Ch 19. So what your telling me is...

As the night activities came to an end, Garp picked me up to bring me inside. I used my chains to make clothes for myself since I didnt want to dress. Garp carried me, his cock in my pussy while my 'skirt' covered the show.

When morning came, they restarted their meeting. However, a marine came in to tell Garp the news. Luffy and Ace became pirates. And my ship was taken control of by 'pirates' in the grand line. I laughed in the room next door and went to the meeting room.

"My boys are learning the meaning of life, I sent them to find the one piece. They wont bother anyone." I laughed and sat on an empty chair.

"Ace and Luffy became pirates?!" Garp was furious. He glared at me and sent the marine off. "Get over here!" he said furiously at me.

"Fufufu why? So you can spank me?" I smiled and sat in his lap.

Garp frowned, "You were supposed to make them into marines!" He bent me over his lap and started spanking me very harshly. "You knew they would do this! -smack- You could have warned me! -smack- Damn it woman! -smack- "

"Ah! Stooop it!" I said with a moan. I know he was being serious but he could also have hit harder. The way he was hitting me was as if he wanted to turn me on, part of his hand hitting my pussy as he spanked me.

"You should -smack- know better! -smack- And now -smack- you pull this! -smack- -smack- -smack- Be quiet! -smack-" Garp said and kept spanking me.

".....Garp, I think that's enough.." Sengoku said.

"No! -smack- Its not, cant you see? -smack- -smack- -smack- -smack- -smack- Imagine if -smack- a marine knew a civilian was going to become a pirate and didnt say anything? -smack x6- What is the punishment? -smack-" Garp spoke to Sengoku as he kept spanking me.

"Pleaaase stop!" I said while panting, holding back moans.

"Shes asking you to stop. I can see the tears in her eyes!" Aokiji said.

"Shes fine! -smack x5-" Garp said with a frown, "If you keep squirming, I'll use haki as well! -smack-"

Hearing that, I shook my ass at him and smiled, "As long as they are happy, I dont care if they become pirates!" As I finished speaking, Garp became even madder.

Sengoku was about to stop him from spanking me before he realized I liked it, and he shuttered. Akainu had his legs crossed and hands in his lap as he looked at the wall. Kizaru, sat similar to Akainu, however he had a perfect view of my breasts and face. Aokiji, however, was mad that I was punished for letting kids choose their own paths.

"Dont you think that's enough?" Aokiji said coldly.

"-smack x5- Enough?! Are you kidding me?! -smack-" Garp yelled as he spanked me with his hand covered in armament haki and using more strength with each hit.

Each spank I recieved made me moan very quietly as my underwear became soaked. "Ah! Please!" I said quietly, close to orgasming with tears in my eyes.

"Garp! That's enough!" Aokiji yelled only seeing my tears.

Garp spanked me several more times, each harder than the last. As I drew closer to an orgasm, Aokiji physically stopped Garp. I was panting and drooling slightly, "Pleaaase. Pleaaase! PLEAAAASE!" I looked at Garp and begged.

"You damn Pervert!" Garp yelled and used all his strength to push Aokiji away and spank me. A loud noise reverberated through the entire base as one of his hands smacked my ass and the other went to my mouth to cover it.

My body shuttered and I moaned as I orgasmed. Fighting to hold back from squirting, I licked Garps hand and tried to suck on his fingers.

"....If you knew she liked this, then how is it punishment?" Sengoku asked with a frown.

"I didnt. Once my pants started getting wet, that's when I realised and it only made me angrier. If I didnt continue, we wouldn't last long." Garp said defeatedly.

"What...?!" Aokiji said.

Kizaru reached forward and flicked my breast, "Shes a horny rabid monster. Can she not stand teasing?" He had asked Garp but was watching my reaction.

"I cant... please..." I said quietly as I reached toward my shadow. "Please help me."

Akainu was flickering in lava as I spoke. Aokiji face went bright red. Sengoku bit the inside of his cheeks. Garp looked at me oddly as he moved his hand from my face. Kizaru just watched, crouched in front of me.

My shadow pulsed before becoming a person and lifting me up. The group went wide eyes, thinking a certain idiot was here. My shadow bent forward and flicked off my shirt as it starting playing with my breasts. Shadows chains took off my clothes, before the chains started rubbing all over my body.

