Ch 20. So tired...

[Can I throw a party at your place Galfus?] I sent.

[...? Depends on if you want to bring mortals or not.] Galfus.

[I would like to bring 6 people.] I sent.

[Then no. However, we can come down for about six hours.] Galfus.

[Oh sweet! I'm having a party, byob.] I sent.

[What's the occasion?] God of Prosperity.

[Its quite funny but all of my boys share a birthday except this tiny one -picture-. He was born yesterday. Anyways, party tomorrow at my location.] I sent.

I put my phone away as messaged flooded in, the gods discussing presents and what not. I sighed and sat up from the comfy bed, noticing the other two awake watching me. I let out a sigh, "I think I just fucked up."

"Why do you say that?" Akainu asked quietly.

"I just invited my friends to the birthday party without getting an RSVP." I sighed, "Even if I got an RSVP I dont think I could keep track of it, set up for the party, and cook."

"We are literally surrounded by marine officers who would do anything for you since you healed them all. Boss them around, they need the work out anyways." Akainu said.

"Sengoku wouldnt like me doing that." I shook my head.

"Then I'll do it. Tell me what they need to do." Akainu smiled and pulled me down and into a hug.

"Its alright. Besides, L wants to interrogate... question.. learn about your past." I said. "I can take care of everything else as long as nobody gets in the way."

"Alright." Akainu said and kissed my forehead.


After warming up, I got up and got dressed into a long sleeve baggy black shirt, black skinny jean's, and fuzzy socks. Wrapping my tail around my stomach while carrying Haku, I went to find Sengoku. While I roamed the halls of the Navy base, I eventually found Sengoku with the admirals and Garp. Akainu had beat me there.

"Hey, I need a favor." I said as I entered the room.

"Akainu has already told us. We just need to repair the place before you can use it." Sengoku said.

"I'll do it. I dont have time to waste so please ask all people to stay away from the are and not to stand near rubble." I said and left, not waiting for the reply.


I repaired the entire island and asked shadow for help. While shadow set up decorations and tables, I started cooking and asked for an RSVP list to be made by one of the gods and forward a copy to me. My boys tried to help shadow, but we refused.

Since the party was the next day, I started by making breads and letting them proof overnight. I then made cakes, cupcakes, cheesecakes, pies, and other desserts. I stayed up all night dealing with food things and Haku. Shadow was also up all night decorating and wrapping gifts.


The party was hell. 200 to 250 gods and goddesses came. All the marines on the island joined. The boys had fun so that's all that matters. Galfus even did a fireworks show. The boys ended up eating too much, as did every person who came.

The gods and goddesses had left, the party winding down. I stayed up once again to clean up after lieing and saying I was going to bed. After cleaning, the sun was up and my boys were coming out. They all had new outfits on.


I went with my boys to go see a man about his sword... That's the excuse I said at least. The plan was actually to introduce my son to this worlds version. Akainu tried to come along but I refused and told him to go talk to his daughter.

Aokiji tried to join but I refused him as well under the pretense of needing time with just my boys about a family secret. Garp tried to follow us, so I made a storm to hinder them.

Once we made it to a desolate looking island, I brought the boys toward the breaking castle. On the way, we heard swords clashing. I smiled and lead on. When we came out of the forest, the monkeys with swords stopped fighting the tall dark green haired guy and looked toward us. The guy turned and was startled for a moment, "Who are you?"

"Zoro meet Zoro." I said and walked toward the castle, my sons following as the Zoro's stared each other down.

"Why are you here?" a voice said.

"Introducing my son to his dopple ganger." I said amused.

"Leave. He needs to train." the man said and glared at me.

"Let them spar." I said and yawned. I havent slept the entire trip here and I was honestly ready to sleep for a month.

Before the man could say anything else, the duo were already fighting. I sighed, "I'll make sure nobody dies, loses a limb, or whatever." Haku made a quiet noise so I massaged his body and laid him in my pouch made from my tail.

The man walked away angrily. I shrugged and kept a watch over the two day spar. When they stopped, I healed them and brought my sons away, off to meet the 'extended family' of Aces.

I once again couldnt sleep and two months had passed before we made it to White beards ship. Someone tried to hit our ship with a cannon ball, but it was intercepted by Ace himself. I yawned and patted Aces head, "I'm glad your okay. I'm sorry I could do anything to help that day, I didnt want to kill anyone. I did convince the marines to leave you guy be for 3 years. -Yawn- Grow stronger baby."

"Oh come on Ma, I know. I missed you guys, how have you been? Why are you so tired?" Ace asked as we got onto Whitebeards ship.

"Ma?" people whispered.

"I havent slept the entire trip. Zoro met his dopple ganger. Then we came here." I said with another yawn.

