Ch 21. Another adventure

Aokiji was doubled over choking on the air, breathing too hard. Garp was wheezing on the floor, pale as paper. Akainu quickly controlled his breathing and was watching me silently. Sengoku had just woken up and stared at the ceiling dazed.

"What happened..?" I asked quietly.

"You suddenly started screaming. When we tried to wake you, you attacked us." Akainu said.

"I'm sorry..." I said and looked down.

"Then Sengoku came in and tried to knock you out, which only pissed you off more and you knocked him out." Akainu said.

"....sorry.." I said quietly.

"You kept screaming. Garp came in and tried to hold you down as your chains attacked your arms, legs, and stomach." Akainu continued.

"....I..." I mumbled.

"Then you stopped screaming. After trying to light the room on fire and Aokiji putting the fore out, you laughed and started choking him." Akainu sighed, "When Garp called out to you, you started choking him. When I called out to you, your chains choked me as well."

"....I'm sorry..." I said still looking down.

"I dont know what you want us to believe because your smiling right now. So why dont you explain." Akainu said.

"Please sit down..." I said quietly trying to calm my mind. Sengoku leaned on the wall, Garp sat on the floor where he was, Aokiji and Akainu stood where they were.

"When I was human, bad things happened to me. I will spare you most of the details but my mind broke after chains were embedded into my body. I blacked out and when I came to I was covered in blood and watching the building burn while I sat in a snow covered tree. Someone called out to me and I knocked them out before going across country to get home. I did hurt people in order to protect myself." I said still looking down.

"Is that when you became immortal?" Akainu asked.

"No. Years later, my sister died and my family blamed me as much as I blamed myself. I got my own place and got a cowardly dog. Went out for a walk on a bright sunny afternoon, the clouds decided to rain out of nowhere and the chicken shit ran and hid. I got shocked by lighting waiting for a coward to pull his head out of the ground." I said and looked at each of the men.

"....What was the thing that happened?" Garp asked quietly.

"I have an entirely new body, however I look almost the same. Mind you a few tattoo changes, longer hair, a tail, no scars, what not." I ignored Garps question.

"What happened to you?" Sengoku asked.

"I also have two dogs." I said and nodded, once again ignoring the question.

"I want to know what was so bad that your mind broke." Akainu said.

"Why tell when you can watch?" I smiled viciously, "Since you want to know, why not feel it as well?"

Before they could speak, my chains captured them and my memories from that time along with 10% of the pain played in their minds.


Three hours later, Akainu looked toward me slowly. "That didnt hurt as badly as it should have, why?"

"I couldnt take all the pain away so I lowered it to 10%." I stated and tilted my head a little.

"...That was only 10%?" Garp asked as he came to. Sengoku had a look of disgust and nearly vomited. Aokiji stayed silent and looked down.

"Why so sad? I only showed the gentle parts? And yeah, that was 10%. What, you want me to break your minds as well?" I asked.

".....Gentle?" Aokiji said looking at me horrified.

"....Jade, Jazz, we need some fluffles." I said and brought my dogs out. I patted their heads and calmed down, "Soft fluffles..."

"...." they looked at me oddly.

Akainu shook his head and sighed.

"I'm sorry." I said.

"For which part? Attacking us, or forcing us to feel your pain?" Sengoku said angrily.

"That's uncalled for Sengoku." Akainu said.

"Is it? Why did she attack us? We tried to help her, if you havent forgotten." Sengoku said.

"My mind was breaking... I spent a very long time mending it back together but..." I said and looked at Jade and Jazz.

"But what? You did some crazy things and almost broke your own mind?" Sengoku yelled.

"I didnt sleep for 6 months. Ris used to take the kids so I could sleep for a few hours, but three of the kids need special treatment." I sighed.

"Who is Ris? Why does Emmett need special treatment? I can understand the other two but not him." Sengoku said.

"Hes a vampire. If he isnt kept in control, he will either turn someone or kill everyone on this island or both. Escanor on the other had hasnt had his change yet because hes too young. Hakus soul is so powerful his body needs a few years to adjust." I sighed.

"Hes a vampire?!" Sengoku fumed.

"Hating your own kid now? I have an arch angel, satan himself, and death himself as my kids. Why can't I have a vampire? Why not a child blessed by the sun? Why not a genius detective, swordsman, or anything else? If you havent learned this yet, I'll tell you. Genetics get passed down,...." I fumed then explained how genetics work.

"What does that have to do with this?!" Sengoku was pissed.

"They literally have a part of my blood in them. If they are one thing, then so am I." I stated bored, "Who gives a shit anyways. The world government will fall in a few days and when they do, I'll take my kids and leave."

"Who is Ris?" Akainu said.