"Ah! Your getting good at that, let me eat you!" I said and used my own chains to pull shadow over. Shadow flipped my body over and sat on my face while in Kizarus lap. Shadow played with my breasts while very slowly pushing a chain into my pussy.

"...are there two of her?" Garp said astonished as he watched.

"I am her, she is me. What I feel, she does. What she feels, I do as well." Shadow explained before noticing the hands behind her.

Kizaru grabbed her arms and forced shadow to bend down, her face at my pussy, "You should eat her while I fuck your ass then."

Garp seemed amazed that Kizaru would do that right in front of him. Kizaru didnt give a fuck and unbuttoned his pants before pushing his cock into shadow. He roughly fucked shadows ass, cause both of us pain.

Akainu couldnt take it any longer and burned his clothes as he pushed his cock into my pussy. I gasped for a moment before eating shadow faster, feeling the coming orgasm. I lost control of my tail, as it fluffed up and stood up. My body tightening as Kizaru and Akainu fucked us harder. As I orgasmed and squirted, both men were forced out of me simply by the strength of the orgasm.

"Ah!" Shadow and I moaned together. Shadow got up and was about to go back, but I grabbed her and pulled her to me. "Keep that ass right here." As I sat on the couch, shadow in my lap as I played with her, I glared at Kizaru.

"Whaat?" Kizaru said with a smirk.

"I hope you die a gruesome death, bastard." I said and shadow nodded.

"....? What did I do?" Kizaru said dumbfounded.

"Anyway, Children do what children want. My boys listen to me because they dont want to die. I want them to not turn into me so they should go be happy." I said toward Garp.

"What does that mean?" Garp asked.

"It means, when they do die they wont regret the choices they made. I let them do what they want with restrictions. They are currently being tested so I can find out their true character." I said.

"I see." Garp nodded.

"Oh right. Please add to your pirate bounty for Roronoa Zoro, he has a relative named Tegan Zoro. Do not confuse the two of them. My son will be with my other boys while Roronoa will be with straw hat crew. They will one day meet." I said amused as shadow shuttered and melted to the ground.

"How many kids do you have?" Akainu asked with a frown.

"I have 14 boys." I smiled toward Akainu as my chains turned into a dress to cover me.

"Dear god. How old are they?" Sengoku said.

"The four oldest are 35, the next four are 20, then the six youngest are 15." I said.

"How old are you?!" Akainu said wide eyed.

"How rude! I'm barely 3 trillion years old. I'm not old!" I said angrily.

"No your not old at all. Your a vibrant young woman!" Garp said and smiled at me.

"Good. As long as you know." I nodded at his words as I calmed down.

"....No offense but how can you get pregnant?" Kizaru asked confused.

"My body stopped aging in my early twenties. So I'm forever young." I said and pulled a spiked frappe out and lit a smoke.

"-whistle- Lucky girl. I wish I was young again." Garp said with a look in his eyes.

"I can do that. Young Garp... Oh no bad idea. You probably didnt have the moustache back then did you?" I said and lamented thinking about a moustacheless ride.

"...." nobody spoke.


The admirals left along with Sengoku the day Smoker said he was going after them. One day I woke up and just knew that I was pregnant and vowed to kill off all men. I stormed into Garps office while he was on a call with Sengoku and I started yelling at him.

"God damn you Garp! It's all your fucking fault! Those worthless bastards as well! Fuck all five of you! I should fucking kill you all!" I yelled.

"Wha- what's .. Hey?! What did I do?!" Garp yelled back.

"Get your fucking little friends over here before I go looking for them." I said angrily.

"They cant, I have to go to Navy HQ anyways so come along. They will be there." Garp said with a frown.

"They better be there or I'll bring the place down." I said and left, slamming the door behind me.

"Garp... Why is she so mad?" Sengoku asked.

"Beats me. Tell those brats to be there when we get there. Dont give her a reason to be mad." Garp said and finished his conversation.


I went to a bath and soaked while thinking about the future. My flings of boredom need to stop. I need another way to get rid of boredom that doesnt include screwing myself over, drinking, or anything bad.


A few days later we set off. Garp had no idea why I was mad at him and his crew tried their best to help him figure it out. On the way to Navy HQ, we stopped to get a prisoner. As I watched two kids struggle with the prisoner and almost die, I became mad for the fact that nobody helped them.

