Ch 13. Skip a few...

Town food was awful. Rem was horrified when I said the food was akin to trash off the floor. The inn owner who heard my comment tried to go off on me so I corrected her, "My taste buds are peculiar. I'm sure to other people the food is delicious, but to me it is inedible. Do you want to try the food that I can eat?"

The leopard woman nodded still angry, as I pulled a plate of beef dumplings and romanian cheese sticks. "Try them." I said as I picked up a cheese stick and ate it. My mouth watered at the taste as I suppressed myself from eating them all.

The leopard woman breathed fire and screamed, "HOT!" about to run off. I handed her a salted caramel frappe and drank my own as I sat in bliss.

"I love spicy food!" Shira said and took a bite before she too was screaming from the spiciness. The leopard woman shared her drink as she looked at me horrified.

"This is bland compared to other things but I love cheese too much to give up on it." I stated and ate a dumpling, "This however is a savory food."

Rem picked one up and took a tiny bit along with the leopard woman. They both ended up choking on it and finishing off the frappe. I turned to Diablo who was staring at the food, "Try some."

"They look normal..." he took a bite and freaked out because the cheese was spicy and the dumplings were thick and salty.

"What is sweet for you?" the leopard woman said horrified.

"I'm not good with sweets, so this drink is as sweet as it gets for me." I said as I pointed at the frappe.

"That's mostly sugar though...." Diablo said.

"It is and its disgusting. I'd prefer straight coffee with a splash of milk." I said.

"We can do that for you. Sorry we dont have food you can eat..." the leopard woman said with a sigh.

"I can live off energy as long as someone gives it to me." I said.

"....Would that kill them?" Rem asked.

"What? No." I looked at her weirdly.

"Oh okay...." Rem said and looked down embarrassed.

"....I'm bored..." I said and sighed.

"Hey let's go register you and Diablo at the guild!" Shiro said as she realized the time.

"....Its late now. Besides you have a guest." I said and sighed before whispering, "Is there anyone with a curse or seal or something?"

"....Why are you hoping for something so horrible?!" A man in mage robes said angrily.

"So I can eat it... Dark energy makes the best snacks. Sigh. You wouldn't understand." I felt utterly bored and was feeling a little mischievous so I began to think of a plan.

"I can curse myself if that will sate your hunger?" Diablo said absentmindedly before freezing.

"You would do that? Why?" I asked 'confused'.

"What does that have to do with food? You demons are really something." the mage man said.

"Now, now, I have something to discuss with this group so quiet down would you?" a lady with purple hair said.

"What do you want Celestine?" Rem said angrily.

"I had heard about a panterian and an elf with enslavement collars on. The panterian matched your description so I came to see if I can help in any way." Celestine said.

".....I can eat it. Along with the other issue she has. In return I want the spiciest peppers in the world, coffee beans and blood of a humans. Dont worry, I dont need much blood just a pint." I said and leaned back in my chair.

" ....Who are you?" Celestine said.

"Me? I'm demon lord Chloe. Creator of demons, ghouls, and elementalists." I yawned and sighed.

"...." nobody spoke but Celestine looked horrified.

"Can you really help?" Rem asked skeptically.

"What do I eat?" I asked her.

"Energy and horrid food..." Rem said.

"What's your problem right now?" I asked.

"I have a foreign soul in my body..." Rem whispered quietly and looked down.

"Souls are made of what Celeste?" I asked.

"Energy.... Wait, you eat energy?" Celestine said and stood up.

"Of course I do. How else do you think I survived so long?" I asked her.

"Your 20?" she said.

"....I wish I was only 20... I'm 3 billion years old. I wont give you my exact age as I already feel old saying that..." I mumbled and sighed.

"Stop lieing demon. Dont you know who your talking to? She knows when your lieing so give it up." mage man said.

"Shut the fuck up brat. I'll have you arrested for attacking an unarmed civilian." I said 'angrily'.

"You have a sword on you Chloe..." Diablo said.

