Ch. 28 Nice to see you....

As we entered Galfus room as if nothing happened, I smiled to the three guests and Galfus, "She isnt my sister. My sister is dead. I do NOT have a sister or any family besides my husbands, kids and shadow. I have amazing friends and dont give a fuck about some random bitch. Now, I am leaving my kids here for training. Those who are done before we get back can adventure as long as they take a phone with them."

"That's it! I HAVE HAD IT!" Galfus said, slamming a cup on the table with a bright smile.

"SO HAVE I!" I yelled back with a maniacal smile.

"....what's going on?" Seis said quietly, scared.

"Your partial to the problem so you will set up whatever is needed for the kids to adventure. Understand?" Sengoku told Seis.

"Yes... sir..." Seis said and fled with Ann and David.

"Now what's this about?" Sengoku turned to Galfus and I.

"It has been pissing me off for a long time, change it!" I said to Galfus.

"Agreed. You do the design, I'll get everything set up for you guys." Galfus said and disappeared.

"This damn hair color... It is way too neon... Purples, blues and light greens sound good.... Hmm... let's do tiny ringlet curls... That's it!" I said as I messed with a hologram, "Ah... It seems I'm in need of more piercings..."

"Why do you need more?" Jinbei asked confused.

"They suppress my soul eating, keeping those close to me safe in the off chance I get hungry in my sleep... They cant accidentally come off and nobody can just take them off of me so dont worry! I need more because my powers have grown and these cant hold it back any longer.. You should all discuss what you think would be best for, let's say five, more," I hummed and smiled as Galfus came back in.

"You forgot sea foam. And consider adding in black, white, and grey." Galfus said as he quickly passed the hologram.

The four marines had already began discussing the new piercings, the other seven were silent. Garp eventually roped them in, and the real discussion began as Galfus dashed back to me and smiled, "I'm also coloring your tail these colors."

"Then get rid of the black rings and have fun with it. But I want ringlets!" I demanded.

"Deal! Where are your new jewels going?" Galfus said and looked at the men.

"Only 5 or can it be more?" Akainu asked with a smile.

"Can be more, why?" I asked.

The men started laughing maniacally and Julius just smirked, "Corset piercings."

"....THATS WHAT YOU CAME UP WITH?!" I yelled frustrated.

"Is there something wrong?" Yami asked.

I sighed and pulled up a hologram of my back with all my tattoos on it, added the piercings and looked from different angles, "Why do you want this?"

"....Can I see that for a minute?" Mihawk asked.

I passed it to him and he tried to change the way the piercings were set up, Garp occasionally helping him. After a while, they handed it back to me. The piercings were sideways, a bit larger and farther apart. Yami spoke this time, "Use larger lace and have it go around your front instead of your back."

I added lace to it and handed it to Galfus, who immediately stared at the men, "Why is there a note to the side?"

"....I thought adding jewels as eyes for the tattoos was a better idea but nobody agreed because it's not possible to do. So I made a note in hope you could...." Jinbei said with a guilty smile.

"Chloe..." Galfus looked at me seriously.

"I want both," I said with a smile.

"You will have to get Shawn's, Jeremy's, and Suki's marks," Galfus said.

"What are they?" I asked curiously.

"Shawn's is chosen by lottery. Jeremy's looks like an enchantment. Suki's is... well I dont know so, meh." Galfus laughed a bit and started working on my hair.


"...And that's why your going to train and have an adventure on your own." I finished explaining to the kids as three gods showed up.

As the kids all left with their respective new trainers, the three entered the house with smirks. The men were out back, drinking and chatting. "Hey," I said and smiled.

After introducing myself and hearing introductions from the three, I spun a lottery and got a nifty looking tattoo. It was supposed to be a cat standing on my collarbone but I changed it into a cat falling from my piano key tattoo. A tattoo resembling a satanic summoning circle was placed on the back of my neck. A tattoo of an octopus with gems, jewels, and gold went onto my foot, below my piano keys. My piercings were added as well as jewels and I was gifted color changing lace, 6 inches thick.