While frowning angrily, I flew over to the boat and captured the three. I went onto Garps ship and released all three of them before having Jade and Jazz come out. "This bafoon is a prisoner, do as you please but dont kill him. You two are coming with me."


After arriving at Navy HQ, I had the boys start training with Garps lieutenant. Garp took the prisoner off to another ship while I looked around the bay. A marine came to me, "Miss, you cant stand there."

"Tell the admirals and Sengoku that I want to see them. Give them this and they will know who I am." I said and handed him a frappe.

"uh... Right away." the man said and ran to HQ.

"I came right back, any reason you sent someone ahead of us?" Garp said.

"Think of it as an announcement of my presence. I have asses to kick, so let's go." I said angrily and started walking.


Once we made it to the main building, Sengoku, Kizaru, Akainu, and Aokiji were waiting with odd things. Kizaru had a fan, Akainu had a towel, Aokiji had a cup of tea, and Sengoku had some snacks. I glared at them and crossed my arms. "I'm pissed." is all I said.

"Why are you so mad?" Kizaru asked quietly.

"You want your dirty laundry aired?" I said and raised an eyebrow.

"I dont have anything to hide?" Kizaru said and tilted his head.

"What about you four?" I looked toward the others.

"As long as it's not navy or government secrets, I have nothing to hide." Sengoku said.

"Same for me." Akainu, Aokiji, and Garp said.

"Fine." I said quietly and took a deep breath slowly. "I hate all five of you right now."

I spoke loud enough for the surrounding marines to hear. Most looked at me like I was crazy and few chose to silently watch and call friends. I raised my voice again and yelled at the five, "I should smack you! After what you five did to me! Then you turn tail and flee! Now what the fuck are you going to do?!"

"Woah, you asked for it though?" Aokiji said shocked.

"Shut up! I'm allowed to be mad! Be glad that it's me here and not my kids!" I yelled at Aokiji directly.

"Why are you mad?!" Garp said fed up.

"Calm down so we can talk." Akainu said and crossed his arms.

"Fuck all of you!" I yelled madly before flinching, "Get me a fucking doctor. Now."

"....I-I'm a doctor.." a marine from the side spoke.

"Do you know anything about women?" I asked the marine as I stared him down.

"Y-yes! I was a family doctor before I became a marine!" the guy said.

"Good. I'm about an hour off from giving birth. Lead the way." I said and stepped toward the man.

"I'll carry you..." Akainu said and gently lifted me before taking me to the medical center. The four others followed dazed while the doctor freaked out to get things ready.

"Doc, get a few more ready," I said when I saw only two, "I'm pretty sure I'm having five."


I was right. I had five. A boy with a frail body, radiating heat like the sun, Escanor. A boy radiating cold like a blizzard, Grey. A boy covered in sparkles and pale as fuck, Emmett. A boy covered with light, a birthmark of a sword on his chest, Arthur. A boy who simply looked like Garp with my hair color, Zen.

"Escanor, Grey, Emmett, Arthur, and Zen. Will I ever have a girl?" I said and sighed. I changed and watched over the babies, unable to help. I messaged the gods and goddesses, [What am I to do?]

[Garp wouldn't leave you. Or lie to you.] Galfus sent.

[Akainu wouldnt either.] Goddess of trust.

[Will the boys be okay?] I sent.

[Lay them on your chest, I'll help you.] God of Prosperity.

I picked up my babies and laid them on me, [I have them.] I sent.

[Lay back, I'll do the rest.] God of Prosperity.

I laid back in a chair and watched the babies struggle. My energy moved slowly until it connected to them, helping them grow until proper sized.

[There. Now you better send pictures!] God of Prosperity.

[Thank you! I will!] I sent.

"Let's go see your fathers.." I said toward the boys and walked out of the room. I went to the meeting room the men had holed themselves up in and knocked softly.

"Not now." Sengoku said.

"Open the fucking door." I said as 'sweetly' as possible.

Akainu opened the door and moved out of the way, "Can I get you anything?"

"No I'm fine. Thank you." I said quietly and sat next to him, "This little one is Escanor, when he is older he will harness the power of the sun."

"Are you sure it's okay to bring them out? They might get sick." Garp said as he came over.

