Ch 24. Clover Cover

"Where are we?" Akainu asked as he looked around.

"This is a skull.... a massive skull..." Garp said while looking up.

"The mana is pure?" Snape questioned.

"Oh! I know where we are!" L said excitedly.

"Where are we?" Akainu raised an eyebrow at L.

"We are in the Clover kingdom. Outside of a small village, inside a demons skull." L said with a smile, "Based on these footprints, we are 10 years before 'that' happens."

"10 years before the start of canon, huh? Not bad. I'll explain more once we get a place set up. Try to mingle and be nice to the villagers," I said and sighed.


That we did. We made a house in the forest near the village as cover. We visited the capital and big cities. Met some iconic people. The boys grew into fine young men and even joined the magic knights. Moving to the capital was easier than expected.

The boys had become friends with both Yuno and Asta. When the group went to the capital, I refused to help them get there. Haku was still a mommas boy so he was saddened that I made him walk, however Clara stayed with him.

After moving to the city, I was visited by a group of odd people. Magic king and his magic knight captains, along with royalty members. Frustrated I let them into the cover house and let them sit at the dinning table so we could speak properly.

"We cant all fit in here..." the king said dissatisfied.

"From what I've heard, 25 people live in this house... Where are the rest?" the magic king asked.

"Personal dimension. I needed a cover house so...," I said with a faint sigh.

"Are you the maid or something? Being the only woman in a house of men.... It doesnt look good," said a man with a black robe like shawl.

"How dare you insult my mother!" Deth said as he popped out of the space.

"Sigh... Deth, manners. Please tell the maids to prepare for guests, tell your dads to stay calm, and your brothers to calm as well. They dont know, so dont cause trouble." I stated and sent him off, "Sorry, my kids are a bit protective, my husbands are worse though. Please refrain from making such comments again, my job is hard enough so dont make it harder."

"We're royalty, we can do as we wish." a silver haired moron said.

"Shouldnt have said that... Sigh... Let's be on our way then..." I said and opened the door to my dimension.

As the group entered, the maids were prepared to attack until I walked in. The stood at attention, "Welcome Supreme Ruler!"

"Stand down. This is the king and magic king of Clover kingdom. These are there entourage... Have you prepared the meeting room and snacks?" I asked.

"Yes! All is prepared and ready. We shall escort the guests now!" said the head butler as he did so.

The two kings stayed near me to speak, but neither did so as three men and three dogs approached. As a dog shifted into a man, he spoke, "So we have guests from upper society?"

"If they act like world nobles, they wont make it." Garp stated.

"If they flirt, I'll kill them," Akainu told Garo with a smirk.

Snape stayed silent as he glared at the two kings. I sighed, "My husbands, Sirius, Severus, Akainu, and Garp. Meet Julius Novacrono and Augustas Clover."

My husbands glared while Julius smiled and king stupid tried to look dignified. I sighed again, "Let us join the others...."

My phone buzzed. I looked at the message I recieved, "Mother Fuck!"

"What?!" Akainu tried to peep and saw the message, "So they came..."

"What?" Everyone was confused so I stepped to the side and sent [I'll deal with it. Just send.]

A second layer, wind swirled and snow fell. I sighed as two old men stepped in front of me. I smiled and reversed their time back to the day we met. "We will discuss this later, for now, come join us."

Garp smiled, "Hey old man."

"Old man yourself!" Sengoku yelled and tried to hit Garp.

Akainu heated up, "Hey Icey bastard."

"Hey yourself, hothead." Aokiji responded and turned to ice.

"Get the fuck inside so the supreme one can have her meeting." a maid 'kindly' reminded them.

"...As blunt as ever, Lisa." Akainu said with a frown.

"Your wasting time. The mistress is inside waiting for you along with everyone else. You four are late," she stated and glared at the four.

"We're going..." Garp said and leave the group to the room, Lisa following behind.

As the four came in and were seated, the meeting began. My kids were looking at their captains with bright smiles, while the rest had arms crossed and were frowning. I cleared my voice for everyone attention, "Now, nobody brings the strongest in the country to look into a single house. What's up?"

"When you moved here, many people had problems with their magic not acting when needed. You specifically were centered around it. However, when you were inside your house, the issues stopped. After a thorough investigation .." Julius spoke but was cut off.

"I see the issue and have a fix to it. I didnt notice at all so my bad." I said.

"What do you mean 'my bad'?" a masked man said.

