Ch 17. Killing stupid

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw a rather odd sight. A giant bubble of air surrounded the giant building I was in. As I looked around the immediate area, I bumped into a man.

"Hey, watch where your going! You could have broke my equi..... Who are you?! SHEPHERD!" the man yelled.

I tilted my head and turned away to look around. A few sets of footsteps quickly approaching. "Rodney, what's the prob...lem... Who is this? Excuse me, Who are you?" a man asked.

"I dont know if she speaks our language..." Rodney said.

I looked at them and sighed, pulling out my phone. I called Galfus, who picked up on the second ring, "What can I do for you?"

"Why here?" I spoke softly.

"Because Elizabeth Weir didnt make it on Altantis." Galfus said.

"Fuck. Can I go back? Why didnt she make it? WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF BULLSHIT IS THIS?!" I was getting mad. The people near me pointed their guns at me and warned me to calm down.

"She is sick. Save the fools, save the girl, stop the invasion. Because of her being sick, everything changed." Galfus said and hung up.

"Damn you Galfus.... John Shepherd of the american blah blah blah, I hereby take control of the thingy so I can prevent your deaths. So either get the fuck out of my way or die. Rodney, get the fuck off the ground, go to the room there, find the do-dad to go with the computer stuff to shut off the energy barrier once we are raised." I said with a sigh and put my phone in my pocket.

"Dont think so. Who do you think you are anyways?" Rodney said.

"We are taking you into custody, please follow me." John said.

"Hard way it is." I closed my eyes and mumbled to myself, "only use one drop... no half.... anything over a fourth may potentially cause the place to reach the sky instead of the surface... Damn it.. Someone math for me real quick, if 1 is equal to 47 trillion, and this place is roughly 1 million add 1500 for living entities, 2000 for none, 1000 for myself, and 3700 for the ocean divide it by 4. What is it?"

"186,470,938.30589 or so." Rodney said then shut his mouth.

"Thanks dear," I said and started mumbling again, "10% of a drop then.... Let's hope nobody weighs over a ton... or under 60 lbs.. or is as tall as me... Fuck... Shadow, stabalize all living beings and keep all things secured."

My shadow grew chains and locked everything down. John Shepherd started yelling until I glared at him, "Do you not notice the air thinning? Shut up unless you want to kill your team. I can live because I'm made of mana, what can you do? Nothing? Fuck off then."

I used 10% of a drop of my energy and managed to bring the entire city above water. Once done, I frowned and called into my living space, "Ris find the crap to turn this power field off. Part of a thing is in there the rest is over that way."

"Who are you?" John Shepherd asked.

"Are you an Atlantian?" Rodney asked.

"I'm Chloe. Dont compare me to those bumbling fools. Cant even lock the door before leaveing the house and they left all the lights on. Disgraceful. I'm not of this world or world series, however, your fate has changed because Weir was sick and didnt make the trip. I have my own mission to complete, so I'll say this once. Touch my husband and you will be stranded in a primitive world without a stargate or the resources to make one." I said and looked toward Ris. "You wont understand now, but we are saving your life. I must go and get Weir."

"She isnt sick. Shes dead." John said.

"...." I looked at him and frowned. I called Galfus again and he immediately answered, "How can I help?"

"Shes dead you stupid ass." I stated.

"What? No, she came down with... Sazar! You said she was sick! This idiot... Sigh.. Your kids can use this place to train regeneration and mind block abilities as well as energy control. The world was copied and is being reset in a new galaxy with an 'alternate timeline' so Weir lives. Do as you please." Galfus said and hung up.

"Ris, change of plans. Go charge the batteries so we can set up a room for the kids.. Take me to your doctor, I think I need to kill my husband." I said to whoever listened.

"Err.. I'm the doctor, what do you need?" a shorter man said.

"A scan. Depending on the results of the scan, Ris might die." I said glaring at Ris.

Ris broke out in a cold sweat, "I.... I didnt mean to... I promise... Its not my fault, I didnt know it would happen! I swear!" Ris backed up slowly until he made it to a hallway, "I'll work on those batteries! I love you!" he dashed off.

"....." I was so shocked I couldnt speak. My husband just ran away from me. I frowned again, "Doc. I have kids already. I know the signs, symptoms, what not. Tell me, can you see how many right now?"

"Oh, ai, of course. I can do it right here iffin you want." he said.

"Let's get to it then..." I said and pulled my shirt up.

After a wave of a weird object, the results were in. "....Ya got five in there...."

"Gabriel, Lucifer, Deth. Find your father. Dont damage the building at all. It's okay to kill him. Winner gets a prize." I said and three of the boys appear and bow, "Yes mom! Right away!" they disappeared.

"Come on. You as well. Come out so we can talk." I said to the other five kids. The group watched as all of the boys appeared, the doc seemed curious more than scared so I let them hear my words. "I know you have memories from your past lives. So I'll put this in terms you all understand. I work with the gods so my job takes me quite literally everywhere. I know your past worlds were destroyed. If you wish to change that, then you have training to do. If you want me to seal your memories instead, I'll do so."

As my words sunk into the 5 kids head, the group of people looked at me as if I was delusional. Sebastian, however, was the first to speak, "Did Ciel make it....?"

"Do you wish to see him?" I asked, not answering the question.

"No, it's best I dont until I'm stronger." Sebatian said and put his hands behind his back, "My apologies for keeping this secret from you. I wasnt sure what to do when my powers were sealed so I opt out of speaking until I figured it out."

"I understand. What about you four?" I asked.

"Arent you sad we took over your kids bodies?" Zane asked.

"Honestly? Gabriel, Lucifer, and Deth had to be reborn in order for me to take them out training. Zane, you werent even supposed to be there. And I never agreed to more children. If you havent noticed, every single 'child' I have is a reincarnated individual. Am I sad? No, why should I be?"

