Ch 16.

Two days after the exam, a skinny man in a suit came home with Ris, the neighbor child as well.

"Allmight, Midoriya, Welcome." I said without looking back from the stove.

"Darling, I brought guests. As you already know our young neighbor and Allmights relations, I'll skip over it." Ris said.

"W-wait... W-what are y-you talking about? W-we have n-no relations...." Midoriya said.

"Your a bad liar. Also, you have your own quirks without the handed down one. Nobody can hear what we say and our boys dont speak about family matters, which I deem this as. Since your co-workers and all." I said.

"....Where do you get your information?!" deflated Allmight asked.

"Another ability I have. Where we come from, it's odd if you have one ability or more than 4. Ris and I were always outcasts, that's why when I had trouble with the boys birth, the priest used it to kick us out. Now, drink this and sit down." I said as I handed tea over to the duo and Ris. "Darling, the babies need your attention."

Ris went to our room right before the babies woke up and started crying. I turned to Allmight and smiled a little viciously, "This will hurt. I have to regrow parts of your body as well as take the dark energy that's concentrated at your heart and lung out. Afterwards, I'll talk about your other powers."

Allmight bit his lip and nodded to show he complied. I smiled a little before nodding and placing barriers around the couch. "I have placed multiple barriers, scream all you want. You will find that you cant move or even flinch. It's to keep you from biting your tongue off and outside interference. Dont worry."

As I finished speaking, I willed for the man to be healed as I took the dark energy away and ate it. Midoriya had freaked out eyes as he watched and his breathing sped up as Allmight screamed at the top of his lungs. After about a minute, he stopped screaming and became relaxed. I lifted the restraint barrier on them and nodded, "You are healed. Thank you for the snack. Dark energy always makes a good snack."

"W-what are you?!" Midoriya said scared and ready to fight.

"I am a cursed existence. What are you?" I asked.

"...." Midoriya froze and looked at me then Allmight who looked fainted.

"Alright. Young Allmight, you have a sealed power that gives you the ability to do half the work but get double results. Do you want me to unseal it? Its painless." I said.

"Sealed power? Of course, I'd like for you to unseal it." Allmight said as he transformed into his buff self.

"Thatll cost you then. You see a certain explosion boy has a lot of pride. However, the dumbass speaks worse than most villains. If young Midoriya ever acted on this childs words, that child would have been a murderer at the age of 5." I stated.

"Y-you knew?! You didnt stop him?!" Midoriya said before dazing out.

"I knew. Why do you think my boys always hated him? Did they not try to help you?" I asked him.

"Y-yes they did.. I'm sorry..." Midoriya said.

"So what do you want me to do?" Allmight said.

"Up to you. Dont give special treatment to anyone, especially this child. I can train him properly on control and heal him so nobody will find out about your relationship. Do your due diligence and train them properly. Shinanagins are for children, as a teacher you should show proper discipline." I said then turned to Midoriya, "You child. Your sealed power is good for the training I have in store for you. Low regeneration. it isnt as fast as mine but if you break your bones again, itll take an hour to heal. The more you use it, the faster it gets. It cannot replace anything though, so if you lose a limb, grab it and put it back in place, stitch it and itll repair itself as long as it hasnt been off for more than an hour."

"What will it cost me to unseal it...?" Midoriya asked quietly.

"The cost is no complaining about my training. As my boys, I'm a spartan teacher. Any child who I teach, comes out different." I said and looked at him.

"I'll do my best!" Midoriya said.

"What am I supposed to do about the prideful kid?" Allmight asked.

"Do as you see fit." I said and snapped my fingers, unsealing their power. "Your unsealed. I need to make dinner and prep my kids for training. Midoriya, ask your mother to sign this permission slip. It allows you to be in my watch until 10 PM and you will recieve dinner if needed. Also, if you keep being rude to your mother, I'll train you the same way I trained my boys."

"Mom, I'll make dinner. You should relax." Lucifer said as he came out of the room.

"Yeah, Ill help! We can make a great dinner!" Deth said.

"You cant cook... You burn everything. Momma, I'll make dinner." Gabriel said.

All three stopped when they say our guests and nodded to them before being quiet.

"Boys, Midoriya wants to ask you about your training. Specifically when your rude to your mother." I said with a frown.

"Our apologies mom! We wont interrupt your conversation again!" All three said together.

Midoriya and Allmight looked at them strangely, not understanding what's going on.

I raised an eyebrow at the duo, "Proper manners states you never interrupt a conversation. For interrupting, you three will clean the house for the week. Zane, come help with dinner."

"Yes mom!" all four said and got to work as I nodded.

"They seem brainwashed...." Midoriya whispered to Allmight who nodded slightly.

"I can take powers as easily as I unseal them. If you cant be respectful then you have no place in my home or in my training. I dont brainwash, I teach manners and fight training. Why do people assume proper manners is brainwashing?" I said with a frown.

"Its not the manners part but the synchronized response..." Allmight said.

"Thays their own choosing. Are you staying for dinner or leaving?" I said flatly.

"My wife could be a professional chef if she wasnt so busy. My fault." Ris said as he came in, floating the babies around him.

