Ch 8. Old lady

As I finished getting dressed, I got a message.

[You may disagree with this but I dont care. You need to change your piercing jewelry to the ones in your inventory so it can seal your hunger. If left unchecked, you may eat complete souls accidently in your sleep or when your trying to save someone.] God of ???

[You say that but I dont have any other jewelry. Also, you can talk normally with me without being a dick. So...] I sent.

[ -facepalm- Fine. What color do you want?] god of ???

[I'd like pure black ones.] I stated.

[Ok.] god of ???

I opened my inventory to find gothic style jewelry, even curved claw labrets. (Lip jewelry similar to a bent spike going toward the chin. Google it.)

[....These are gothic...] I sent.

[Yes. They are the only ones i could put the seal on.] god of ??? said.

[Fine. I'll need clothes or you'll be ridiculed for making me dress like this.] I sent out.

[ I figured, that's why I had Fashion and Color gods and goddesses create a new wardrobe.] god of ???

[Ok. Thanks then.] I sent and sat down, slowly changing my piercings. I hadnt realized that my wall came down or that a group was watching me. Nor did I realize that Orange mop was shocked seeing me use a phone, or that the duo were awake.

'Clothing received. Which type of look and color would you like to look at?' Cortana asked.

"Cortana, please pull corset dresses in accordance to black with red or purple side colors. Whole outfits please." I said as I put magic circle looking nipple guards on. "Tch. Got me changing my clothes all willy nilly. Bleh."

'Found 37 results.'

"Narrow it down to above knee length. No pastels. No giant ribbons and no furry." I said.

'16 results.'

"No frills. No spikes. No extreme lace."

'5 results.'

"Show them to me." I said as i picked up my phone.

"Cortana. Burn all maid dresses."

'Burned. 2 results left.'

"Let's see them... I'll take the second one." I said and pulled out a dress.

All black with red threading and red lace see through sides. Matching parasol and heels. I nodded as I finished slipping my shoes on and moved my chain to my arm and let the sword hang on my back loosely.

"Alright. Now what... My hunger is sealed so the others wont worry that I'll eat them by accident... I just need to fine tune my swordsmanship so I dont have to worry about Jazz and Jade..." I mumbled, apparently loud enough for everyone to hear.

"Wait... You could have 'accidently' eaten them?" a voice said.

"Eh? Yeah, apparently. Since your souls with a form, your still edible. I didnt know that yesterday. Thank whoever and the fuck for not letting it happen.... Oh Morning!" I said nonchalantly then looked over at the group and smiled.


"I'll be keeping an eye on you in the world of the living. You're probably going to have to stay at Urahara's shop though." Orange mop said.

"Okay mop." I smiled at him, "When do we head out?"

"Few days from now.. My names Ichigo. Not Mop." he said.

"Huh.. Well okay. However, you cant keep an eye on me if I stay somewhere else." I laughed.

"....Unless your injured, you cant stay at my house.." Ichigo said.

"Who said I'm not injured?" I asked seriously.

"Eh? Where are you injured?" jingles asked.

"Hehe my mind. It shattered years ago." I giggled. "Morning jingles."

"Who's jingles?!" he yelled.

"Jingles is you! So loud in the morning." I waved my hand in front of my face.

"I'm not jingles. My names Kenpachi Zaraki." He said proudly.

"Good for you." I gave him a thumbs up.


"And who are you? Should I stick with calling you Grumpy?" I asked the furry.

"Komamura..." he mumbled.

"I see. Well you should spend tonight in an area void of life. That was a ridiculous seal, so please be careful." I said.

"Hey Kurasaki, Head captain said your good to go today..." White haired kid said.

"....I have to find my friends first." Ichigo said.

I watched the kid closely as he swayed slightly. I could see his Zanpakto spirit trying to come out of the sword.

"Hey kid, sit down before you hurt yourself and let your sword spirit come out." I said.

"I cant do that. Itll freeze everyone here." he said while swaying.

"I'll keep everyone safe. Hurry up before it disregards you." I said.

He went wide eyed as he looked at me before sitting down and pulling his sword out of its sheath. As soon as the sword came it, the area froze and a giant dragon appeared. "This one pays respect to Highness," the dragon said quietly.

"Good morning to you as well." I smiled.

The dragon disintegrated and went back into the sword. The kid regained focus and looked at me. "What was that?"

"No clue. Is it my bloodline? hmm... Well whatever, I dont care. Seemed nice enough to me." I said and saw half frozen people. "Woops. Let me just..."

Using a drop of my energy to cast a fire ball into my hands, a tiny fireball with hellish heat instantly unfrozen them.

"Damn. I thought I fine tuned it already..." I said with a bitter face.


"What?" I asked the horrified crowd.

"Nothing." they responded.

"How big is your energy reserves?" Kenpachi asked.

