Ch 12. Some time later

In the past 6 months after I took control of the 20th ward, things changed. News spread in the ghoul community in other wards so naturally the ones close to us were taken over as well.

We completed our police force, which helped establish a neighborhood, school, orphanage, clinic, and coffee plantation. I did have to deal with the CCG very often at first until I explained to the public the 'truth'.

A dimmed down version of what I said: Ghouls are humans with a mutation. We sleep, eat, use the bathroom the same as they do. We have families, friends, dreams, and aspirations. Our bodies cant take any other thing to eat, should we be hunted for being alive? Many ghouls eat the people who commit suicide or criminals. What I'm doing is organizing the ghouls to catch all criminals and once found guilty of murder, they will be put to death. Blah blah blah.... I'm old... Blah blah blah... No human will be harmed unless they commit serious crimes that would give them death sentences or life in imprisonment.... Taking over other wards... CCG refused to cooperate because of racial prejudice when I offered to help them create this and instead did it all myself. I was attacked just for asking if they wished to join me and my escapades.

Yeah, the public got riled up from that. I also filmed a video of children going to school and our police catching criminals. Of course the children and teacher showed their eyes as well as the police. The captured criminals were put in a jail I created as dispatch called the human police to let them know they were caught.

The video went viral and the borders of the territory were swarmed with ghoul children. Naturally I 'captured' them to bring them to me quicker. CCG tried to cut the chains once and were captured as well. Once they made it to the neighborhood I created, I kept them chained as I explained to the children what to do before sending them off. Afterwards I asked the CCG people where they wanted to go before sending them off.

A few days ago the CCG tried to make me take control of 11th ward. I told them they had to sign a non aggression pact with the ghouls of my wards publicly or forget it.

And forget it they did. That night they were almost wiped out. I say almost because I had shadow go to capture the ghouls and Owl. As the building was collapsing, I instructed shadow to grab all living and dead and bring them out of the building. After that CCG decided to sign the pact publicly.

I know they plan to try to put me down at the ceremony but it's okay. As I got dressed for the ceremony, I noticed a few worried people.

"Ken. What is it?" I asked.

"Are you sure it's okay to let humans live here? Some of the others cant control themselves. I dont want to bring anyone trouble." Ken Kanaki said.

"Listen, you bring a human in, your responsible for them. If anyone tries anything, call the police. Humans will be issued an alarm that signals all nearby police and runners. The attackers will go into the jail for a day if they only scared the victim. Light injures get them a week. Severe injuries 3 months. Death gets imprisonment until decided otherwise." I stated and sighed, "Besides, nobody here wants to be hunted by both races."

"I know your right but it still worries me.. Hide is my best friend..." Ken said and looked down.

"You realize he isnt the first human to come here right? If you still worry then go visit your college friend and his wife." I said as I moved to the door, "Go on now. I need to go to the ceremony."

"Be safe!" he yelled out as I spirited to the CCG.

"Hello, sorry if I'm late!" I said as I appeared near the crowd. The reporters parted and quickly moved away when they saw me. I smiled softly and approached the stage.

"Hello again Miss." old fool said and squinted at me.

"Evening Mr. Mado. May I ask why you brought your quinque to a nonaggression pact signing?" I asked.

"A guard should have a weapon. Nothing else." he smirked.

"I see. Then why is a guard on the stage? Is it not tradition for guards to be on the side?" I asked.

"She has a point Mr. Mado. Go on." said a man as he stepped onto the stage, "Hello. I'm chairman Tsuneyoshi Washuu." he held his hand out.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Tsuneyoshi. I'm Chloe, creator and queen of the ghoul race." I lied.

"...Did you just say creator of the ghoul race?" Tsuneyoshi asked.

"Indeed. It was a very long time ago. Back then humans werent a thing, so after I created ghouls I created humans. They needed each other to live so all was well until my last nap. Imagine waking up and your creations killing each other out of fear. Tsk, infuriates me when I think about it." I said a little angrily to mask my lies.

