Ch 22. Off again.

We spent two months enjoying ourselves and each other. Once the boys came back, we left to the gods realm.

"Heyo! We are back." I said with a smile as I knocked on Prosperity's door.

"Are you here for the boys?" Prosperity asked tiredly.

"Indeed. The butlers and maids are ready to work. How have the kids been?" I asked looking around to find them.

"They are great. Sleeping right now in the next room. Um... One of the goddesses has turned Haku into a 5 year old. He can walk with assistance but not for long." Prosperity said.

"Hmm alright.." I started thinking on what to do, "I could just get him a service animal or something..." I mumbled.

"Fufufu, I thought you would say so. I've looked into a good one for him and found a few types so the rest is up to you. Here look through this." Prosperity said and handed over the list.

"....Why is this one circled?" I asked with a sigh.

"Funny you mention that, the little guy found my papers and picked out the breed. Would you like to see some?" He asked.

"He already has one, doesnt he?" I asked.

"....Yes. He pestered me about it for a month until I caved in. Its sleeping in his room." he said.

"Sigh~ Thank you. I'll go ahead and grab them. We are slightly behind schedule." I said with a sigh.

"Alright, dont let me keep you. Going to experience war without powers are we?" he smiled.

"That's what we are doing?" Akainu said questioningly.

"Sort of. It's more of learning to conserve energy while using your brain to find more efficient ways of dealing with problems. The boys need it so I figured why not." I said.

"...But its war." Garp said.

"Mortal war. The four with powers wont intervene much and the one that does isnt a threat. Besides it kills three birds with one stone. We side with the dwarves for the war and help the hobbit and elves out." I said and went to the nearby rooms.

Picking up one child at a time, I slowly laid them into my tail pouch and went to get the last boy and his 'pet'. Curled up together in a bed, a tall five year old and a direwolf were sleeping. I sent a mental message to the direwolf and picked it up along with Haku, placing them on my shoulders. I exited the room and went over to my husbands.

"From what I have seen, Emmett has control over his bloodlust and Escanor is getting better as long as he stays in the sun. Once they wake up, please help me with them." I said with a sigh.

"We can take them now though?" Akainu said.

"Are you sure? You will have two to watch over each." I said and raised an eyebrow.

"Yup. Ill take Escanor and Arthur." Akainu said and held out his hands.

"I'll take Emmett and Zen." Garp said and smiled.

"Alright, if you're sure." I said and handed over the four kids before placing Grey on my other shoulder. "Let's get going, I'll put a barrier on us since we are only watching. Dont intervene no matter what."

"Of course/ Alright." the two men answered.

Prosperity sent us off with a thankful smile, he seemed tired so I rushed our departure.


As we landed in front of a mountain, I placed multiple barriers on us and the young boys. I let the older boys out and had two maids follow behind me. "Boys. No powers. This is an endurance and wits test. You will have to fight your way out, so I suggest doing it efficiently. We will not help you so watch your backs. Now, let's go meet those dwarves."


"Who are you and what do you want?" a voice yelled from behind a wall of jagged rocks.

"We are here to exchange our services for the incoming war for weapons and armors." I stated and looked at the eye from the rocks holes.

"What war are you speaking of?" the voice asked.

"You dont know? The orcs have gathered, they have already started their march. You are days away from an army of thousands at your door step." I said with a raised eyebrow.

"And why should we trust you?" the voice asked, "You're only here for money."

"I dont care for your money. I would like some tea trees once this is over. And to keep the blades and armor so we can return home. You'd be doing my boys a favor, letting them experience a war." I said.

"Women and children dont belong on a battlefield. Just go home." the voice said.

"You misunderstand, I'll see you when the war starts then." I said and spirited the group with me to the town nearby.

"Now what?" Garp asked as the boys woke up.

"For now, let's enter the space and let the boys play." I said and brought everyone into the living space. The first thing I noticed was a Cathedral and all the butlers and maids greeted us.

"Welcome home Supreme One!" they said together.


In three days, the elves showed up and took over the town. We watched from the sidelines as a war soon broke out the following day. Before the fighting actually began, I brought out my eight oldest boys and approached the dwarves again, "Give them blades to fight. Dont you know that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?"

An elf approached and disagreed with my words, "The orcs dont want anything to do with us so why should we fight?"

"I'm not here to speak to a coward. I'm here for weapons and armor. The rest can be damned for all I care," I said, "Now listen here greedy little shit and cowardly dumbass, I dont have to ask. I can force my way and get what I want but I'm giving you a chance. I dont give a fuck about your money because I have more than you can dream of. I dont give a fuck about your lives because I dont care for your kinds. I'm only here for a fight, so if I have to fight you as well, we will. You have only seen a few of us but we have an army. Quit fucking around or were coming in now."