"Hmm? Uhh... Let me see.." I opened my phone. [What are my energy levels compared to Kenpachi?] i asked.

[If his sealed state is 50% of his energy, then your 1000 times his unsealed state.] God of energy.

[Thanks!] "If your self sealed state is 50% your power, then I'm 1000 times your unsealed state." I said with a smile. Turning to Ichigo i asked, "When do we leave?"

"....I.. I have to find my friends and we can leave.." Ichigo said blankly.

"Someone pulled them to the gate over there," point toward gate, "We should go before we get left behind." I said as I glanced at him.

"Yeah. We have to go..." he said blankely.

"...." I frowned and pulled my kagane out, grabbing ichigo and spiriting to the gate. The others watched in horror.

"Is she from Hueco Mundo?" "What was that?" "Did she just....?"

We landed at the gate and Ichigo finally snapped out of it. Seeing chains around Ichigo, the people I hadnt met yet were about to attack. As ichigo looked around, big muscle guy and anorexic glasses guy were about to attack.

"Woah! Hey, calm down. Hey, why did you put chains on me?" Ichigo said a little angrily.

"Oh? You were stuck in your head but we needed to go. So I could either princess carry you or put my kagane on you to spirit here. I wont carry you because the sun is just too bright so I need my parasol. Got a problem with it?" I smiled 'politely'.

"I see..." Ichigo said.

"Ichigo, who is this?" anorexic guy asked annoyed.

"This is..." he paused and looked at me.

"Chloe." I responded.

"Right.... This is Chloe. Shes a living entity so she cant stay in the soul society. Head Captain asked me to watch her so she doesnt do something crazy." Ichigo said.

"I'll gladly stay with any of you. I just cant be alone but when I'm fighting, please stay 100 meters away or you may be collateral damage." I smiled innocently.


"....This is no fun.... See you guys there I guess." I said as I spirited to the living realm.

"I quite like this hat. Mind if I borrow it?" I said as I landed and took Urahara's hat. "...Nah. It doesnt go with my outfit."

When I turned to give it back, I saw him drawing his sword. "Who are you?"

"....Ichigo will fill you in. Hey little girl, can I eat your lingering energy?" I asked the girl hiding behind Urahara.

"No. Dont touch her." Urahara said, still on guard.

"Why would I touch her? I just need to get close to her and breath it in?" I said confused.

"That's not possible. Nothing can do that " Urahara stated.

"....I can?" I tilted my head.

"No." Urahara shook his head, "We will wait for Ichigo and his friends."

"Hes so late! Slow asses! This is boring!" I complained as I sat in the air and floated.

An hour later, the group finally showed up. Urahara bombarded them with questions while keeping his sword pointed at me.

"Who is she and why is she here?" Urahara asked.

"That's Chloe. She is here because..." Ichigo looks at me.

"Because I'm bored and hungry." I said with a sigh, "And old fart said I need a babysitter and appointed this group. I'm not a child so why am I being treated like one?"

"....Your like what, 20?" anorexic guy said.

"Pft! Nice! Your aiming for brownie points right? Lemme tell ya now, the only thing that will get you is bit." I smiled.

[How old am I?...How long was I in Galfus realm? ....Am I an old lady...?] I messaged.

[.... Not an old lady. Your still a baby compared to us. You did spend 22 million years in my realm though... Mostly sleeping.] Galfus.

"....I'm old.... 22 million years without a single drink... No wonder I'm broken." I mumbled as I pulled a bottle of magic booze out from the trunk in my inventory.

".... Please refrain from drinking until we have a place for you to stay." Ichigo said.

"If I stay the night here, is someone going to accompany me?" I asked sadly.

"Uh.... How about you come to my place? My dads a drinker and we have a basement you can have..." anorexic guy said.

"I'm probably the only one who can lift you if you fall asleep somewhere..." muscle guy said.

"And my house has food... if you can eat it." Ichigo said.

"I live alone, can cook, clean, and do laundry. Plus I'm a girl." said big breast.

"I need someone 18 or older to stay with tonight. Need to drink and let my feels out." I stated and opened the bottle.

"My house it is. My dad isnt one to talk. He'll listen and wont say a peep." anorexic guy said.

"My dad will talk with you about the 'feels'.." Ichigo said.

"I'll can do all of that, not to mention your already here." Utahara said.

"Is it alright if we all stay here then?" Ichigo said.

"Yeah, no problem." Urahara smiled fakely.

"You just want my secrets, sneaky brat." I said outloud.

"I'm older than you, so your the brat." Urahara smiled.

"No... That's wrong...." I held back tears then sighed, "I'll need a cuddle buddy tonight. I wont do anything bad but I tend to cling when I'm sleeping..."

"My assistant would gladly help you fall asleep later." Urahara said.

I downed the bottle in two drinks and pulled out another, not feeling the alcohol yet. "To the basement!"

