Ch 14. A little more...

The fallen castle? Simple yet elegant.

The fallen? Turned over a new leaf.

The group with me? Disgusted with the food provided.

Banquets food? Sorry my potato soup was potato-y. Coffee isnt good with pork chops? Excuse me but green bean casserole with chicken and bacon in it IS delicious.

What happened? Kay became queen, happily. Todd asked for her hand. Diablo got his ass kicked by me. Rem cried happily. Shera cried as well. Other children seemed amused and greedy so I pretend cursed them to have bad luck with money until they become less greedy.

What was I up to now? I dont know really. I told Diablo that I would leave his planet alone as long as I can spar with him whenever I want. He agreed obviously.

Now I'm sitting in Galfus divine realm while I wait for my next mission, which required me to apparently get a special tattoo. The tattoo is of the Goddess of Loneliness' symbol, thorny vine turned braclet. I opted for a twist, thorny vines coming out of my veins with element colored thorns becoming a partial sleeve. Galfus helped make the vines seem alive so I was grateful.

What bloodline did I get? Hahaha I made the gods rack their brains to create ot for me and they aren't finished yet. What animal do you get if you mix big cat, lemur, fox, wolf, and red panda? I want that original demihuman bloodline that only gives a tail or 5.

What did it make? A clusterfuck of who the hell knows. All ways of mixing it together turned hostile and imploded. So I asked if it was possible to create a bloodline that allows me to create a tail as well.

Fortunately yet also unfortunately, I could but I'd need to enlist the dumbass who killed me's help in order to get the tail created. Guess what? Dumb ass was also god of tails... Stupid prick!

Yes I did enlist his help. No he didn't like the project. Yes he did do it anyways. Yes I made his life hell for the first day. No I didnt torture him. I actually was very nice, ya know. Killing with kindness. Would you like a cookie? Oh you like that kind better? Here's a tray full of more. I made another batch, please eat them. Here, cocoa. Heres more of both...

Anyways, I made a tail that was equal to my body like a lemurs, tipped in black like a leopards, shaded like a multicoloured wolves, fur as long as a fox and lastly as bendable as a red pandas. Obviously the color was my hair color, and I also added tiny spots of black to look like dark stars and light colors for light stars.

The implanting process was short AF. I spent time in rehab to be able to move it like it was always with me. It was odd at first because my tail was 7 feet long and controlling that all at once seemed impossible. That is until I treated it like my chains and connected my being to it. That was a jolt of pain I wasnt ready for.

Anyways, I was asked to join a certain group and explore the magic system made in the other world. In exchange, I'll get to keep the special things I get there without using a wish. I agreed, of course, once I found out where I was going.

I was sent to a world where I won the lottery and decided to buy my way into a game being created. In turn, a few of my ideas were added to the game and I got to have a special item that only I could use, after I reached top level that is.

So I joined the game once it came out and played it until it was to be shut down. The guild I joined was pretty fun, however I never joined conversations. The day when the game was going offline, I was creating an NPC male version of me, but with a nice personality.

The game was about to go offline and I walked into the throne room looking at the banners in 'nostalgia'. A Skeleton man came in followed by entourage and sat on the throne after I nodded to him. My NPC, Idris or Ris for short, stood behind me like a shadow, however not to close. I made him afraid my shadow would eat him so he never got to close to it or me.

As the time ran out, Skeleton man spoke, panicked, relayed orders to others, and fondled a breast before I turned to Ris and nodded. As he nodded back, I sighed and looked at the Skeleton, who finally remembered us.

"SpiceAndWoofs Do you know what happened?" he asked.

I nodded and held up a finger to gesture for him to wait a moment. Miss thing he was fondling got mad but chose not to say anything. I put my hand into my inventory and pulled out my special item, a phone with group chat connected to my real phone. [I'm in. How do I get my two bodies to merge? And how do I even get my body?] I sent.

[Your body has been destroyed to keep that god from accessing it. I thought evil gods weren't doing this anymore but geez... Anyways, we are sending your things over now. Get to a clear space in 5 minutes so you can recieve it.] Galfus.

I glanced at Ris and looked at the door. He nodded and turned to Skeleton, "My mistress will need to be pardoned for a bit. She must check something outside. We shall be back momentarily."