"Edit your question. That's more of an attempted mockery," Snape said.

"What I mean is, 'my bad' isnt an apology. We also arent here for an apology. So what are you going to do to..." masked man said before Julius interrupted.

"How can you fix it?" Julius asked.

"I wont eat mana? How else?" I looked at them stupidly before realization struck me, "There arent mana eaters here..."

"What?!" some shouted and looked at me oddly.

"What's a mana eater? Does it have a taste?" Jukius asked with sparkles in his eyes.

"....I mean the name explains it.. And yes, each attribute has a unique 'taste'. Anything else?" I sighed.

"Yes! How is your mana so pure? When I look at you, you blend in perfectly with the surrounding mana," Julius said.

"Its the same with your ki..." a black haired black robes man said.

"Are you a mana eater?" king stupid asked.

"I am mana. I am Ki. I can eat mana but I am not technically a mana eater because I eat food as well." I stated.

"Quick question... Why are you really here?" Sengoku asked them.

"....Who are you?" King stupid asked.

"My apologies, my other husbands, Sengoku and Aokiji. This is Julius Novacrono and Augustas Clover, the magic king and royal king... Why are you really here?" I said.

"...about that.. It was confirmed that your kids arent human by civilians. We need to know if your a threat or not." Julius said with a forced smile.

"I see. We came here for vacation really," I said and looked toward the kids, "Its been a long time since we could just kick back for a few years and relax."

"You dont have anything against humans?" masked man asked.

"Not particularly. I mean sure, some stupid idiots deserve ire but honestly, when you live as long as we do, it just doesnt matter anymore. Besides, my husbands are human (ish) and so are some of my kids." I said.

"How old are you?" king stupid asked. A few other 'royals' looked at me in expectation.

Frowning, I looked at the idiot, "Three trillion. Give or take a few billion."

Nobody spoke for a while until Garp laughed, "Isnt she so young and beutiful?"

"How did you pull that off?" black robes man said.

Most of kids were glaring at the other group, Haku spoke up, "Um.. Captain Yami, only two people here cant read your mind...."

"Which two?" Yami, the black robes man asked with a forced smile.

"That would be us..." Sengoku and Aokiji said.

"And which one did you say I should be wary of?" Yami asked Haku.

"All of them... Sir.." Haku tried to hold his laughter.

Nobody spoke as Yami sat back in his chair with a guilty look. Julius had a red face as he sat back. The 'royalty' all had slightly wide eyed and looked away. The few in the clear had raised eye brows and confused faces.

"Enough..." I sighed.

"I cant let them off!" Akainu yelled and slammed his fist on the table.

Some of the magic knights were startled and prepared to attack. I sighed again, "They didn't know so it doesnt count... However dirty minds should be left away from children." Glaring at the culprits, I stood up, "If that's all, then you should go back."

"Can we count on you... In times of trouble..?" king stupid asked.

"No. Anyone in my family over 20 cannot participate in any fight or they will be forced to live in here until we leave in a few years." I stated and pushed them out of my dimension, "Besides, you should train your knights harder....."

I went back to my dimension and kicked the kids out, "Twenty and older, go explore. The rest of you can go live at your hideouts. Love you."

"Love you too!" the kids yelled and went off, following their captains or going off to explore the world.


After the men got acquainted, I took Sengoku and Aokiji with me for some fun to make up for the many years we didnt see each other. After three days, the others joined as well. When all was said and done, we found a guest at the front door.

"What do you want?" I asked with a sigh.

"....Its been bugging me for a while... Why do you look at me in pity?" the man asked.

"Come in..." I sighed again and let the man into my dimension. We found Akainu and Garp fighting Sengoku and Aokiji while yelling, Snape and Sirius laughing and pointing at them. I frowned, "What's this about?"

"Sengoku and Aokiji said they should have more time with you because they were alone for 30 years. Akainu and Garp said that they cant monopolize you or they would kill the duo." Snape stated after calming down, "So he came. Will he join?"

"Shush. It is up to the gods to decide his fate," I said quietly.

"What's up to me?" a voice bellowed behind me.

"Oh my colorful friend, were you easy dropping again?" I smiled at the rainbows man.

"No dear, I came with your hair cut and design. Let the men folk fight, us colorful beauties can do our hair," Galfus smiled and poofed a chair into the area, "Snape, test his magic for us."

"....I just wanted to ask a question...." the man grumbled.