"....." the entire crowd was shell shocked by what I said. I frowned and spoke once more, "Are we here for fun or to sign a pact?"

"Y-yes right away.." Tsuneyoshi said and scrambled for papers and handed them to me.

After reading through the papers, I questioned a few of the rules to be imposed on ghouls and had them changed slightly. Afterwards, I announced the opening of our neighborhood to public and explained the security procedures.

When I was about to go home, Amon approached me to apologize. I wrote it off and told him to come visit and check the place out. I went home and proceeded to tell my commanders the plan for the rest of the wards then eventually Japan.


Took 3 years but Japan is civil for both ghoul and humans alike. We had an influx of ghouls from other countries trying to escape the government's reign of terror. I left someone in charge and went to China after that. I took over quickly and like Japan, peace swept through the country.

I went country to country, spreading peace. I took out terrorists, stopped massacres and wars, overthrew a government. Made my way to the USA and found a shit show. As soon as I arrived, an army tried to gun me down.

As I sighed and let my chains out capturing the people and stopping the ricochet from killing people, I brought them out of the airport. The airport was surrounded by more of the army so I used hostages to keep the others from shooting while I set up a camera.

"Good afternoon people of the world. I just landed in the U.S. and the government attempted an assassination! Good for them! I captured a bunch of army brats and now apparently I'm holding hostages. What they dont know is the ricochet from all the bullets almost took themselves out. What an uncivilized country! Let's go talk to the president!" I said and let go of the soldiers before spiriting to the president. "Hello Mr. President."

"Hello. Your here early, I thought you said you got here tomorrow at 3 pm?" he said fearfully.

"No I stated today at noon. Why was the army surrounding the airport? Why did you try to kill ordinary citizens?" I asked angrily.

"W-what?! I told the general to welcome you and show you to the ghoul embassy." he said wide eyed.

"So your general went rogue. Dont worry, nobody died or was hurt. I have a video of it if he tries to lie to you. Only part of the video has been sent to the other country leaders. Im also filming right now." I stated.

"That's fine. I'd like to talk to you about the situation with ghouls here first though." he said seriously.

"Alright. From what I can tell, most ghouls are hiding from humans. Why is that?" I asked.

"Ghouls have been treated like an invasive species by most people. Once they are found out, their picture goes online and they are hunted by anyone who can carry a gun. Instead of fighting back, the ghouls have hid and stay on the move. We cant find them no matter what happens." he said and frowned.

"Where is the embassy?" I asked.

"This is the location," he handed me a paper and I nodded.

"I'll go first. Thank you for your time." I said and spirited to the location. I smirked, "As I thought. Ghoul alliance cant be established in the states. The building is wired with explosives."

I sighed and spread my chains around the states and captured all ghouls. Once they all made it to me, I spoke, "The alliance has abandoned the USA because of excessive murder on their part. I'll help you set up anywhere you wish in another country as well as reimburse you for having to move."

"We are a group who doesnt settle down..." said one guy.

"So you want a house that moves?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" the guy asked.

"RV, campers, trailers, vans, trucks, you name it. Homes on wheels that can go on most roads. You could even just use cars and set up tents and what not. I dont care what you choose to live in, just leave this country for your own safety and the safety of the group." I said.

"Would we really be safe...?" he asked unsure.

"Yes. I'll travel with you to prove it. Which country would you prefer?" I asked.

"England. We only know english so most countries are out of the question." he said.

"Alright." I said and spirited everyone to England with me. "This is the embassy in England. Let's get your paperwork out of the way."

After an hour of paperwork, the group was ready to go get their new homes. They had decided upon trucks with pop up campers and a few cars and tents. After getting everything ready, we were on the road.

After six months, I went back to Japan and told the world I was going back to sleep for the next few hundred of years. I sent out a message in group chat, [Quest complete?]

