Ch 7. .....Fuck....

"Dumbles. It seems I'll be off today." I said at breakfast, near the end of the school year.

"Oh your leaving so soon?" Dumbles asked.

"Aye. Ill visit someday. Cant stick round here too much longer or I'll go crazy from boredom!" I laughed.

"pffft!" Snape choked on his drink and spit it on his plate.

"Is something funny?" Dumbles asked.

"N-no sir.." Snape said quietly.

"Aw. Dont worry. I'll visit you before I leave. Just need to grab a bite from London and be on my merry." I smiled and spirited to london.

"Here snakey, snakey, snakey!" I called out at a house.

The snake busted down the door and tried to attack me. I grabbed it quickly and stole the extra soul, eating it and the curse on the woman in a snakey body.

"Hello. Your curse is a bit chilly but it was delicious! Welcome back to humanity. Toodles~" I said to the scared woman. I took her and spirited away, leaving her at a wizard hospital with a note before spiriting away back to Hogwarts.

I laid down in Snapes bed with my skirt and corset on. Pulled out my phone and sent, [What shoes would match my outfit?]

Goddess of Fashion [I'll send a few. Same enchantments as the other clothes right?]

[Yes please! Thanks a bunch!] I sent.

'Ding! New inventory items added.'

As I browsed through my closet in my inventory, I came across a pair of lacey black victorian heels. I put them on and smiled. "Perfect!"

After an hour passed, I yawned and decided to nap. However, I was rudely awoken by a few voices in Snapes office.

"She left today! Oh thank god!" said one voice.

"She isnt a bad person, you know?" said another.

"Hes right, she isnt a bad person. She didnt visit before she left like she said though." Snape said.

"Are you kidding me?! She jumped me! I'm married!" the first voice yelled.

I frowned, stood up and threw the door open with my kagane out. "I was napping!" I yelled at them and dragged all four into the room. "Blondey, learn to be quieter and nicer and maybe people will actually give two shits about what you say. Seriously Serious? I'm not a bad person?! Says who?! Fucker! and you, Snake, for someone who chokes on drinks in public, you seem fine to chat with your buddies! Trying to take a damn nap before I travel for who knows how long, fucks wrong with you people? I said I'd visit, so why the fuck do you think I left?!"

Snape frowned, "Then put the chains away. Play your music. You said you wanted a nap, I could use one as well."

"Exactly, but it's a little hot in here. So let me take this damned robe off." Sirius said with a smile.

"Your all bloody mad!" Blondey yelled.

"Damn straight, however, you owe me compensation. Dont you know it's against school rules to wake me up? Could have killed everyone in the castle!" I said.

"Eh?!" all three responded.

"Eh? You didnt know? I only sleep because my energy is being enhanced. If disturbed, my energy goes rampant." I said confused.

"What do you want?" blondey said.

"I dunno. Guess I can let you go so you can find a surprise for me?" I asked.

"Why are you asking? If that's what you want, okay." blondey said dociley.

"See ya soon then." I retracted my kagane and yawned.

Blondey left and Snape closed the door. Sirius started undressing slowly, showing off his body. Snape shook his head and looked at me, "So what the song for today?"

"Different type of song than last time. Also a different language. Cortana play Unravel acoustic version by TK." I said and smiled.

'Playing Unravel acoustic version by TK.'

As the song played, Snape laid down and listened attentively. I put my head on his shoulder and left leg over his leg. Sirius laid behind me, his dick poking my ass.


While the three were having fun, Lord Malfoy was frantically going store to store. 'No, that's too cheap.' 'Too expensive.' 'Too flashy.' 'Too bland.' 'What does this woman even want?!'

He sighed and entered a tavern, ordered a whiskey and sat down thinking. His eyes landed on the bottles of booze and he smiled. "Lupin said shes a drinker..... Where is the owner of this place?"


As we were calming down after sex, a knock was heard on the door to Snapes office. Snape frowned and quickly dressed, going to see who it was. As he opened the door, a man with googly eyed glasses barged in. "Professor Snape. I heard you had an interesting being hiding in your office. Can I take a look at the thing?"

"Sigh~ I'm not sure." Snape said and clutched his head like he had a headache.

I giggled softly and decided to be mean. Slowly getting up, I got on top of Sirius and decided to ride him in reverse cowgirl position. Sirius, holding back his grunts and moans, started playing with my breasts.

Hearing a noise in the chambers, googly eyes decided to take a peek. Snape followed him worriedly as the music had already cut off. When they opened the door, they were shocked.

I smiled a little and used my kagane to pull Snape back in before closing the door in the guys face. Using my chains, I carefully took Snapes clothes off and pulled him into the fun.

Another knock on the office door, however, we ignored it. Sadly, Blondey didnt get the message. He burst through the doors and put a suitcase on the ground proudly. Once he realized what's going on, he frowned. The other guy, watching from the doorway was wide eyed.

More of my chains came out and Blondey tried to dash away. I caught his wrist and pulled him in, not bothering with the door.

".....fuck..." another voice rang out.

I looked over googly eyes shoulder and found both Lupin and Hagrid. I smiled and sent my chains to them, pulling them in as well.


Stretching my body as every bone cracked and popped, I yawned and opened my eyes. "Cortana, play the Skye Boat song from Outlander."

'Playing Skye Boat from Outlander.'

