Ch 15. Overlord? Bye. Hello, My Hero

After a show of power, I was asked to give a shadow to Momonga so he can recieve the intel while Ris and I 'went abroad'. Actually he asked us to leave so we dont bring danger to the guild so we told others we were going to travel.

And travel we did. While Ris taught the children who grew quickly, I relearned the magic of this world to rebuild my foundations. After a year, the children had grown to be teenagers. I found out that they were once the leaders of the three factions from a Supernatural world that couldnt stop the darkness rampage. With that, I officially adopted them.

Why officially adopt them? Because I can take them to another world if I did. They wanted to stop the darkness even if it wasnt in their version of the world. I helped them get stronger than their original selves were and Ris grew stronger as well. The only thing left for us to beat in this world was Nazarick and the god.

We chose to have a 'fight' with Nazarick so we can challenge the god, effectively fixing this world and putting it back on track. I let Momonga, now Ainz Ooal Gown, know my plan for the god but didnt mention how we were going to get his attention.

On the last day of the 1 year mark, we attacked Nazarick. Gabriel the teen angel used purely martial arts so not to kill and further refine his movements. Lucifer the teen fallen angel demon mix was also using martial arts. Deth the teen death, was using the staff of his scythe. Ris and I watched while waiting for the big bosses before making a move.

Once we made it to Ainz Ooal Gowns room, Lucifer sent a telepathic message to let him know the plan. Ainz laughed loudly and put on a show with us. After defeating him, we declared the god of this world incompetent and a coward for merely watching and hiding away. That pissed him off as we were all teleported to a black castle in the clouds.

"You dare call me incompetent and a coward?! I am God! Bow before my might puny ants!" a man yelled from the castle.

"Lame! Fuck off faker, where's the real god? You ain't him!" Lucifer yelled.

"Brat!" the man yelled and threw a ball of fire. As it approached the flame grew bigger and the man laughed maniacally.

"Do you think that can do anything to us?" Gabriel said unamused.

"Let's see how far you have grown. Ris and I shall wait here for you, take as long as you want but remember we have places to go." I said and smiled to the kids. Ris smiled and nodded. affirming what I said.

"Lets make mom proud!" the kids yelled together and took off, after Lucifer kicked the flames back to the false god.


"Wow, he really was a god. Congratulations you three. You passed the first test. I believe it's time for another. Your powers will be sealed for the next test. However, you have a chance to gain another power where we are going next. Do you know why I'm doing this?" I said to the kids.

"No ma'am." they said quickly.

"You rely on your powers too much. You think because someone is backing you, you can screw up all you want. I'm hereby giving you a task. Fuck up and it's on you. Ris and I will be your parents but we will not give special treatment. Do you understand?" I said.

"Yes ma'am!" the kids and Ris yelled together.

"Ris, your task is to become a teacher at a specific school. I'll give you a chance to apply but the rest is up to you. Do so legally. If you get questioned tell them we grew up in the mountains, so we dont know their law but we are willing to learn. Be respectful. Understand?" I said with a faint smile.

"Yes mistress." Ris said and bowed.

"We will play the part of a married couple. Treat me as so." I said with a frown.

"Yes.. Love?" Ris said a little confused.

"Darling will work as well. I'll call you Dear. Kids. I'm mom or momma, call Ris dad or father. Got it?!" I said.

"Y-yes mom! Dad!" the kids yelled a little frightened.

"Good. Now let me see here." I said and opened my phone. [Evil fake god has been vanquished. Kids have been told the plan. Ris has agreed to being my husband for the trip. We have prepared and are ready. Thank you for making this happen.]

[Have you figured out a last name?] Galfus.

[Not yet. Maybe Tigan or something.] I sent.

[Gypsy. I like it. Are you sure about leaving the quirks up to fate?] God of prosperity.

[I do. Do I really have to give birth though? T.T] I sent.