"Can you train me so I can use my spirits abilities and one day my own?" Tristan asked.

"If I train you, you will die. Have your dad teach you until he says your ready for phase 2." I said.

The boys all agreed as the group stood horrified. The doc still seemed curious but more cautious now. Giving in to the curiosity, he asked, "Why havent we met with you before this?"

"Because normally, meeting me would be your worst nightmare. My appearance is only to destroy or save a world. Do you wish to have met me sooner?" I said and raised my eyebrow.

"....I see. How did you pull them out of thin air?" the doc asked.

"Not thin air. I used my mana to pull them from my personal dimension to this one." I said and looked toward the hall, "Dead man walking. Who caught you?"

The doc looked appalled at my words, looking toward the approaching shadows. Once visible, Ris spoke, "I turned myself in... I was not behaving properly, I shouldn't have ran."

"You shouldnt have ran? Are you FUCKING KIDDING ME?! RAN?! YOU THINK IM MAD BECAUSE YOU RAN?!" I yelled furiously.

"Miss, you should calm done." the doctor said and took a step closer.

"Get away from my wife." Ris said coldly.

"Shadow, Ris needs a new friend, why dont you send a subordinate to keep him company? And Ris, he is a doctor, you expect me to do this alone?" I said quietly with a coldness in my voice.

"Dad tricked us?" I heard a voice say from the hall.

"He did... Wow.." Another voice spoke and walked out of the shadow. Deth seemed angry.

"What do you mean?" I said with a frown.

"Did you tell dad to ...hmph..." Deth started to speak but was cut off by Ris. Ris had covered Deths mouth with his hand and smiled, "Mom is tired, let her be."

I frowned when I saw that, "Idris. I no longer require your aid. I'll send you off." Before he could speak, I had sealed his powers and suspended him into the air. "For lieing, tricking, and abandoning your position, you are hereby stripped of your authority, power, and memory. I hope you have a decent life." [Seal him permanently.] I sent to Galfus.

"Where is dad going?" Gabriel asked quietly.

"He is going back to where he came from. I want you three to help your brothers control their energy. This place is good for it. I have some work to do, so if you are going to spar or teach proper weaponry, go onto the land." I said and sighed.

"Miss, are you alright? What happened to the man just now?" the doc asked.

"Carson, the woman just killed off her husband in front of you and you still have to ask?" Rodney spoke condescendingly.

"Rodney, that's enough. Ma'am, why are you here?" John said and looked toward me, hand still on his gun.

"No reason anymore. This worlds fate has permanently been changed by Weir's death. I cant change fate so I'll borrow this place for a while. My kids will train and help with some issues. I, however, will mostly be sleeping. I'll fix your batteries and recharge them before I do." I said and started walking slowly toward a battery.

"You shouldnt be up. It's not good for the wee ones. And you shouldnt be playing with batteries, I'm sure Rodney can figure out a way to deal with them." the doc, Carson, said and tried to stop me.

"Listen doc, I know what I can and cant do. This ain't my first rodeo. If your so worried then join me." I said and kept walking.


It didnt take long to fix and recharge the batteries. Carson decided to keep me in the medical bay to scan me daily for any abnormal signs. John and Rodney kept coming in to ask me questions, until I became furious. Bad idea. Jade and Jazz knew the situation, so as soon as I became mad enough, they jumped out of my space and enlarged themselves until the duo backed off.

The boys were progressing quickly as the months went by. The humans started to figure out more of the Atlantian technology. John brought Teyla and her people back with him. Ronon was captured and brought in. Ford was killed instead of infected.

And I rudely interrupted Carsons date with my dilemma. Carson, Rodney, and two ladies were sitting at a table. I had sent Jade to grab the doc, which may not have been the greatest idea.

Jade was running quickly, dodging bullets with Carson passed out in his mouth. When I saw this scene, I slowly got up and said, "Jade bring the doctor here. Hes no good if he is passed out. You, stop shooting or you might hit the doctor."

Jade jumped and landed by my side a second later, dropping the doctor at my feet. I used my energy to wake him up and had Jade stand guard. Once Carson was awake, I informed him of the problem. "I'm sorry my dog panicked and grabbed you like that. However, I require assistance as I cant do this alone. I do not know any other doctors."

"I cant do this, but I know someone who can. I'll be back." Carson said and ran off. Not long later, he brought Teyla along.

"Teyla, as I said, she wants to do it normally so please help her. If anything happens, I'll take over..." Carson told her as they entered.

"Do you know if it's a boy or girl?" Teyla asked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Probably all boys again." I said tiredly.

"All? More than 1?" she asked hesitantly.

"Four, maybe five." I stated.

"Good lord! How are you so calm?" she asked a little panicked.

"This is the third time. I've had two sets of quadruplets and the only fancy doctor stuff needed is when the child decides to be too scared to breath. The first ones almost here, if you please." I said.


".....I hate that damned prick." I said quietly.

"All boys like you said..." Teyla said with a light smile.

"Six of them at that." Carson said dazed.

"Killua is the white haired child. Gon is the dark green haired child. Edward is the small blond haired child. L has black hair. Zoro has light green hair. And Toshiro has white hair as well.." I sighed and released my kagane and unwrapped my tail from my body. After laying the babies down on my tail, I made the bottles and brought them along. Teyla was following me, trying to get me back in bed.

"You havent healed, you need to rest." she said.

"I have healed. Completely. Look, no more fat, no more blood, nothing. I'm good. I already put a noise restriction barrier up so the children cant hear shit. I refuse to be stuck in a bed any longer." I stated and went to a balcony. "I already know who you are. I've sealed all of your abilities so dont even thing about it."