape.

"Ahem. We adults should talk somewhere private. Mr. Malfoy, I urge you to not provoke her..." Snape said with an urgent look.

Blondey nodded and sent the kid off. We went to Snapes office then into his sleeping chambers. "Tell him exactly what you want and why. I wont help you if he attacks you." Snape said with a slight smile.

"Mkay. I want to eat your brand from the dark lord. If you dont willingly do so quickly, my instincts will kick in. The smell of the brand is similar to aphrodisiac for me." I stated as the enclosed space made the smell denser, making me breath heavier. I licked my lips again and eyed them both.

"And if I refuse, you will attack me and?" the blonde smiled.

"Bad move Lucious... I'll be outside..." Snape said.

"No you wont." I dragged Snape back and used my kagane chains to keep them in here without wands. "No escaping. I gave you a chance and you made a choice."


"So yummy! -sniff- Oh? Who is that? Smells like death and... I should stay here for a while, snacks come to me...." I mumbled as I pulled my kagane back in.

"What do you mean snacks?! Who the bloody hell are you?!" blondey yelled.

"She just showed up three days ago and has been eating horcruxes and misplaced souls.. Now dark lord brands as well.." Snape said.

"Shh. Prey is coming..." I said as the door to the office was opened. Light footsteps were head before a knock was heard on the bedroom door. I glanced at Snape and smiled, bringing my kagane out.

"Come in." Snape said.

A man in all black clothes came through. I trapped him in my chains, dragged him in and closed the door. "Your covered in different snacks..." My eyes light up as I lick my lips.

"What the fuck?!" the guy yelled out.

"Dont bother fighting her. We cant leave until she declares her 'snack' finished. Allow it or be man handled." Snape sighed.

"I hate this creature. Hurry up Black and give her whatever she wants." blondey said.

"Oh okay... Miss? What do you want from me?" the trapped guy said.

"The bites from other souls. I want them. The lingering death mana. I want. The mental implants. I want. And the curses on you. I want." I said as my breathing heavied.

"Leave the curses or no deal!" the guy said smugly.

"Bad move..." Snape and blondey said together.

"What do you mean?" Dude asked.

"This isnt a deal. Shes telling you what shes taking and you have no real say. Either give it willingly or she takes..." Snape said.

"She isnt gentle if you fight back." blondey said.

"How could I even fight back covered in chains?!" Dude yelled.

I laid the guy down, shift my chains and smelled him, mapping his body. "Mana around his face and soul, bites on his chest and thighs. Curses flowing through his chest and abdomen. Mental implants behind the ears... Easiest way is..."


"So damn good!" I said as I stretched in the bed. "About dinner time... Get dressed and go about your days. hehe. Find me another snack and I'll make a trade with you." I smiled and put on my red outfit before waking out.

"...." The room was quiet as I closed the door. I headed to the dinning hall and smiled. 'I should follow some of these good smells. Might find something good.'

"What are you doing here?" an older woman asked.

"Eatting snacks. What about you?" I asked and smiled before freezing. "You smell delicious."

The woman looked at me oddly, "I beg your pardon, what did you say?"

"Oh. You smell delicious. A curse? No... You touched a misplaced soul a while ago.. Shall I clean its residual mana off you?" I smiled a bit hungrily.

"I did indeed.. What would you do? I heard what you did to the Harry and saw what you did to Quirrel... If it's like that, then no." She said disgustedly.

"Residual mana can be breathed in as long as it's in close proximity. Basically, let me smell your hands." I giggled.

"Er.... Okay..." the lady raised her hands and I quickly took the mana.

"Mm. Sorry for bothering you." I said as I walked into the dinning hall.

"What are you doing here?!" Tiny man said.

"Just looking for snacks." I said as I walked over to the snake banner table. I sniffed a few times and found my targets.

"Hey Dumbles, I'm going to bother some students for residual mana." I smiled.

"Dont touch them and your fine." Dumbles sighed then announced, "Please dont mind this Madam, she means no ill will so please dont panick if she comes to you."

"Hehehe I dont bite children." I giggled, smiled and walked toward a blond boy. "You must curse a lot of people. The residual mana on you is very thick." As I breathed in the mana, blondey, Snape, and guy in black burst through the doors.

"Leave my son alone!" Blondey said.

"Just taking the residual curse mana. Not touching. Besides, he isnt the only one." I grinned and found my next target. "Oh? A poisoner!"

As I went around, the guy in black followed me. "What did that one do?" "What about this one?" "Oh I see." "Are you serious?"

"Mister Black. Fuck off. I'm hungry and dont have time to explain while eating. Aintcha got a god son to find?" I snapped at him.

