Ch. 30 Drinking games

After a few minutes, Lisa came back with the clothes. I swiftly kicked the four out and repaired the house before going to see Byakuya's prize. As we sat around the table, Byakuya looked around and spoke, "Spicy food tour of the world before we leave. That's what I want us all to do."

"Not here," I stated with a smirk.

"What?! Why not?!" Byakuya said unhappily.

"Because this world has sub par food and I'm planning to take you to a special world. That world is second best for food stuff, the first is just tiresome to anyone who isnt a chef so I dont think we should go there," I said and leaned back in my chair.

"Oh.. Well then I'll wait until we go there, but everyone has to do it!" Byakuya said with a small smile.

"You heard him, spicy food tour!" Garp said and laughed loudly.

"Alright. Onto business... Tomorrow we are leaving the world," I said with a sigh.

"You dont seem so happy about it," Jinbei said.

"There is a difficult problem. Which city do we arrive at? Gloomy or upbeat?" I half lamented.

"What's the difference between them?" Jinbei asked.

"Gloomy city is lawless and has an equally lawless vigilante. Upbeat city has been caught in alien attacks back to back and has a very prideful vigilante. No matter what, we deal with vigilantes and a group of them at that...," I sighed, bothered by the incoming issues, "Then again, there is a medium. Also has a vigilante team that is in the same league as the other two cities..."

"Are they close to each other?" Mihawk asked.

"A mortal can get there in a few hours by train. If we went quickly, it would be instantaneous," I said.

"What kind of vigilantes are they?" Sengoku asked.

"Mortals, mutants, and aliens. Same old, same old," I said and yawned a bit.

"So why go there?" Zaraki asked.

"To meet a few people," I yawned again.

Whitebeard was the first to stand up. As he approached me and picked me up, he spoke, "Let's deal with that tomorrow. For now, let's go to bed."


"Why are we wearing this again?" Julius asked and the others sighed.

"Just humor me, please," I said with a pleading voice.

As he sighed, I smiled. We all had on formal clothes with a mask. Of course it was the gothic suits I made. I wore a purple gothic corset dress and let my chains drag behind me.

Once we appeared on top of a skyscraper, I smiled, "So it seems we came to the upbeat city."

"Where to?" Mihawk asked.

"Let's play a game," I smirked.

"What kind of game?" Jinbei asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm... How about tag?" I smiled goofily.

"Pft.... Yes, of course," the men said in variations.

"Hehehehe stay in city limits," I smiled, "Run, run as fast as you can. If I catch you, your a dead man." Giggling and watching the men smile and dash off, I started counting, "One, two, three,.....Twentysomething, twenty something else,.... counting sucks, here I come!"

As I dash off and found Jinbei surrounded by police, I frowned and captured him in my chains. Putting on a villainous act, I sneered menacingly, "Look what I found! Ya don't happen ta be single, do ya?"

Jinbei tried to fight the chains, knowing I was playing around, "I have a wife! Leave me be!"

"I'll let go once you help me find a man!" I smiled like the cheshire cat and 'accidently' dragged two cops along.

"What about him?" Jinbei said and pointed toward the left. We came upon the same scene but with Sajin surrounded.

"Hey handsome, are ya single?" I asked and smiled. Throwing a mental message to decline and play along, Sajin seemed to get the picture.

Stuttering slightly, "N-no, I'm sorry I-I have a w-wife...."

"Ah boo... Help me find one then!" I said as I captured him and one of the cops. "Which way?"

"The left," both said and looked at each other.

Taking off to the left, we came upon a sleeping Garp. I silently captured him and brought him along, going to the next spot.

Finding a drunken Whitebeard arguing with a drunken Yami, I caught them and decided it was time to speed this up. I called everyone mentally and shrunk the playable space.

The only players left were Akainu, Mihawk, Zaraki, and Byakuya. The available space was the air. As I chased the four at appropriate speeds, Mihawk stopped abruptly and waved. Waving back, I ran into something.

