Arriving in front of Galfus house, I yelled, "Why wasnt I told?!"

Galfus came out, panicked, "About what?!"

"Dont fuck with me! WHY WASNT I TOLD?!" I yelled.

"ABOUT WHAT?!" he yelled back.

"Where is she..." I said through clenched teeth.

"Who?!" he asked.

"You know damn good and well. Where is she?" I frowned.

"....We arent getting anywhere... Name?" he sighed.

"Nicole." I stated.

"....You mean..?" he asked.

"Indeed." I stated.

"This will be hard to hear..." he said and looked at me sadly.

"Say it. Now," I demanded.

"She was reincarnated without her memories. Because of her bad karma in your life with her, she had a bad next life comparable to what you went through. She is named Ayzlee now...." Galfus said quietly.

"Why did she have bad karma?" I asked.

"Dont ask unless you are truely prepared for the answer..." he said and looked at the floor.

"TELL ME!" I demanded.

My husbands came out of the space. They seemed worried. Akainu looked between us, "Friends dont keep secrets Galfus."

".....Then come sit down... I'll bring in three people first." Galfus said and made a call, "Bring Ann and David with you. If you need to bring your phones, it's fine but we need to talk now."

After hanging up, he turned to us, "Do they know?"

"Akainu, Garp, Sengoku, and Aokiji know. I almost killed them when I had that.... problem after Haku was born." I said.

"Okay. Well if you want to tell them, do so now before the guests get here..." Galfus said quietly.

"Why?" I questioned angrily.

"Because its connected," he said and looked at the floor.

"Let's wait for them then," I said.

A few minutes later, three people knocked on the door. Galfus let them in and sat them on another couch before speaking, "This is Sies, Ann, and David. They have had contact with Ayzlee."

"Is this about Ayzlee?" Ann asked quietly.

"Yes... it's about her life before being Ayzlee..." Galfus said.

"Ah... Nicole... What about her?" Seis asked.

The man named David frowned, "I remember the devil named Nicole..."

Galfus cleared his throat and looked at David like an idiot, "This is Nicole's younger sister, Chloe."

"Fuck...." David whispered and sighed.

"Tell me why you called her a devil," I glared at the man.

"....You dont know?!" David seemed shocked.

"Tell me before I smack someone," I said angrily.

"You have to know first, that once she became Ayzlee, she was wiped clean except her debt. She paid it but I took pity on her... Her life was horrid to the point she lost emotions completely. She gaining them back slowly and has children of her own now. She isnt the same person." Seis said.

"What does any of that have to do with me?" I stated.

"She works for me. Ann is my secretary. David is one of many medics for all of us lower gods to send to help the lower worlds, he has helped Ayzlee." Seis said.

"Chloe, do you remember the night you were taken?" Galfus asked.

"Not entirely. Why?" I asked.

"You have been blaming one person for what happened initially, when you should be blaming someone else for making him do it." Galfus said

"Get to the point, Galfus." Akainu frowned.

David frowned back, "Nicole paid off Chloes boyfriend and his friends to kidnap her. She didnt care what happened afterwards, as long as Chloe was gone, Nicole could get everything she wanted easily. She literally caused Chloes trauma. When Chloe returned, Nicole put poisons in the pills, drugged and assaulted, attempted to kill Chloe in a car accident but ultimately killed herself instead."

"Prove it..." I said glaring at the man.

Galfus flicked my forehead, showing everything from Nicole's point of view, proving it happened. After the memories ended, I asked quietly, "Why didnt you tell me?"

"I thought I was showing you mercy.." Galfus said quietly.

"Because of her... I became a broken mess because she wanted more attention? I became a monster...," I whispered as my kagane slowly kept out.

"You dare call yourself a monster?!" Galfus yelled as he stood up, "If your a monster then what does that make the person who did it?!"

"Galfus..." I spoke through gritted teeth.

"What?" he angrily replied.

"Take the kids and freeze the time. I need pain, if you lot cant agree with it, then dont go to the space.." I growled out and entered the space, kicking every person out, including the maids and butlers.

All the men entered the space to find the area covered in chains and destroyed building. A dark figure holding me down, my chains slowly retreating back to me as I tried to gasp for air. Snape tried to pull the dark figure off before Garp stopped him, "Shadow, has it started already?"

The dark figure smiled menacingly and nodded, choking me harder. Garp nodded and put his hand over shadows before she retreated and Garp choked me, "You want pain. How much?"

I tried to push him off, unsuccessfully. Sengoku sighed, "You arent that weak. Besides, you havent made your intentions clear."

The seven who didnt understand what the two meant, just watched worriedly. Akainu spoke this time, "Feels good to be pantsless. I'm going to sit over here." As he moved to the side, stripping, my eyes gleamed watching him.

"Aweful hot in here, huh?" Aokiji said as he stepped to the side, also stripping.

Garp smiled, "This isnt fun. I have a better idea."

As he let go of my throat, I coughed and smiled, "More.... Please!"

Garp smiled and bent me over his knee, ripping my clothes off, "No more being gentle." As he spanked me, shadow went to Akainu and Aokiji, riding one and sucking on the other. The others seemed to catch on but slightly confused.

Sengoku shook his head, "All problems are solved with pain, for her at least. So far we havent used out powers, except Garp barely using haki when he spanks her. Without pain, her mind breaks and horrid memories flood her mind. She then tortures those in the vacinity by forcing them to relive her trauma at 10% the pain she felt. I'll give you a tip, her shadow double feels what she does and both will prevent you from exhaustion, she regenerates, and she has chains along with a very sensitive tail. Now if you'll excuse me."

White beard and Jinbei were shocked by what Sengoku said but went along with it. Not long later, all joined.