"...." Ace looked at me like I was crazy, "Well, this is Pops and my family. Thats... " he pointed out and introduced the crew who were aboard.

"Its nice to meet you all." I said with a yawn.

"Right, guys this is my mom and brothers, this is..." Ace pointed out and introduced us to the crew.

I smiled a little, "And this is Haku." I brought him out of my pouch and showed him off. "This is Escanor, Grey, Arthur, Emmett, and Zen." I pointed to the other kids in my tail playing.

"....Why are you here with infants?" Whitebeard asked.

"Meeting family, clones, and in-laws. Why else?" I said amused.

"Your endangering infants for that? This is the grand line not a party place." Whitebeard said a little angrily.

"Pops... Ma is strong enough to lift the sea into the sky." Ace said quietly.

"Is she now?" Whitebeard raised his eyebrow.

"A little lifting? Seriously? It's literally my job to save or destroy entire planets and your impressed with jesus crap? Fuck!" I said with a sigh.

"....." nobody spoke.

"Here young man, this will help you." I huffed and threw a bottle of booze toward Whitebeard.

"What's this?" he asked.

"Medicinal booze." I said and sat down.

He drank the bottle completely and blew fire into the air, "Why does it burn so badly?!"

"Good booze has more of a burn. Dont be a bitch, shut up and regulate it." I said and started feeding my kids.

After a few minutes, Whitebeard pulled the machine off of his body and stood up.

"Pops are you alright to stand?" a man asked worriedly.

"Hes better than alright. Mom just gave him another 50 years to live." Zane muttered.

"W-what?!" the man said loudly.

Should have figured they would throw a party. We left before it got too loud so the little ones could sleep. We were off again to meet the final destination. Another two months of travel and we made it to the calm belt. I yelled at the stupid overgrown sea snakes to take me to Amaon Lily.

When we arrived, I stood at the front of the ship and had my sons stay inside the ship. The empress came to greet me, "H-hello Mother..."

"Your not married yet, dont call me mother. In all honesty, the family names are all screwed up. I'm currently with a few men, Garp being one, however I helped raise luffy like my own son. So I'm Grandmother and Mother. Ba who cares, figured the brat would want to meet his other brothers and you would want to meet your future family." I said with yawns mixed in.

"Of course I'd love to meet them! Would you like a rest first?" She asked and smiled.

"No. I'll sleep later. Wheres the old lady?" I said looking around.

"I'm right here..." a tiny grandma said.

"Good. I have brought my sons to greet their future sister. They dont care for love and such trivial things, but they will stay on the ship out of sight, in respect toward your country. However these six must stay with me." I said, yawned, and pointed out the sleeping babies in my tail.

"Thank you for respecting our laws. Your sons can come out as long as they dont leave the ship." the tiny old lady said.

"Thank you. Boys, come greet your sister-in-law and mother-in-law." I said toward the door.

"H-hello..." L said behind me. I sighed, remembering the snake fear.

"Can you have your lovely snakes back up a bit? He had a bad run in with a snake as a child and is terrified of them." I asked as nicely as I could.

"O-oh, sorry, of course." The both said and had their snakes go off to play with the other amazons. L watched the snakes leave before stepping out and introducing himself.

The rest of the boys also came and introduced themselves before I introduced the young ones. Not long after introductions, one of the amazons said luffy had just woke up.

"If you take the boat to the bay, luffy and his friends are there. The group is all men.." Hancock said.

"Hmm. Let's go see them." I said and glared at the giant sea snake, "Take me to that bay now and hurry up."

The sea snake flinched, shaking the boat before quickly bring the boat to the bay. "Good sea snake. Go play until I call for you." I sent it off and turned to the group of pirates on the land.

"What can we do for you?" Jinbei asked.

"My son. Where is he?" I said looking around.

"Who is your son?" A bear asked.

"Luffy." I said and glared at the group, "Where is my son?"

"...." nobody spoke but Jinbei looked toward the broken fence.

I sighed and jumped onto the land, "Stay here." I walked into the forest and located Luffy. He was destroying things and crying, thinking Ace was dead.

"Luffy." I said and chained him.

"No! Let me go! I have to save Ace!" Luffy yelled.

"Ace is fine you moron! You almost died! Why are you trying to kill yourself?!" I shouted at him.

"A-ace is fine?" Luffy said and cried, "Oh thank god! I thought he was dead!"

I hit Luffy on his head, "So you planned to kill yourself because you thought Ace died?"

"N-no! I was so mad, I just couldnt stop from breaking things..." Luffy said quietly.

"Including your own body apparently... I met your girl. I like her." I said.

"What do you mean? What girl?" Luffy asked confused.

"You bafoon. Hancock is in love with you." I said and shook my head.

"W-what? She is?!" Luffy said amazed.