"I found him this morning at breakfast... Just tell me what they did! Like curse, poison, hex, fire, whatever!" he declared.

"...Jade drag this bafoon away." I said as I turned to my next target. Snakes had a lot. The first table, puffball or something, had none... Next was the one with a bunch of red heads...

"Hello again. Must be troublemakers. You triple blond kids residual mana each." I smiled and took a deep breath twice. "Try to work on your mana output."

As I looked up I found my next target, "Dont play with potions. Can be dangerous." I breathed slowly near her to get the failed curse as well.

Continuing on, I had a handful left on the table before making it to the last. One kid freaked out because he was reading instead of paying attention to Dumbles words...

"Calm down kid. Just taking the residual mana. Try using a lower output and a longer chant... Itll be more stable and less backfire.." I said quietly and went to the next target.

"Dear god's and goddesses! Child go see the nurse! I'll have Dumbles find you later." I said shocked. I looked at my next target and continued.

Ten minutes layer, I yawned and stretched. "Good work Jade. Heres dinner." I put him in the living space again with Jazz and gave them deer steaks.

"Hey Lady. Why did you send him to the nurse?" a kid asked.

"He has a special curse that makes you forget knowledge the longer you study. As well as a curse to kill him slowly. His residual mana says he was also bitten by a poisonous book today." I said and headed to Dumbles.

"Someone from the ministry cursed a student. I can get rid of the curses and fix the boy but you aught to come to keep the boy calm." I said and walked to the nurses hall.

Mister Black and Harry followed me, asking questions. I got fed up and frowned, "Mister Black, should I hold you hostage again? Mister Harry should I show you my true form?"

"We will be quiet. Sorry." Black answered and Harry nodded.

"Good. Now, Black, you have a lingering smell of someone else's curse.. What is that...?" I said with a frown, trying to figure it out.

"I have a friend who is a werewolf.. Also my cousin was at the prison, she lost her mind so I dont know if she had any curses." Black said seriously.

"Trade?" I looked at him hungrily.

"...What do you want?" He asked.

"? A favor." I smiled and walked into the nurses hall, running into Dumbles.

"Heyo. Hows the kiddo?" I asked.

"We dont have a cure for these... Could you..?" Dumbles said softly.

"Yup. In exchange, I want freedom to take all residual mana." I stated.

"Alright. Deal. Please save this child." Dumbles said.

"Alright kiddo. Do you like dogs?" I asked. The kid nodded so I said, "Good. Close your eyes and after twenty seconds, open them." I smiled.

The kid closed his eyes like I asked. I pulled Jade out of the living space before I licked the kids forehead. I stepped back and swallowed before smiling. "Hes fine now."

"....." The group stared at me before nodding slowly. The kid opened his eyes to see Jade lick his cheek.

"Hes good at getting rid of curses with a lick. It's a secret though, otherwise some bad people will try to kill him. Alright?" I smiled.

"No problem! But why would the... Oh I see." The kid said.

"Indeed. Could you play along for a bit so Dumbles can stop their scheming?" I asked. "Give ya a dog of your own in exchange after."

"Deal. I dont know why I was at the odd place. When's dinner?" the kid said with a smile.

"Good job lad. Off you pop." I smiled and sent him off.

"Pink blob wants your job Dumbles. A single complaint and she imprisons you. Off to bed Harry. Dont speak about any of this alright?" I said to them and left.

"Hey wait! Lady!" Black yelled.

"My name isnt Lady." I snapped as I walked.

"My name isnt Black. I'm Sirius." he said.

"I'm serious too. Hehe." I said with a giggle.

"....My name is Sirius. What's your name?" he said.

"-yawn- I'm Chloe." I said and stretched as I walked.

"Come on, I know where you can sleep peacefully." Sirius said.

"I was going to bed snatch but alright." I laughed a bit and yawned again.

"Go for a swim before sleeping?" he asked.

"Sure. Why not?" I said with a smile and followed him.

We went to the odd room but this time it had a pool in it instead of trash. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Its a secret room. I wanted to swim so it gave us a pool to use temporarily. Come on." He entered the room and took his shirt off. I closed the door behind us and started stripping. Putting my swim suit on and extending the chain on my sword.

After I got in, he did as well. He was in a pair of boxers and kept smiling. "Still tired?" he asked.

"Yes. I could use some cuddles." I smiled then made a sad face, "Too bad blondey went home and Snape is a scaredy snake."

"What about me?!" he asked.

"What about you?" I looked at him oddly. "Are you saying you dont group cuddle? Your fuckin weird..."

"....No. I think group cuddling is weird." he said.

"....Fuck you douchebag." I said and started to get out of the pool.

"....Fine...." he sighed and got out as well. "Snakes are better at being forced to do things instead of asking."