"What are you talking about? I dont see one." I said and turned my sword into a tattoo.


"That's what I thought. Scram brat and let the adults talk." I waved the guy off.

"Let's go to the tower to do this tomorrow. That way if something happens, itll be outside town." Shira said.

"Cant we teleport there?" Diablo said.

"I'll take us now. Who is coming?" I said and stood up.

"May I send someone?" Celestine asked Rem who looked at me.

"I can move the entire kingdom if I wanted. Hurry up and decide, I'm hungry. Oh right. Diablo, I have a task for you." I said with a smile.

"I personally cant go but is it okay I send one of my guards?" Celestine asked me.

"Which one?" I asked. She pointed to one of the guards who nodded. I grabbed the people coming with my chains and spirited to the place.

Upon arrival, the four vomited. I looked at them strangely and shook my head. I pulled out my phone and sent a message, [Should I absorb Krebskulm for my shadow or let her live?]

[Let her live.... After you take 90% of her power!] God of Demon lords.

[Leave her 20% of her power. Girl needs to defend herself.] Goddess of Demon Ladies.

[Your shadow will become cruel and murderous if you absorb her soul.] Goddess of Shadows.

[So I should absorb part of her myself and not give shadow the soul. Got it! Thanks] I sent and looked up at the group who were watching me carefully.

"What? Go lay on that. I'll pull her out and leave her 20% power. You use raise her and done. I get food, you get rid of the demon lord, and the girl prevents another demon lord from being stronger than her. All are happy." I smiled and grabbed the soul wisps around Rems stomach.

"W-wha... No! I dont want to release her! She will kill us!" Rem shouted and tried to move away.

"She cant do shit. I already absorbed her power and made it my own. She is now forever stuck at 20% power. You could defeat her. But do you want to be the person who kills someone before they even committed a crime?" I said and glared at her.

"N-no! I would never do that!" Rem yelled.

"Give her a chance. She will be born as a small child. All she knows is that you are her mother. What do children do for the sake of a mothers love?" I said and smiled slightly.

"I.. I see.." she said quietly.

I slowly was pulling the soul out and absorbing it during the conversation. The more I took the smaller of a child the girl became. Once she was 3 year old sized, I stopped and let the body be created.

"Diablo, you enslaved Ren, even if it was an accident, so take responsibility by becoming the father. Grow stronger or I'll destroy Earth and make you watch. hehe" I said and 'vanished'. Honestly, I just turned into a spirit and watched them panick about a naked toddler. Diablo seemed scared out of his wits when the little girl looked at him.

"I'll help you this once so please go back to the city." I said in spirit form and watched them all nod before leaving. The toddler was sleeping in Diablos extra robe in Rems arms.

As they left I revealed myself again and flew to the fallen coming to take the newborn demon lord.

"You have failed the demon lord. I have already sealed her into a childs body. She can only grow naturally with her mother. Any fallen who go near the girl will be killed by the automated defense I placed on the seal. Until she has fully matured, you cant do anything." I smiled and said.

"Why have you done this?" A female fallen asked angrily.

"Because not all races are bad. Every race has horrid beings but they also have good ones. Are you telling me the fallen are only horrid beings?" I asked.

"No. They are good people with families and loved ones. We have a duty to protect the demon lord, even if that means our lives." she said.

"So other races aren't allowed to have what you do? Is that what your saying?" I asked.

"No. We only follow what the demon lord wants. They always want to get rid of the other races." she said.

"So what happens if she gets to see and make an informed decision instead of holding a grudge from a life she doesnt remember? Are you wanting her to be happy or miserable?" I said.

"We want what's best for her." the girl said and furrowed her eyebrows.

"She sees the panterian as her mother. Take her away from her mother and she will hate the fallen. Kill her parents and she will hate the fallen. Kill her and every demon lord from now on will have 80% power taken upon birth and will never accumulate more. Create a proper kingdom and wait for her to rule, she will be happy and thankful to the fallen. Let's see what you choose." I said and turned into spirit form so they cant see or feel me.

