Ch 23. Auntie

After getting settled in our rooms, I went off to kill Voldemort. I wanted a year of relaxation, so I should just deal with it all quickly.


In that year, Snape became good friends with Akainu. I have no idea how but they did. The kids absorbed everything taught to them and helped advance a few things. Deth went off to meet Death. My kids collected on the different vaults they could claim in gringotts. Blah blah blah....

Snape and I married. I also stole a doggy... Okay I stole a human in dog form... In my defence, he is cute as a dog.


"Alright boys. It's time." I said and looked at the group.

"Time? For what?" Akainu asked. The other boys seemed confused, except for three.

"We are going to visit my friends before we go off. Gabriel, Lucifer, and Deth ask you wear black suits when we go to their home world..." I said and smiled bitterly.

"Oh.. Of course." Garp said and looked at the three.

"Let's look our best for the surprise of their lives! Sam and Dean are going down!" Lucifer smiled.

"I thought we were stopping the darkness?" Deth looked at Lucifer like he was stupid.

"Er... Datkness is going down! Woo..." Lucifer said and looked away.

"Dont mess with humans, Luci. Remember what happened when..." Gabriel got onto Lucifer and they argued back and forth for a bit.

"All right. Let's go already," I said with a sigh and sent them off.

[Ready when you are.] I sent.


"Bahaha! Snape, Sirius, welcome!" Prosperity laughed as we entered his house.

"What's so funny, Pros?" I asked with a smile.

"Ah... Its nothing. You're a bit early though." he chuckled.

"Indeed. They need to prepare and I want to celebrate one more birthday before we go off." I said and smiled.

"I see, well I hate to bother but we have some kidnappings in progress.... Dont worry, no harm will come to the kiddos or husbands. We need a favor though..." Prosperity said with a helpless look.

"Can I finally have a daughter?" I said with an expectant look.

"....Yes?" Prosperity smiled as he sweat dropped.

"Tell me about it," I nodded acknowledging the favor.

"Think of it as a vacation after the fight. It also serves as training for the younger ones..." he said as sweat fell from his forehead.

"What's the catch?" I asked.

"You, your husbands and dogs cant participate in any fights... and neither can your kids over 20..." he said.

"So training for the youngsters, no big deal." I nodded.

"And dont cause a ruckus... dont get involved with 'certain' people..." he said with a half smile.

"No deal! We live for a ruckus!" I smiled widely as I spoke. I didnt get a response so I just nodded, "When do I get a daughter?"

"....once you find a man with less agressive DNA...," he whispered.

".....FUCK!" I lamented.


A week passed. Today was Haku's real 5th birthday. We spent the day having fun and at the end of it, we had a massive cake.

The next day were the others kids birthdays. As everyone ran amock, having fun and relaxing, three werent celebrating.

Walking to them, I sighed, "Boys, come celebrate your birthday."

"What point of the timeline are we going to arrive? We want to make a plan." Gabriel said and looked into my eyes.

"Do you really want to beat her up?" I asked.

"....not so much anymore. I just want to see if we can even hold a candle to her..." Deth said.

"I mean shes gods sisters so its not like we could kill her on accident right?" Lucifer said.

"You do realize that your maybe a hundred times the strength you were back then, right?" I said with a raised eyebrow, "Not to mention, she was angry about being sealed."

"R-right... Do you think we can ask her for a sparring match?" Gabriel asked quietly.

"Indeed you can," I smiled, "Now, let's have some cake and open some gifts, yeah?"

"Yeah!" they said together.


"Rise and shine! Wakey wakey!" I said and went to each room, waking the kids up. Letting the older kids use the bathroom first, I woke up the four in my bed.

"Cant I sleep a little while longer? Itll take an hour just to get to use the bathroom!" Akainu said with a sigh.

"Come now, we have a personal one. Better hurry before they realize it and come to use it," I smiled mischievously.

Akainu bolted to the bathroom as everyone got up. I smiled and went to make breakfast as the kids came to the kitchen. Arriving in the kitchen, I found breakfast was already made by the maids.

"Thank you!" I called out to the maids and sat the kids down.

Took an hour to get everyone to use the bathroom and eat before I washed everyone with magic and we changed into black suits. "Everyone ready?" I asked.

"Yes!" the boys called out.

The men sighed and nodded as I nodded back and led them to say goodbye to the gods and goddesses.


"So this is your original world," Akainu seemed surprised.

"Its so advanced!" Garp said in wonder.

"The mana is so weird..." Snape said.

"This is the human realm. I resided in heaven, basically a sky island version of this." Gabriel said and pointed toward the city.

"I was in hell, basically the fire floor of impel down," Lucifer said and smiled, "Just a few thousand degrees hotter."

"I was in limbo, so a colorless version of this with only supernatural being that arent demons or angels... Sigh.." Deth said and looked around.

"So cool!" some of the boys yelled.

"Lucifer?!" a voice yelled behind us.

"Why if it isnt the two morons...," Lucifer sighed, "What is it?"