Quickly putting the lace on, I laughed loudly and maniacally, gaining everyone's attention. "What's that laugh for?" Galfus asked before looking over and falling out of his seat, "WHAT ARE YOU WEARING?!"

"Hahaha! Too bad I cant turn this into pants as well!" I laughed and said imagining lace on pants.

I was quickly dragged into the space where I was played with for a night.


"So where are we?" White beard asked.

"The seireitei, also known as the soul society. There are three people here with a sliver of my mind. Another is currently in the mortal realm of this world," I said with a smile.

"Where are they?" Jinbei asked.

"INTRUDERS!" random mob yelled as we walked the streets of the seireitei.... So we broke in. Who cares?

"Woops... Sorry! Didnt mean to break in or whatever.. Can I speak to Kenpachi Zaraki, Captain Unohana, or Captain Mayuri?" I asked the mob as we stopped and showed we were unarmed.

"We broke in?!" Julius seemed surprised.

"....Its a giant fence... Do you really think it isnt breaking in if we just jump it?" White beard laughed.

As my husbands argued, I sighed and found the people I was looking for... Actually one came to us so all was well... As the person approached, I smiled, "Zaraki."

The men grew quiet as a man dropped from a building top, "Who are you?" As he spoke, the dust settled and a large man with a maniacal smile looked at me.

"Just came to say hello to a few people before we leave. Care for a spar?" I smiled maniacally back, "The greatest swords of this world, I dare ask how you fit with our own."

"Oh?" the man raised an eyebrow and looked visibly excited.

Mihawk smirked, also excited. I nodded, "We will only observe the fight. I'll deal with injury, deaths, and destruction! Go!"


After several hours, the fight ended in a draw... Because the other captains surrounded us. Mihawk was worried about causeing too much damage so he didnt use sword intent or haki. As I laughed at the group and fixed everything back to proper order and healed everyone, I tipped my cowboy hat to the head captain, "Just wanted to meet a few and bother another. We'll be leaving soon."

"What are you?" Mayuri asked Jinbei.

"I'm a fishman. What are you?" Jinbei asked.

"...? I dont know! Hahahaha!" Mayuri said and laughed.

My husbands caught on to the 'slivers' I was showing them. Julius however decided to ask, "Then who is Unohana?"

The person herself caught a gleam in her eyes as I smiled, "Dont let appearances fool you, my dears." I swiftly captured her with my chain tail, "Let's see your past!"

As I showed my husbands her past and the 'hidden' side to her, Yami laughed with Snape and Mihawk. The four marines were oddly calm. While Whitebeard, Jinbei, Julius, and Sirius began thinking silently.

I let go of the group, "Do you want to see the next one now? Or a few days?"

"Hm.. I say the sooner the better!" Yami laughed and most agreed.

"Cant sightsee for a few days?" White beard asked.

"You're not leaving! You're under arrest!" Aizen yelled....

"Ah! I forgot about you!" I shouted with a smile and turned to my husbands, "Its about a few weeks too early so we are left with sightseeing... or, you know, having some fun?"

"Depends on the fun," Zaraki commented.

"Oh?" I smiled.

".....He knows, doesnt he?" Akainu asked Mihawk, to which he nodded.

"He knows. It was very obvious," Mihawk said with a sigh.

"Knows what?" Snape asked.

"I went easy on him so I can warm up for the real battle later...," Mihawk smirked.

My husbands had to stiffle their laughter along with Zaraki smiling crazily. "What fun are you looking for, my friend," I asked.

"The real battle!" Zaraki yelled happily.

"Head captain, I'll be... borrowing.. this fine young man....," I smiled as my husbands went to the space and I brought Zaraki along, leaving the other captains confused and alarmed.


As per normal, as soon as I arrived in the space, I was jumped! "Zaraki came with me! Stahp it!"