I started walking outside as my shadow flickered and grew longer, Ris panicked and ran in front of me to get the doors and stay away from my shadow.

Momonga, the skeleton, followed after us confused until the lady, Albeto, reminded him of the meeting in the arena.

Ris and I made it outside and a little ways away from Nazarick, as a commet plummeted towards me. I smiled to Ris and nodded as I moved away from him and opened my arms. As the commet drew closer, my body started to absorb its energy. When the commet touched me, it turned to ash as my body took the last of the energy and blood essence. A cocoon of chains erupted from my body, dragging Ris in as well. A few minutes later, we emerged naked. I looked like my 'normal' game self, with the addition to my tattoos and chains while Ris gained opposite places tattoos and a single chain with a sword on his arm.

"Mistress.... What was that?" Ris asked quietly.

"Another being found a fragment of me and sent it over. You will meet them one day, in the very distant future. For now, we must investigate. Something is calling me, I'll need to check it out." I said.

Ris was wide eyed at first, having heard me spoke for the first time. After the initial shock, he collected himself and nodded before looking at my shadow.

"Right. It is time you official met. Shadow, greet Ris." I said to my shadow, who stood up from the ground and waved at him. Ris damn near fainted before shadow went back to its place. "Those who move against me, move against shadow as well. Would you like your own?" I mused knowing the answer as I put on clothes and gave him a matching set.

"No thank you mistress.... If I had my own, I would fear it would take me over in my sleep..." he said quietly as he dressed.

"Very well. Let us be on our way to the meeting. Dont speak about this please or the others may turn against us." I said and headed back inside, Ris following after me.

When we got to the arena, the NPCs were swearing loyalty. I nodded once they finished and walked over to the group. I glanced at Ris and pulled out a board. "Need room with barrier. Only floor guardians allowed to come with us." I wrote.

"Is something the matter?" Momonga asked. The floor guardians all looked at me as I nodded and looked at the sky. Momonga nodded unsure but followed my suggestion. Once we all made it to a room, I even added a barrier of chains.

"Mistress... Are you alright?" Ris asked quietly.

"Momonga. Ris and I are going to investigate this world. I'll send intel when I can but something is calling to me. I must go." I wrote.

"What do you mean?" Momonga asked as the floor guardians became angry.

"My heart hurts not going to it. It's the feeling you get when someone you love dies in front of you. I need to go to it before it dies. I'm sorry if you feel betrayed but I am setting up a spy network once I find it. All the Intel you want and an explanation after I found this thing. Goodbye." I wrote and exited the building with Ris.

"This feeling you have.... Which way is it? Should I carry you?" Ris asked.

I shook my head and smiled lightly, "That way. I'll take us quickly before it dies."

Ris looked confused until my tail wrapped around him and I spirited off to the mountain empire. When we arrived, we landed in a slave market. I hid our prescene quickly by turning spirit and went to the source of my heartbreak. I found three small sick triplet babies and stole them away with me.

"Ris, Do you know why I hate every being?" I asked as I watched the infants cry out.

"No mistress, I dont." Ris answered quietly as the babies hushed.

"I hate them because of my past. You see, when I was weak and powerless, my lover at the time decided I wasnt worth much. He sold me to his friends who moved me out of state and underground before chaining me up. For 6 months, I had many people of different races coming in and treating me like I was nothing more than a hole to fuck. My mind eventually broke and I became unable to be alone and if I didnt feel pain, I doubted I was alive. Do you know how I got out?" I said with a bitter smile.

Ris kept silent as did the babies, seemingly asleep.

I continued, "I didnt. I was beaten so bad, they thought I was dead and dumped me. I managed for a few weeks by myself in the woods. As I hitchhiked home, a driver tried to take advantage of my weak body until I pulled a knife on him. Once I finally stumbled into my mother's house, I was two months pregnant with a bastard child of one of the group I was hostage to. My child died and so did the last of my humanity. Even if I love someone, I hate them. I hate myself for being weak back them. I hate myself for allowing the situation to happen. And now I hate myself for stealing babies when they could have had good lives with other people. Now they are stuck with me, a hateful, unforgiving, thing that doesnt care for life."

"Mistress. I dont mean to sound... odd?.. But they are dead. You, for some reason, have fate tied to these children. And I doubt you are as broken as you think. Otherwise you wouldn't have stolen enslaved babies and would have paid for them properly." Ris said matter of factly.