"As if!" a dwarf yelled. The surrounding dwarves looked at him like he was stupid.

"Boys, go pick your own weapons and armor. The dwarves already have what they want on so disregard them," I said and my boys nodded before jumping the broken wall and getting weapons.

"L, I want you to take charge of strategy and observation. Try to look ahead in the battle. Sebastian, Christian, Tristan, and Damian, I want you to follow what L says exactly when and how he says it. Zane, Deth, Gabriel, Lucifer, I want you to be vanguards but make sure to listen to L." I gave orders as I brought L out.

"But I wont be able to see everything from down here...," L said and looked around the mountain surface.

"Dont worry about it, I have a ride for you. Here, ear pieces so you can hear each other," I said and whistled, 'calling' an eastern dragon over, "L, this is Shai. She will be your protector for this battle, and if all goes well, she could be your companion."

"Thank you mother!" L hugged me.

The elves and dwarves were all in a panic, but we disregarded them as L told the other 8 his strategy and possible outcomes. After ascending into the sky on Shai's back, I brought Garp, Akainu, and the little kids to observe the war from a cliff on the mountains.


"Y-you said y-you wanted t-tea t-trees right?" a hobbit asked.

"Mm I did. You see where we are from, we dont have the kinds you do. I'll gift you one of ours if we can get a few different kinds." I said calmly before turning to the elf leader, dwarf leaders, and wizard, "When someone offers a hand to help, you accept it. Disregard worldly things and focus on the lives of all man kind or you being leaders and a wizard are for nothing. You're all greedy, cowardly, and stupid. Make alliances before the next war because we will not be here to help you."

Nobody spoke but realization seemed to set in as my boys came over, "Mom, I cant find any good places to clean up..."

"Oh, I see. Here," I twirled my finger and they were instantly cleaned while armor and other things were restored to normal, "Hey, darling, can you burn those corpses before some retarded worms come?"

"Is it alright?" Akainu asked worriedly.

"For you, it isnt a power but your body, so your good," I said with a mischevious smile, "Dont worry, I'll lift all living beings so you dont have to avoid anything."

I made a small sweeping motion, lifting all living beings off the ground and keeping them in the air 20 feet above the ground. Akainu made a similar gesture, as everything caught fire and turned into lava before dissipating as if no battle happened. The only tell of a war was the marking on the ground, however no blood or bodies could be seen. I smiled toward my husband, "Thank you dear."

"No trouble, my love," Akainu said and smiled at me.

"Papa! How did you do that?!" Tiny Arthur asked.

"Fufufu I'm a man of lava, that's a simple thing to do for me," Akainu said proudly to the little boy on his shoulder.

"Um... Are you sure mom wont get mad if you keep bragging?" Little Escanor said quietly from his other shoulder.

".....Sigh" Akainu sighed and looked toward me with a defeated look.

"Can you do stuff like that dad?" Little Zen asked hopefully.

"No, I'm not like him. I use haki and special techniques," Garp explained to Emmett and Zen.

"Oh, okay!" the boys said together.

"Wait.... What day is it?" I looked at the hobbit.

"Uh.... it's the 7th month 17th day..." the hobbit said quickly.

"Oh okay good. I thought I missed birthdays again!" I laughed quietly and looked at the kids, "I want a weeks reminder alright?"

"Pft.... Mom... Our birthday is a month away." Haku said while smiling in my arms.

"Good. Gives me time to think about your presents." I nodded then looked at the hobbit, "I can bring you back home quickly if you wish it."

"Yes please... I'm ready for some quiet time." the hobbit agreed.


"Again, thank you for the trees. I left a few of ours in your house." I said as I smiled at the hobbit and wizard. I had stolen the ring from the hobbit, and went off to get the others while the kids rested and the men taught the young ones control.

Spiriting around the continent, stealing the rings, stealing forgotten armor and swords, taking what I wanted where ever I went. It was a boring day. [We are ready for the first world. I believe Luci, Deth, and Gab are ready.]

[Not advised. Have them visit here first.] Prosperity.

[P.S. the goddesses are waiting to see the kids again.] Prosperity.

[We were just there a few days ago?] I sent.

[Told you they were baby crazy. Btw... You should go to Hogwarts again... I hear Snape and Lupin and friends.... and Voldemort has the stone..] Prosperity.