I slowly wiggled out from the pile of bodies and hummed the song as I messaged, [Soul society? After Aizen defected.] I put on my purple outfit and gathered my things, writing notes and putting them in the groups clothes.

As I finished I was sent off to the soul society.When I appeared, Aizens portals had just closed and the soul reapers looked at me oddly and on guard.

"Is this the soul society? Odd.. Meh, time to find him... Hmm.. oh?" I smiled and looked around, finding the one guy I needed to talk to. "Heya Mr. Head Captain!"

"Who are you?" Dumbledore/ Gandolf/ Skeleton asked.

"Names Chloe." I smiled and tipped my hat to him.

"What are you?" old fart with too much beard asked.

"...I'm not sure. Bit of something with something or other." I said, looking confused.

"Hmph! Why are you here?" he said angrily.

"I was bored?" I answered questioningly.

"Why is that even a question?" Orange haired stick asked.

"Ain't nobody talkin to you mop." I said with a glare.

Old fart peeked his eyes open finally and I smiled with a wave. "Just wanted to learn to use a sword. Ya see, I accidnetly killed allies who got in range of my nonexistent sword skills." I lied. "Heard this the place ta go to figure that stuff out."

"Who sent you here?" old fart asked.

"Some guy with long hair." Truth. Galfus has long hair.

"Is that it?" he said confused.

"Yes." I nodded and smiled.

He frowned and glanced around, "We cant take you in. Our best are all wounded."

I raised my eyebrow and looked over at the injured, "I can help, if'n ya want me too."

"Sure. Let's see your healing prowse." he smiled with a 'you'll fail' face.

I nodded and sat down, 'Target the entire group. Reverse time on the wounds and put the backlash into the sky...' Finishing my thought, I raised my hands to my chest and made a praying motion with my hands and dropped them.

"Done." I said and stood up.

"You didnt do anything..." angry looking medical expirament said.

"Eh? Shoot, I didnt use enough energy? Odd.. Use it all then!" I said and released all of my energy into the healing spell I made. A split second later, people got up from the medical beds and looked themselves over as I cut off my spell.

"I see. I didnt put energy in the first time. My mistake, usually a drop has this effect and it being that small I couldnt tell if i used energy or not." i stated and nodded.

"....." nobody spoke.

".....Fuck...." orange mop whispered.

I sniffed the air, "Hmm..?" [Why do the people here smell good?!] I messaged.

[.....] most gods responded as such.

[Souls have a flavor, why cant they have a smell?] God of souls stated.

[Okay. But why do they smell better than the ones I had before?] I asked.

[Simple. These are good ones. The others were 'unripe'.] God of souls said.

"I see... Hey Mr. I can help with your hollow problem. Send someone to watch, dont care, but stay 100 meters away." I stated.

"What are you getting in return for this?" he asked cautiously.

"Oh just the damned souls." I said and walked to Komamura. "Hey big guy, why are ya sealed?"

"....." nobody spoke.

"Can I have your seal?" I asked politely.

"...." no response.

"I can smell you, ya know. The seal is driving me crazy with hunger and quite honestly so are most of you peoples here, especially you lady." I said and glanced at a woman with her hair tied in a braid in front of her.

"Oh? Why is that?" She asked with a sinister smile.

"I eat curses, seals, damned, bloodlust, killing intent, residual energy, souls, mana, spirit pressure, so on. The lingering death energy around you and his seal could drive me to a frenzie." I said and smiled.

The woman smiled viciously and walked closer, "What would you do to me?"

"Dont do it. You have a chance as long as you back up now." I said with a lustful smile.

"Oh? Let's see then, come." she readied her sword.

"You got it wrong lady. You come." I said as my kagane wrapped around her and brought her to me, trapped.

"What are you doing?!" "Let her go!" voices rang out as I smelled the woman.

"Dont be afraid, I wont eat you. You did however bring this upon yourself." I smiled and licked her neck.

".....The fuck...?" "Eh...?" "Did she just...?" voices whispered.

I took a deep breath and let her go, "Exercising restraint is really hard... You doomed him." I pointed to the pretending to be unconscious extreamly tall guy.

"W-what do you mean I doomed him?!" the lady yelled.

"Certain... things... make it really hard to control my lust... Like your death energy and his seal. By restraining myself with you, it's that much harder to control it the next time. Fear me, I'm a pervert!" I laughed maniacally and put up a wall of earth around me and the guy.

"....." he stared at me with his helmet still on.

"Are we doing this the easy way or the hard way?" I asked him.

"Which doesnt get me violated?" he asked.

"Depends on what you deem violated." I said trying not to pant.

"Touching is violating." he said matter of factly.

"Then I'll be violating you. Easy way or hard way?" I smiled.

"What's the difference?" he said on guard.

"If you fight back or not." I giggled.

"Is there another way?" he asked.

"Yes. Death." I frowned.

"I'd rather keep the seal." he said and stood up.

"Not an option. Hard way it is." I sighed.

He tried to draw his sword but I wrapped him in my chains, "What's so bad about me touching your chest?"

"Dont you dare undress me!" he yelled.

The wall I made was cut up from the outside by tall, scarred, and jingling. "I'll play with you instead."

My eyes lit up and I dragged him in with my chains while remaking the wall. "Yours needs more than his but this'll be fun."

I carefully took mask guys clothes off, revealing his furry body. I took my shorts off and started riding him reverse cowgirl style as jiggles had me suck his dick.