Ch. 26

"Is this the legendary Chloe's breakfast?!" A voice yelled.

"Come sit, old man. I'll make you a bowl," I said and laughed at the old mans antics, "Old man lava, what are you up to?"

"My inheriter just got a fiery son. You think I wont come?!" Old man lava yelled.

"Make me a bowl too!" a grumpy voice said.

"You came as well, Old B?" I said surprised.

"I'm kidnapping. Dont mind." he waved me off.

"So that's what this is... All kidnappers are welcome to breakfast." I said to nobody before the room doubled in size and many people say down. I sighed, "My friends will be taking you all for some fun."

I made bowls of food and handed them out. Sanji was watching the way I made the food quietly before asking, "Whats the famous Chloe Breakfast?"

"Ah... cut up your biscuits and pancakes into bite sized pieces, put scrambled eggs and cheese on top of it, smother in gravy and syrup before adding more cheese and hash browns before mixing together. It's my favorite food after certain mana types." I said with a giggled, "Not many try it because of the flavor clash but I promise its delicious. You can even add bacon and other things if you want."

"I'll have to try it," Sanji said and made himself a bowl.


After everyone ate, they were all kidnapped by the gods and goddesses. I sighed and changed into all black skinny jeans, baggy extra long long sleeve shirt, and furred moccasins.

As I left to go speak to the boys, shadow came back to me and sighed as well. "Lisa, James, Please triple the house size so the kids have their own rooms. Also prepare rooms for the men, and enlarge the master room and bathroom. And for the love of all things sanitary, add more bathrooms!"

"As you command Supreme Ruler!" they said.

I left the space and headed toward the different hideouts, Spiriting to my kids location. As I arrived at a silver haired brats base, I knocked politely. A random brat opened the door, so I smiled, "My son is here. I need to talk to him."

"Who is your son?" the random asked.

"....Stop hiding your presence! I know your here. I came to tell you about your new brothers and sisters! Get out here!" I glared at a window and spoke a bit loudly.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave..." silver haired captain said with a frown as he appeared behind the random person.

"As I stated already, I came to talk to my son. I dont care what he's doing, I just came to tell him some news." I stated.

"I will relay it." silver hair said.

"Very well. You'll need a pen and paper then." I smirked.

"I have excellent memory. Dont worry." he said.

"Okay. Yami, Whitebeard, Jinbei, Mihawk and potentially Julius have joined. I've adopted Dragon, Straw hats, Ace and Potter. They were just kidnapped after breakfast by Galfus and company. The house is being rebuilt so dont enter for three days. Jade and Jazz are expecting so leave them alone. Dont cause a scene or permanent house arrest until your dad is done with you." I smiled, "Oh and whitebeard family may become subordinates."

"Is that all?" the man asked.

"Yes." as I said that, the man frowned.

I nodded and bid goodbye, spiriting to the next base, repeating the process until I got to the black bulls hideout.

"Haku! Grey! Yami! I came to visit!" I yelled as I approached the base.

"Mom!" Haku jumped out the window followed by Clara. Grey strolled out, shirtless and smiling like a fool.

"That's your mom?!" a small brat said as he came out, followed by the other brats. Not long later, Yami came out with a grin, "You came over?"

"Hehe, I came to share news. You want good or bad news first?" I grinned mischievously.

Yami smirked and grabbed my waist, kissin ghb me softly, "Bad news first."

Haku and Grey smiled and agreed.

"Very well. They were kidnapped after breakfast by Galfus and friends." I smiled and laughed as I saw their confused faces.

"Who was kidnapped?!" The other brats asked shocked at the way I told news.

"What's the good news mom?" Haku asked with a mischevious smile.

"Whitebeard, Jinbei, and Mihawk joined after Yami, before Julius. I adopted Dragon, the straw hats, Ace and Potter. I made my famous breakfast this morning... I'm forgetting something.... Oh! Jade and Jazz are expecting, the house is being expanded, um... right, more bad news, If you cause a scene your dads will deal with you while your on house arrest." I nodded and smiled.

"Did i hear that right?" a brat said.

"You mean our big brothers finally came to join us?! And so did uncle dragon?!" Grey said amazed.

"Mhmm. And the whitebeard family will maybe become subordinates," I nodded.

"How is he uncle dragon if he became our brother though?" Haku asked confused.

"How many husbands does that make?" Yami asked with an odd look in his eyes.

"Including the dead and soon to be?" I asked.

"Yes..." Yami said.

"13 then. Two dead. One soon to be." I stayed. The brats nearly fell over while i very quietly mumbled, "You'd expect they could satisfy one person but no, just a bunch of teases... Assholes.."

Yami who barely heard me burst out laughing, "9 couldnt even... Hahahahaha!"

