Ch 11. Questing

When I opened my eyes again, I was greeted with a bright sun. I frowned noticing the time and put my shoes back on and my blanket away.

"Seems I over slept again.." I checked my phone and notice I'd been asleep for a month. "So what's going on now?"

I spirited to the closest captain I could find and found the black haired man. "Hey." I said quietly.

"Hey. We could have used your help during that fight." he said angrily.

"Even if you say that, it wasnt my place to interfere. That's only the start of your problems. Have everyone train harder or you'll find more death along this road. I'm leaving this place for good once I say good bye to a few others." I said and spirited to the human world. I found Ichigo surrounded by a bunch of people so I came over to the crowd. Apparently I was in time to see Ichigo lose the last of his powers.

I didnt want to bother them so I decided to leave without saying anything. [Guys, I dont know where to go...] I sent in the group chat.

[What do you want to do?] Galfus.

[I dont know... Questing?] I sent.

[Oh? Like what?] God of wine.

[Do you ever wish you could intervene and save a world? Or maybe create the evil thing that bands all the races together to prosper? Or want that one thing you dropped in that one world back but cant get it yourself?] I sent.

[So... You want us to give you missions?] God of missionarys.

[Yes.] I sent.

[Alright. First things first. What rules are you okay playing?] Goddess of actresses.

[I'm good with all except celebrity parts.] I sent.

[What about Demi humans?] Goddess of actresses.


[.....Seriously? It's your wishes. Ask and you shall recieve!] Galfus.

[....I forgot...] I sent.

[....] x200.

[Okay. Well I want to send you somewhere. I saw the series in your world and realized it was the future of another world turned anime. I want you to save a certain group and help the two species live in harmony.] God of prosperity.

[I'm down for it. Any limitations?] I asked.

[We can do that?] God of ???

[Yes. Wait until the mc starts working before you start your mission. In turn, I'll give you a surprise.] God of prosperity.

[Deal! Is there anything I need to do here?] I sent.

[I'll give you a technique if you take Urahara's hat for yourself.] Goddess of Shadows.

[Limitations?] I sent.

[You have 30 seconds to do it?] Goddess of Shadows.

I smiled and spirited to Urahara before taking his hat and put it in my inventory. [Done. It's in my inventory.]

[Hehe Alright, here is a shadow technique. It's like shadow clones but it uses your real shadow so when you use it, you wont have a shadow but you have a great assassin.] Goddess of Shadows.

[Hmm.. Thank you!] I sent.

[We are sending you some clothes for your role in the next world. Queen like or business like?] Goddess of Fashion.

[Hmmm... If its queen like, what generation of queen? If its businessy, How fancy? Do I need make up?] I sent.

[Victorian queen. President fancy? Make up is up to you.] God of prosperity.

[Okay. Where will I put my sword? What about my chains?] I sent.

[Your sword has been blessed so it can become a tattoo!] Tattoo god.

[Your chains can be covered up with your clothes.] Goddess of Fashion.

[I think I should go with a gothic pantsuit. My chains can be a vest or something.] I sent.

[....Why didnt i think of that! T.T] Goddess of Fashion.

[Because asking someone to use a part of their body as clothes is weird and not fashionable. Then again, nobody would think about it.. Meh. When do I go?] I sent.

[Change first then you can go. I'll send you to the day the mc starts working. Visit the workplace before you go.] God of prosperity.

[Alright. Thank you!] I sent.

[Clothes are in your inventory. Good luck!] Goddess of Fashion.

I looked at my inventory and found an all black pantsuit with a series of shirts the colors of my hair. I smiled as I changed and tried to figure out where the tie was, only to realize I could use my chains. I nodded and smiled, [Changed. Chain vest and tie haha!]

[We are sending you now! Have fun if you can.] Galfus.

[Thanks a bunch!] I sent as a whirlwind gathered around me. 'That's new...' i thought as I was pulled to another place.

As the wind died down, I found myself in a modern day Tokyo outside a shopping district. I looked around for any places I could remember in anime and found it right off the bat.

Entering the building, I walked up some stairs and opened a door. "Welcome. Find a seat and I'll be right with you." a teenage girl said.

I nodded and sat down, my chains jingling as I sat. I looked over the menu and decided on just a coffee as the girl walked over. "What can I get you?"

"Cup of coffee, please." I spoke quietly.

"Right away." the girl spoke and relayed my order. I watched as the coffee was finished before an older gentleman brought it over.

"Mind if I sit with you," he asked.

"I dont mind," I said.