"Shit." the girl said and had the army go back home.


Diablo took secret lessons from me in his dreams. However I looked like a short angelic man instead of myself so he can feel a sense of rivalry. I used the dreams to do a few things; 1. I sealed my 'master'. 2. I'm evil and have destroyed planets in boredom. 3. I was waiting for him to fail so I can destroy his home planet. and 4. I had no idea my 'master' was training him.

I watched for years, as the fallen 'tested' Diablo. The elves left Shira alone once she married Diablo and had twins. Rem had a child and married Diablo as well. Sadly, Alecia was trying to hunt Rem to make the Demon lord kill humans. She ended up sealed in a cave...


"Kay! Time for dinner!" Rem yelled out as I was in a tree watching. Today was the day the fallen were allowed to appear before her, however they hadnt come yet.

When I went to find out why, it was shown that the fallen were having a dispute over who went so I told them I would bring her and her family along later. I keep my word unless it was a bluff so naturally I went to retrieve the family.

As a demon girl with long hair and large horns walked into the house, a man approached the house from the street. The man carrying flowers and was nervous beyond belief, slowly knocked on the door.

"Todd! What are you doing here? I thought you had work out of town?" the demon girl asked worriedly.

"I'm sorry I lied about that, Kay. I've been running all over the place today so I could... Here. These are for you." the man, Todd, said as he handed her the flowers.

"Its alright. Thank you, they are very pretty." Kay said with a blush on her face as she accepted the flowers.

"TOOOOODDDDDD! I WONT LET YOU HAVE HER!" Diablo yelled from inside as he jumped out the window to attack Todd.

I smiled mischievously and blocked the attack, "Hello again, Diablo."

"You! I should have know he was working for you!" Diablo said angrily.

"Who? This guy? Are you serious? The guy I sent was his commanding officer a few years back. Remember, handsome blonde, third generation knight, has a pet wolf?" I giggled at the thought.

".....He died!" Todd yelled behind me angrily.

"Oh come now, he chose to fight the wyvern on his own to save your ass, Todd. I watched it all. I came to tell miss thing here and family what the world has come to. Afterwards, I'll have my battle with Diablo." I smiled.

"Are you kidding me?!" Diablo yelled.

"Why would I be?" I asked, blocking a strike from both Todd and Diablo.

"I dont want you near my family at all." Diablo said.

"I dont want you near them either." Todd said.

"Little Kay. Do you recognize me?" I smiled.

"Yes ma'am." She quickly said.

"Good. I've arranged some affairs the day I helped birth you. It is a coming of age gift that an entire nation helped create. It is a gift to you, your family, and loved ones. I'm afraid I'll have to insist on you all coming to see for yourselves. No danger will come to any of you, I promise on my life." I said to her and blocked more attacks.

"Dad. Todd. Let's see what she means. She cant be purely evil if she has a gift for the entire family and staked our safety on her life." Kay said.

"But..." Diablo said and glared at me.

"No buts!" Kay said as Rem came to the door to see the problem.

"Rem, I come bearing gifts. Please prepare so we can go to them shortly." I said with a soft smile.

"....Come have some coffee first. I expected you to come after I met with Edlgard a few weeks ago." Rem said much to everyone's surprise.

"You met with a fallen?!" Kay said bitterly.

"Do you dislike the fallen?" I asked.

"Yes... No... I dont agree with their ways but i cant hate a race I dont know much about nor can I like them either." Kay said.

"Alright. Keep that in mind then. As the queen, you can change their ways and become a peaceful country. However, you need to marry soon or a fallen will be pushed on you. If you marry another race, relations with the outside world will improve. Your decision." I smiled and brought my chains out, much to Todd's horror.

"I-it's you! The chained watcher!" Todd yelled.

"...." I frowned slightly and grabbed everyone with my chains, after Rem had told them what was happening. I spirited the group of 10 with me to the Fallens castle.