Ch. 25 We meet again

Unable to see eye to eye, we stared at each other in silence for the umpteenth time in the past hour. It was my turn to break the silence.

"I'm not looking down on your work. I'm simply stating that in my eyes, it needs a bit more power to it. Everything else is perfect, it just is missing something to give it that extra bit," I said and looked him in the eyes.

"And I'm telling you that it doesnt need more power. It needs less volume," the man stated.

"Fine. Let's view it on a hologram and get a vote." I said and pulled out two tablets.

We quickly created our holograms and angrily stormed to the fighting men, "Settle our debate!"

"Er? About what?" Sengoku said confused as he stopped from punching Garp.

"Which looks better!" Galfus said, "We wont say which is which so you can vote accordingly."

As the men gathered, they all looked confused. Galfus and I were becoming angrier as we heard their unified though, 'They look the same...'

"THEY ARE NOT THE SAME!" Galfus yelled.

"Its obvious one favors power while the other volume! FUCK!" I said angrily.

The maids came out as well as the butlers and they surrounded the area. A few nodded and gave actual votes but it all came to one point in the few mind, 'Why not merge them together? Power is good but too much volume. Volume is good but too little power.'

I looked at Galfus and he back at me before we both frowned and spoke, "I'm sorry!"

As we hugged and ranted about all the hateful things we said to each other, the men were all frowning, including the guest. After calming, I nodded, "Let's do it."

The men panicked, worried about my statement as we disregarded everyone else. I took off my top shirt and smiled as Galfus spoke, "I need to get ready first. Oh! I have something special, you just might love!"

As he made a box appear and directed me to the chair, the men watched intently. My guest was confused. As I sat in the chair and Galfus opened his box, pulling a brush out, the men sighed in relief before laughing and chatting with eachother.

I waved it off and let Galfus do as he pleased to my hair, "So how about him?"

"Good genetics." Galfus nodded.

"What's the official ruling?" I asked with a small smile.

"By my say, he has potential for what you're thinking... However it may take more than once," Galfus said while humming.

The men grew quiet when he said that. The guest confused again, decided to ask, "What are you thinking?"

Akainu frowned, "I say, we initiate him like we were..."

"Agreed." Garp stated and looked at the guest.

"Initiate me for what?" the guest asked intrigued.

"I do want 'that' but I'm not willing to collapse a kingdom for it." I told Galfus.

"Wait... What?" Sengoku asked confused, "You collapsed our government, why not his?"

"Well not yet at least. I did wait over ten years to fix one government. I can wait a while for this one as well," I hummed with a smile.

"You're planning to collapse the kingdom?!" the guest yelled.

"Can I tell him?" I asked Galfus.

"This isnt the original, so do what you want. Just remember that this was a training area for the little ones. By the way, a few groups wished to join you since they have finished their lifespans. Most as subordinates or sight seers. Three in particular want to have a meeting with you and your husbands though." Galfus said with a laugh.

"Ah fuck, dont tell me..." I sighed imagining three people.

"Yup. And another handful wish to be reborn/ adopted by you." Galfus laughed.

"I AM NOT A BABY MAKER!" I yelled furiously.

"Since its adoption, they will be implanted with your genetics. In the long run, you will gain two adopted daughters," Galfus laughed harder, "Oh, I'm done coloring but I need a bit for the rest, so dont move."

"When do I need to see them?" I asked with a sigh.

"All are ready and waiting. Should I call them?" Galfus asked.

"Not yet. Let me have my words with this one first." I said and looked at my guest, "Julius, I looked at you with pity because I've seen your death. I will not be apart of your kingdoms downfall, nor will I be the reason for it. I may be able to do as I please most of the time, but your kingdom is in need of a wake up call and you know it."

Julius stayed silent so I spoke, "If I personally helped you, you cannot stay here any longer and would have to leave with me. If you decide not to ask for my help, you and at least half the country will perish before the other half is slaughtered by another country."

"I understand. Then I'll ask for your help in advance. Please save the kingdom." Julius said and looked down.

"No." I stated.

"W-what? But you just.." he stuttered.

"I am not going to save a kingdom for anyone." I looked up into the sky, "I dont have a problem saving my husbands kingdom though. I've seen your thoughts, we all have."

"I... I didnt think you would accept... And I thought they would kill me if I voiced it..." Julius said quietly.

"Do you know why the wont hurt you, except in sparring sessions?" I mused.

"No... why?" he asked hesitantly.

"Because I told them about you a long time ago. Except for Sengoku and Aokiji, everyone is alright with it." I laughed.


After the conversation, he proposed to go on a date to better know each other. I agreed and he left to 'prepare' for said date and the soon to arrive problems. Galfus reminded me if the three men, so I agreed to meet them on the spot.

As all three appeared, I laughed my ass off. Garp, Akainu, Sengoku, and Aokiji became angry but calmed down once I glared at them. I returned the three to their prime and motioned for them to sit, "So you wanted to talk to me and my husbands?"