[Indeed. The next 'mission' is set by another god so I'll give you my surprise after you get there.] God of prosperity.

[Alright thank you. What's my next quest?] I sent.

[Be a rival 'demon lord' to get Diablo on track to save the world. In return I'll give you a purified bloodline of your choice.] Goddess of Rivalry.

[Sounds like fun! I'll need help getting chain horns though.. Wanna look the part so I'll need help choosing appropriate clothes as well. Please oh goddess of fashion, create a file of demon lordship clothes~] I sent.

[You can will some of your kagane to be horns..] Ghoul god.

[I already created the file for you. Also, you'll need new accessories.] Goddess of Fashion.

[I have a few files to send for accessories.] Goddess of Jewelry.

[Thank you all!] I sent and had my kagane form horns like Ulquiorras before changing into gothic chained corset and leather pants. My accessories were mostly dragon like except my lip rings, which were hoops.

I took a picture and sent it to the group.

[Put on the choker that acts as a necklace as well. It reflects magic like Diablos but at a higher level.] Goddess of Jewelry.

[Thank you. What shoes goes with this though?] I sent.

[Ah... That would be the 23rd on the list. If you dont like them then try the 24th.] Goddess of Fashion.

[I like both of them. Thanks a lot guys!] I sent and put on the choker with chains that covered my entire neck and biker boots covered in chains with spurs. I sent another picture to the group and got positive results.

[Now put your sword on your waist and I'll transfer you.] Goddess of Rivalry.

[I'm ready!] I sent as I put my sword in my chain belt loop. A rush of wind encircled me before I landed on a cushion. I looked down and noticed a squished guy under me. "Oops, I guess." I said and stood up.

"Who are you?" cat girl with an enslavement collar on said.

"None of your business, is it?" I stated.

"Well if I summoned you, it is my business." she smirked and said.

"Nah. Someone like you cant summon someone of my caliber." I said with a frown.

"Excuse me? What did you just say?" she frowned then tried to use enslavement magic on me.

"Sigh~ Do it and Krebskulm comes out." I said and glanced at her.

The girl quickly stopped, frozen in fear. "W-what are you talking about?!" she yelled.

"Quiet child. Us demon lords need to face off." I said and turned to the freaked out Diablo, "Child. As a rule of Demon lords, we must fight as a form of respect for the position. Come, let us begin. I wont use my sword so you can keep your life."

"I'd prefer not to kill you woman." he said with a cold looking face.

"If you can injure me then I'll admit defeat. Come." I said and pulled out my kagane, "If you wont attack I will."

"Very well. I'll send a single attack." he said as he used a top tier void spell.

I allowed him to finish casting and send the spell at me before my chains absorbed the spells energy and short circuited the spell. After letting out a sigh, I captured him with my chains. "Is that your strongest spell?"

"No. The stronger spells take time to put into place. Which world are you from if you dont mind me asking?" he said with panic and curiosity.

"Why should I tell you?" I asked.

"...We were going to town to get Diablo registered at the guild. Do you want to come?" an elf with large boobs and a collar on asked.

"You stupid elf, what if she tries to destroy the town?!" the cat girl yelled.

"Rem, why are you being so mean? She didnt kill us so she obviously is friendly!" the elf said.

"Shira. She doesnt think we are worth her effort, that's why she didnt kill us yet." Rem said with a frown.

"Wrong. I'm not hungry yet so your alive." I said with a smile.

"....You eat people?" Diablo asked horrified.

"No. I eat their energy. Tastes better than the world energy." I said with a shrug.

"You dont eat food?!" Shira said shocked.

"....I can. I choose not to because it tastes awful most of the time." I frowned and shook my head.

"We know a place with good food and drink.... Why dont we show you?" Shira asked.

Rem and Diablo were shaking their heads, trying not to show how utterly horrified they were with the elf's stupidity.