Urahara lead the way down and I met big buff guy with an apron. "Pst... Is that the guy?" I asked Urahara.

"Pft. Yes." He responded.

"....Sigh...." letting a long sigh escape my lips, I floated in the air while sitting, "Too bad he doesnt have a brother..." I mumbled.

I brought out the trunk and opened it, "Beer... Whiskey... Tequila... Here it is! Rum! Hehe Cortana play Loudy by Lewis Del Mar."

'Playing Loudy by Lewic Del Mar.'

I opened my bottle of rum and started drinking.


After 8 bottles, I started to feel drunk and decided to let my feels out.

"You know what, I found out that I'm older than probably every damn being in the realms here combined. I came to have fun and actually connect with my sword but instead, I find out im old!" I said quietly.

"My human life was crap! So far, my second life is boring and filled with killing non humans and eating! I cant be with a human, non humans dont really accept me, my kind doesnt accept me, so I'm just destined to roam?! Fuck!" I said a little louder.

"Why cant you be with a human?" anorexic guy asked.

"Because... If I blink, they might have died already..." I said sadly.

"Why is that?" anorexic guy asked.

"Dude. I'm older than you think. What's less than 40 years to a 22... -sniff- My life is so long, the days blur together sometimes." I said, holding back tears.

"Dixon and Daryl helped me stay sane but I couldnt keep killing. They understood. Snape and Sirius showed me it's okay to breath and be serious sometimes. I blinked... I went back in time and told them bye before I came here. My head was muddled by the intoxicating smells and I almost killed three people!" I said and let a tear fall.

"....I dont want to hurt good people. But I cant sit on my ass everyday. My mind broke a long time ago, if I dont have something to do, I make irrational decisions and cause problems..." I mumbled.

"It was my fault my sister died. I got a tattoo after... after something horrid happened to me. I needed pain or I would lash out, so she took me. Afterwards, I distracted her and we got into an accident. It was my fault and now the only sister I was okay with is dead..."

"Wow so you know the future?" Ichigo asked.

"No not while I was human." I mumbled.

"Oh so you didnt know it would happen?" anorexic guy asked.

"How would I know it would happen?" I said angrily.

"Well if you didnt know then how is it your fault? Are you telling me that if i walk by a house right before someone gets murdered, it's my fault?" Urahara said.

"If i didnt insist on going that night, she would be fine!" I snapped.

"Really? So because I was near my mom when a hollow killed her. it's my fault?" Ichigo said.

"No. The hollow has a mind of it's own. Your mother protected you." I said.

"How is this any different?" Ichigo asked.

"....I hate you." I stated and opened another bottle.

"Hate me then. Do I look like I care?" Ichigo asked.

"Jade... Jazz... What do you think?" I said as I turned to my shadow. I opened my living space and let them out.

Woof. They both sat near Ichigo.

"Traitors!" I yelled and turned away.

"You had dogs in your shadow...." Urahara said stunned.

"Dogs in my shadow, clothes in my phone, chains in my back. Who cares?" I said and sighed.

"How strong are the chains?" muscle guy asked.

"I dunno? Why?" I looked at him.

"Just curious i guess." muscle guy said.

"Here. Try your luck. It wont hurt me if you break it, just be careful which you grab. Try to get the light blue one and not the snow blue or neon blue." I said as my kagane came out.

"What's the difference in color for?" Urahara asked.

"....Elements. Snow blue is ice, light blue is water, neon blue is lightning, red is fire, dark red is lava, blood red is blood, brown for dirt, gold is gold, grey is metal, black is time, other black is space, green is nature, green blue is wind, dark green is... nevermind.. You get the point. They dont hurt others unless I want them to however if the chains are going to break, they send out a pulse of the specific element you were touching." I rambled.

"So, your telling me you have every element?" muscles said.

"Yes why?" I asked.

"Can I ask you to train me to be resistant against the elements?" muscles asked.

"No. If one drop of my energy is enough to do this," I create a tiny fire ball that heats the entire underground area, "How can I train you?" I dismissed the spell.

"Are you a mage or a swordsman?" Ichigo asked.

"Hmm... Both but neither. I have the ability to use both however, I'm an elementalist and my sword is literally a part of me. See." I dropped the chain on my sword and showed it connected to my body.

"Why is there an external chain stuck to your body?" Urahara asked wearily.

"Because I asked for it. When my body was recreated, I asked for this so I'll never be weaponless or helpless." I stated.

"Helpless? You overpowered!" anorexic guy said quietly.

"That may be so but I remember a time when I was helpless. You wouldn't understand..." I sighed and yawned, "Urahara, I ask a few things. Dont wake me, my energy will go rampant and kill whatever is close to me. Leave my booze alone. And under no circumstances let a child try to cuddle me."

I wrapped my kagane around buff assistant guys wrist and went to a more secluded area.