I smiled and spoke to the brats,"I hear the capital has some 'attractions' You all should go see."

"....Yes ma'am..." the kids left quickly except one, who seemed thoroughly confused. Haku came back and dragged the boy off with a sigh.

Yami brought me inside and to his room. I barriered the place before stripping.


Yami lit a smoke, "Want to go see him together?"

I took his smoke and took a puff, "Mm.. I have to go to the capital anyways, so why not."

"What's at the capital?" he asked.

"A trial for youngsters," I said and gave him back the smoke.


We went to the capital and met up with the still confused grey haired brat, noble silver hair brat, a man with glasses, a red head brat and a black haired brat. I raised my eyebrow at the two boys bickering before grey hair brings up what I said earlier. The others look at me oddly. I waved with a smile as Yami pulls me closer to him and says, "Let's go meet him."

As we came into the castle and were guided to the right room, I smiled more until I had a mischievous smile on my face and let a giggle escape my lips, "Can I mess with him?"

Yami laughed, "If you can make him flustered, I'll do anything you ask for a week!"

"Deal! No backing out! We have witnesses!" I said with a maniacal smile.

"Please dont play around. He is a king," Glasses spoke.

"I can play around with my future husband all I want, brat," I stated and glared at the man.

"W-what?" he became confused!

We entered the room and I let business be conducted before I floated to him, "I came to visit~"

"I can see that.. The captains have came to complain this morning about you coming to visit them." he said.

I smiled and released my tail from around my body, "When do I get to kidnap you?" As I spoke, my tail swishes across his face.

As he became flustered, "We can... do something now."

"Nyeah? Like what?" I smiled as my tail wrapped around his arm.

"U-um.. How about a stroll through town?" he asked slightly blushing.

"Alrighty. Oh, I need a place to spend the night. As you know, my place is being renovated." I pressed my chest on his back and spoke in his ear.

As he shivered and looked at me, "O-okay.."

I smiled and kissed his very softly on the cheek, "Thank you my dear."

"No p-problem..." he muttered and stared at me.

Black haired kid broke the silence, "You have a tail?"

"Indeed. Multiple actually. Care to see them all?" I asked him.

".....Maybe not now..." Yami said with a chuckle.

"You havent seem them all, only my oldest boys really have besides my shadow." I smiled at Yami.

"What do you mean?" Yami asked confused.

"Shadow, stop being so shy," I giggled and looked at my shadow wrapped around Julius shadow. As my shadow flickered and grumpily came out I frowned, "I know you're cold. It's not my fault the old man... I'm not arguing with you anymore... Agreed, go on then."

I sighed and wrapped my tail back around my body and put a furred coat on, "It is cold here... Maybe we got used to islands.."

"I dont know how to respond to that..." glasses spoke quietly.

I raised my head, "Off you youngsters pop. Your needed elsewhere."

"What do you mean?" Yami asked.

"It has begun. I'll leave you be and watch over everything," I said and jumped from the window.


I watched the capital come under attack. As fires started, I summoned rain and kept casualties to a minimum as my kids fought with the other magic knights. When everything was said and done, everything from canon happened, just slightly deviated by less casualties and wreckage.


A week has passed and Julius has decided to join, officially. I brought Yami and Julius to meet the new members of my family. They were beyond shocked by the group literally taking classes on mind reading. I laughed, which took everyone attention, so I spoke up, "Sorry, I didnt mean to interrupt. Just wanted to introduce these two to everyone."

As the duo were greeted, Julius asked the 'grown ups' what their past jobs were out of curiosity. I held my laughter as each spoke out, shocking the men and some of the kids.

Dragon laughed after that, "I was the leader of the revolutionary army!"

"I was the Pirate King!" Luffy yelled.

"Greatest swordsman in the world, after that old man," Zoro smirked.

"Potions teacher," Snape said.

"I was a prisoner under false accusation," Sirius threw in his two cents.

"Marine fleet admiral. Retired." Sengoku said.

"Marine fleet admiral after him. Also retired." Aokiji said.

"Who did you leave it to?" I asked quickly, interrupting.

"Smoker," Aokiji said with a smirk.

"Good choice," I smiled.

As the rest said what they were, Harry stayed silent. All eyes ended up on him, so he spoke, "I... uh... became the magic prime minister. When I retired, I became headmaster at hogwarts..."

"What?" most said.

Snape spoke up, "He was the king of magic before he retired and taught youngsters magic at the best school in the world."

"Ooh..." the group replied.

"Marvelous!" Julius said and smiled.


The story progressed as canon told it. Once the fateful day came, I did as promised. I intervened and stopped the slaughter. I helped the elves, helped create peace between the races, and ended 'vacation'. Why did we return so soon? Simple. Some dumb ass did the unthinkable and I needed to kick his ass for it.