"What the fuck was that?!" I said as I tried to look for the thing I ran into.

"I surrender...." The four said as I caught them, a fifth person showing up.. then a sixth and a seventh...

As I glared at the newcomers, I looked at one in particular who had sustained injuries, "You!"

"Put the hostages down," a blonde woman said.

"Hostages," I asked and tilted my head.

The captured police started yelling. I shrugged and returned them to the ground before letting go, "No more hostages... Shit... Who.."

I was cut off by the injured man, "Let go of the other hostages."

"Shut the fuck up," I glared at him then looked toward my husbands, "Who won?"

"cough cough... do over?" Byakuya smiled softly, pleadingly.

"That wasnt fun... Let's get drunk!" I cheered.

The random dude shot lasers at my chains. My husbands panicked and tried to prepare for the backlash from my chains, only to not receive any. They opened their eyes and most became furious upon seeing my head tilted toward the trio.

When the laser came close to my chains, I devoured them.... Keeping a cheshire smile, I tilted my head toward the laser guy and his two friends. The trio were scared, ugly faces plastered on. My husbands were fighting the chains to attack the trio.

"cough... That tasted lousy... Let's go for drinks or something," I said and returned to 'normal'. Letting the men go onto a reishi platform, I retracted my chains and started humming.

"Baby, I saw a bar a few blocks back, let's go," Mihawk said and bowed slightly as he held his hand toward me.

Akainu scoffed, "We should get booze and drink somewhere fun. A bar cannot fit all of us."

Giggling, I took Mihawks hand. As he smirked and pulled me into his arms, he smiled, "Come."

I laughed, "Let's stock up on booze and go to a bar. I know a few places we can have fun at and one is nearby."

Turning toward the trio, I smiled a normal smile and waved bye. We cleared out half of the cities booze shops before going to a few bars until we found one to fit everyone. We didnt stay long. Instead we went to one of the places I wanted to see in real life.

We fucked up. When we got there, we fucked around with the equipment and stuff and drank until the owner returned.

As a man in a bat suit yelled furiously, we couldnt contain our drunken laughter. Sirius laughed so hard he shifted into his animagus form and howled with laughter. That only served to make us laugh harder.

Bat guy tried to knock us our but hurt himself. It's like we had our own entertainment! Dude even called in his back up dancers. They didnt really match much though....

"Uh.... They dont seem to be dangerous?" boy in red suit with lightning bolt symbol on chest.

".....They arent hostages?" guy in blue with a red cape and big S on his chest.

"What? I told you I cant knock them out... and that one isnt human!" Guy in a bat suit said angrily.

"Awww! Look at the grumpy butt! hehehehehahaha!!" Garp said and rolled on the floor laughing.

As we bust out laughing, my lace caught on some piece of equipment and came undone slowly. The kid in the red suit with a lightning bolt on it tried to say something but Byakuya stopped him, "Child, you arent even 100. Keep your eyes off my wife."

"WHO LOOKED AT MY WIFE?!" Garp, Akainu, Whitebeard, Sengoku, and Kenpachi yelled together.

"KILL!" the mages chanted together and prepared for a fight.

"Aiyo! Dont fight, whos gonna get more iffen we dont hava runner, gunner, or nuthin?.... FUCK! Why I gots to has a accent when I'm talken?!" I said loudly with a southern accent.

The men calmed, the trio were confused, and I pointed to the kid in red, "You boy. Are you fast?"

The boy nods dumbly, avoiding looking at me. I look down slightly, click my tongue in annoyance and take the lace off, going topless before taking Akainu's button up shirt and wearing it, "I gots money. We need lots of booze. And a place to drink at. The entertainment here is getting salty."

The kid nodded and smiled a bit, trying not to laugh at my statement. I look at the big Sadist and smile, "Help him and I'll answer.... 2 questions!"