"Ris... You realize you are going to be their father right?" I stated dully.

"...I'm a father?! But... Im not ready!" Ris panicked.

"You three. I know what you are and who you are. Stop pretending to be asleep." I said and yawned.

"Mistress?" Ris looked at me oddly when I yawned.

"Havent had my coffee yet today. Dont worry. By the way, these three are otherworlders. Each with unique skills and races. You can train them in combat. I'll train them in magic.... Nevermind, they aren't elementalists so I'll just have to leave it to you. I'll use my ability in Nazarick to investigate the world. We will share a room for a while until these kids are of age." I said and spirited us back to Nazarick.

As we landed at the doors, I found Momonga talking to the elf boy in girls clothes. I waved and went inside, carrying all three babies on my left shoulder. As Demiurge was about to start yelling about an awful smell, I glared at him with every fiber of killing intent I could muster as I fought being sleep deprived and coffee-less today. Demiurge quickly threw himself into a bow and quietly apologized as he saw me with the babies.

"Demiurge, my mistress is severely tired and wishes for a quiet afternoon nap after a bath. Can you send for the maids while I help her to her room?" Ris said/ demanded as he quickly caught up to me and decided on a bold choice of action. "My apologies mistress." He apologized as he picked me up in a princess carry, keeping the babies safe and close to his own chest as well.

Sadly I fell asleep before I made it to the bath. Hell, I fell asleep a minute after Ris picked us up. However, I woke up in my bed with the babies watching me closely while Ris quietly assembled a crib that could fit a Cerberus. I smiled and yawned again, catching Ris attention. "Morning mistress."

"Hey Ris, how long was I out?" I asked quietly.

"A few hours. If your still tired, please sleep." he said as he finished the crib.

I nodded and pulled out my phone, [Why am I so tired?] I sent.

[Because the children are using your energy to grow stronger at the expense of your elemental life line. Since it isnt harming your life but more like taking your stamina, it isnt a big deal.] God of sleep.

[Well it is because they cant process the energy so they wont sleep until you help them process it. Make them stop then eat the energy they gathered from you. Scare then so they quit or the evil god will try to take them over.] Goddess of sleeping.

[Thanks again.] I sent and looked at the babies. "You'll explode if you keep eating my mana." I said with a smile.

The babies quickly stopped and looked at me wide eyed. Ris raised an eyebrow.

"I dont have a life line in my mana. You have been eating away at my stamina instead. All three of you leeches have been at an alarming rate. You should be happy I eat mana otherwise you would have died the second you started." I mused.

"Mistress.. You mean these children eat mana as well?" Ris asked.

"No. They absorb others mana to empower and grow. It's time I did a demonstration for the group." I said and sealed the babies ability to absorb mana. I took my mana back and brought them along, "So you have telepathy, you have mage sight, and you have taming. Good. Mage sight kid, tell the others what you see via the others telepathy when you look at me."

A moment later, we left the room with terrorized frozen babies. Ris went to give a letter to Momonga for me, the letter asking for the floor guardians and himself to come to the arena so I can show my hidden abilities. Since I walked slowly, I was the last to arrive. Ris came over to grab the children from me and I shook my head.

I stretched and let go of the babies as I used energy to keep them afloat. Most panicked when I let go, including the babies, but none acted once they saw the floating babies. "Coming here gave me back my voice... Momonga, these children, I've adopted them. They are not beings from here, just like we are." I said quietly.

"You mean...?" Momonga looked at the babies.

"They are not from our world, but another one. They will tell us in the future. For now, I'll tell you about myself." I said and looked at Momonga then Ris, before continuing, "I am Chloe. Unique existance from our world. I'm an elementalist, chain ghoul, and more. I am a cheat existance but I have my own curse. I dont care for any lives, even an allies because to me I have no allies. I dont trust nor care for anyone feelings or words. I told you I'd give intel, so I will. Hate me for hating every being, I dont care. Try to kill me, I don't care. However, my shadow may retaliate as it sees fit. What I can do, so can shadow. And Demiurge, my agenda is different than you will ever think." I said and let my kagane out, letting the elements flow freely. I floated as I spread my spirit senses into the world and found people I could use. I sent my chains to grab them, one by one taking in anomalies from every country and city on the side of the mountains.