The tallest man nodded as he plopped on the ground, "Indeed. Any chance another old fool can accompany you?"

"Depends on the old fool and his reasons." I stated and Galfus smacked me with a brush, "Ouch! What was that for?!"

"You moved." Galfus smirked.

"Colorful bastard!" I said and glared at him.

"He isn't the type to betray. Though he may plan a bit far into the future for stupid reasons, hes a good one." Galfus said quietly.

The man stayed silent during the exchange but had a giant grin on his face. The other two watched quietly.

"Alright, alright. Can you put past grievances aside and not cause in fighting? The same for you four!" I said.

"Yes," they all agreed immediately.

I raised my eyebrow, "Alright. And you two?"

"I also wish to join.." said one man.

"As do I," said the other.

"Can you also put aside past grievances?" I asked.

"Yes," both agreed immediately.

"And you five?" I asked the four marines and pirate.

"Yes," all five agreed.

"And can you two accept this?" I asked the silent wizards.

"No problems here," Snape said.

"Nor here," Sirius agreed.

"Very well. I welcome you to the Tigan family. This is my colorful bastard of a friend, Galfus." I smiled.

"Soooo who are they?" Sirius asked with a smile.

"Ah! That (points to the first man) is Edward, also known as Whitebeard. That (points to the second man) is Mihawk, also known as Hawkeye. And that (points to the last) is Jinbei. Now it's time to adopt some daughters!" I grinned maniacally.

Nobody spoke for a bit as the former warlords and pirate joined the group. Galfus smiled, "I'm going to start styling soon, dont move around. Just have them confirm that they are officially known as a Tigan."

"YES!" I said excitedly.

"Oldest first... This may shock you though," Galfus said and laughed as a man appeared.

"Hello again," I said with a smile.

"Its good to see your doing well.." the man said quietly.

I nodded and smiled, "So you wish for me to adopt you?"

"Yes please.." he said and smiled softly.

"Alright, do you accept the Tigan name for the rest of your life?" I asked.

"I do," the man nodded.

"From this moment on you will be Tigan D. Dragon. Your father is behind you, go catch up," I said and turned him back into a 20 year old.

"Thank you... mom.." he said quietly and smiled a bit brighter.

"Group incoming," Galfus said and smiled.


All the straw hats appeared. After adopting them all, another boy appeared, Ace. Then Harry Potter. By the time my hair was styled and finished, I had doubled my family damn near. I smiled, "Colorful bastard, join us for a party."

"Only if you answer your door and accept him as well. Just to let you know, he dies the same day as Julius." Galfus said and put his things away.

"Fine, fine. I'll be right back," I said to the group. After I entered the cover house, I opened the door as someone was about to knock, "Hello again."

"You knew I was coming?" he asked.

"I did. What's up?" I smiled at him.

"Can we talk privately?" he asked.

"Of course, Come in. I locked space so nobody will hear us." I said as I did so.

He entered the house and watched me, "I cant get you out of my head."

"Welcome to the club. You've also been on my mind." I stated, it was the truth.

"So what do we do now? I'm not one for being round about." he stated.

"Very well. I dont take others last names, however you can keep your own if you wish." I said.

"Alright," he said and captured my hips, "So are you now my wife?"

I smiled mischievously, "Indeed. It takes a lot to satisfy me, so you better be okay with others joining."

He kissed me softly, "As long as I'm not the one they come after, I dont care."

"Good," I kissed him softly and smiled.


After Yami left, I went back to my space, "Yami joined."

Akainu raged and I laughed, "Let's have a party!"


And so we did. After the children slept, us grown up had a different party of our own. Galfus left early because of 'godly duties'. The next morning, I was still awake and unsatisfied. As I grumbled to the kitchen, wearing my black suit for shits and giggles, I came upon Sanji cooking, making me furious! I calmed down the best I could and entered the kitchen, "Today is going to be a very long day if you cook alone."

As I started up the six other stoves and heated all four burners on each stove top, turned on the ovens and sighed aloud as Sanji looked at me confused, "I can cook everything, why not let me make you some food?"

"Because everyone will be up soon. Can you have enough food for 240 heavy eaters in thirty minutes?" I asked.

"...No I cannot..." he looked down ashamed.

"Neither can I. So let's call some friends, yeah?" I smiled and looked at him.

"Who?" he was confused.

"Hey, shadow, we could use your and Sanji's shadows help. Do you mind?" I asked. Sanji raised an eyebrow before nearly falling on his face as our shadows became people. I nodded, "Thank you. Can you make bread and bake the bacon? We will do the eggs, pancakes, and gravy." I said to which the two shadows nodded. I turned to Sanji, "Pick one. Scrambled eggs or gravy?"

"Gravy?" he said confused.

"Alright, make two pots of gravy, fried 10 lbs of ground sausage loosely and use the oil as the gravy base instead if butter. I'll do the rest." I said and we got to work.


As everyone woke up, I had the maids bring them down. Once everyone was seated, the food was brought out. As everyone ate and chatted, I smiled.