Ch 6. Happy song

Dumbles helped me with magic practice. Hehe I say helped but well... I placed a barrier on him incase of danger. It turned out to be a good idea. I used water magic and almost drowned the arena. So I used fire magic and almost set fire to the stands. I used sand to dampen it and ended up burying the place. Wind just made a sand storm... I was so mad I couldnt make it stop that I yelled, "ENOUGH! FUCK THIS SHIT!"

After yelling, my magic disappeared and everything returned to normal. Dumbles was wide eyed and looking around, "I was almost buried alive..."

"Dumbles... I want to see your wand." I said grumpily.

"W-whatever for?" he said with a fake smile.

"I've been putting off taking the curse of it. Dont make me take it forcefully." I said halfheartedly.

"But.. I... What?" he brought his wand out and looked at it.

"Big enough curse to be a meal instead of a snack. Gimme." I said.

[Eating the deathly hallows is fine right?] I sent in group chat.

God of death [Yes and no. If you break the curse, you have to fight the idiot who failed to ascend.]

[I see. Thanks!] I sent.

"I have someone to play with now, so I'll be taking the curse. As well as the stone and cloak." I hummed and snatched his wand. After scrapping the curse off with my sword, I ate it and took a few minutes nap. "One curse free wand. Here ya go."

After returning the wand, I spirited to Harry. While class went on, I appeared and took the stone from his pocket. I disappeared again and went to the griffin area. Somebody had odd naming sence.

I found the cloak and sat down, giggling. After eatting the curses, I put things back and went off to the strong beacon outside of school. "You have long since fallen. You smell tasty." I hummed as I spirited to it.

"You broke the seal?" a lady asked me when I landed.

"I was hungry." I stated.

"Oh? I can give you anything you want to eat as long as you follow me." she smiled brightly.

"Not a negotiation." I grinned and used my kagane to trap her in a bubble with me.

"What are you doing?! Do you know who I am?!" she yelled trying to use magic to break out.

"A failure at ascending. My next meal." I said and jumped on her.


Somewhere in Hogwarts, Snape shivers and quickly looks around. Seeing the empty room he sighs in relief and goes back to his potion.


Somewhere in London, Lucius shivers and opens his eyes wide. Frantically looking around, he finally sees his wife looking at him oddly. He shakes his head and goes back to reading.


Somewhere on an island, Sirius shivers and jumps up a tree. He looks around quickly and finds a house in the distance. He sighs in relief and takes off toward the house.


Somewhere in the world, in a grassland a tall woman emerged from a chain barrier. After stretching, she smiles and yawns.

"What a good meal. I need some cuddles... Or a snack. I can smell so many out here!" I smiled and spirited to the closest one, which was actually an island with a large cluster of snacks on it.

"Who are you?!" a man yelled.

"Hehehe Dumbles said i could eat all the snacks I wanted at the prison and it would save the ministry a headache. He was right, ya know. I can smell them." I said as I took off into the tower.

"Hey! Break me out of here! I'll follow you!" "No break me out!" "I'll do whatever you want!" "Are you also one of us?!"

I watched the prisoners shout to me as I shook my head and grinned viciously. The guard nearby was about to throw a spell at me so I smiled to him, "I'll be eating a snack. Please dont disturb me or I'll come after you as well."

I dashed to the prisoners and ate their brands and curses. I went floor by floor and made it to the top. I found a floating corpse with fragments of other souls in it. I decided to leave the three prisoners for later as I went to the minced soul in a corpse. The thing fled from me and went through the roof.

"....What an odd smell it had.. Oh well." I turned to the prisoners and jumped on them, eating the brands, curses, hexes, and soul bites. "Delicious~ Toodles."

I went back to the first floor, "Now I'm gonna find the other brands and eat them. If I find another minced soul corpse thingy, I wont let it escape!"

I tried to walk out but was halted by the guards, "The ministry wants you as a prisoner until questioning."

"No. I have to get my snacks first. I'll come visit again if you get more." I said and spirited past them. "Besides, one of you has a snack on them."

The last guy I past passed out right then. I ripped his sleeve off and took the brand. "Mmm snacks are yummy~"

As I was about to leave, a group of minced soul clustered together stopped in front if me. [What's this thing?] I sent.

Creation god of dark beings [It eats happiness. Dont eat it.]

"Hey! Fuck off. Go bug them, I made them happy so bite their souls. I'll come back and we can make a cycle out of it. We all get to be full that way. Deal?" I yelled to the things.

One nodded its head and screeched. I nodded and spirited away back to Hogwarts. I could smell another treat, along with Sirius, in Snapes room!

I spirited into the room and quietly hid in a shadow as they talked about their plan.

"As soon as she opens the door, throw the snack to her and flee." Snape said.

"The chains will grab us.. Do you have any sealed rooms in here?" Sirius asked.

"What's going on?" Said a tall guy confused.

I licked my lips and prepared to pounce. Snape and Sirius shivered and became alarmed, looking around frantically until they spotted me.