"....What the fuck?" Zaraki seemed confused by the scene.

I mean who wouldnt be confused? One minute your preparing for a literally massive battle, the next you're brought somewhere by a stranger as said stranger gets jumped by a group of men?!

As I laughed at his reaction, Mihawk approached him while half naked, "You said you wanted to join the battle, without knowing what kind of battle?"

"A battle is a battle! I wont back down," Zaraki said as he glared at Mihawk.

The men tried not to laugh but accepted it. Akainu on the other hand, not so much, "I dont like him. Lisa! We have an intruder!"

A maid in a battle suit appeared with a bow and arrow drawn at Zaraki. I glared at Akainu then looked at Lisa, "Fire your arrow and you will be replaced."

"Yes my lady," Lisa put the bow down and glared at Akainu, "I only heard intruder. Forgive me for not knowing, my lady."

"Its alright. Hes in trouble so it's best you go before you get caught in the crossfire," I said to her, keeping my eyes on Akainu.

Lisa left quickly, Zaraki watched as I stared Akainu down. "You arent good at sharing," I stated.

"No, I'm not," Akainu agreed and looked at me with a sad smile, knowing the punishment.

"We can deal with that later tonight. I'm particularly needy today so I slowed time outside. We have a year before it becomes the next week outside." I stated and slowly stepped to Zaraki, "I said we would have fun. The battle you seek is later on. Do you dare to join?"

"I wont back down!" Zaraki said with a smile, though his eyes still screamed he was confused.

I smiled, "As you wish." As I spoke, Mihawk threw me over his shoulder before going toward the group of men.

"Garp, you get the honor of spanking her," Mihawk said as he literally dropped me on Garps lap.

Garp smirked and pulled my shorts and underwear off before bending me over his knee, "Somebody come keep her quiet."

My shadow slowly became a person and giggled silently as she soon was grabbed up by the four mages and a swordsman.

As we started having our fun, Zaraki watched astounded. Eventually he joined as both Whitebeard and Garp were momentarily down for the count.


"See, it's only been a week out here!" I said excitedly as he entered the seireitei again.

As a few mobs jumped from the sudden appearance of people, I laughed. Zaraki had a more crazed smile as he threw me over his shoulder, "Since what you said is true, let's go hand in my resignation."

We all laughed and flash stepped to the head captain. As Zaraki moved, I laughed loudly and watched my husbands smile maniacally, as I did.

When we arrived at the door to the meeting room, the captains had already gathered for a weekly meeting. Zaraki threw the doors open and kept me on his shoulder, "I'll be leaving with this group."

Some of the captains had gleams in their eyes, believing Zaraki to have turned traitor. I laughed as Zaraki let me down on the ground, or at least attempted to as Jinbei scooped me up and sat my on his shoulder. I smiled wickedly, "This is my second time meeting all of you. You wouldnt remember the first time, so it's fine. I didnt think he would join us though. We will leave your world soon enough, so just wait."

"I know you..." a tall man said.

My husbands glanced at him, however Snape seemed to realize what he meant, "Dreams?"

"You know?!" the man said confused.

"It happened to me as well...." another man said confused.

"We almost married and you were my best friend," I said to the duo. Shocking the room. Even my husbands were shocked.

"What is the difference between the first time we 'met'," the head captain finally spoke.

"I was more insane. I almost accidentally killed everyone when I fell asleep without my jewelry on... Um.. well I cant say the rest or you would know the future and I'd have to kill you," I said and smiled more.

"Oh?" the head captain opened an eye to glare at me.

All of my husbands released killing intent, focusing it on the old man, suffocating everyone in the room. I sighed, "I know you heard that but please, calm down."

"Yes dear..." the men said as they calmed and stopped releasing their killing intent.

"We wont bother you, I just need to bother one person and for that, we will go to the mortal realm. I could use a guide or two," I smirked to the two captains who spoke earlier.