The Sadist asked the man bat something but neither could agree until Julius stepped next to them, "I can make it easy for you to decide. One of us can destroy your planet. She alone can destroy your entire galactic system. We want rum, brandy, scotch, wine, sake, and frozen peach margaritas."

Sadist nodded a bit, "Can I ask, not using one of the questions, what hit me earlier?"

"Pffft.... You... Bahahahaha!" Sirius, who was behind Julius started laughing hysterically, shifting between dog and human.

That set off another round of laughter as Sirius reenacted what happened to Sadist earlier. As I reached out for my bottle of rum, I found the floor cleaned up of all alcohol.

The red suit kid was looking down ashamed, "You did a villainous thing. You should follow the law and let justice take you in."

"Pft.... Hey, hot head, is that a mini you?" Aokiji joked.

"What did you just say ice for brains?" Akainu growled.

"Absolute justice! Blah blah blah!" Aokiji mocked.

"Oh yeah? At least my son keeps his clothes on," Akainu said and scoffed, "Besides this runt isnt even half my size. Mini me? Blah."

"That's rude...." the kid said.

"You want to go, hot head?" Aokiji challenged Akainu.

"I know! I got it! Drinking.... no.... That's it! Let's play a video game!" I said and stood up.

"What?" everyone said.

"We cant play tag here. We had a competition for modeling, killing, and tag. So far Byakuya won modeling. Killing was a tie. And I ran into someone playing tag. (whisper) then they tried to say I had hostages, what bullshit. (Speaks up) I say you split into teams and winning team gets.... Whatever you want from me!" I said and smirked.

"Garp, Akainu, Aokiji, Jinbei, Whitebeard! Let's team up!" Sengoku said.

"Teams of 3!" I called out.

"Garp! Whitebeard! Let's team up!" Sengoku corrected himself. The duo agreed! ---Team 1

"Mihawk, Byakuya, Dont fail me!" Kenpachi chanted. ---Team 2

Snape, Sirius, and Julius looked at each other and nodded. ---Team 3

Akainu and Aokiji stared each other down, Yami smacked both of them. --- Team 4

Sajin and Jinbei looked at each other and sighed, "We need a teammate...."

I gasped, "Shadow! Help them out!" ---Team 5

My shadow stood and saluted me, I nodded and smiled, "Let the games begin! First up we have a custom game of Rainbow Seige 6. We have five teams. Draw lots to see which teams are first!"

"You cant do this here!" Man bat yelled.

"Come on, I know a place you can play...." the kid offered.

"...Partical accelerator or game tournament?" I asked the group.

"Game!" They said.

"Bigger room.... Enough for a proper party," I smiled.

"....What kind of party?" The kid asked worriedly.

We smirked, "PIRATE BANQUET!"

As we laughed hysterically, I fell onto Sadist who barely caught me. I smiled, "Come here often?"

".....that one only looks human...," I heard someone whisper.

"Non human? Which race are you?" I stood and asked curiously.

"....I'm kryptonian," he said with a sorrowful smile.

"Hm. Where have I heard that before?..... Oh my goddesses! You dont happen to be the prick who stole from Galfus?!" I said shocked.

Everyone seemed puzzled. I looked toward my husbands, "I think I just realized what happened.... It cant be him. He is too young... Let's go party! Follow me!"

As I flash stepped outside, my husbands were right behind me. I smiled seeing the kid catch up. "Damn your fast," the kid said.

"Maybe your just slow...." I smirked and we all took off full sprint to Central city.


"What have you done....," a young adult said.

"....I dont know....," another responded.

"You were with them! How do you not know?!" yelled an older man.

".....I think they knocked me out... or mind controlled me... I dont know...," the young adult said as he got up from the couch, wrapping himself in a blanket.

"....I just looked over the surveillance... They got you drunk and played strip poker.... The other three guests are worse off than you, at least you have clothes on... Also, your cleaning this up," a woman responded.