"She would make a good wife." I stated.

"....." Luffy looked at me, "Then you marry her."

"Go back to killing yourself then. Bye." I said and dropped him before walking off. "Also, you have six new brothers."


I sat under a tree, away from the pirates, talking with Jinbei. "My stupid son. Oblivious to this poor girls emotions towards him. Tsk, how is he so damn stupid?"

"....You mean he didnt know?" Jinbei asked shocked.

"Not even a little bit of a suspicion." I sighed.

"Wow..." Jinbei looked down and shook his head.

"I -yawn- dont even -yawn- know what to do -yawn- with him." I said yawning more often.

"Are you okay?" Jinbei asked.

"No sleep for 5 months. The cold breeze and warm sun feels good. But i cant sleep right now, the little ones need to eat soon." I said and yawned between every few words.

"I'm sure itll be fine if you slept while your sons took care of the baby." Jinbei said.

"No. Two need special food and one needs massaged after eating. The other three are just messy, unable to slow down." I said and opened my pouch of waking children. I brought my chains out to feed the children, massaging Hakus legs.

"....You have a pouch?" Jinbei said confused.

"Just my tail wrapped around my body to make a pouch. Chains are my other tails." I said quietly.


We set off the next day, Luffy going off to train Haki under Jinbei and his friend. We spent a month traveling back to Navy HQ. As we got there, a marine told me to hide because a celestial dragon was coming. I thanked him and sent him off, before turning to my boys, "Go to the living space. The ship will be in my inventory. I'll join you soon."

After they entered the living space and I put the ship up, I noticed a ship incoming. I told Akainu I was going to his house and will be in a pocket dimension, coming out in the early morning for an update.


The stupid world government jackass stayed for three weeks. I was already mad so when this happened, I decided to move the plan forward. "Boys. Go destroy the world government. Any slaves you find, bring them here. I'm too tired for this shit."

"Can we use our powers?" Killua asked.

"Go all out if you have to. Also, Lucifer, Gabriel, and Deth, there will be a strong guy so protect your brothers." I said and yawned again.

"I'll investigate while you guys are gone." L said with a light smile.

"Good. We are counting on you." Deth said and patted L's back.


It finally left Navy HQ. My boys left the night after, following silently with an illusion covering them. Sengoku, Aokiji, Garp, And Akainu all agreed to take the kids while I slept. Sengoku was sad that his son had to stay with me, as did Akainus two sons. I cant let a frail child be with a magma covered muscle head, a vampire near a group of humans, or a paralyzed child out of my sight for someone to forget him.

I closed my eyes and couldnt sleep, no matter what. Some leafs poofed in the room and a man walked out. "Hand them over or I'll take them. You need to sleep. I'll take them to my realm, the goddesses cant hold themselves back much longer before they kidnap your children." the man said.

"Then take all six. I feel like I'm burning and freezing at the same time..." I said almost constantly yawning.

"Alright. I'll take all six. See you when you wake up." He said and took the three before leaving the room with a note from me to the men.

Not long after he left, I got up to take a bath. As I entered the water, it started freezing and boiling over and over. I laid down and closed my eyes trying to get comfortable to no avail. "Need some help?" a voice asked.

"Please..." I said quietly.

I was lifted from the bath and dried carefully. I unwrapped my tail from my body and tried to dry it before someones hands beat me to it. After I was dried and my tail fluffed, I was carried to the bed and laid down.

"Where are you cold?" the voice asked.

"My left side..." I said trying to find the owner of the voice.

"Where are you hot?" said another voice.

"My right side..." I kept looking around, unable to find the people who spoke.

Someone got onto the left side of the bed and laid next to me, warming me up. Then someone laid on the right side of me, cooling me down. My eyes started to close as I fell asleep.


Blank, all white room surrounded me. I called out only for my memories from my human life to play repeatedly. Hundreds of times, thousands, millions, billions, I lost count. Eventually, one scene repeated itself.

The music blaring as I sat in a corner, staring at the unconscious body in front of me. I was crying but had a smile on my face. People came in and saw the blood on the guys head and my hands. I was tied to a bed as they branded and embedded chains into my stomach and around my legs and arms.

The scene replayed over and over. The freezing floor, the burning metal, the vicious smiles, and the loud music. The taste of blood, the blur of the room, the screaming near by. I remembered it all.

The scene changed, a building on fire in the middle of winter. I sat in a tree, covered in blood as the sun rose and the fire died out. A voice calling out nearby. Dropping on the person and knocking them out before fleeing. The feeling of fresh air, clean clothes, and a knife in my pocket.

--- I jolted awake and looked around. My chains choking Akainu, Aokiji, and Garp. Sengoku knocked out on the floor. I released them and healed them as the three gasped for air.