Ch 10. Avoid and A Void

"Morning sunshine." I head a mans voice softly near my ear.

"Morning." I responded with a yawn.

"How are you feeling this morning?" another voice asked.

"Pretty tired and a bit cold." I said quietly.

"Go back to bed then." another voice said.

"I cant. I'm too hungry to sleep now." I yawned again as my stomach growled.

"What would you like to eat?" the first voice spoke in my ear.

"I dont know..." I mumbled as I looked around. "Where are we?"

"Oh here? A sealed room. Why?" the second voice said.

"Oh okay. Well, I'm gonna find some food. Toodles~" I said as I appeared near Orihime. "Morning!"

"'re naked." she pointed out.

"I woke up in a sealed room. How rude." I said as I pulled a sleeveless dress on and slipped into my panties and high tops.

"You've been gone for three days." she sighed.

"Your friends made it to this realm. Want to explore with me or stay here?" I asked.

"I'm going to stay here. I cant fight and dont want to be caught in the crossfire." she said.

"Suit yourself." I said and disappeared.

"Yo! These fuckers tried to seal me. Orihime is safe. I ate the hogyoku. Gin, Kaname and Ulquiorra should be trapped for a while. I'm off to explore. bye~" I told Ichigo and left.

"Wow! What a big forest!" I took pictures with my phone as I strolled through the area.

"This is taking too long... I'm gonna go elsewhere.." I sighed and spirited to soul society, directly to Komamura's side. "Hey. Your friends rather rude."

"Wha-who?! Oh. What do you mean?" he freaked out for a second then asked calmly.

"He tried to seal me but forgot to take himself out of it before activating it." I sighed.

"He probably thought trading his life for whatever reason they tried to seal you was in the line of his justice." he sighed.

"Meh. Maybe I broke him when I showed him my past. Who knows." I shrugged.

"Can I see it?" he asked hesitantly.

"Sure. You may want to drink after it though." I said.

"Why are you here?" a man with long black hair said as he appeared in front of us.

"Gin, Kaname, and Ulquiorra are sealed for now. I ate the hogyoku. Orihime was blackmailed to go to Hueco Mundo. Ichigo and friends already went. I cant fight well when I'm depressed so I got out of their way." I told him nonchalantly.

"....Are you serious?" the man asked.

I sighed and flicked his forehead, playing the few parts I mentioned. Once done, he dashed off. "Theyll be dealt with sooner or later..." I mumbled and looked at the big fox next to me.

"It may but it's best to be safe and have a back up plan." he said with a slight smile.

"....." I didnt respond. Instead I opened my phone and searched for a song I like. As I clicked on it, I stayed silent.

'Playing Going Under by Evanescence.'

As the song played, I send a message out. [....I need a place to think and get use to being alone... Please take care of my doggos....]

As the song ended I disappeared from the world with tears in my eyes. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I found a void around me and cried.


I dont know how long I've been here but I've gone to sleep a few thousand times. My heart still hurts but it's okay. Once I got the initial cry out I became angry, very angry. In fact, I was so angry I was literally on fire. I had nothing to break so I stayed mad for a long time, while being unable to sleep.

After a while, I got use to being alone and started to calm down better. Unbeknownst to me, my bloodline and body went through changes at a microscopic level. Having become independent, I decided to go to bleach a few days after I left in their time.

Before going, I changed my clothes into a black long sleeve shirt that's long enough to be a dress, and black skinny jeans. Keeping my high tops on and grabbing a pair of sunglasses, I asked to be transferred back.

When I arrived, I found myself in front of the man with long black hair. "So your here..." He said quietly.

"Needed to put my mind back together. I'm still broken but not depended." I told him and tried to walk away.

"I see. So you have a place to escape to whenever you feel like it." he said bluntly.

"I do. Would you like to see it?" I asked.

"Why would I? I have people depending on me for their survival." he said and started to walk the other way.

"Because everyone needs a day off..." I said as I smiled sadly, "Especially after pain... How long you gonna hide?"

"It was worth a try." Medical expirament guy said.

"Do you need something?" I asked.

"Yes. A sample of your blood." he smiled.

"Unfortunately, I cant. My blood disentagrates once it touches air." I said.

"Then I can draw it into a sealed tube." the guy said.

"We shall see another time then." I said and spirited away to a nearby waterfall.

[What's going on with me? My body feels odd like its heavier yet lighter..] I sent out.

[Your bloodlines of the elements have fused to you at an atomic level. Your ghoul and spirit bloodlines have fused at a molecular level. And you lost the last of your humanity bloodline. However, from reflecting in the void for .... a long time... You may have also fused with it molecularly.] God of Familia.

[Your kagane has mutated again because of your bloodline merging completely within yourself. Your Kagane comes from anywhere on your body and can become thinner or thicker chains.] Ghoul god.

[Your tattoos have become limiters so you need to have them fixed and more added.] Tattoo god.