"Guests?" the blanket covered adult asked.

".....Do you have any more blankets?" a gruff voice called out behind the couch.

I smiled as I opened my eyes, "That was fun. It wasnt a full pirate banquet but it was acceptable as a greeting party."

Stretching and popping my bones as I sat up and used my chains to adjust my clothes and threw blankets on everyone, "Hey bats, whatcha doing later today?"

"Going home... I have work to do," the gruff voice said.

"Awe. No fun...," I complained.

"Yeah... I have to go to work as well, I'm already late as is," another voice said from under a desk.

"Me as well....," a womans voice called.

"This....," I looked at the young adult sadly, "Are you leaving as well?"

"No, I have today off. Can you teach me that move you use to speed up?" he asked.

"That depends," a voice said behind me.

Turning to look, I notice my husbands all awake and all half dressed. I smiled, "Indeed."

Byakuya shook his head, "He cannot shunpo, not enough energy to initiate it."

"He could learn rukoshiki.. hehehe," Sengoku said and remembered the hell it took to learn.

"Hehehehe," we gave a knowing laugh together, a glint in our eyes.

"I've heard of that before.... Wait a second... Are you Jinbei? Garp? Sengoku? Akainu? Aokiji? Mihawk..? Newgate?!" a guy said at the doorway.

"Fufufu so this one knows of us," Whitebeard said.

"Oh my god!" the guy went wide eyed, "....You're captain Kuchiki, captain Zaraki, and Captain Komamura.... And you're Snape, Sirius, Julius, and Yami...."

"We've been found out... What shall we do mistress?" Kenpachi joked.

"I'm about to screw his mental world. Hehe," I laughed.

"Oh? What's the plan?" Snape asked as he pulled out his wand.

"Well, it seems that tomorrow this boy is getting married. So I propose a game. Who's in?" I asked my husbands who all nodded.

I turned to the three who were sneaking out, "I'll visit later bat and sups."

"I'll be back later for the rehearsal..." supergirl said.

"Alrighty! Let's have fun again! Maybe you can join the game... I know! I'll call in for you," I said and pulled out my phone, "Hello~ I regret to inform you but I've taken your dear worker hostage for the day. If you notify anyone I'll let the world know what happened July 18th, 1992 with proof. Thank you, have a nice day. Also, if you fire her for this, I'll tell the world. Toodles~"

"Did you just blackmail my boss...?" Supergirl asked.

"Yes. Dont worry, it wont hurt anyone. Just embarrassing enough she will feel like puking blood. Tehe," I smirked, "Bye bats, bye sups."

"What's the game?" Supergirl asked warily.

"We did this with aliens once already and it was a tie. So tomorrow a fun little group will come to play.... Supergirl cant play.. This is an acting competition, I'll give you your roles later." I smirked.

The room fell silent for a moment, before one guy, Flash, spoke, "Are you telling me that something will happen at my wedding?"

"Dont worry! Itll be fun! Also, we cant change it or your world gets destroyed, so continue as you have been," I cheshire smiled at him.

[Please destroy all beings on X planet.] Prosperity.

[Okay.] I sent.

"We have permission to forgo acting.... Should I just take out the planet?" I asked before my phone rang.... "Hello?"


".....Old Lava, Old C, Let's let Sakazuki and Kuzan settle this," I said and winked at the duo with me.

"What do you propose?" Old Lava asked.

"We have to take out Planet X. They can duel and you two can watch from my phone. In the mean time, send booze~" I said and smiled.

"Deal.... Loser sends 10 times the booze," Old C said.

"Good... Let's set some ground rules..... if you kill the planet, please make sure nobody escaped it first," I said and nodded.

"Okay. What about kill shots?" Kuzan asked.

"What about them? You both are capable fighters, so if you cant take a hit then that deems you lose and will be teleported to the house. Ties will be broke by a drinking game," I said.