"My friends will help me control my mana so I can help them. Besides, my boys are special." I said and smiled toward the boys, "This one is Emmett, he will have Sengoku strength."

"Why is he looking at me like that?" Garp asked curiously.

"Because hes hungry." I said and brought out a bottle full of blood, "Eat child." I used my chains and fed all five.

"This one is Grey, he can swim all he wants and still freeze everything. This one is Arthur, when hes older he will be able to use a holy sword. And this is Zen, once he trains enough he can use my abilities and all haki." I said and pointed each child out.

"....I'm a father?" Kizaru said.

"We will be leaving in five year." I said, ignoring the stupid piece of shit.

"Where are you going?" Akainu said as his fist tightened.

"Another world." I stated as I watched the boys flinch when I said that. "You can come with me, you know."

"I have a daughter who I cant leave." Akainu said and sighed.

"So bring her along." I said.

"We shall see." Akainu said.


Close to a year later, the war of the best was the next day. My sons had joined the pirates because, "Nobody should be killed because of their parents sins."

I agreed with them but I couldnt do anything without killing everyone. So I gave my sons opponents to kill and a few to only mildly injure. As the war was about to begin, I approached a woman with a snake. "My my Empress, I thought you would seek me out."

"Why would I speak to a lowly maid?" she said confused.

"I'm not a maid. I'm luffys Grandmother." I stated and shook my head as I walked away.

"W-wait! I'm so sorry! I didnt know!" she said panickedly.

"Nobody knows. Try not to hit my boys with your ability." I said and wavered her off.

As I walked back to Akainu and Garp, White beard made a little speech before using his devil fruit power. I had just sat down and put up my barriers when he set off a tremor. My barrier encompassed only my children, Akainu, Aokiji, Garp, Ace, and myself.

The war went almost the same as the show, except Kizaru and Gecko Moriah were killed in action. Ace made it out since Akainu and Aokiji were distracted. Luffy was still horribly injured and sent to Amazon Lily. White beard almost died, Black beard did die along with his crew. And Dol Flamingo died as well.

When Shanks showed up, I glared at him and walked over to my boys. "What's with the glare?" Shanks asked as I passed him.

"You dare fight my boys and harmed the only normal child. Picking on the weak and running from the strong?" I said and went to L. "Let me see it, now."

"Its okay mom, I think robot legs are cool...." L said sadly.

"You're a bad liar. Sit and take that crap off." I said angrily.

"Yes mom!" L said and did as I told.

Shanks had cut both of L's legs off after mistaking him for someone else. I should kill the bastard now.

"Sigh... I'll kill him once his job is done..." I muttered and used my energy to regrow L's legs. "Sweety, why dont you stay with me?"

"Because I'm the detective! They cant figure things out like I can, they need me." L said with tears in his eyes.

"How about just for a little while? We could sure use a detective here." I said and patted his head.

"Well, if I'm needed here more then I guess I'll stay here. Cant leave my mom near sketchy people!" he said with a smile.

"Oh right, boys, come meet your brothers. Escanor, Emmett, Grey, Arthur, and Zen." I said as my boys all come over.


I walked over to Shanks and smacked him, causing everyone to gasp and watched. His crew were ready to attack me, but he called them off. I was still so furious so I started yelling.

"You god forsaken little prick! Do you cut off anyone's legs just for looking one way?! Huh?! I have half a mind to kill you right here!" I yelled in his face.

"I said my bad and gave him robot legs, what more do you want from me?!" Shanks said.

Akainu, Aokiji, Garp and Sengoku all looked at him angrily. Akainu raged and burned the area surrounding him, "You cut my step sons legs off?" He spoke with a mock smile.

Aokiji created ice spears around him and prepared to fight, "Can you repeat that please?"

"That's it. Your dead." Garp said and punched Shanks in the face.

Sengoku crossed his arms and frowned, "You fucked up Red hair Shanks. You fucked up."

"What the fuck?! Why are you all in her corner?! It was an accident!" Shanks yelled.

"Mom, I have an idea. Why not get compensation? I mean he is necessary for the coming problems, so why not use him to the best of his abilities? I'm sure you need a break and your friends in the navy are very busy." L said with a smile.

"I believe your right dear. But I cant trust them after what they did to you." I said with a sigh, "Calm down, it was my son that got hurt so it's my son who decides."