[Also, you cant put your kagane away completely. Think of it as gaining a tail of chains.] Ghoul god.

[Alright. Then what's up with my eyes and why do I have white tips?] I asked.

[Your eyes have changed in accordance to your bloodlines. Your hair is because of the void energy you merged into your blood.] Galfus.

[Thanks you guys. How do I change my tattoos? Why cant I control the chain tails?] I sent.

[I'll send the picture to you in a bit. Use your phone to scan your back and select the adding feature in the top left. Itll do the work for you but itll hurt 100 times as much.] Tattoo god.

[You aren't treating them like limbs but as accessories. You need to connect to them as if you were regrowing an arm or a leg.] Ghoul god.

[I see. Thank you again.] I sent and sat down.

"Connect to them like an arm or a leg... Alright let's give it a try." I said as I stretched.

'1 large chain, 10 medium chains, 50 small chains and ....100 thin chains... biggest first I guess.' I sighed internally and tried to feel it. Eventually I felt a click in my body as the large chain responded to my thoughts. Workinging my way though the chains, I had the thin ones left when I noticed the sky was dark.

Stretching again, I stood up and let my chains do as they pleased while I walked to find a place to sleep. I ran into the black haired man again.

"Seems you cant sleep." I said.

"Seems you are right." he responded.

"Who was it?" I asked.

"My wife. You?" he asked.

"My child, my sister and my humanity." I said.

"Is it still humanity when your no longer a human?" he asked self mockingly.

"Yes unfortunately. Then again, I lost mine as a human." I mocked myself.

"Human without humanity is trash, is it not?" he sneered.

"Not trash. They are ticking time bombs. At least I didnt replace someone with a doppelganger." I sneered back.

"Sibling not doppelganger. At least I have someone." he smirked.

"Indeed, at least you have a painful reminder of the good times." I smiled sadly.

"Seems you do as well." he said and looked at the sky.

"No. Mine reminds me of the bad. You cant remember good times if you didn't have any." I sighed.

"Must have been at least one." he said.

"Indeed. Getting stuck by lightning thrown by a god meant as fireworks could be good times I guess." I mused.

"..... That works as well." he said baffled.

"Here. It was my drink of choice for nights like these. I suggest sipping on it slowly." I said as I handed a spiked frappe to him. "It has alcohol but you cant get drunk on it."

"Thanks but I dont like sweets." he said as he saw the whipped cream on top.

"Me either but it helps with the bitter taste sometimes. Night." I walked away and came across medical expirament guy.

"Are you busy?" he asked me.

"No. Trade you though. Help me scan my back and I'll show you my blood." I said with a gentle smile.

"....? Deal." he said and lead the way.

We entered a bunker of sorts and went to an empty room. I lifted my shirt up and unhooked my bra, keeping my breasts covered.

"Here. Click this button once you have my entire back on the screen. Hold it still until it shows it's done." I showed him how to take a scan. Once he took it, I fixed my clothes and followed the instructions.

'Sending data to appropriate energy types. Retrieving feedback. Sending images. Sent. Note from Tattoo god- Stay awake and dont move or it will be ineffective.' Cortanas voice rang out.

"Shit... Give me a bit, you can observe what happens." I said as my back started burning. I closed my mouth and sat as still as I could, feeling the sensation of every energy attacking my back and slicing away at my genetics.

After what felt like hours of pain, my back slowly stopped hurting and a warm sensation spread, comfortingly.

Once my body calmed completely, I stretched my body out. I looked at the guy and noticed his odd expression. "Something wrong?" I asked amused.

"No. How did you get markings like that though? When can I test your blood?" he asked.

"My phone sends the needed data to my energy, which each different type of energy needs different signatures of data. The energy then 'brands' me with the marking in its signature. I'll show you my blood now, try not to be disappointed though." I smiled.

"Why would I be...?" he started speaking but quieted down as I cut my finger off. No blood came out, instead wisps of energy floated out as my cut off finger burned. A black sludge covered chain came out slowly as my finger regenerated.

"You see." I said as I smiled at him.

".... What was that?" he asked pointing at my new finger.

"I'm part ghoul giving me regeneration as well as a special weapon, my chains." I mused slightly.

"How many chains do you have?" his face lit up.

"No idea. You count them." I said as I released my kagane. Thousands upon thousands of chains came out from my back. Three chains as thick as my thigh were the main chains, having thousands of various sized chains connected and woven into them. Each chain had another connected to it, turning into a what looked like knotted yarn.

Having gotten dizzy, I thought of laying them out on the ground. However, Medical Expirament thought otherwise, "Impossible to count... Sorry for wasting your time."

I shrugged and put my kagane away before proceeding to leave. Having walked aimlessly for another hour, I picked a random building and laid on the roof. Preparing to close my eyes, I brought out a blanket, took off my shoes, and covered up.

"Yawn~ Time to sleep." I mumbled and closed my eyes as I saw someone approach. I went to sleep, ignoring the person.