To us, we spent a week in the space before the devil fruit users decided to use their powers.

Being frozen and burned alive while stretched beyond belief, hurts badly. It hurt so much, I cried. All three stopped and used their powers to create a hot bath for everyone to join in on as I silently cried. Someone spoke, much to every persons ire. Unconciously, my kagane burst out and shadow came with it.

Once I woke up, I found shadow binding me, so I spoke, "I'm conscious and in control now."

Shadow nodded and released me as I heard a voice nearby, "The poor house is broke."

I looked at the debris and returned it into a house, "No idea what you mean... the house is fine..."

"What about you?" the voice asked.

"Hmm... I could use a hug..." I said as a tear fell.

"Who do you want to hug though?" another voice asked.

"All of you...," I started crying again and kept apologizing.


"I've been wanting to ask for a while now," Akainu spoke up.

"W-what?" I said as I calmed down.

"The boys once said that you dont feel pain unless it exceeds a certain limit. How can what we did effect you then?" he asked. The others all listened closely.

"That's slightly wrong. I dont really feel anything except pressure unless its during... The residual lightning gets stimulates which ends up flipping my sensors on? It's like that. So my pain tolerance for that is different from my normal tolerance." I said.

"Residual lightning?" Whitebeard asked.

"....heavenly tribulation lighting of the second to highest caliber..." I said weakly avoiding eye contact.

Nobody spoke for a while until Yami spoke up, "So Sengoku mentioned you once showed them your past and transferred 10% of the pain or something. I'd like to see it.."

"See it, sure. Feel it? Your body couldnt handle over 5% and that includes breaking your mind and driving you to insanity." I said still looking away.

"So... use 1% or something." Yami said.

"I wont ever do that again..." I said quietly.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because you will look at me like a monster, trash, with pity or contempt, leave, hate me, loathe me, wish for my death," I rambled.

"We only saw the less gruesome and less painful parts...," Sengoku added quietly.

I glared at him, "What I showed you wasnt gruesome or very painful..."

"Why not see through the one thing," Garp said off handedly.

I glared at him, "You want to know? Fine. I'll show you." I pulled out the memories from that place and let them watch in a bowl of water.


After an hour, the group came out of the water bowls and all proceeded to look at me with shock and worry. Some threw up. One however was odd. Whitebeard, scooped me up and hugged me.

"W-why are y-you h-hugging me?" I asked scared.

"I wont leave. Even if you try to force me. I wont, so get over it," he stated and kept hugging me.

"Arent you fiesty," Yami said with a smirk.


After everyone collected their minds, I took my memories back. Julius spoke first, "How old were you...?"

"....I was 16..." I said quietly while 'pinned' to his lap.

"What do you want to do now?" he asked me quietly.

"Stop hiding..." I mumbled in a whisper.

"Hiding?" I heard a few of the men ask with perked up ears.

"....Before Ris, I was literally certified with insanity. I scared Galfus when I met him because I didnt restrain myself. I didnt have any responsibility so I did as I pleased without a care. I know I have a sadistic mind, and I'm okay with that. But others arent..." I said while looking around, seeing the faces of my husbands.

"I dont see what's so bad?" Yami said with a slight smirk.

"Alright, riddle me this. When your up late at night, what does your mind immediately think of to relax and sleep?" I asked him.

"....I think of the few things I remember from my birth place," Yami said.

"Thats normal. What about you guys?" I asked everyone.

They gave similar answers except for Aokiji, "I remember Ohara...."

"All normal..." I said with a sigh before moving out of Julius lap, sitting by myself facing the group.

"If we are so 'normal' then what about you?" Sengoku asked, to which others agreed and nodded.

"The use of a human body, all the ways to kill someone, the answer to the one true question, the question to the one true answer. Why did that one serial killer use skin to make cookies instead of organ tissues? Why did Pennyworth prefer eating children? In the mutant world, if two mutants had a human child, do they kill it?" I rambled on before looking at the sky, "If I dont have a daughter the next time I have kids, I may have to create someone so I can have the proper genetics added so the aggressive genetics of you lot slow the fuck down..."

Nobody responded but Julius seemed a little disturbed, " children? cookies?"

"Those are the worthless thoughts that initially pass before I ponder on many things," I said amusedly to a passing cloud, "Pennyworth is a clown from someones imagination turned into a fictional movie. The serial killer was but a mortal who had a horrid life and went insane, following others footsteps. Mutants dont discriminate like humans do unless they believe themselves to be a superior race because of a power trip. I cant create any more beings or the boys will become bored of visiting Nazerick. I will never have a daughter because submissive men run from me."

"Alright... What's one dark thing you really think about then?" Akainu said curious but worriedly.

"If I take off my jewelry, how quickly will all living beings around me die? Does the time, place, or conditions have any affect on it? If so, what's the limitation? What can stop it? What empowers it? Would they feel pain?" I said dazed as shadow came out and sat in front of me, "I wont do it because others will be sad. I can say with confidence that I care deeply about my family here, however a part of me simply disregards all life... Including my own... and demands the death of all beings who wronged me or may wrong me... Thoughts are thoughts, so dont think too much on it."

The place stayed silent as shadow and I stared each other down. I eventually smiled menacingly, "We should go visit right?" Shadow crossed her arms and seemed angry.

"Visit who?" Whitebeard asked.

"Not a who, a what. They are different beings who all make up a part of my mind and can help you understand it," I said smiling.

"Sounds fun, but what about the kids?" Sengoku asked.

"Those that have finished training will be sent on a quest. The rest will be left with the gods to train. I'll leave a phone with all of them so we can keep in touch. Let's go!" I said and stood up.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Mihawk mumbled.

"I second that..." Sirius said quietly.