[If you want them to have powers from there then yes, yes you do. I'll make it as painless as I can but I'll throw a surprise in for you for doing it. ;) ] Fertillity Goddess.

[Sigh... Alright. We are ready when you are.] I sent and put my phone up.

"This will be unpleasant for all of us... Better fucking not screw up or else." I said as a light flashed.

[Go to the hospital. You have to be 'in pain' so they aren't suspicious. Good luck!] Galfus.

Ris and I landed in a forest, my stomach inflated to a watermelon size. I looked at Ris as he adjusted to the new environment and spoke, "You have to carry me to the hospital. I have to fake pain so the kids will be delivered. If they ask about anything, we come from the mountains because the village priest said to. We aren't allowed back in the mountains since we left."

"Yes darling... Where do I go?" Ris asked quietly.

I pulled up a map on my phone and turned on the maps function. The nearest hospital was 12 miles away. I kept the app open so Ris could look at it when he needed to as he ran with me in his arms. As we passed people, strongs winds accompanied us and so did a few people in costumes.

"Stop villian!" one guy shouted.

"Stop in the name of justice!" another said.

"Put the hostage down!" a woman yelled.

"Darling, what should I do?" Ris asked.

"Get me to the hospital! Now Ris!" I said fake angrily and very loudly.

"Not a hostage?" The woman said.

"You missed a fucking turn!" I yelled fake angrily again and pointed the direction.

The people chasing us tried harder to catch up until a new one did. He was covered in flames and full of muscles but still shorter than Ris. Fire man tried to grab me while attempting to trip Ris. My brows furrowed and I yelled while my hair turned to snakes, "Get the fuck out of the way!"

Fire man was thrown off guard as he pulled his hand back. "What are you doing?" Fire man asked as he ran next to us.

"My apologies sir. My wife is having a child." Ris said as he turned another street, seeing the hospital in sight.

"I see. Good luck and Congratulations." fire man said as he followed us into the hospital. A few nurses were panicked as we came in.

"Our priest said we must come to the hospital place for my wife to have our child." Ris said quickly.

"We need your paperwork while we take her to the birthing room." a female nurse said as she brought a wheelchair.

"What is paperwork? What is that thing?" Ris asked.

"...." nobody spoke at first but the nurse with the wheel chair spoke after a moment, "This is a wheel chair. It's so you dont have to carry your wife in an uncomfortable position and keeps the baby from popping out while walking. Someone can come by later to help you with other things, for now let's focus on that baby, yeah?"

Not long later I was in a room and the nurse figured out that I was having quintuplets, or four children. Where the fuck did the fourth come from?!

"Congratulations, you have four boys." the nurse said.

"....." I didnt speak, no that's wrong, I couldnt speak. Ris was baffled as well.

"Dark hair is Lucifer, red hair is Gabriel, the grey hair is Deth, this boy with our hair, Ris, you name him." I said while looking at the odd child.

Ris was silent for a while before speaking, "Darling, why dont we name him Zane?"

"Alright. Zane it is." I said quietly.

-knock knock- "Excuse me, Is this the room with the couple Chloe and Ris?" a police officer said.

"Sir, you should wait a while more before you come in. She is about to feed her children." the nurse said a little angrily.

"Its alright. What do you need sir?" I said.

"I wanted to start working on your paperwork. If Mr. Ris can step over here, I'll ask some questions and you can go about your day." the officer said.

"Go ahead Dear. I'll feed the children and we can go back to the woods tonight." I said nonchalantly.

"Of course, darling. I'll be back soon." Ris said and went to the baffled officer.

"I-I'm sorry, did you just say you live in the woods?" the officer said.

"Yes sir. I'll explain the situation." Ris said and began explaining our agreed upon answer.

As they talked, I started feeding the babies bottles. I watched them curiously as they ate, each with an odd look toward the odd child out. I smiled faintly, causing three to freeze before smiling stiffly. "Shh eat your food and take a nap."