The men calmed down and L put on a thinking face, I smiled at his antics and handed him a box of strawberry pocky. L crouched onto the ground, hunched over as he ate the pocky sticks, finally he looked up and spoke, "Never bother our family again, including new relatives."

"So I just need to leave your brothers, Akainu, and your mother alone? No problem!" Shanks said happily.

"Garp, Luffy, Ace, Aces family, Aokiji, Sengoku, that funny lady with a snake, uncle Dragon, and that bastard who is supposed to be my father." L said with a smile.

"I cant do that. Luffy and I have a deal, as well as Garp and I." Shanks shook his head.

"So emergency purposes only." L said.

"Okay." Shanks agreed and walked back to his ship with his crew.


"These are my boys." I introduced the Admirals to my boys.

"So this is the man. L, it's your turn. Only you can do this job!" Lucifer said and nodded.

Deth squinted his eyes, "I wont welcome you until L gives the approval. However, I'll be nice considering moms approval.. I am Deth, that's Lucifer, that's Gabriel..." he continues on to point out who is who.

"Thank you young man." Akainu says and greets all the boys.

"Mom... You and I both know the situation right now, why are you..?" Zane said quietly to me.

"Shh. I havent prayed enough for a girl.... FUCK! ITS YOUR BIRTHDAYS TOMORROW!" I suddenly remembered.

"....." nobody spoke at my sudden yell. The pirates froze from getting on their ships and the marines turned to look. My boys stood awkwardly as they glanced at me. Killua broke the silence, "Two days from now... Should we help set it up?"

"No, I have surprises for you." I shook my head.

"No. I refuse to allow you to prance about right now." Zane said with a frown.

"I'll go when I'm damn good and ready, boy." I said angrily.

"Go now." Zane demanded.

"No." I said and crossed my arms.

"Fine. Akainu, was it? Why dont you check her condition at the medical room, I'm sure you would be delighted to know..." Zane spoke but I cut him off.

"Shut it. I'm going, so shut it." I glared at Zane and frowned, "Dont think this is over."

Akainu looked confused and followed after me for a bit. Once I slowed down and nearly bent over in pain, he panicked and carried me.


"Zane, what's that about?" Deth asked him.

"She has been holding off on labor for over half the day." Zane stated.

"No. Really?" Lucifer seemed surprised.

"I'm worried... She isnt supposed to feel pain..." Gabriel said quietly.

"What do you mean?" Garp said as he approached with Sengoku and Aokiji.

".... Mom had, let's just say, a hard life. She became numb to pain. So her feeling pain means it exceeds what happened then. That's almost impossible, unless it's a heaven tribulation at maximum strength. But even false gods cant take that amount of pain..." Lucifer said and sighed.

"Why do you say its maximum strength? Isnt a regular one enough to kill a false low god?" Asked Tristan.

"You remember when mom said she was once struck by lightning because of a coward?" Lucifer asked.

"She was?!" most of the boys, the admirals, and a few nearby marines said together.

"Yeah... That was actually one of Galfus friends fault. Dude wanted to party and dropped a heavenly high grade tribulation down instead of tossing it to be fireworks." Lucifer said and sighed, "That's how mom became immortal."

"....." nobody spoke.


Akainu was panicked as I bit my chain to not scream. I fumbled and dropped my phone, right as the call connected. Akainu picked it up and handed it to me. "Help," was all I could say from the pain.

A light lit up my phone and out came a man in all white, a woman in pink, and a woman in black. "Stupid girl, this will cost you a wish from me," the man said. I could feel energy fluctuations coming off of him as he moved slowly and chanted.

"I'm sorry! It's my fault! The poor soul was doomed for the void but I sent it to you! I should have known! I'm sorry!" the girl in pink said.

"Get ahold of yourself, Tif. Chloe needs support, so help the fuck out." the woman in black said.

"Shut up Xen! Chloe, we are here to help!" Tif said.


"She has stabilized. Tif, I'll be taking over for Chloes cases. Your lucky we made it in time." the man spoke with a frown.

I laid barely awake, looking around, "....wa....ter...," I mumbled.

"You're still awake?!" the man jumped surprised.

"....wa...ter..." I repeated. Akainu brought a cup over and let me use the straw.

"How did you stay awake through that amount of pain?" the woman in black, Xen, said.

"Ask Galfus..." I said quietly.