"Shit." They both said and shoved the tall guy at me. I let my chains out to grab the two who were about to flee and grab the man falling towards me.

"Ya know, this one smells bloody and melancholic. Who's up for some drinking and cuddles?" I smiled at the captured duo.

"I'm married.." the tall guy in my arms said.

"She wont mind. I wont do anything to you... Except bite you... Drink first so you wont feel the pain. Cuddles after so I can get the residual mana on yall." I stated and gave him booze.

"....." Snape and Sirius were shocked!

Tall guy sighed and nodded before drinking the entire bottle. I let out a loud laugh, "If you can stand after that, I'll be surprised as fuck! I cant even down a bottle! Bahahaha!"

And he fell over... "Pfft...." Snape and Sirius laughed as well.

"Alexa, Play Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon." I said smugly, hoping it would work. 'Ding! Alexa is unavailable. Please ask Cortana for any requests.'

"Oh snap! Hey Cortana, play Happy Song by Bring Me The Horizon." I said.

'Playing Happy Song.' my phone responded.

"Dope." I nodded as the song came on. I sang along, "I've had enough. Theres a voice in my head, says I'm better off dead. But if I sing along~ a little fucking louder to a happy song~ I'll be alright."

I used my chains to put tall guy on the bed and gently remove his shirt. "You want to give up. Gave it all that you've got and it still doesnt cut. But if you sing along~ a little fucking louder to a happy song~ you'll be just fine cause.."

I opened my mouth and bit the guys neck, around his artery. The song played on, "Every now and again we get that feeling And a great big void inside us opens up And I really wish that you could help But my head is like a carousel And I'm going round in circles I'm going round in circles..."

I let go of the guy and licked the wound I made. I looked at the other two and the came over reluctantly, "We are possesed We're all fucked in the head Alone and depressed. But if we sing along A little fucking lounder to a happy song Maybe we'll forget cause. Every now and again we get that feeling And a great big void inside us opens up And I really wish that you could help But my head is like a carousel And I'm going round in circles I'm going round in circles. Dont wake us up, we'd rather keep on dreaming~ 'Cause the nightmares in our heads are bad enough! And I really wish that you could help But my head is like a carousel And I'm going round in circles. I'm going round in circles."

I yawned then kept singing, "The world has coalesced Into one giant mess Of hate and unrest So let's all sing along A little goddamn louder to a happy song And pretend it's all ok. Let's go!" I yawned again and closed my eyes. The song finished itself and Cortana asked, 'Should I play the next track?'

"Cortana, go to sleep." I said as I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Tall guy woke up first. How do I know? When I woke up, Tall guy was gone. Snape had taken his spot on the bed and was watching me.

"Hey, morning..." I said.

"That song.. Where did you hear it?" Snape asked quietly.

"Oh that? You see before I became like this, I was human. A few years back, my sister was driving me back after getting my back tattoo. We got into an accident while that song was playing. It's what I listen to when I feel melancholic, aside from Disturbed." I said.

"Is your sister okay?" Snape asked.

"No. She was thrown out the windshield and the other vehicle rolled over her..." I said quietly while looking at the ceiling. "I hated my family. My sister included but I was still grateful she was my sister and not someone else."

"I see..." Snape said and sighed, "So what else did you listen to?"

"Hehe you dont want to know.." I smiled a little. The playlist was very depressing and he may think something's wrong with me if I play another one.

"You have my curiosity peaked though." Snape said.

"Mine as well. That song enlightened me actually.." Sirius said.

"Oh? Morning." I smiled.

"It was Corona right?" Sirius said.

"Corona is a beer. Its Cortana."

'Ding! What would you like?'

"Cortana, play the next song!" Snape said.

'Ding! Denied. Voice recognition says your not Chloe.'

"Cortana play the next song." I said quietly.

'Ding! Playing Bad Guy by Billie Eilish.'

As the song played, Snape raised an eye brow. Sirius smiled and tried not to laugh.

'Play next track?'

"Yes." I said.

'Playing Bullet by Hollywood Undead.'

Snakes eyes went wide as the song started. Sirius rolled off the bed in a fit of laughter. I got mad and said, "Cortana, play Down with the Sickness by Disturbed."

'Playing Down with the Sickness by Disturbed.'

Snape jumped out of his skin when the song came on and Sirius shut up quickly.

I sighed as the song came to an end, "Play Trampoline by Shaed."

'Playing Trampoline by Shaed.'

I sang along to the song, "I've been having dreams. Jumpin' on a trampoline. Flippin' in the air. I never land, just float there. As I'm looking up Suddenly the sky erupts Flames alight the trees Spread to fallin' leaves Now they're right above me."

I stopped singing and yawned, "Cortana, play The Sound of Silence bu Disturbed."

'Playing The sound of Silence by Disturbed.'

I stretched out and covered up with the blanket. Closing my eyes as I listened to the song, I felt a warm hand touch my head. A second later, Sirius sat on the bed and sighed.