The children ate and slept. As Ris came back with an odd look on his face, the officer smiled and spoke, "So a place of residence has been made for you. I'll take you there when your healed up enough to go."

"Let me change and I'll be ready to go. I heal quickly." I said as I handed the babies over to the nurse.

"Very well, I'll wait outside." the officer said and left.


We were given a two bedroom, two bathroom apartment next door to a mother and new child, the Midoriya family. The husband works abroad or something.

We had some people come over to teach us the laws, bring us food and baby supplies. After a year, we were fully certified and able to get jobs. Because of Ris's abilities to use all elements, he was quickly accepted as a hero.


As the children became 5, their powers emerged. Gabriel gained the ability to see trajectory paths. Lucifer gained the ability to use shadows. Deth gained the ability to freeze, reverse, and speed up time. Zane was an odd one, he gained a bit of both mine and Ris abilities, turning him part lemur and control on the basic elements. Ris had become a teacher at U.A. for hero course students.

The child across the hall was a dick, making things explode all the time. However, the kid next door ended up without a power he knew of.


As the children grew and learned to deal with their powers, the end of middle school came. Ris and I had become close to say... We stopped acting the part and became the part... He had accepted me for who I am, even though he was scared of my shadow. I didnt quite love him but I accepted him and we got on well. So while the boys prepared for the U.A. entrance exam, I was stuck in bed on bed rest.

Ris was excited and nervous; excited to potentially be training the boys and nervous I was home alone on bed rest most of the time. The day of the exam, I sent the boys off with the kid next door who was also going before calling Ris and an ambulance.

As I arrived at the hospital, Ris jumped over a building with a nervous look. Once he landed, he bypassed the fans and went straight to me, "Are you alright? Do you need anything?"

"Sir, can you please move. She needs medical treatment right now." said the emt without looking to see who spoke.

"I'm not in the way. I'm checking on my wife and seeing if there is anything I can do before the school calls me back." Ris said matter of factly.

"Dear, I called to let you know I was coming in. Go watch over the boys and make sure to tell me everything later." I said with an amused smile.

"Yes darling. I'll have the nurses call me if anything happens. Once your able to, give me a call and I'll be right here as quick as I can." Ris said and turned to talk to a nurse.


"Quite a sight if I say so." said a nurse.

"Indeed. Quite a sight." said another.

"Mrs., Congratulations on the quadruplets. All boys." said a doctor with a smile.

"Again... Dammit Idris!" I said with a frown.

"Again? Do you mean you have another set of quadruplets?" the doctor asked.

"Yes.. Alright blue hair is Tristan, seafoam hair is Christian, purple hair is Damian, and this one is Sebastian. The exam should be over in an hour. I'd like to go see my children." I said as I started dressing.

"You havent healed yet though." the doctor said.

"Part of my power is regeneration. If you must check, then do so. I have bottles made and will feed the babies as I walk." I said and looked at the doctor.


As I made my way to the school, I used my tail to hold the babies and my chains to feed them. People watched as I approached the gate of U.A. exam. Some people snickered at me and made amused faces as I walked closer. I frowned, not seeing Ris or the boys so I called out, "If you dare to hide from me, I'll put you back in training!"

"Ma'am, who are you yelling at?" a big buff guy said as he approached.

"I'm yelling at my husband and kids. The boys took the exam today and my husband is a teacher." I said and looked at the third floor of the building then the corner of the building. "Very well. For each second your not here, is another level of harsh training you get. All five of you!"

The buff man looked at me weirdly then spoke, "Hahaha who is your husband young lady?"

"Quiet. Cant you see new born babies sleeping? If you wake them, I'll put you in training as well. That's 30 seconds. If it gets to a minute, we can always go back to the mountain to train." I said as I glared at the man then the two spots.

"Sorry mom! Dad said we should give you space today and to wait for him!" said Gabriel as he appeared in front of me.

"Sorry momma... Luci said it was a good idea to listen to dad.." Zane said.