[What is the difference between Snapes?] I asked.

[This one wasnt as attached to Lily. Actually, the one you were with was somehow the original.. So all Snapes dream of a being like you without knowing you.] Galfus.

[Well shit... Hope my husbands dont mind hehe] I sent.

[Sending you there in 10 minutes. Please inform them so they dont kill anyone..] Galfus.

[Can my husbands learn there?] I sent.

[Yes] x 10

[Fantastic!] I sent and entered my space, "I'm being sent to save a place then we will be off to your world. It is mandatory for you to learn at this next one. Also, someone I was with in the past somehow made other versions of himself remember me so I may need to take responsibility for what happened..."

"....What?" Akainu said confused.

"Which part?" I asked.

"Uh the mandatory learning and ex thing.." he said.

"Ah. You'll see about the first part. The man is a teacher, he helped me when I was broken but I couldnt take the original. We are seeing a variation of him, one that was never on the dark side as a spy. So please be nice." I said.

"We should kill him." Garp said to Akainu.

"We should.." Akainu agreed.

"So I shouldnt take responsibility for my actions?" I asked and tilted my head.

"We dont have to be responsible for all of our actions?" The kids said and mimicked me.

"You should always be held accountable for your actions... We wont kill the bastard as long as he isnt a coward or an imbecile." Garp said.

"I'll kill him as soon as he fucks up, endangers any of the kids, or anything." Akainu said with a fierce look in his eyes.

"We will talk more about it later. However I accept. P.s. this world has some of my favorite snacks..." I said and left the space. [Good to go.] I sent.

[Alright.] Galfus.

I closed my eyes as a strong wind surrounded me. When the wind died down, I was once again floating in the dinning room of Hogwarts.

"Hello, I came to register my kids for classes." I said with a smile.

"....What?" old fuck asked confused.

"Honestly, I'm mostly here for snacks, but my family needs to learn your way of using magic. I'm asking instead of taking. Also, I was told to find a specific person for this thing called a potion. May I ask for assistance?" I smiled again.

" old are they? Who are you looking for?" woman asked.

"It depends on which world years you mean. I'm looking for... Snake? .... i think was their name. I need four types of potion thingies." I responded as I floated to the ground, "Geez, every time I go somewhere new I always end up messing something up. Thank the gods and goddesses it didnt happen this time!"

"My name is Snape... Are you her by any chance?" Snape asked suspiciously.

"Indeed! How long have you seen?" I asked.

"2 years... What potions do you need?" He asked.

"Hmm odd.. Its been over...nevermind. I need something that helps absorb sunlight, helps absorb ice, breath underwater for hours at a time, and lastly,... it's a bit personal so I wont say it." I said.

"You will have to find somewhere to go. You cant learn here." old fuck said with a frown.

"Hey. Old man, dont you know its impolite to try to read a ladies mind? I'm preventing you for your own safety. Dont want the principal to go mad now do we?" I smiled a fake smile at him, reading his mind.

"Er... right. You still cant learn here." old man said.

"If she goes, I go...." Snape said quietly.

"I dont need to learn here, I did already. However, my family needs to borrow your library." I said and looked at Snape, "I'll bring you with me under one condition."

"Why would we allow that?" Old fuck asked.

"Because. My name is Chloe, I'm older than you think. My favorite food is all things dark, curses, horcruxes, and the likes. I dislike fools who dont know better... Um... What was the last thing? Ah, I have a large family, so honestly I just need to use your library and a free room to teach them personally." I said with a smile.

".....I want proof you wont cause problems here..." old fuck said with a frown.

"Okay..." I smiled a little and winked at Snape, "I'll be borrowing a few of your students."

"....What are you doing?" old fuck seemed unamused.

"Getting a snack from them." I stated and walked toward the slytherin table before putting my hand up near my face and making a grabbing motion toward the table. Dark energy slowly poured out of the students with curses and residual energy came as well. I licked my lips and ate the energy quickly before going to other tables and doing the same thing. I was full before long and sat in the air, talking to Snape.

"How exactly do you do that?" he asked.

"I'm not a human, so I'm able to. Commanding other peoples energy, for me at least, is the same as making it rain or making England into a floating island." I shrugged.

"I see. Can I ask how many you need to teach? I can always lend you my own house." he said.

"That's very sweet of you, however, I have an exceptionally large family and they may need others to explain things. I can will what I want to happen but only a handful of the kids can do what I can." I said.

"Kids? How many? How old are they to you?" old fuck interrupted.