The people brought to me were terrified so I spoke, "I'll give you freedom and help you out of the problems others find with you. In exchange, tell me the happenings of the area you reside in. Those from cities and capitals, work with the others I brought along."

"Will we get paid for it?" one guy asked.

"You wont need to. The people after you all have quite a high bounty, stashed money, or even are nobles. Those in a nobles house, I have special arrangements for you. If you dont agree then I'll wipe your memory of coming here and put you back exactly where I found you, unharmed." I spoke and looked around as I dropped my chains.

"Are we spies?" a girl asked scared.

"No. You are more like teachers. We dont go out but we want to know what is going on out there. We woke up from a very long nap and nothing is the same as back them." I spoke with a 'nostalgic' smile.

"Will we be killed if we get caught?" said a man.

"No. The most your doing is spreading gossip to old people who cant see it for themselves." I said and giggled, "After all, we dont remember your countries before we napped. And babies dont understand what your saying."

"So we are gossip mongering teachers?" someone asked confused.

"Indeed. If a child is kidnapped, I want to know. If a blacksmith has new material, I want to know. If that one guy finally grew balls enough to ask the town bakers daughter for her hand, I want to know! I can relay possible crimes back to you so you can get rewarded for the info from local knights." I smiled, "So who's in?"

"Me!" most said while few debated and decided to join as well. One person chose not to.

"I cant. I was going to be an adventurer so I can keep my village safe..." the boy said.

"We also need adventurers. You can only get certain info from the guild. Itll help us to find out what kind of things changed in uncivilized areas." I said.

"Oh.. Okay! I'll join." Everyone had agreed. I pulled out my phone and sent a message, [Can I put subordinate shadows in their shadows?]

[Yeah no problem. Your shadow can use its chains to create a link and take in all the information and simplify it for you.] Goddess of Shadows.

[Thank you Dear!] I sent and looked at shadow. "I'll leave a shadow guard with you. They will keep you safe and tell you if danger approaches. They have a special link to my shadow so they never have to leave your side. Thank you all." As I spoke, tiny black dots flew to the peoples shadows. I then gave each person a braclet that had enchantments to raise stats easier and prevent sickness. I explained the braclet to them and sent them off.

"Why didnt you just plant a shadow on them?" Momonga said.

"Do you know why I grabbed those specific people and not a single one said no?" I asked back.

"...? No, why?" he asked.

"They were the types to 'kill with kindness' and 'if there is anything i can do, even if it means my life, I'll help those who need it'. I also had a few who internally complained about the astronomical crime rates the country doesnt do shit about. The assassin league was found but knights are protecting it? Country betrayers are known but the king waves them off like dust in his old age? Holy knights abducting infants and enslaving them? Monster horde taking out villages but not a single track found or bodies." I smiled.

"...Why did you ask about tiny things as well?" he asked slightly enlightened.

"Gossip comes from one truth and two lies. You know how it gets blown out of proportion but the base idea stays the same. So if A asked B for marriage, what happens when rumor has it that A is cheating? B leaves A. A goes downhill and may use illegal means to be back at B. Etcetera etcetera... My broken mind let's me think of all angles and possibilities without remorse. People are predictable." I said and looked up, "Every morning, you'll get info. I need you to do me one favor though. Where is that town you saved earlier?"

"How did you find out about that?!" Momonga said surprised.

"Because I grabbed someone from there..." I said plainly. The babies started making noise so I remembered, "Right! My elemental power! I'll use... Fuck... Someone pick any element and I'll demonstrate a drop of power."

"Oh? Would you mind using lightning?" Albedo said with a smirk.

"I dont care. Let me put a barrier up first so nobody dies." I said and placed a barrier. Nobody spoke but I could hear the skepticism coming off of them.

"A single drop is too much... Maybe a tenth? The barrier should hold if I use two drops. Seems good." I mumbled as I strengthened the barrier and used a tenth a drop of mana to summon lightning.. It was so loud as it crashed down, the barrier almost broke as it collided. In the middle of another strike I willed peaceful skies to appear.

"....What was that?!" they yelled, unable to hear. I smiled and undid the barriers, including the soundproof barrier I put up on the babies.

"That was 1 tenth of a drop of my mana turned lightning." I said after I used water healing on the group.