He set the cup down in front of me and brought one for himself, "May I ask why you're here?"

"Oh just heard you have a newbie and wanted to see how he is fairing. Figured I'd let you know I was going to upheave the world soon." I said and smiled before downing my coffee.

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Watch the media. Thanks for the coffee, it was good. Can I see the pipsqueak?" I asked.

"I dont know if it is best for him right now." the old man said as he stood up.

"Oh come now, I just want to see him. Dont need to talk or anything." I smiled mischievously before continuing, "Besides, you wouldn't be able to stop me if I forced my way."

"I dont doubt that but the boy isnt used to our kind yet.." the old man said with a sigh.

"I'm not your kind. I'm more his kind than anything." I stated.

"Very well. He should be coming down soon so wait a moment while I get him." the old man said as he took the empty cups and went behind the counter.

I waited a few minutes before a boy with an eye patch came through the door from upstairs. I smiled at him and put a few dollars down before leaving.

I pulled out my phone and searched for the 20th wards CCG HQ. Once I found it, I smiled up to the window the old man was watching me from. I waved and spirited myself away, to the CCG. Once I had gotten there, I reformed my body and fixed my clothes.

"Let's hope they aren't stupid." I sighed and walked to the building. As I was about to enter, a man turned the corner and ran into me. He fell to the ground and seemed surprised.

"My just the person I wished to speak to. Sorry for running into you. Here." I held put my hand to help him up.

"Thanks. Do I know you?" he got up and asked.

"No. I know you though. I wish to talk to you and your superiors about a plan I have in mind." I smiled.

"I dont think that's possible ma'am..." he shook his head.

"You dont think the CCG wants to meet the ghoul queen? Interesting. Interesting indeed!" I lied.

"What?!" he pulled his quinque out and pointed the end at me.

"Not here for a fight. Why do you think I came here?" I mused.

"Why are you here monster?" he demanded.

"Monster? I think your mistaken." I smiled a bit, "I'm here to set up my own force. Think of it as police and a food dispensary for ghouls."

"Why are you here? Surely you didnt come for just that?" he said.

"Your neither right nor wrong. I was also scoping out the place to see if a rumor I heard was true. Hey old man, stop hiding so we can talk about your friend Owl." I smiled as I looked around the corner.

"Oh? You caught me. Are you on Owls side?" he asked about to use his quinque.

"On the contrary, I wish to make a cooperative strike to deal with the trash. I wake up from a long nap and the world turned to shit with that brat running about." I sighed and shook my head, "Alas, I offer working together so your group knows I mean business."

"Your just a ghoul. We can take you down easily." the man I bumped into said.

"Oh Amon, your blinded by what you dont know and what you've been told is fact. What would you do if I said that you couldnt kill me? Here, try to strike me." I said and put my hands behind my back.

"Wait! What happens if he strikes you?" the older guy asked.

"Oh? A smart one. If he did my chains would capture him. I dont kill nor eat humans so dont worry." I mused.

"Amon, do it. I have your back." old guy said.

"....Fine." Amon said and tried to strike me. As soon as his quinque touched my vest, the chains came undone and captured him.

"Took a while to find the right placement and now you've done it.. sigh.. Can we move on now?" I asked, letting go of Amon, and remaking my chain vest and tie.

"....The CCG wont allow it." the old man said and turned to walk away.

"Very well. A manual take over it is. No ghoul shall assist the CCG in their time of need." I said as I turned away to leave.

Soon my vest was flying off and capturing two people. I sighed again as I let them go and spirited away. "I'll be setting up, catch you another day maybe."

After arriving in front of a mansion, I knocked on the door. "I have a job for you, Gourmet."

After I spoke, the door slowly creaked open. A man in a white suit smiled at me and said, "To what so I owe this please cheri?"

"Become a ghoul warden. Pay is criminal ghouls as food, just keep them alive so they can serve their time." I stated.

"No. Criminals taste awful, why would I want them?" he smiled.

"Then become a prisoner of the CCG." I smiled back.

"Oh? You think you can take me?" he frowned slightly and pulled out his kagane.

I couldnt help sighing as I pulled my own kagane out. "You seek death if you attack me." I stated and waited for him.

"I will not be a warden. Nor will i go to the CCG or die." he said frowning hard, before pulling his kagane back.

"Good. You have an information network, yes?" I asked as I put my kagane away.

"Yes madam cheri, I do indeed. How can that help you?" he asked with a slight fake smile.

"Then you can be apart of dispatch. I want to organize every ghoul. We take care of certain human criminals and all ghoul criminals. You get paid with food, money, and a safe place to live. CCG has already got a read out on your house, only a matter of days before the entire force comes." I smiled.