"I-it isnt my fault! Dad said he would train us on the mountain if we didnt give you space..." Lucifer said.

"Momma... Are you feeling okay?" Deth asked.

"Hmm.. Seems it's your dad that should be punished. Come meet your brothers. I just came from the hospital, they decided since you were leaveing the house today, it should be a family trip. This is Tristan, Christian, Damian, and Sebastian." I said and looked at the third floor window again.

"They look just as beautiful as you do Mrs...." the buff man said.

"You realize it is inappropriate to speak to a married woman without her husband present, yes? It's also inappropriate to hit on a married woman. And to do so blatantly in front of her children. Have you no shame?" I said with a frown.

"Mr. Allmight, though you are the number one hero, I dont think you can do as you please with another mans wife." Ris said as he appeared behind Allmight.

"M-mr. Ris, nice to see you again! I saw this woman and she looked like she needed help. I didnt know she was your wife. My apologies." Allmight said as he stepped away from Ris.

"You know, I heard you were having troubles with something, why dont we... Oh my god... Darling, I'm so sorry!" Ris was about to offer something to Allmight before noticing the babies in my tail.

"Quiet. If you wake them, you deal with them. Allmight, was it? I know what happened to you, come by our place and we can see about fixing you up. Ris had work to do so we will see you later." I said and turned to walk away.

"You know? How?" Allmight said on guard.

"My power is similar to Ris. I have all elements plus a few controversial ones as well as my chains. Since I have them, I can sense them in others as well. Good bye for now." I said and walked off. The boys followed closely and Ris said goodbye.

"Now. What is this i heard about telling the boys to give me space no matter what?" I asked Ris as we went home.

"I thought you would want to relax... I was trying to be considerate." Ris said.

"I told you I wanted to hear about every bit of the exam." I stated with a frown.

"Its my fault. I'm sorry." Ris said and looked down.

"Look it's the hero Risk!" people said as we passed by them.

"I'm sorry everyone, I need to get my family home." Ris said as he bowed to the crowd.

"Why so rude? Aren't you a hero?" some teenagers asked.

"I am however my wife had children today. As I couldnt stay with her at the hospital, I will be bringing her home to rest. Please understand it's hard for anyone to have multiple kids, especial four at once." Ris said then went to catch up with us.

"So husband duty outweighs hero duty?" another teen asked.

"There is no husband duty. If there was, do you think so many men would abandon others? Hero duty is important but so is family. I love mine and dont want to be seen as someone who abandons them when they need me." Ris said and walked to catch up.

"You're not a hero." a woman said.

"No. I'm a man who loves his family, helps those who cant helo themselves, and doesnt care for fame, fortune, or glory. I'm not a pro hero if it means giving up my family. I dont see you getting onto other peoples case for having a family. Why is that?" Ris said and left the crowd quickly.

"Ris, we need to get a house." I said as he caught up.

"I've already found a few. I'll show them to you once we get home and the boys tell you about the exam." Ris said.

"Hey, it's you." said a man on fire as he walked across the street to us.

"We meet again." I said as I passed him.

"Mr. Endeavor." the four boys said with a slight nod as the followed me closely.

"Endeavor." Ris said as he paused and nodded.

"How have you guys been?" he asked as he followed Ris.

"Quite well. We are in the process of finding a new house." Ris commented.

"Impeccable timing. I havent put it up on the listing yet but I'm selling my house. We just moved since my son is going to U.A." Endeavor said.

"Is that so? Maybe in a few days we can come take a look." Ris said with a smile.

"Yeah, here, you can contact me at this number. Our kids can maybe meet." Endeavor said with a smirk.

"We shall see you then. Congratulations on the new house and your boy, by the way." Ris said as Endeavor walked off.

"What an odd man." Zane said.

"Why is that?" I asked.

"His fire is odd. It felt angry but relieved." Zane said.

"Angry, yes. Relieved, no. It was melancholy." I said and entered the apartment complex.