"Just get out. You two, escort her to the mortal realm. I have a mission for you anyways," head captain said with a frown.

I led my husbands outside the door and waited for the three men to come out. After a few minutes, we were joined and escorted to the mortal world. I kept my mischief to myself, occasionally being princess carried or over someone shoulders as I talked to the others near me until a red head man joined us. I frowned a little but disregarded him.


As Komamura had problems, I threw a bottle of alcohol to him, "It is only temporary but itll turn you human. However, it doesnt effect height, so this is all I can do for you right now."

"Thank you.." he quickly chugged the drink and became slightly tipsy but was changed into a human.

Akainu smirked and gave Komamura some of his clothes, "Your closer to our height and I doubt you want navy clothes, pirate clothes, or a fancy suit. Besides, were brothers now."

"....Did he just allow someone in and call them his brother?" Aokiji said confused.

"Hey ice for brains, let me tell you something," Akainu said and took Aokiji off to the side and whispered before they both came back silently with smirks.

Byakuya changed into 'normal' clothes before all mages looked at him and were confused before Mihawk interrupted, "I have clothing more appropriate for the time... Here.."

As clothes were passed out, I smiled and shook my head, "Nope. We are fancy today so I asked my friend to give us all matching outfits!" As I spoke with an innocent smile and handed out black and purple suits.

As we entered a run down shop, a man with a silly hat appeared, "What are you here for?"

"Urahara," Byakuya said and nodded at him.

"We have come on a mission," red haired guy said very seriously.

"Lame! I'll trade sake for.... an adventure in your basement!" I said and smiled.

Nobody spoke as Komamura looked at me oddly. I raised my eye brows, "I dont care about changing in public. What about you?"

"....Basement sounds good..." Byakuya said with a forced smile.

Urahara let us into his basement. Without warning, my husbands and I stripped. After I put pants on, I frowned, "Can somebody help me?"

"Whatcha need," Zaraki said with a big smile.

"I need to get this laced. Can you help me," I asked hopefully.

"I dont think I can...," Zaraki said with a sigh while looking at my breasts.

"Let me," Mihawk said with a rare gentle smile.

"You just want to touch me!" I declared but handed the lace over.


As we walked the town and did some sightseeing, the red head kept an eye out for the mission target. I ignored everything else. Didnt matter to me, really.


At Urahara's place, Komamura, Byakuya and Urahara himself were all wide eyed at the scene happening in front of them. My husbands, shadow and I were playing, along with Zaraki. The red head had already ran in fear of being implicated. Byakuya ran off not long later but the other two were frozen in spot watching. Eventually we conned Komamura to join and Urahara ran off.


I became friends with Byakuya again, blatantly ignoring the red head. Once the duo went back to the seireitei with Rukia, I smiled at my husbands, "In a few days we are going to meet my special friend."


Ichigo came along for training and became a hollow for a while. Once out of that state, I brought my husbands into Ichigos little world, "Come out, come out where ever you are~"

As I called out, we jumped building to building until a crazy white thing appeared in front of us, "hOw DiD yOu GeT iN hErE? Hehehehehe!"

"None of your business, came to see you actually," I smirked.

As the being and I laughed, my husbands put two and two together. When we stopped laughing, we glared and frowned before attacking each other. We laughed and insulted each other until we just stopped and looked at the real Ichigo with Zangetsu, "Your here?"

We spoke together before growing and looking at each other. I shook my head, "I have a date so I have to go. See ya some day my friend!"

"Good by my friend! Fuck your date over! hahahaha!" he yelled as my husbands and I left.


"So are we taking them?" White beard asked.

"That's up to them. We are going to a hectic place next. The entire place is crazy, so limit your strength." I said as we appeared back in the seireitei, inside the meeting room during a meeting, "We are leaving. Came to say good by. Those who want to come later, will be brought over as long as you dont have ulterior motives."

We bowed and gave thanks before going into my space and leaving to the next place, Zaraki with us.