"What would I do as 'dispatch'?" he asked.

"Not much, gather info, give it to the officers, take calls from hunted ghouls and tell officers where to go to help or capture depending on the situation. It's a vital role in society. You get to order a bunch of people around and assign jobs. If you dislike someone, give them a hard job. If you like someone, make life easier for them." I smiled as I spoke.

"Very well. Who else is apart of this?" he asked.

"My, your the first I've spoken to. Would you care to come along for the next few?" I asked.

"No, I cant. I need to get a few things in order before we start this." he smiled and said.

"Very well. Come to this building and bring your fellow ghouls from inside. The 20th ward is in lock down. Either come or die. Spread the word." I smiled and spirited to the college.

I ran into the guy I was looking for as well as the eyepatch kid and two humans. "My, my, just the four I wished to see."

The group jumped, only now noticing my presence. "W-who are you?!" eyepatch said and tried to step away.

"Hush. I'm a special existence. You four should listen well." I smiled toward them.

"What do you want?" glasses asked.

"I placed the 20th ward in lock down. You two should tell your friends that anyone who leaves will be captured at the border and brought to me. I wont hurt them, I need to speak with them and you as well. Take these papers and spread the word. Those who dont come willingly will be brought in forcefully." I handed the ghouls the papers and looked at the humans, "Dont hate me for upheaving the 20th ward. It's time ghouls and humans lived side by side again."

I spirited away, giving most ghouls the message then went to an abandoned factory to set up. Using my elements, I cleaned the entire factory in seconds. Deciding it was time, I spread my chains to the edges of 20th ward and waited. Every ghoul who tried to leave was captured and brought to me. When night came, so did the rest of the ghouls.

Once the factory was packed, I let the captured go and floated into the air. "You dont know me. How could you? Im before your time. I remember when ghouls lived with humans in peace. I remember when humans thanked ghouls for protecting them. I remember when ghouls were worshipped for their heroic deeds."

"Why are we here? So you can tell stories?" a blond buff man said.

"No I'm here to punish the wicked. Things are going back to how they should be. The laws you believe to be set by humans, were set by ghouls. Prisons were run by ghouls. Police was a ghoul only job. Detectives as well. We will be implementing that in the 20th ward. Nobody leaves, nobody enters. If you think you can be king, come at me. But I warn you, I will stop suppressing my bloodline." I spoke and stepped onto the floor.

Blond buff guy launched himself at me, knocked others out of his way. I yawned as he was about to hit me and stopped suppressing my bloodline. Instantly all ghouls started shaking and many passed out.

"Jason, Jason, Jason. You will be imprisoned and stay there until you turn over a new leaf." I said quietly to the man and captured him in my chains.

"Those of you who can track and those with great strength, capture wanted criminals who the humans cant find. Talk to that man for your tasks and pairs. Those who have stealth, gather information and report back. Those with speed, get your tasks from that man as well. Non combatants, take time to learn so we can start schooling the next generation, make a cocoa bean farm, or get jobs. If your in trouble, call this number and give your location." I said and passed out papers.

"What can we do?" a few students asked.

"You can go back to school. Learn as much as you can so you can get a good job and live a happy life. Also we need more people to work in dispatch under that guy, prison guards, warden, patrols, teachers, doctors, nurses, and many more. We need a bit of everything so tonight I want you to tell dispatch your name, house info, who you live with, your current job and what you want to do from here on. You dont have to change your life but if you want to join then you will be paid, fed, and a safe place to live." I said as I dismissed everyone to do as asked.

"What if we are homeless?" a couple kids asked.

"Sleep here tonight. I'll get you a place to live but in return you have to keep the place clean. Can you do it?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes!" one kid shouted and the rest nodded.

"Good. Go get registered for now, once your done go upstairs." I smiled and pointed to the stairs.

"What are you really planning?" the old man from the coffee shop spoke.

"Is it wrong for a grandparent to care for her grandchildren?" I asked him, lie!

"Grandparent is it? I'm older than you think and I dont remember anything you spoke of." he said flatly.

"Like I said, before your time." I smiled.

"How is that?" he frowned.

"I'm very old. Been asleep the past 600 years." I lied.

"I don't believe you." he said.

"Not asking you to believe me. Im telling you that we either band together or 20th ward will be wiped out. I'll deal with all CCG issues for now. Keep in mind your child is the one creating more issues. If this continues then I will put her down, before she loses her humanity." I said and walked away.