"Hm... The four oldest are 37. The next four are 22. Then six are 17. Then a 5 year old, and five two year olds. -whispers- that's why I need the special potion... I dont want any more kids right now..." I said with a sigh.

"That's a lot of kids for an unmarried woman...." the old lady said appalled.

"I am married though?" I said and tilted my head.

"What?" Snape said confused.

"I forgot... My first husband is dead. My second and third husband are in my personal space. The fourth is dead. The fifth and sixth are busy in their world after an overhaul of their government... Yup." I nodded.

"Bloody hell..." Snape was wide eyed.

"Well, you almost were my first husband but I wasnt adjusted to my mind yet so I did go crazy and hid it from you..." I mumbled.

"Mom.... Something is wrong with Haku.." Deth said as he appeared next to me.

"What happened?!" I said and pulled him out of the space... Haku was perfectly fine.

"Deth.... Which jackass sent you..." I said angrily.

"Haku did. He missed you and wouldnt stop crying, we couldnt figure out why so Akainu said to say exactly that." Deth stated, quickly and truthfully, playing the scene in his mind.

"Alright, Go eat. I'll be done here in a bit, I'll keep Haku with me," I said and looked at Haku, "Baby what's wrong?"

"-sniff- Dad said... -sniff- Dad said that you forgot my birthday... -sniff- And that I cant have cake since I'm technically a baby in a kids body.. wahh!" Haku said and started crying again.

"Baby, your birthday is in a few more days. How could mommy forget? I was going to make all kinds of cakes and goodies! Dont listen to dad, he doesnt know what hes talking about." I said and hugged him.

Nobody spoke for a while, Snape seemed confused and the other teachers had wands ready.

"There, there. How about we invite those silly ladies for your birthday?" I said with a smile.

"Is the colorful man gonna come too?" Haku asked with tears in his eyes.

"Do you want him to?" I asked.

"Y-yes! Hes silly.." Haku said with a little smile.

"Alright baby. It's getting late, you want to sleep on my shoulder or the pouch?" I said softly and wiped his face.

"Can Clara sleep with me?" he asked quietly.

"Of course!" I said and brought Clara the dire wolf out, laying them on my shoulder, "Get some rest. I'll put up a barrier of stars for you."

As I did so, Snape smiled a little. I looked at him, "My son Haku, he was born paralyzed. Only time can heal him now. Hes able to walk a little with the assistance of his dog. I may not care for most things but my kids always come first. If they get hurt because of anothers stupidity, I'm the least of your problems. His father will destroy this entire planet just to make Haku feel better, assuming he only got lightly injured. The downfall of a hothead as a husband, I guess."

"I see... Hes too young to do most of the classes here but I'll teach him theory. If they get hurt from something in classes, I'll use my own supplies to help heal them." Snape said after thinking a bit.

"Thank you," I said with a smile before reading his mind.

'I hope they dont hate me because im strict in classes... I do need to teach them properly, so being strict is fine... I hope they at least dont hate me..'

"...We have a room you can sleep in but itll need to be expanded so your family fits..." old fuck said with a sigh.

"There are three rooms near mine. Nobody likes the dungeon, so we have a lot of free space.." Snape offered.

"Dungeons are great!" Lucifer said as he appeared next to me.

"Lucifer! Manners!" I said and looked at him.

"My apologies, mom. The head maid asked if she should prepare dinner for you," Luci said.

The students had left for bed, so the teachers were left when Lucifer showed up. They murmured quietly asking why the king of hell was here.

"No, I ate already. Please tell her to get six others ready to clean some rooms." I said and sent him back.

"Who wants to meet my family?" I said to the group.

"I would like to see who I'm teaching," a few teachers said, along with Snape and the old lady.

I sent a mental message to the group, having them bring the babies out as well. Akainu looked mad, "Why cant Garp and I leave the space freely?"

"Because this is a school. If either of you damaged it, I'll break 'that' right off," I said with a sweet smile to them.

"This is a very lovely... dinning hall. It should be kept in good condition..." Garp said looking around.

"Which one of you is Snape?" Akainu said as smoke started to come off of his head.

"I am," Snape said and stepped forward, "Nice to meet you."

"I dont like you," Akainu said and crossed his arms.

"If I may, why are you smoking?" old fuck asked.

"BAHAHA!" Garp laughed loudly while pointing at Akainu, "Your a real hot head now! Bahahaha!"

"Shut it geezer!" Akainu glared at everyone but his eye stopped when he spotted me smiling at him.

"The poor floor. How can the kids learn here if you destroy the place?" I said with a smile as the floor melted under Akainu.