"How..? What?" a man in a leather coat was having trouble finding his words and he pointed in one direction then another.

"Boys, let's go meet your original auntie," I said and glanced at the two, ignoring them.

"Yes mom!" the three yelled.

"You two, please explain the human world to my family. This will be over soon," I said to the two then frowned as one was reaching for his gun slowly, "Harm my family and humanity ends right now."

Akainu flared up and lava started dripping from him. Garp took a fighting stance. Snape pointed his wand. Sirius shifted to dog form. The boys grabbed their respective weapons and the young ones came to me.

"STOP!" a woman and man yelled.

The two humans stopped and looked up to find a man and the woman they were just fighting, standing together scared. The man looked at the two, "Sam, Dean, even we cant do anything against them. I suggest you stop now."

The human in a leather coat moved his hands away from his gun and nodded, "How are there two lucifer's?"

"I presume your the god here?" I asked the floating man.

"Y-yes.." he said and nodded quickly.

"Good. Three of my sons originate from here. They wish to spar with their old auntie while I teach the rest about lore. Any objection?" I said.

"I can take these wimpy brats..." Garp grumbled as he stood properly.

"N-no issues Mrs. Tigan!" the god said.

"Good. Sam and dean, was it?" I look at the humans.

"Yes.. I'm Sam.. this is my brother Dean," the taller human said.

"Very well. Lucifer, Deth, Gabriel, go spar your aunt. I've already barriered the area so any damage will be repaired when your done, including lives lost. Just dont bully her," I said with a sigh before looking at my young kids, "Who wants a snack?"

Sam and Dean flinched and prepared to bolt. I smiled, "Since its morning still..... apple slices or banana chips?"

"Chips!" the kids yelled together, except for Haku, "Pineapple?"

I handed the kids their snacks and turned to the duo, "Can you explain some things to my husbands?"

Sam's eyebrow raised slightly as he looked at the older boys that were left and the older men. Dean looked confused.

The older kids shook their head and got onto the buildings to watch the spar better. Haku grumbled, "Such low tech things... Even a monkey could explain them where I'm from.."

"I know one Monkey who cant..." Escanor said.

"You leave Dad out of this, hothead!" Zen said angrily.

"Boys! Manners," I said and looked at the three as they quieted down and apologized to each other, "Haku, go explain then..."

Sam and Dean were silent for a while now. When I looked at them, they had moved a few feet back. I frowned and captured them with my chain tail, "I'll be 'borrowing' your hideout for a few weeks. Understood?"

"Y-yes..." Sam said and smiled lightly...

"....I'll kill him..." Akainu said and stepped closer to the duo. The heat radiating off of him caused the floor to melt.

"Dear... if you kill him, I'll cut it off," I said and smiled sweetly at Akainu.

"He shouldnt hit on my wife in front of me!" Akainu grumbled.

"The boy is scared, he smiled to calm the situation. Not his fault, he didnt know," I said and released the two, "Besides, this one is a good drinker. They drink beer instead of sake though.."

Akainu calmed and the spar soon ended. I sighed and brought the woman back to life and scolded my kids for being so rough on a woman. Sam and Dean, now terrified for their lives, agreed to all my requests.


"Oh, such a nice hide out... Do you mind if I rig it up?" L asked.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"I'm more of a detective, really, but I can at least upgrade your wiring with Killua and ... Snapes help." L said.

"What about me?" Killua asked.

"Rewire and upgrade electricity from this ultra low tech stuff." L said.

"Wait! I'm literally an inventor! I upgraded my Tardis all by myself back then, why not let me do it?!" Haku yelled.

"....Mom would kill us if you did it.. How about you draw it out, I'll interpret it for Snape to run the wires and Killua can start the flow?" L said.

"....Fine!" Haku agreed.

Dean smiled fakely, "Dont get hurt or ruin anything..."

"Dude... Dont force yourself to smile. We arent stupid little brats," Killua said with a frown.

"Ah.. my bad. I'm not good with kids..." Dean said.

"Dude... Dont say that outloud..." Sam whispered near him.

"Its alright, most of us can read minds so we know you've both been cursing us for a while. We simply dont care. Mom on the other hand, is doing her best to keep our dads in check before you get killed for your rude behavior. Manners are a must. after all." Lucifer said as he passed by them.

"How are you okay in here?" Sam asked Lucifer.

"Dont know. Ask my mom," Lucifer said.


As the weeks passed and the boys all learned about lore, Sam and Dean showed my husband around and took them out hunting. We met the Gabriel, Death, and Lucifer of this world. My boys were embarrassed of the weakness they had and wanted to kill them off, knowing the future events.

I laughed and decided to drop a bomb, "Boys, Its high time for a vacation. The next place will be home until Haku has grown up. Anyone over 20 when we get there can't participate in the fights. Any problems?"

"Can we explore?" Deth asked to which the older boys nodded.

"We shall see, anything else?" I asked.

"What's the real goal?" Garp asked deadpanned.

"To have a daughter!" I smiled justified.

Nobody spoke as I daydreamed of having a little girl with me.