"My sealed husband. He lied, ran from me, decieved the kids and tried to make them lie to me. I mean to know your own creation would betray you... I only wanted someone to be upfront and honest, why is it like this..." I sighed and laid across Jades stomach.

"How long has he been gone?" Garp asked surprised.

"To us, 15 years. To him, 300 million years or so." I said and looked at Garp.

"Would you d that to us if we asked the kids to keep something secret?" Akainu said with a frown.

"No. I would send you to the living space and ignore you for a few days." I said as if it was obvious.

"What's the difference between us and him?" Aokiji said.

"I literally made him." I said.

"Why is the world government going to fall?" Sengoku asked.

"They pissed my boys off. Makes me wonder what L is doing." I said amused.

"....." nobody spoke.


Sengoku furiously returned to work. Aokiji reaffirmed his version of justice and decided to make the world a better place after the government falls. Akainu and Garp both gave their resignations to Sengoku so they could leave with us once the boys return. I slept for a few more days then brought Akainu and Garp with me to pick up the kids and turn them into immortals.

"Heyo! My friend, we have come to rescue you from the boys." I said with a smile as we appeared in front of Prosperity.

"Ah boo. I was going to take them to a zoo today." Prosperity smiled and said.

"Oh well then have at! I'll bother a few others in the mean time." I said with a laugh.

"Right! So I had an idea about Idris... Care to listen?" Prosperity asked.

"Sure?" I asked back.

"Why is it a question? Nevermind. Anyways, If you go back to Nazerick, you can recreate his body but I'll do the rest. You need a butler instead of a snake." Prosperity said with a smile.

"I could do that. Or we can simply pick one up. I was thinking Smog, Legolas, Gandolf, Great Red, Kenpachi, or maybe even Komamura." I mused.

"Why not just grab a version of them all? Oh and if you ever plan to go back to a place you visited, you wont go to the same one but a version of it." Prosperity said.

"Oh gotcha! Who do we grab first though?" I sighed.

"Uh... Get a new version or unseal Ris so you can go for the three in one?" Prosperity suggested.

"That's a smart move." Akainu agreed.

"I want to meet this Ris anyways." Garp added.

"Go to your zoo. I'm visiting Old man Lava and Old B. Well check with Galfus about Ris later on, so take your time." I waved and left with the two.

"Who's old man lava?" a voice spoke as we walked down a hallway.

"Who are you?" I asked the little voice.

"I'm the god of questions? Why are mortals here?" the little voice asked.

"Old man lava is the high god of Lava and dwarf craft. I just call him old man lava. I'm Chloe." I said.

"Aha! Your the reason the three stooges are sealed! Thanks a million! But who are these guys?" the voice asked as we stopped in front of a door.

"My husbands. Arent they handsome?" I asked.

"....Reverse harem?" the voice muttered quietly.

"Hehe Hey! Old man, answer the door!" I yelled out as I knocked.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. If this isnt an emergency im going to put my foot up your... Oh hey! Chloe, what a surprise. Who is this dude?" Old man lava said as he opened the door and stared down Akainu.

"My husband Akainu. Thought you might like to meet him, hehe, he was cursed to never swim and I cant fix it." I said amused.

"One of them, eh? Chloe, I'm kidnappen this here young man for a bit. Dont you go openin this door, ya hear me?!" old man lava said and pulled Akainu in the room and slammed the door.

"Now, old B. across the hall." I walked over and knocked.

"Just knocking?" Garp asked.

"No... Old B. come out or I'm going to see Grandma B." I said.

"What do you want?" the door cracked open a little and an eye peered at us.

"You once said that you wanted to meet vice admiral Garp, the 'marine hero'. Why not make him immortal?" I smiled.

"Young Garp or grey hair?" Old B. asked and opened the door a little more.

"Grey hair. Want to meet my husband Garp?" I smiled amused.

"...." Old B. didnt said anything and just pulled Garp in and slammed and locked the door.

An explosion came from old man lava's place before laughter rang out. I shrugged and stretched, "So now what?"


A few hours later, Akainu came out of the room with old man lava, both full of smiles. "Hes like a young version of me now. Water cant hurt him but it will slow him down. I suggest you work on enderance and agility in the next place."

"Thanks old man lava. Oh right, I'm going to meet some dwarfs soon I'll take a sample of there products for you since I know you like LOTR." I said.

"Get me that ring so I can see what I'm missing. Is it an elvish thing or what? i mean come on!" Old man lava grumbled.

"That was the plan honestly." I said and laughed.

"Get me one of them hobbit tea trees..." old B said as he opened his door. Garp strolled out with a frown.

"Any special type? One of each?" I asked curiously.

"You choose. Bye.." Old B. shut his door and locked it.

"I'm gonna go back to those idears you told me about, have fun on your trip." old man lava said and closed his door.