"...? Who's Galfus?" Akainu asked.

"That would be me. Hey, long time no see my colorful friend." Galfus said as he rainbow glittered into existence.

"One of the Lords?!" the man in white said shocked.

"Hey my dude. Still sparkling I see." I said with a weak smile.

"Not as bright as you. I'm sorry these newbs screwed up, they were told they owed wishes to someone and thought it would count. Poor management on our end." Galfus said with a sigh and frown.

"So these mother fuckers, tried to cheat me, fucked it up, then tried to cheat me again? Did you see what this fuck ass paper lookin mother fucker said? 'Stupid girl, this will cost you a wish.' Fucker, come here so I can kill you!" I said angrily as an energy fluctuation passed through the room.

"I'm sorry! My interns were too arrogant and wouldnt listen to me!" another god popped out from mist.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I said.

"Ah! It's me.... I dropped... the lightning..." the man said and quietly lowered his head.

"Why did it feel the same?" I asked the group of gods and goddesses.

"....What do you mean?" Galfus asked.

"The fucking lightning. Why did this god damn pain feel the same, if not a stronger version than that? And why are the stupid fucking interns fucking around with other fucking people lives? If you're that fucking bored then do your fucking job properly." I said.

"...We dont know, that's what we were coming to figure out. Also, these three will be sealed with Idris until you say otherwise." Galfus said and sealed the three.

"Is it frozen or what?" I asked once I calmed down.

"Yes. Time is frozen for them. Idris on the other hand... Alana said to let him think on his actions." Galfus said and scratched his cheek.

"The child?" I asked.

"Well... Its a very old soul. I mean, he looks like a baby version of this man here but his soul is too old for his body so he wont be able to move on his own for quite some years." Galfus said sadly.

"That's no issue." I said.

"Wait wait wait, what so you mean?" Akainu asked confused.

"....He simply has an old soul, and will be able to remember past lives like most of Chloe's children." Galfus said to Akainu.

"Oh okay..." Akainu dazed off.

"Where is he?" I asked curiously.

Galfus left the room for a second and came back in, "Here."

I looked at this baby and realized who he once was, "The doctor is no more. You are Haku. Haku Tegan." I placed the infant on my chest and started humming a song.

"Well I'm off to interrogate... Investigate what happened. I'll keep you updated." Galfus said as he and the other guy left.

I kept humming until Haku slept, looking over at Akainu. "What are you thinking about?"

"Escanor.. He is the most like me in facial features and ability but is he also?" Akainu asked hesitantly.

"Yes. Truth is, every one of them is." I said.

"And your okay with that?" Akainu asked quietly.

"I am. Regardless of their past, they are here now. New body, new life, new family, and new home. I got one, why cant others?" I asked.

"Ok. As long as your okay with it, I wont pry. It's just a little difficult to wrap my head around." Akainu said and came over to me.

"I'm cold, I could use a blanket or some cuddles..." I mumbled quietly.

"I'll warm you up, let me get you to the house first." Akainu said and stood up, picking me up in the process. I was covered with a blanket, Haku sleeping on my chest, as Akainu walked through the destroyed bay toward the houses.

The sun had started to come up, the boys slept at Garps place while Garp, Aokiji, and Sengoku waited in the entrance to the housing area. Once we were spotted in the distance, the trio fidgeted.

"Are you okay?" Aokiji asked calmly.

"Residual lightning along with birth. No big deal." I lied with a smile, "This is Haku."

"Hes a spitting image of Akainu." Sengoku said with a smile.

"Let's hope he has a better temper." Garp said and laughed, waking the baby.

"Garp, quiet down. I'm cold and still in pain. Please let me lay down." I said exhaustedly.

"Mom. I'll take care of the baby, so get some actual sleep." Zane popped out of nowhere and said.

"You cant unless you can take care of a paralyzed baby." I said.

"What happened?" Zane said confused.

"Residual lightning. He will be fine when hes older." I said, "I'm going to bed now."

Akainu ignored the others protests as he entered his own house and brought me to the bed. I placed a baby bed next to our own bed before curling up in Akainu's warm embrace. I slept for a few hours before waking up and feeding Haku. We both went back to sleep. Another few hours later, I woke up and fed him again then changed his diaper. I had to move and massage his body every few hours so his body doesnt break down.