"It is your fault. But I dislike people so I wouldn't do it anyways." I said.

"If you dont mind me, then I'd love to stay for dinner." Allmight said.

"My mom is expecting me so I'll be going home. I'm sorry I was rude earlier. I'll being the permission slip over tomorrow if my mom allows it." Midoriya said and left.

"Cant even muster a thanks?" Lucifer whispered.

"He is probably going to join our training. We can help teach manners to him." Gabriel whispered back.


After dinner, Allmight left. The next day Ris checked out Endeavors house for sale and disapproved of it. Endeavor was shocked Ris didnt like it but agreed with his reasoning, the house was too big for one person to clean. Midoriya did get permission to be trained by me, as long as he didnt come back badly injured.

As training went on for a month, U.A. finally sent out acceptance letters. All of my boys, Midoriya, and Bakugo (explosion kid) were accepted into 1-A hero course. I was also hired as a part time teacher, the principal volunteering to babysit for the hour I teach.

My students hated me because I was spartan and harsh. One student asked why they didnt know me as a hero, I told them the truth. "I cant be a hero because my powers are only meant to kill or heal. I'll do a demonstration when we go to the USJ."

When the time came, we went to the USJ. I asked Allmight to watch the school while I accompany the students. He gladly let me go. As villains poured out, I stopped Earser head, 13, and Ris from attacking. "I'll be demonstrating today. Please allow me to capture these children."

Ris nodded and placed barrier after barrier over the students and teachers, who where angry for my actions since I wasnt a hero. I yawned and looked at the crowd coming toward us, "1 ten thousand of a drop ought to do. Dear, lightning or something else?"

"Lighnting would be best to knock them out. Remember to keep them alive so we can go house shopping later today." Ris said with a smile.

"Alright. Zap. They are down. Weird creature needs another dose though... I'll amplify it to 1 thousandth. Zap. Uh.... Well he is alive.. Barely..." I said with an amused smile before turning to the kids, "On a scale from 1 to 100, that was 1 ten thousandth of a drop of power I can release. Any more questions on my teaching ability?"

A few raised their hands. I sighed, "What is it?"

"Can you teach me control?" blond kid asked.

"Yes. Anyone else?" I asked.

"Me as well!" a few kids said.

"What other abilities do you have?" one kid asked.

"That's a hard one to answer." I said with a pondering face, "I can do just about anything honestly."

"Can you create things from your body?" one girl asked quizzically.

"Chains. They are various sizes so I can make them into clothes, weapons, shields, technology." I said.

"Can you use multiple elements at once?" a boy asked.

"Yes. I can use every element together or separately." I nodded.

"Can you capture without hurting people?" 13 asked.

"Sort of. My shadow can but it's currently raiding a villain hideout." I said.

"....." nobody responded.

"Alright kids, the police are here to pick up the villains. Please stand aside so we can get to rescue training shortly." Ris spoke up.

Earlier head approached me cautiously and whispered, "I cant take your quirk. Why?"

"You did. One of them. You stopped my hair from coming to life. I'll do you a favor and unseal your potential. It should help you from here on." I said and snapped my fingers.

My boys approached me and waited for me to acknowledge them as I told Earser head his new changes, "You can now use your powers on multiple people at once while also being able to blink without it stopping. However, four blinks and it automatically quits or will it to stop. What do you need boys?"

"Mom, a few students have asked what they need to do to get your training." Zane said.

"I'll speak with the principal about it and tell the class at a later date. It's time for rescue training. Get the others ready." I said.


Rescue training went off without a hitch after that. The league of villains was brought down, the principal agreed to switching my class to evenings and extending it to a two hour class that was optional and needed permission slips. Training went well. Once the tournament came around, I was asked to be the healer alongside recovery girl. I'd take the worse once.

On the day the tournament happened, the babies were 3 months old. I brought them with me and kept a barrier around them so they couldnt hear what was happening. Many people looked at me in disdain when they saw the babies until I showed them the barrier while glaring at them.

The tournament started and I was already needed. When the calvary battle started, I was on the sidelines keeping the barriers up and colored so nobody can say anything. When a stray attack came out of the field, I absorbed it. When a giant ice wall came out of the field, I absorbed the out of bounds parts. After the battle, I healed the entire field and took the energy still on the field for myself.

As the tournament of one on one battles happened, my boys were pitted against each other. Both fights ended in severe injury and a tie. I spoke to the referee, Midnight, and told her she should switch Deth with Zane if she didnt want ties to persist. Deth and Lucifer won their matches.

The tournament ended with Lucifer winning first place, Todoroki in second, and Deth in third.


My boys graduated from U.A. and became official 'heroes'. My four babies had just turned 5. Tristain had a water and ice spirit join him. Christian had tree, plant, and earth spirits join him. Damian had a dark and lightning spirit join him. Sebastian had a power similar to one for all, with the addition to strengthen allies.

[I think it's high time we left.] I sent.

[Indeed. However, we are postponing your next task for an emergency mission.] Goddess of Escapades.

[Fill me in.] I sent.

[You have to stop a worlds destruction.] Goddess of Escapades.

[Please throw the family in my living space before we go.] I sent.

[Done. Off you go.] Goddess of Escapades.