"Who's ready to meet a potentially angry jackass?" I asked Garp and Akainu.

"Alright.." Garp said with a sigh. Akainu didnt respond but followed me to Galfus place.


"Yo! My colorful friend." I said with a smile as I walked into Galfus house.

"You still dont knock! Bah! I heard you were here to check on Ris." Galfus said with a fake smile, "Well, you shouldnt." he dropped the smile, "I went to speak to him and he called me drunken freak. I say we kill the bastard. Oh hey Akainu, Garp."

"Unseal him. If he has to die, itll be by my hand... I hope it doesnt come to that...." I said with a sigh.

"Okie dokie! Here." Galfus handed me an orb, "Tap it and hes out."

I tapped the orb and Ris body formed. As he opened his eyes and saw me, he kneeled down and spoke, "I messed up and did all the wrong things. How can I fix that?"

"Goodbye Idris." I said and cut his head off.

"....Why did you kill him?" Akainu asked.

"I read his mind. He had an elaborate scheme on how to kill me. It all hinged on killing the boys." I said.

"Oh. Well shit." Garp said stunned.

"Let's round up the boys after this. Oh right Galfus, I would love it if you chose the colors for my hair and the style. We will be back in a few days with the boys." I smiled at Galfus and left with Akainu and Garp.

"So we are getting a butler?" Akainu said with a sigh.

"Not a butler, a live in babysitter." I said.

"And we cant just leave them with the guy from earlier?" Garp asked confused.

I stopped walking, ".... Why the fuck didnt I think of that?!"

"..." Akainu and Garp looked at each other.

I grabbed them both and spirited to Prosperity house. "First, we get the boys. Second, we meet my old friend and his empire. Third, we make a body for a butler and let Prosperity do the rest of it. Fourth, we make a few extra. Then, we go to phase 3 on the training for the boys.... We might find a good butler there as well... Hmm.."

"That's a lot to do." Akainu said.

"It all depends on if he will take care of the boys or we bring them. If we have to take the boys, then we have to go collect people before the boys finish training." I said.

"Why are you here then? Shoo! The goddesses are baby crazy still, come back in a year." Prosperity spoke from behind me.

"At least let us see them before you kick us out?!" I lamented.

"Come in then." hesaid and led us in.


I explained to the six that we would come get them in a year to take them on an adventure. One goddess decided to speak up and ask to age Haku so she can dress him up. Haku seemed to jump at the chance so I agreed, much to Akainu's displeasure.

We left and picked up the boys and the boat after I explained. (I had dropped L off with them before going to the gods realms.) After they entered my living space, I went off to Overlord world to create butlers.


I opened my eyes and hopped out of the tree I was in. Entering the space and explaining the situation, the boys were all excited.

"You mean we get to create the game itself?!" Deth said excitedly.

"No. We are going to play like normal people. Establish a guild, be number 1, the whole thing. We will use all the subordinate creations to build a butler and maid army that kicks ass. Get a class that fits your fighting style so when we cross over, you gain useful abilities instead of useless ones. Now, go put these on and we can start shopping. This world has no powers so dont use them or you will be punished by heavenly lightning." I explained and handed modern day clothes to the group.

After we all changed and I put an illusion on my tail, we went shopping for a house (mansion), furniture, game sets and spares, fancy bathroom soaps, large gate and security cameras everywhere. We never needed to leave the house after we bought things. The boys taught Akainu and Garp how to play the game.


Like that 10 months passed and the game announced its end. We had already became the top guild, played every inch of the game and created butlers and maids with extreme capabilities(modified by Prosperity).

The minutes before the end of the game, I let the others in on a secret, "Once we get there, go outside so we can get our original bodies back and integrate. If you learned mage spells, relearn the basics or itll be 25% the original power. Repractice all skills honestly. Congrats, you now get to see things the same as you do now. Status bars, inventory, equip, all of it. hehe."

The others looked at me shocked. "This is how you have seen things?" Sebastian asked.

"Yup. It's great isnt it." I smiled.

The timer hit 0 and we stood up to exit the place. After we integrated everything, remastered out spells and skills, I brought the butler and maid army into my living space and smiled.

"We have two months to play or we can go see the boys early?" I said.

"What are you talking about mom? This is your honeymoon so we are going to stock up on magic metals and stuff. Maybe find a pet or two." Christian said with a smirk.

"Alright, go. Have fun and be safe. Leave the god alone!" I said as they ran off.

Akainu smiled and picked me up, Garp opened the door for us to go in. After having lead the way to the fancy open air hot spring, we stripped, washed, then entered. Akainu sat me directly in his lap, putting his cock in my pussy. Garp watched for a while, pulled me off Akainu, sat me in his lap facing him and put his cock in my pussy. Garp played with my nipples, biting roughly.